Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Which "fake" role makes your dungeon group fail most?

  • iksde
    Fake DPS
    This isn't "interesting" at all. What this seems like to me is a poll to figure out which is the bet fake role to queue for so you don't *** people off and they leave once they get a dungeon.

    You shouldn't be a fake anything unless you are with friends and they are aware prior to you faking a role in a group. I don't see any issues or problems with that at all. But being a fake anything and then doing a random pub/dungeon group is bull. You have no clue who you will end up in a group with and if they need you to play the role you are faking or not. It's not fair to all the other players regardless their skill level or ability.

    I could care less if I have to get back in queue and wait another 10 min, if I end up in a group with a fake anything, Poof, I'm gone right off the bat no matter how good they are. It's cheating everyone else out of a proper game experience. It's selfish AF.

    yep, this is so annyoing we are waiting long time for DD queue and get into group where 2nd DD is doing close to nothing and your group dont care for facts he is doing close to nothing so you just leave and wait again this long queue....only because someone in group didnt want to kick this awful DD which is just ball on the chain on harder dung for which he is not ready because he cant fit even minimum of his role
  • Nordic__Knights
    Fake Tank
    iksde wrote: »
    This isn't "interesting" at all. What this seems like to me is a poll to figure out which is the bet fake role to queue for so you don't *** people off and they leave once they get a dungeon.

    You shouldn't be a fake anything unless you are with friends and they are aware prior to you faking a role in a group. I don't see any issues or problems with that at all. But being a fake anything and then doing a random pub/dungeon group is bull. You have no clue who you will end up in a group with and if they need you to play the role you are faking or not. It's not fair to all the other players regardless their skill level or ability.

    I could care less if I have to get back in queue and wait another 10 min, if I end up in a group with a fake anything, Poof, I'm gone right off the bat no matter how good they are. It's cheating everyone else out of a proper game experience. It's selfish AF.

    yep, this is so annyoing we are waiting long time for DD queue and get into group where 2nd DD is doing close to nothing and your group dont care for facts he is doing close to nothing so you just leave and wait again this long queue....only because someone in group didnt want to kick this awful DD which is just ball on the chain on harder dung for which he is not ready because he cant fit even minimum of his role

    like its any better that your tank aint tuanting and holding boss so your runing for your life as you know you'll get 1shot if boss hits you because your the healer , and dd's have no need for ground aoe as boss is all over the place chasing the healer lol guess the lack of dps is dd's fault here in your eyes too
  • CoronHR
    Fake Tank
    i 'fake heal' all the time, but my 'fake healers' are pvp chars with restro staves, and i reslot abilities to have more healing power. albeit not as effective as my 'real healers', my fake healers rarely have a problem keeping players alive, unless they're crap and destined to die anyway. i've never 'fake healed' my way through a vet dungeon, only normal, and i have never fake tanked or fake dd'ed in normal and certainly not vet, as i imagine nothing would fail worse.
    PC - EU - Steam client
  • simple_specops
    Fake DPS
    I voted fake DD, I regularly queue as a healer with my dd for random vet or 4 keys pledge, sometimes it does come a DLC dungeon, if it comes one very hard I just apologize and leave. However for easier dungeons I just say at the beginning 3dds run, kick me if you want healer, I always make sure I pack enough damage to help group avoid mechs that would require healer. Thing is sometimes people just use that as a scapegoat for they unpreparedness. Cant say the times I was in the easier dlc dungeons and as a fake healer I had 60+% of dmg, ofc I didn't say anything to them but once I got really mad because after carrying the team for a good part of vicp they just kick me because in the final boss group kept dying for not going into portals. 2 dds with 15k dmg combined blaming me. I don't want to sound elitist or a male body part, but people must be aware of their limitations, and know what content they can play or not.
  • mobicera
    Fake DPS
    iksde wrote: »
    This isn't "interesting" at all. What this seems like to me is a poll to figure out which is the bet fake role to queue for so you don't *** people off and they leave once they get a dungeon.

    You shouldn't be a fake anything unless you are with friends and they are aware prior to you faking a role in a group. I don't see any issues or problems with that at all. But being a fake anything and then doing a random pub/dungeon group is bull. You have no clue who you will end up in a group with and if they need you to play the role you are faking or not. It's not fair to all the other players regardless their skill level or ability.

    I could care less if I have to get back in queue and wait another 10 min, if I end up in a group with a fake anything, Poof, I'm gone right off the bat no matter how good they are. It's cheating everyone else out of a proper game experience. It's selfish AF.

    yep, this is so annyoing we are waiting long time for DD queue and get into group where 2nd DD is doing close to nothing and your group dont care for facts he is doing close to nothing so you just leave and wait again this long queue....only because someone in group didnt want to kick this awful DD which is just ball on the chain on harder dung for which he is not ready because he cant fit even minimum of his role

    like its any better that your tank aint tuanting and holding boss so your runing for your life as you know you'll get 1shot if boss hits you because your the healer , and dd's have no need for ground aoe as boss is all over the place chasing the healer lol guess the lack of dps is dd's fault here in your eyes too

    Correct stand and fight, dodge a heavy.
    Unless we are talking vet dlc basic situational and game awareness will suffice.
    Though I don't random que without a full group, because all I get is 60k meat shields who dont really do anything but stand at a boss and call themselves a tank, actual healers who aren't needed in 4 person and dps hitting 5k...
    If you run around from anything that isn't a boss or elite in a vet dlc because your tank scrubbed it up and you need to have a rez get off then yes you are a poor dps and yes it's also the dps fault lol.
    But again I don't pug though typically because I expect a semblance of competence and respect in group content.
  • gatekeeper13
    Fake Tank
    Fake tank ofc.

    There is no such thing as "Fake DD". If a DD does not do dmg then he is a bad DD as a tank who does not do his job is a bad tank. On the other hand, a fake tank is a DD who queue as a tank in order to get a group faster.

    There is a difference between "fake" & "bad".

    Edited by gatekeeper13 on December 23, 2020 12:30PM
  • JinMori
    Fake DPS
    Normal non-dlc
    Fake tank is likely carrying the group
    Fake healer is helping fake tank carry the group
    Fake DPS unironically thinks they are real DPS and are getting carried

    Good point, if we are talking about dps that are so bad they might as well be inconsequential, yea, they are the real problem.

    A fake healer is managable, a fake tank less, but still managable, but if you have 2 bad dps, or 1 bad and 1 decent, you are sol.

  • iksde
    Fake DPS
    iksde wrote: »
    This isn't "interesting" at all. What this seems like to me is a poll to figure out which is the bet fake role to queue for so you don't *** people off and they leave once they get a dungeon.

    You shouldn't be a fake anything unless you are with friends and they are aware prior to you faking a role in a group. I don't see any issues or problems with that at all. But being a fake anything and then doing a random pub/dungeon group is bull. You have no clue who you will end up in a group with and if they need you to play the role you are faking or not. It's not fair to all the other players regardless their skill level or ability.

    I could care less if I have to get back in queue and wait another 10 min, if I end up in a group with a fake anything, Poof, I'm gone right off the bat no matter how good they are. It's cheating everyone else out of a proper game experience. It's selfish AF.

    yep, this is so annyoing we are waiting long time for DD queue and get into group where 2nd DD is doing close to nothing and your group dont care for facts he is doing close to nothing so you just leave and wait again this long queue....only because someone in group didnt want to kick this awful DD which is just ball on the chain on harder dung for which he is not ready because he cant fit even minimum of his role

    like its any better that your tank aint tuanting and holding boss so your runing for your life as you know you'll get 1shot if boss hits you because your the healer , and dd's have no need for ground aoe as boss is all over the place chasing the healer lol guess the lack of dps is dd's fault here in your eyes too

    as I was writing before...I have no problem with fake tanks...if I go on ez content there is no need for tanks anyway and if you have mind you wont run like headless chicken with boss around area and just stay in place and eat all weak hits, dodge/block harder

    if this is harder dung then it is almost impossible to get this fake tank here but if got it...then he was much probably for random dung queue but even if not...then it is going for fast kick.....while for dps which is so bad it is not so often to get fast kick of him...

    and even if boss is running around and you have no reason to put your ground aoe's, ok but to be honest if you are not bad dd you dont depend mainly on your ground skills for dps, they are jsut additional dots for rotation and ele wall with MSA staff for LA dmg buff

    sorry but you are awfull dd even stationary boss wont give you do much of advantage to have and dps for this

    ahh how many times I had situation even on trial where someone messed with mechanic and tank or both tanks died in very bad moment and I wa jsut running, kiting boss to not kill me and what everyone else was doing? definitelly fast rezzing dead people instead still fully dps becasue there wa no space for dps anyway when we didnt have all people alive for this

    at the end...fake tank isn't something special worse than fake will be also annyoing if you get fake tank but not specially more anyoing than fake dd in your group and someone who dont want to kick him like he wont kick also fake tank which would be dying nonstop from anythinig while as for my experience fake tanks are much less than dd's
  • StarOfElyon
    Fake Tank
    Sorry but nothing has been more annoying in my experience than a tank with a glass jaw who can't grab aggro.
  • ZOS_Volpe

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