kain.winterhearteb17_ESO wrote: »
Big THANK YOU for the link!
ZOS_GinaBruno wrote: »Hi everyone,
When we launched Update 28 on PC/Mac back in November, some of you ran into an issue where the Soul Trap or the Werewolf Ultimate skills had unmorphed. When attempting to re-morph these skills, they would continually reset and cause you to lose a skill point each time. Each attempt to refund missing skill points in subsequent incremental patches was unsuccessful. As we continued to further investigate the entirety of the issue, we discovered numerous other bugs that were contributing to a much larger and more extensive problem. In this post, we’ll elaborate on the current issues and how we plan to address them.
First, we need to take a step back and look at the skill system itself, which reallocates skill points in two different ways:We introduced Refunding in 2018 when a change to the Werewolf passive Devour removed the purchase requirement, and instead automatically granted the ability when players first acquired the Werewolf skill line. At that time, we did not take measures to refund the point back to players who had already spent a skill point on it.
- Respec-ing, which grants a full refund of all points based on system tracking, completely ignoring allocated points
- Refunding, which measures allocations against expectations, and only returns points that are missing
Fast forward to Update 28 in 2020, when a recent change to the way we count skill point allocations caused an issue where abilities that are automatically granted - but have purchasable morphs - were not correctly counted. This caused those abilities to reset back to their base state without refunding a point. We quickly addressed the issue to prevent players from losing more points, and with it, issued a skill point refund.
After this occurred, we continued to receive complaints that skill points were still not refunded. Upon further investigation, we suspected that some players actually had extra skill points for one reason or another – more than they should, and more than normal play would grant. This means when players lost a skill point, the system did not know to refund that missing point since they had extra points to begin with. To gather more information, we added some logging in an incremental patch to help us identify the players with extra skill points.
This brings us to today where we've identified an issue with the original addition of refunds. Since 2018, it appears that some players were erroneously granted extra skill points based on the number of Champion skills they purchased. Furthermore, our data shows that some players have earned more than 20 extra skill points this way that are unaccounted for by the refund system. The more Champion Points someone had, the more likely they were to encounter this issue. But to be clear, these are skill points that these players should not have been able to earn, and that are not obtainable by players through normal gameplay means.
To correct this issue and return us to a place where we can accurately give refunds when needed, we will push a full respec for skills and Champion Points to all players in Update 29. When that happens, all extra skill points should be removed from the game and all players will have access to the same amount of earnable skill points, as is intended. The amount of extraneous skill points we remove will range from 0 all the way up to 25, depending on skill allocation when these refunds were performed. We are taking additional steps to prepare for the future including improved logging for refunds, converting our refund process to match the respec process, and better precautions surrounding how we change existing skills.
We understand these actions may be pretty disruptive to your builds; to extend our apologies for all these issues, we’ll be offering a free Ambersheen Vale Fawn pet and free respecs for all players at the launch of Update 29.
Taleof2Cities wrote: »
Research timers will not lose their "time" between the skill point reset and when you invest those points back into the passives, @prof_doom.
That functionality currently exists on Live ...
It is possible to do your own "audit" of skill points on Live for tracking purposes, @Pyr0xyrecuprotite.
Head to the respec shrine and see how much gold it costs ... then divide the total by 50 (the amount of gold per skill point).
Then compare that total to the Ulrich's skill point add-on (or whatever add-on you use to keep track).
I don't think Ulrich's has been updated for Markarth yet. Just an FYI when doing a comparison.
Does this actually work? Because my skill respec costs 20,150 (divided by 50 = 403) but my Ulrich's gives me 431 and that's not even looking at Markarth.
Skill respecs cost 50 gold per skill point invested, not earned.
Do you have unspent skill points on that toon?
LuxanQualta wrote: »For months half of my 35 characters on two accounts have been broken because they were WW and lost all their morphs as well as all the skill points. Now the fix is to take away more points, force me to spend the better part of a year earning the skill points back on broken characters, go through an arduous process of documenting and reallocating 200 to 300 skill points per character, and still have to re-earn the morphs on my WW characters. This is simply too much for me.
So far as I know, I never got unearned SP - I tracked my own progress. If I am to lose SP that I am pretty sure I earned, that seems like a penalty to players because the dev team made mistakes along the way. In such a case the right answer would be to start off every when a base of 25 SP to put everyone on the same footing and then adjust the system so that nobody ends up getting seriously hurt by this attempted fix.
If it turns out that I am supposed to spend weeks rebuilding my characters and months earning SP that I thought I had legitimately earned, then how would I have time to enjoy the next year's new content? Or any events? Or even the game itself? Seriously, this is a real game-breaker!!
As to the pet - I don't need another pet and it in no way comes remotely close to being a reward for putting up with this kind of nonsense.
I started playing with the Beta and have been a steadfast and loyal customer for all those years. This is my reward? Having to rebuild every character and re-earn skill points while playing with broken builds and missing the new fun stuff because I am paying for developer mistakes?
Please give this a rethink folks.
LuxanQualta wrote: »For months half of my 35 characters on two accounts have been broken because they were WW and lost all their morphs as well as all the skill points. Now the fix is to take away more points, force me to spend the better part of a year earning the skill points back on broken characters, go through an arduous process of documenting and reallocating 200 to 300 skill points per character, and still have to re-earn the morphs on my WW characters. This is simply too much for me.
So far as I know, I never got unearned SP - I tracked my own progress. If I am to lose SP that I am pretty sure I earned, that seems like a penalty to players because the dev team made mistakes along the way. In such a case the right answer would be to start off every when a base of 25 SP to put everyone on the same footing and then adjust the system so that nobody ends up getting seriously hurt by this attempted fix.
If it turns out that I am supposed to spend weeks rebuilding my characters and months earning SP that I thought I had legitimately earned, then how would I have time to enjoy the next year's new content? Or any events? Or even the game itself? Seriously, this is a real game-breaker!!
As to the pet - I don't need another pet and it in no way comes remotely close to being a reward for putting up with this kind of nonsense.
I started playing with the Beta and have been a steadfast and loyal customer for all those years. This is my reward? Having to rebuild every character and re-earn skill points while playing with broken builds and missing the new fun stuff because I am paying for developer mistakes?
Please give this a rethink folks.
Hallothiel wrote: »
Why would you have to spend months earning skill points back? You will have just to re-allocate them. It’s a pain, yes, but not that huge an imposition.
It's a bug, though, so they're not "re-earning" anything. They never earned them in the first place.
And if you read beyond the first paragraph, you will see that I have already said that nearly verbatim.
Moreover, the fact remains that people were *led to believe* they *had* earned those points, since the system awarded them with no realistic way for us to know it was in error, so it will indeed feel like “re-earning” them — or so I will say from my perspective, as I could very well lose 20 myself. (And I have only 10 left to earn in game on my main.)
ZOS’ mistake did not put any of us in an enviable position here.
If you only have 10 left you earn, you can very clearly check if you'll lose any. There's only 467 in the game... so if you have 457, you'll lose none, which is going to me the most likely scenario.
I have almost 2000 CP and all my characters are spot on, I won't be losing any skill points.
467 for post-Morrowind characters?
This is a good point actually. They did state originally right back when we first found that skill point in the Morrowind tutorial that you were only supposed to get one Tutorial Skill Point (so if you got the Morrowind one, you wouldn't get the Wailing Prison one).This seems like a good time to finally address this issue.
This is a good point actually. They did state originally right back when we first found that skill point in the Morrowind tutorial that you were only supposed to get one Tutorial Skill Point (so if you got the Morrowind one, you wouldn't get the Wailing Prison one).
Now's the time to remove that second Tutorial skill point that was never supposed to exist.
This is a good point actually. They did state originally right back when we first found that skill point in the Morrowind tutorial that you were only supposed to get one Tutorial Skill Point (so if you got the Morrowind one, you wouldn't get the Wailing Prison one).
Now's the time to remove that second Tutorial skill point that was never supposed to exist.
467 possible. Including the 1 from the tutorial and the 2 from the mage's guild.
So a pre-morrowind character who didn't get the 2 in the mage's guild would have a max of 464 (which is sadly what my main is...)
They might remove the skill point from the extra tutorial? Hopefully i don't end up loosing a second skill point. Where was this mentioned to not give a second skill point?