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Which "fake" role makes your dungeon group fail most?

  • iksde
    Fake DPS
    Glurin wrote: »
    Ok @iksde, I'm just gonna conclude that you're trolling at this point and stop responding. Go back and re-read what you quoted if you really still don't understand it.

    ok, sorry for getting to far with response and for not being the best in english

    now again....
    for 1st why even this chaos happened? cause of fake tank or just because of someones ignorance and rushing before tank pulling everything without control?

    on aoe with trash mobs just put ground aoe or spam aue skill and you have more dps than LA spam on single target...
    on boss fight...it is mostly impossible to not be able anyway to dps from range when boss is running, if boss is on you then it is difference but it isn't if thats easy content
    even chaos doesn't defend you from not doing dps as it is still possible to throw abilities on enemy

    and sorry but if you cant handle to use skills during this chaos...then it just prove that you are not ready for this content/not exp/ignorant by faking role/troll
    if you cant handle chaos then you shouldn't starting this or if that was not you who caused chaos and you cant handle this...then or you are not ready for this or you must just wipe with group and start over again normally till you learn this and point this fail to someone who caused this chaos
  • Jeirno
    Fake DPS
    Glurin wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    I qued as a tank, like I always do for random normals, I slot inner rage and crit surge


    And this is the whole reason why I queue as fake tank for random norms or easy vPledges on my sorc. I can taunt bosses and big mobs if needed

    I have news for you about your "being a fake tank" claims and it's all bad.

    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps.

    You're a tank. Sorry, but "holding aggro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them" is tanking. That is in fact it's primary function. You are filling the role of tank. You may not be built for it, but you got the job anyway. Congratulations.

    Well guess I'm just insane, thanks for stroking my ego!
  • Jeirno
    Fake DPS
    LashanW wrote: »
    My vote is considering veteran dungeons.
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps. Tanks are not just taunting machines, they debuff the enemies, wear support sets and have support skills etc. i just taunt the thing so I can deal dps to a boss that is standing still instead of having dummy running around in a circle while still getting hit by every attack of the boss lol.
    Taunt skills are literally the only skills in the game that shows tank role icon in the tooltips. So if you use taunt skills, you are a tank. If you don't use taunt skills, you are not a tank.

    Debuffing, stacking enemies and using support sets/skills are all luxuries. They are what separates a basic tank from a great tank.

    Well I guess I'm just insane then for holding agro and doing most dps in random group, I'm the saviour of all noobs and a saint to people who hate fake tanks!!!!
  • Iccotak
    As a tank, I get annoyed when DPS start telling me to deal DPS. When that is not my job.

    My job is to control the boss, put out buffs and de-buffs, and stay alive so then the boss doesn’t turn it’s attention to the others.
    Edited by Iccotak on December 18, 2020 7:02PM
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    Fake Tank
    Fake tank.

    That's not to discredit the wonderful heals out there that can carry a whole run. I know, from being on both sides of a healer carry, as the recipient and as the healer.

    But I do believe that a healer is the "easiest" to get by without, as people can still have self heals and self buffs (when I tank on my main, I have enough self healers that I almost don't even need a healer outside of orbs), but if a tank isn't there to hold aggro and wrangle everything together, the group is gonna have a bad time.

    And... how do you fake DPS lol
  • renne
    Fake Tank
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    I qued as a tank, like I always do for random normals, I slot inner rage and crit surge


    And this is the whole reason why I queue as fake tank for random norms or easy vPledges on my sorc. I can taunt bosses and big mobs if needed

    I have news for you about your "being a fake tank" claims and it's all bad.

    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps.

    You're a tank. Sorry, but "holding aggro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them" is tanking. That is in fact it's primary function. You are filling the role of tank. You may not be built for it, but you got the job anyway. Congratulations.

    Well guess I'm just insane, thanks for stroking my ego!

    Um, what?
    Jeirno wrote: »
    LashanW wrote: »
    My vote is considering veteran dungeons.
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps. Tanks are not just taunting machines, they debuff the enemies, wear support sets and have support skills etc. i just taunt the thing so I can deal dps to a boss that is standing still instead of having dummy running around in a circle while still getting hit by every attack of the boss lol.
    Taunt skills are literally the only skills in the game that shows tank role icon in the tooltips. So if you use taunt skills, you are a tank. If you don't use taunt skills, you are not a tank.

    Debuffing, stacking enemies and using support sets/skills are all luxuries. They are what separates a basic tank from a great tank.

    Well I guess I'm just insane then for holding agro and doing most dps in random group, I'm the saviour of all noobs and a saint to people who hate fake tanks!!!!

    No, seriously, what? "I'm insane"? "I'm just insane then"???

    No, you're tanking.
  • Ellimist_Entreri
    Fake DPS
    Toxic DPS. As I primarily run tanks I don't have to worry about dealing with fakes of that role, and healers are in most scenarios optional with self heals as strong as they are for normal tier dungeon content.

    What kills runs for me the most are the abusive toxic DPS who ignore the group (and anyone requesting to do the quest), run ahead & kick any sub 50 characters they see in a tank role without checking build/champ rank. Those players can suck a fat sack of guar droppings. (Yes I am talking directly to you two 810's from nBC1 last night o:) )

    That is just one recent example, however I have noticed a pattern of similar behaviors among that role & I have documented (video recordings of incidents, support tickets) numerous others.

    Just because someone is low level doesn't mean they didn't put the effort in to make an effective build, and to my knowledge there is no built in way to tell how many champ points another players below 50 char has. If you properly prepare, by level 15 you can have full dual hotbars with most of the normal tanking skills except inner rage. Combine this with a few hundred champ points, food and the way the game scales stats for sub 50 chars, there is negligible difference between a skilled tank on a fresh alt and their capped chars for normal content. Anyone who kicks in normal tier content without actually seeing someone play first is toxic trash.
    Edited by Ellimist_Entreri on December 19, 2020 6:11PM
  • Jeirno
    Fake DPS
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    I qued as a tank, like I always do for random normals, I slot inner rage and crit surge


    And this is the whole reason why I queue as fake tank for random norms or easy vPledges on my sorc. I can taunt bosses and big mobs if needed

    I have news for you about your "being a fake tank" claims and it's all bad.

    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps.

    You're a tank. Sorry, but "holding aggro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them" is tanking. That is in fact it's primary function. You are filling the role of tank. You may not be built for it, but you got the job anyway. Congratulations.

    Well guess I'm just insane, thanks for stroking my ego!

    Um, what?
    Jeirno wrote: »
    LashanW wrote: »
    My vote is considering veteran dungeons.
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps. Tanks are not just taunting machines, they debuff the enemies, wear support sets and have support skills etc. i just taunt the thing so I can deal dps to a boss that is standing still instead of having dummy running around in a circle while still getting hit by every attack of the boss lol.
    Taunt skills are literally the only skills in the game that shows tank role icon in the tooltips. So if you use taunt skills, you are a tank. If you don't use taunt skills, you are not a tank.

    Debuffing, stacking enemies and using support sets/skills are all luxuries. They are what separates a basic tank from a great tank.

    Well I guess I'm just insane then for holding agro and doing most dps in random group, I'm the saviour of all noobs and a saint to people who hate fake tanks!!!!

    No, seriously, what? "I'm insane"? "I'm just insane then"???

    No, you're tanking.

    Ye on a FULL DD setup apart from 2 or 1 skill!! Imagine what would happen if I didn't have to do that and noobies would just block big attacks that are clearly animated and stand still or roll dodge a random targeted mechanic instead of blaming dying to that on the fake tank lol.
  • FrancisCrawford
    I have yet to see someone queued as a DPS run around taunting everything or just stand in the corner spamming heals.

    Were you playing when one could queue for multiple roles at once? Accidents happened. :)
  • Rukia541
    Fake Tank
    How do you get a fake dps? They probably just suck or are not built right. Do people intentionally choose dps as other roles for a longer queue? Nah that makes no sense to me lol.
  • heng14rwb17_ESO
    FAKE DPS !
  • ThePlayer
    Fake Healer
    I am not 100% against fake roles (of course they can be very annoying), in general the problems are 2:

    1) You want to play a fake role, okkk! but you have to know how to play it, like:
    - As a Tank Fake you must at least have a taunt skill and take bosses!
    - As a Healer Fake you must at least have a healing skill!
    - As a fake DD you have to use pve not pvp skills!

    2) The other big problem is the game that does not ease the life of DDs at all, there is no kind of development in the game mechanics/quests that lead to a tank or healer to play and do veteran dungeons (especially the dlc vet) frequently, perhaps also using the alts tank and healer in your account; ZOS continues to close both eyes but the problems are present and the player population is not increasing.

    1) Special loot for tanks and healers participating in dungeons!
    2) Quests related to vet dungeons dlc (those with the greatest queue problem) to encourage players to do them;
    3) Advanced gear (linked to the infinite CPs stopped for centuries that nobody talks about) to be taken through tokens in the vet dlc dungeons.
  • Thraben
    Fake DPS
    I've stopped using warhorn in Dungeon Finder groups due to the abundance of Fake DPS players.

    My Atro, Morkuldin, the Deadroth and propably Nuzhi do more damage than these guys. I mean, if I know I am a bad DD, why not change my gear, some skills and queue as a Tank/Healer? It would be a win-win- situation to reduce queue times.
    Hauptmann der Dolche des Königs

    DDK ist die letzte Verteidigungslinie des Dolchsturz- Bündnisses auf der 30-Tage-No-CP- Kampagne(EU) mit dem Anspruch, in kleinen, anfängerfreundlichen Raid-Gruppen möglichst epische Schlachten auszufechten.

    DDK is the Daggerfall Covenant´s last line of defense on the 30 days no-cp campaign (EU). We intend to fight epic battles in small, casual player friendly raid groups.
  • Emma_Overload
    Fake Tank
    Is there really such a thing as "Fake DPS"? Don't you really mean BAD DPS?
  • ForzaRammer
    Fake DPS
    Glurin wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    zvavi wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    spartaxoxo wrote: »
    If a tank is fake because they aren't using tank skills then a dps is fake if they aren't using dps skills.

    DPS don't get a free pass for refusing or being unable to do their job. The dps checks in those dungeons are typically minor.

    Pulling low numbers does not mean they aren't using DPS skills. On the contrary, you can still pull very low numbers even if you use DPS skills. Even if they fail at it, as long as they try to do the job, they are not fake.

    On the other hand, it's pretty damn clear when a tank is not doing his job. No damage mitigation, no taunting, running around like a headless chicken, more worried about DPS than his actual job requirements... That is a fake tank.

    I really don't get why this is such a difficult concept. Do your job and you're not a fake, regardless of whether you succeed or fail.
    zvavi wrote: »

    You are right, bad tanks that try to hold agro by dealing damage are just bad, they are not fake, while fake dds queue without the intention to be the main damage source in group, therefore fake.


    Please, it is hypocritical to demand something from tanks (hold agro) while regarding dd's as something that can use 1 light attack in the begining of the dungeon, and already count them as dds because they dealt damage.

    Also, he meant skills and gear, it is literally impossible to pull less than 10k if you are using 2 dots and 3 spammables over 10 seconds with 3 dps sets, food buff, and allocated attributes.

    That's putting unnecessary requirements on the job. You don't need 3 dps sets, food buffs, "correct" attribute allocation and a complete rotation of 2 dots and 3 spamables activated within 10 seconds in order to qualify as a DPS. Nor do you need a sword/shield with heavy armor, max health, optimized resistances, multiple taunts and a self heal to qualify as a tank.

    What is a tank's job? To control the boss. Doesn't matter how he does it as long as he does. What is a DPS's job? To do damage. Doesn't matter how he does it as long as he does. Anything beyond that fundamental principle is what determines the quality of your work. If you can do the job bare ass naked with nothing but a toothpick for a weapon, you're not a fake. But if you roll in there with all the above listed gear and stats and yet still flat refuse to fulfill the basic function of the position, that makes you a fake.

    That's just your definition on role and how the task should be split. Not the commonly accepted norm.
    As a tank main, this is a horrible distribution of task and putting tanks at a big disadvantage.
    'Control boss' is a lot of work compare to 'do any damage', this is not a fair distribution of responsibility.

    I main tank. Surprise! B)

    Controlling the boss is pretty damn easy, fundamentally speaking. Put your shield up, taunt, hold him still and pointed away from everyone else. Gets a little tricky with the ones that have things like one shot attacks or special mechanics, but they tend to put pressure on everyone else just as much as the tank. So no, I can't agree that this is "not a fair distribution of responsibility". Everyone has their part to play to succeed.

    It’s still a lot more than your definition of dps. Your definition is so ridiculous that a tank is inherently also a dps because all taunt do damage.

    When a person straight up has more responsibilities than another. That’s not fair distribution.
  • iksde
    Fake DPS
    Rukia541 wrote: »
    How do you get a fake dps? They probably just suck or are not built right. Do people intentionally choose dps as other roles for a longer queue? Nah that makes no sense to me lol.

    it is really hard to suck at dps especially when you have higher cp and atleast basic gear or thish which you should have if you wanna to queue as dps for group content

    my parse on basic skeleton without single buff with only LA spam....add to this a single skill to spam, some buffs and you have enough dps to be dps
    so it is very interessing how players still cant outdps support rols which doesnt build for offensive stats, especially tanks

    and if you are not build right for your role then sorry but still you shouldn't queue for vet dung at all,
    would you be happy if you got tank with not right build into vet dung? for example with missing taunt on his bar, or missing heavy armor
  • iksde
    Fake DPS
    Is there really such a thing as "Fake DPS"? Don't you really mean BAD DPS?

    it is worse than bad dps....bad dps would be just low but still able to dps in content for which he went
    we had already so many posts in more than this thread about so pathetic dps it cant even outdps tanks which definitelly doesnt belong to be called even bad dps
  • Ellimist_Entreri
    Fake DPS
    Toxic DPS. Had another one in nWGT just now.

    2 of us in the group needed the quest and said so immediately at the start. 700ish DPS decides to run ahead and pull everything the entire run, ignoring the group and mocking users in chat when they have lag spikes as a result of this user pulling entire sections of the dungeon at a time and spamming aoe's. Again not saying names, but that doesn't make you look awesome friend - it makes you look like an impatient puddle of guar droppings that has no concept of respect for others. So I have none for you.
    The run cleared, but it was such a toxic experience I consider it a failure as far as enjoying the game.
    Edited by Ellimist_Entreri on December 21, 2020 7:12PM
  • spartaxoxo
    Fake DPS
    Toxic DPS. Had another one in nWGT just now.

    2 of us in the group needed the quest and said so immediately at the start. 700ish DPS decides to run ahead and pull everything the entire run, ignoring the group and mocking users in chat when they have lag spikes as a result of this user pulling entire sections of the dungeon at a time and spamming aoe's. Again not saying names, but that doesn't make you look awesome friend - it makes you look like an impatient puddle of guar droppings that has no concept of respect for others. So I have none for you.
    The run cleared, but it was such a toxic experience I consider it a failure as far as enjoying the game.

    Why wouldn't you just kick this guy or leave? Like if he's gonna be mocking people....
  • Nordic__Knights
    Fake Tank
    ok tonight takes the eso cake had my REAL tank 61k health 32k rss 0 dps i think my WD might be 1300 lvl 46 got put into an group of 26cp (dps1), 32cp (healer) and 65cp (dps2) . we got DSC2 , 1st boss healer and dps 1 die from idk what as boss was pulled way away from them and no adds was up but they both die ok at end of boss i see i done 44% of damage , so i get into chat and say they need to stop HA full time and use some skills as its sad that i pulled more then 12% of damage being the tank and its real bad that i pulled 44% so now im the toxic AH and we get to 2nd boss im holding boss and what seems 20 of his adds lol and he pounds the ground and say bye to dps1 and healer again and im like wth how if everything is hitting me are they dying , come to find out their using health base skills killing themselves like come the blip on your doing no damage and killing yourselves thinking its fun how , so again after doing 48% of dps this boss we move down to 3rd boss (lmfao) as we all know this boss will keep coming back if you kill one of 3 but not all 3 at once so here we are for what seems 20 years as the boss go's and dose this idk 8xs before i started doing damage with the1 damage skill i now have on my bar as id like to get this over with some time in the next 30 years so we get that done , knowing they dont know what their doing i tell them not to hit next boss if in air and to kill adds ill pull them together so we get to boss i taunt it and both dps just go into hitting it like mad and yep both kill themselves healers like he told you lol and i pick them up so now i got 4 groups of adds pulled to me and where's dps at over hitting the boss like ok time to kill lil chunks off an get pass this so after dps kill themselves again and i do 68% of dps we move on , once again dps1 wants to run in pulls everything at next fight then drops dead 2sec after so here im trying to pull everything and just about the time i do both dps2 and healer die so we wipe i tell dps 1 let me pull as i know how to pull lil parts of the fight at an time so we get pass that and into EG we go lol heres where the real fun begain in this one as soon as poison started all 3 of the other players went from full to dead just as fast as it started lol by this time being ive told them how bad they are and im this toxic AH they all stay their leaving after me getting boss down to 20% and in middle of fight i get pulled out so had zos not pulled me from area id 100% dps on my tank the EG because bad groups do happen
    Edited by Nordic__Knights on December 22, 2020 8:45AM
  • josiahva
    Fake DPS
    You know, I dont support fake tanking of any type...but some amusing observations from reading this thread.

    1. People claiming there is no such thing as fake DPS. This is patently false...if you are not performing whatever role you signed up for, it is fraudulent....ridiculously low DPS IS fake DPS. They are not performing their role...it doesn't matter WHY they aren't performing their role.They are bad, they are on another continent with huge lag, they are watching a movie...whatever, the fact remains that they are not sufficiently performing the role for which they signed up for to the minimum requirements of the content in question and therefore are fraudulent.

    2. DPS will often complain about tanks(real or fake) moving the boss around...beyond the fact that sometimes a tank needs to move the boss around for whatever reason(mechs, survival, whatever) it amuses me that people get so upset when it happens...it leads me to question why you are playing dungeons and trials to start with if you want a perfectly motionless target...might as well just parse on a dummy all day if that is your goal. I mean, obviously people want to maximize their damage...but dungeons and trials are not dummys...things will move...I always assumed that people played harder content because they wanted more of a challenge, but the way people act sometimes puts a lie to that assumption. Example: I was tanking vSG a few weeks ago and the entire time one of the DPS was complaining I was moving the bosses too much(it is true I probably could have kept it a bit tighter, but most of my movement was to clear my line of sight to deal with other portions of the fights in question, its not like I was running around without reason), he was doing good damage...but the fact is that he wasn't the one who had to survive and control the battlefield...all he had to do was sit their and parse....why not fight a dummy in that case?

    3. People seem to think that they have a right to an easy quick run when using group finder...nothing is further from the truth. You are taking a risk when you queue....you can never know who you will end up grouped with or how they will play, and as such I simply do not believe people have any right to be upset because the other group members don't conform to their standards....if you want known quantities, use a pre-made group, but placing your expectations on random people who may or may not know how to play or may or may not play to your expectations is simply a recipe for disappointment
  • Flaaklypa
    Fake DPS
    for real, i would always prefer fake tank or heal over this. people with 2k dps on a roleplay build should not do group content and waste others time
  • renne
    Fake Tank
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    I qued as a tank, like I always do for random normals, I slot inner rage and crit surge


    And this is the whole reason why I queue as fake tank for random norms or easy vPledges on my sorc. I can taunt bosses and big mobs if needed

    I have news for you about your "being a fake tank" claims and it's all bad.

    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps.

    You're a tank. Sorry, but "holding aggro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them" is tanking. That is in fact it's primary function. You are filling the role of tank. You may not be built for it, but you got the job anyway. Congratulations.

    Well guess I'm just insane, thanks for stroking my ego!

    Um, what?
    Jeirno wrote: »
    LashanW wrote: »
    My vote is considering veteran dungeons.
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps. Tanks are not just taunting machines, they debuff the enemies, wear support sets and have support skills etc. i just taunt the thing so I can deal dps to a boss that is standing still instead of having dummy running around in a circle while still getting hit by every attack of the boss lol.
    Taunt skills are literally the only skills in the game that shows tank role icon in the tooltips. So if you use taunt skills, you are a tank. If you don't use taunt skills, you are not a tank.

    Debuffing, stacking enemies and using support sets/skills are all luxuries. They are what separates a basic tank from a great tank.

    Well I guess I'm just insane then for holding agro and doing most dps in random group, I'm the saviour of all noobs and a saint to people who hate fake tanks!!!!

    No, seriously, what? "I'm insane"? "I'm just insane then"???

    No, you're tanking.

    Ye on a FULL DD setup apart from 2 or 1 skill!! Imagine what would happen if I didn't have to do that and noobies would just block big attacks that are clearly animated and stand still or roll dodge a random targeted mechanic instead of blaming dying to that on the fake tank lol.

    Yeah if you didn't taunt the boss and hold aggro and still queued as a tank then you'd be a fake tank.
    ok tonight takes the eso cake had my REAL tank 61k health 32k rss 0 dps i think my WD might be 1300 lvl 46 got put into an group of 26cp (dps1), 32cp (healer) and 65cp (dps2) . we got DSC2 , 1st boss healer and dps 1 die from idk what as boss was pulled way away from them and no adds was up but they both die ok at end of boss i see i done 44% of damage , so i get into chat and say they need to stop HA full time and use some skills as its sad that i pulled more then 12% of damage being the tank and its real bad that i pulled 44% so now im the toxic AH and we get to 2nd boss im holding boss and what seems 20 of his adds lol and he pounds the ground and say bye to dps1 and healer again and im like wth how if everything is hitting me are they dying , come to find out their using health base skills killing themselves like come the blip on your doing no damage and killing yourselves thinking its fun how , so again after doing 48% of dps this boss we move down to 3rd boss (lmfao) as we all know this boss will keep coming back if you kill one of 3 but not all 3 at once so here we are for what seems 20 years as the boss go's and dose this idk 8xs before i started doing damage with the1 damage skill i now have on my bar as id like to get this over with some time in the next 30 years so we get that done , knowing they dont know what their doing i tell them not to hit next boss if in air and to kill adds ill pull them together so we get to boss i taunt it and both dps just go into hitting it like mad and yep both kill themselves healers like he told you lol and i pick them up so now i got 4 groups of adds pulled to me and where's dps at over hitting the boss like ok time to kill lil chunks off an get pass this so after dps kill themselves again and i do 68% of dps we move on , once again dps1 wants to run in pulls everything at next fight then drops dead 2sec after so here im trying to pull everything and just about the time i do both dps2 and healer die so we wipe i tell dps 1 let me pull as i know how to pull lil parts of the fight at an time so we get pass that and into EG we go lol heres where the real fun begain in this one as soon as poison started all 3 of the other players went from full to dead just as fast as it started lol by this time being ive told them how bad they are and im this toxic AH they all stay their leaving after me getting boss down to 20% and in middle of fight i get pulled out so had zos not pulled me from area id 100% dps on my tank the EG because bad groups do happen

    Wow, this is...

    One entire sentence. :D
  • LalMirchi
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Glurin wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Jeirno wrote: »
    I qued as a tank, like I always do for random normals, I slot inner rage and crit surge


    And this is the whole reason why I queue as fake tank for random norms or easy vPledges on my sorc. I can taunt bosses and big mobs if needed

    I have news for you about your "being a fake tank" claims and it's all bad.

    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps.

    You're a tank. Sorry, but "holding aggro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them" is tanking. That is in fact it's primary function. You are filling the role of tank. You may not be built for it, but you got the job anyway. Congratulations.

    Well guess I'm just insane, thanks for stroking my ego!

    Um, what?
    Jeirno wrote: »
    LashanW wrote: »
    My vote is considering veteran dungeons.
    Jeirno wrote: »
    Well Im not a tank, if I can hold agro so that noobs don't run around in a circle with them I can deal big dps, I'm a dps. Tanks are not just taunting machines, they debuff the enemies, wear support sets and have support skills etc. i just taunt the thing so I can deal dps to a boss that is standing still instead of having dummy running around in a circle while still getting hit by every attack of the boss lol.
    Taunt skills are literally the only skills in the game that shows tank role icon in the tooltips. So if you use taunt skills, you are a tank. If you don't use taunt skills, you are not a tank.

    Debuffing, stacking enemies and using support sets/skills are all luxuries. They are what separates a basic tank from a great tank.

    Well I guess I'm just insane then for holding agro and doing most dps in random group, I'm the saviour of all noobs and a saint to people who hate fake tanks!!!!

    No, seriously, what? "I'm insane"? "I'm just insane then"???

    No, you're tanking.

    Ye on a FULL DD setup apart from 2 or 1 skill!! Imagine what would happen if I didn't have to do that and noobies would just block big attacks that are clearly animated and stand still or roll dodge a random targeted mechanic instead of blaming dying to that on the fake tank lol.

    Yeah if you didn't taunt the boss and hold aggro and still queued as a tank then you'd be a fake tank.
    ok tonight takes the eso cake had my REAL tank 61k health 32k rss 0 dps i think my WD might be 1300 lvl 46 got put into an group of 26cp (dps1), 32cp (healer) and 65cp (dps2) . we got DSC2 , 1st boss healer and dps 1 die from idk what as boss was pulled way away from them and no adds was up but they both die ok at end of boss i see i done 44% of damage , so i get into chat and say they need to stop HA full time and use some skills as its sad that i pulled more then 12% of damage being the tank and its real bad that i pulled 44% so now im the toxic AH and we get to 2nd boss im holding boss and what seems 20 of his adds lol and he pounds the ground and say bye to dps1 and healer again and im like wth how if everything is hitting me are they dying , come to find out their using health base skills killing themselves like come the blip on your doing no damage and killing yourselves thinking its fun how , so again after doing 48% of dps this boss we move down to 3rd boss (lmfao) as we all know this boss will keep coming back if you kill one of 3 but not all 3 at once so here we are for what seems 20 years as the boss go's and dose this idk 8xs before i started doing damage with the1 damage skill i now have on my bar as id like to get this over with some time in the next 30 years so we get that done , knowing they dont know what their doing i tell them not to hit next boss if in air and to kill adds ill pull them together so we get to boss i taunt it and both dps just go into hitting it like mad and yep both kill themselves healers like he told you lol and i pick them up so now i got 4 groups of adds pulled to me and where's dps at over hitting the boss like ok time to kill lil chunks off an get pass this so after dps kill themselves again and i do 68% of dps we move on , once again dps1 wants to run in pulls everything at next fight then drops dead 2sec after so here im trying to pull everything and just about the time i do both dps2 and healer die so we wipe i tell dps 1 let me pull as i know how to pull lil parts of the fight at an time so we get pass that and into EG we go lol heres where the real fun begain in this one as soon as poison started all 3 of the other players went from full to dead just as fast as it started lol by this time being ive told them how bad they are and im this toxic AH they all stay their leaving after me getting boss down to 20% and in middle of fight i get pulled out so had zos not pulled me from area id 100% dps on my tank the EG because bad groups do happen

    Wow, this is...

    One entire sentence. :D

    Not a paragraph in sight? Unreadable yo say the least.
  • idk
    Fake DPS
    Fake roles do not make my groups fail as we never queue with less than three of us.

    I chose DPS because DPS are the most obvious fake role that shows our group how much they fail. Often they die to PBAoEs which demonstrates a lack of observation skills.

    Fake healers are not that big of a deal in most fights because we can handle ourselves. We had a healer die near the start of a DLC HM fight and just left them there as it was obvious they were not familiar with the mechanics.

    However, we did kick a fake healer once. They were being a jerk and that is the one thing we do not tolerate. We waited until just before the final boss to waste as much of their time as possible. Their hate whispers were entertaining as they demonstrated how bright they really were.
  • Grandchamp1989
    Fake DPS
    josiahva wrote: »
    You know, I dont support fake tanking of any type...but some amusing observations from reading this thread.

    1. People claiming there is no such thing as fake DPS. This is patently false...if you are not performing whatever role you signed up for, it is fraudulent....ridiculously low DPS IS fake DPS. They are not performing their role...it doesn't matter WHY they aren't performing their role.They are bad, they are on another continent with huge lag, they are watching a movie...whatever, the fact remains that they are not sufficiently performing the role for which they signed up for to the minimum requirements of the content in question and therefore are fraudulent.

    2. DPS will often complain about tanks(real or fake) moving the boss around...beyond the fact that sometimes a tank needs to move the boss around for whatever reason(mechs, survival, whatever) it amuses me that people get so upset when it happens...it leads me to question why you are playing dungeons and trials to start with if you want a perfectly motionless target...might as well just parse on a dummy all day if that is your goal. I mean, obviously people want to maximize their damage...but dungeons and trials are not dummys...things will move...I always assumed that people played harder content because they wanted more of a challenge, but the way people act sometimes puts a lie to that assumption. Example: I was tanking vSG a few weeks ago and the entire time one of the DPS was complaining I was moving the bosses too much(it is true I probably could have kept it a bit tighter, but most of my movement was to clear my line of sight to deal with other portions of the fights in question, its not like I was running around without reason), he was doing good damage...but the fact is that he wasn't the one who had to survive and control the battlefield...all he had to do was sit their and parse....why not fight a dummy in that case?

    3. People seem to think that they have a right to an easy quick run when using group finder...nothing is further from the truth. You are taking a risk when you queue....you can never know who you will end up grouped with or how they will play, and as such I simply do not believe people have any right to be upset because the other group members don't conform to their standards....if you want known quantities, use a pre-made group, but placing your expectations on random people who may or may not know how to play or may or may not play to your expectations is simply a recipe for disappointment

    How do you even have the patience?

    I used to be like that when I started tanking.. Always thought it was me who didn't do my part well enough when people died or things didn't die (could make tighter trash packs maybe?) stuff like that.

    I too would stay 2-3 hours to help everyone finish the dungeons.

    Now I can't... I won't put myself through that misery.

    Too many DD's got a horrible attitude, play like they're the only one in the room.
    They stand in dumb ***, die and got the killing power of a bent spoon.

    When you play all three roles you realize just how bad the vast majority are and how you have to babysit them through every single part of every single dungeon.

    Better for your own sanity to just leave.
  • amm7sb14_ESO
    Fake Tank
    josiahva wrote: »
    You know, I dont support fake tanking of any type...but some amusing observations from reading this thread.

    1. People claiming there is no such thing as fake DPS. This is patently false...if you are not performing whatever role you signed up for, it is fraudulent....ridiculously low DPS IS fake DPS. They are not performing their role...it doesn't matter WHY they aren't performing their role.They are bad, they are on another continent with huge lag, they are watching a movie...whatever, the fact remains that they are not sufficiently performing the role for which they signed up for to the minimum requirements of the content in question and therefore are fraudulent.

    2. DPS will often complain about tanks(real or fake) moving the boss around...beyond the fact that sometimes a tank needs to move the boss around for whatever reason(mechs, survival, whatever) it amuses me that people get so upset when it happens...it leads me to question why you are playing dungeons and trials to start with if you want a perfectly motionless target...might as well just parse on a dummy all day if that is your goal. I mean, obviously people want to maximize their damage...but dungeons and trials are not dummys...things will move...I always assumed that people played harder content because they wanted more of a challenge, but the way people act sometimes puts a lie to that assumption. Example: I was tanking vSG a few weeks ago and the entire time one of the DPS was complaining I was moving the bosses too much(it is true I probably could have kept it a bit tighter, but most of my movement was to clear my line of sight to deal with other portions of the fights in question, its not like I was running around without reason), he was doing good damage...but the fact is that he wasn't the one who had to survive and control the battlefield...all he had to do was sit their and parse....why not fight a dummy in that case?

    3. People seem to think that they have a right to an easy quick run when using group finder...nothing is further from the truth. You are taking a risk when you queue....you can never know who you will end up grouped with or how they will play, and as such I simply do not believe people have any right to be upset because the other group members don't conform to their standards....if you want known quantities, use a pre-made group, but placing your expectations on random people who may or may not know how to play or may or may not play to your expectations is simply a recipe for disappointment

    How do you even have the patience?

    I used to be like that when I started tanking.. Always thought it was me who didn't do my part well enough when people died or things didn't die (could make tighter trash packs maybe?) stuff like that.

    I too would stay 2-3 hours to help everyone finish the dungeons.

    Now I can't... I won't put myself through that misery.

    Too many DD's got a horrible attitude, play like they're the only one in the room.
    They stand in dumb ***, die and got the killing power of a bent spoon.

    When you play all three roles you realize just how bad the vast majority are and how you have to babysit them through every single part of every single dungeon.

    Better for your own sanity to just leave.

    This is why for the longest time, I simply wouldn't do pledges if certain dungeons popped up. It's only been recently that I have felt confident pug'ing vet DLC, although I do feel that there is a lot more built in understanding of how the dungeons work when you get into vet.
  • Chrysa1is
    Sometimes you need to put a fake role so you aren't waiting in a queue for ages. You can beat dungeons without certain roles. It's important that the fake role person knows whether the dungeon can be completed without the right roles though. Example, if i joined a dungeon that 100% needed a tank, id leave because otherwise you're getting nowhere.
  • spartaxoxo
    Fake DPS
    Chrysa1is wrote: »
    Sometimes you need to put a fake role so you aren't waiting in a queue for ages. You can beat dungeons without certain roles. It's important that the fake role person knows whether the dungeon can be completed without the right roles though. Example, if i joined a dungeon that 100% needed a tank, id leave because otherwise you're getting nowhere.


    Nobody needs to be a fake. You can slot a taunt on a tank or a heal on heal so that nobody is else is paying the price for your impatience. Anybody not doing that is being narcissistic and making others who waited in that long queue have to deal with their selfishness. It's just wrong to intentionally fake
    Edited by spartaxoxo on December 23, 2020 7:17AM
  • BackStabeth
    This isn't "interesting" at all. What this seems like to me is a poll to figure out which is the bet fake role to queue for so you don't *** people off and they leave once they get a dungeon.

    You shouldn't be a fake anything unless you are with friends and they are aware prior to you faking a role in a group. I don't see any issues or problems with that at all. But being a fake anything and then doing a random pub/dungeon group is bull. You have no clue who you will end up in a group with and if they need you to play the role you are faking or not. It's not fair to all the other players regardless their skill level or ability.

    I could care less if I have to get back in queue and wait another 10 min, if I end up in a group with a fake anything, Poof, I'm gone right off the bat no matter how good they are. It's cheating everyone else out of a proper game experience. It's selfish AF.
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