Please give us back Rapid Maneuver!

  • Sgrug
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Can you not just do your crafting in Alinor? Pretty much a waste of time getting on your mount let alone using Rapids to travel such a short distance

    Last I checked (which was this morning) crafting surveys are across all the old world zones and chapter zones, how does that solve anything? Not to mention crafting events and other world events crafters can do where we run all over the place.

    If you do your crafting on one character 100k ap is one of the easiest 'grinds' in the game

    No it is not. I have specifically posted on that and have run 2 now working the third character for rapids. It is a colossal waste of my time taking an average 5 to 7 hours a toon to get rapids back. Also yesterday I had to endure serious in game beratement in BG because my crafting toon was not performing as the other players wanted. It is so much fun being insulted in PvP in a game I prefer to use as an escape from life issues for a while. Now because of this change if I wish to get my same experience back I had for the last 6 years I have to accept rude, insulting trolling jerk's ridicule, real nice attitude, suffer in PvP if you want rapids back.
    Edited by Sgrug on September 3, 2020 2:29PM
  • Sennecca
    I have multiple alts that I often only use during special events. Or I'll use them to do daily repeatable quests if i'm looking for particular motif pages etc
    I decided to try a new character. This one I want to level. I took him into greymoor. A zone chat came up that hailstone harrowstorm was up, so the toon ported to Frozen coast wayshrine and proceeded to lumber at a slow pace and got hit by every ice reaver, skeletal mob etc that he didn't swing wide enough for. This may seem like a "you should've avoided them all" situation, but with rapid manuever, you would be able to speed past the mobs and be out of range of many before they could slow or dismount you. At a newb mount pace, the rats probably move faster. He finally managed to get to hailstone (while watching others blow by him) too late for the harrowstorm. This is how it affects pve'ers and low level characters who do not have max mount speed. They get to things too late to participate. A simple get a delve quest becomes much longer when your travel time is increased and you have to kill every annoying thing you pass near.
    Yes, in cyrodil, others near you can give you rapid maneuver but even if they buff you, they quickly outpace you and have to keep circling back to rebuff you to keep rapids up for more than one (possibly 2) rapid casts. I know this because i have often helped others by buffing them with my rapids and even with my buff, i'd have to stop, circle back and rebuff them or they'd fall so far behind i could get to the objective and get part of dinner eaten waiting for them to arrive. .
  • harvey07
    i would love it back as well...but i have a feeling they are just going to let this die down. they will either give us a distraction to this issue or just keep this thread on ignore.

    i just stopped playing alts and only log in to get mount training - only a few left to level it up cause there is no way i am going back in cyro - for at least three hours again - on each toon.

    i only go in cyro to get shards and i still get attacked...normally in a delve.
  • Joy_Division
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Can you not just do your crafting in Alinor? Pretty much a waste of time getting on your mount let alone using Rapids to travel such a short distance

    Last I checked (which was this morning) crafting surveys are across all the old world zones and chapter zones, how does that solve anything? Not to mention crafting events and other world events crafters can do where we run all over the place.

    If you do your crafting on one character 100k ap is one of the easiest 'grinds' in the game

    No it is not. I have specifically posted on that and have run 2 now working the third character for rapids. It is a colossal waste of my time taking an average 5 to 7 hours a toon to get rapids back. Also yesterday I had to endure serious in game beratement in BG because my crafting toon was not performing as the other players wanted. It is so much fun being insulted in PvP in a game I prefer to use as an escape from life issues for a while. Now because of this change if I wish to get my same experience back I had for the last 6 years I have to accept rude, insulting trolling jerk's ridicule, real nice attitude, suffer in PvP if you want rapids back.

    OK, I get it. You hate PvP and want rapids. ZOS continues to just hammer through with its changes that they think will improve the game regardless of how much players express their dislike.

    Go on making and posting 20 page threads complaining about it. Because that has such a good track record. Or banging your head against the wall doing something you dislike and just aggravating yourself.

    Here is what I'd recommend to folks like yourself who hate PvP and want rapids. Battlegrounds is absolutely the worst environment for someone who doesn't like PvP. It's competitive, it has time sensitive objectives, other players are counting on you to pull your weight, it has even more PvPers who take ESO far too seriously than plain old Cyrodiil; in short, it's very much an arena where you need to be an active participant and you're likely to get wrecked.

    If you really can;t stand PvP, then don;t engage in it. Or at least be a passive participant. At 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, equip your restoration staff and log into whatever the "zerg" server that everyone joins by default. Also have your other alternative form of entertainment ready, whether that's a book you're reading, laptop with Netflix, IKEA table that hasn't been put together yet, whatever. Park yourself at whatever emperor ring keep the enemy zerg is heading toward and when it arrives, put down your book and do two things: spam rapid regeneration and use some sort of range AoE to damage enemy players (high single target like snipe or sorcerer endless fury kill steal also are good). On a successful defense, be sure to follow the 30 players going to recapture the resources for the easy ticks.

    With a little more active participation, that is following your own faction's zerg to whatever emperor keep they are going, will get your rapids faster as you will also be getting offensive ticks (and be sure to accompany them capping enemy resources). Either way, this sort of brainless activity can be done with non competitive builds, has no time sensitive objectives, nobody is counting on you, you don't have to pull any weight, and it can be done with half your mind on another project. All it will take is a few nights tops, less time than your spending writing posts that have zero chance of convincing ZoS to do.
  • Sgrug
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Can you not just do your crafting in Alinor? Pretty much a waste of time getting on your mount let alone using Rapids to travel such a short distance

    Last I checked (which was this morning) crafting surveys are across all the old world zones and chapter zones, how does that solve anything? Not to mention crafting events and other world events crafters can do where we run all over the place.

    If you do your crafting on one character 100k ap is one of the easiest 'grinds' in the game

    No it is not. I have specifically posted on that and have run 2 now working the third character for rapids. It is a colossal waste of my time taking an average 5 to 7 hours a toon to get rapids back. Also yesterday I had to endure serious in game beratement in BG because my crafting toon was not performing as the other players wanted. It is so much fun being insulted in PvP in a game I prefer to use as an escape from life issues for a while. Now because of this change if I wish to get my same experience back I had for the last 6 years I have to accept rude, insulting trolling jerk's ridicule, real nice attitude, suffer in PvP if you want rapids back.

    OK, I get it. You hate PvP and want rapids. ZOS continues to just hammer through with its changes that they think will improve the game regardless of how much players express their dislike.

    Go on making and posting 20 page threads complaining about it. Because that has such a good track record. Or banging your head against the wall doing something you dislike and just aggravating yourself.

    Here is what I'd recommend to folks like yourself who hate PvP and want rapids. Battlegrounds is absolutely the worst environment for someone who doesn't like PvP. It's competitive, it has time sensitive objectives, other players are counting on you to pull your weight, it has even more PvPers who take ESO far too seriously than plain old Cyrodiil; in short, it's very much an arena where you need to be an active participant and you're likely to get wrecked.

    If you really can;t stand PvP, then don;t engage in it. Or at least be a passive participant. At 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, equip your restoration staff and log into whatever the "zerg" server that everyone joins by default. Also have your other alternative form of entertainment ready, whether that's a book you're reading, laptop with Netflix, IKEA table that hasn't been put together yet, whatever. Park yourself at whatever emperor ring keep the enemy zerg is heading toward and when it arrives, put down your book and do two things: spam rapid regeneration and use some sort of range AoE to damage enemy players (high single target like snipe or sorcerer endless fury kill steal also are good). On a successful defense, be sure to follow the 30 players going to recapture the resources for the easy ticks.

    With a little more active participation, that is following your own faction's zerg to whatever emperor keep they are going, will get your rapids faster as you will also be getting offensive ticks (and be sure to accompany them capping enemy resources). Either way, this sort of brainless activity can be done with non competitive builds, has no time sensitive objectives, nobody is counting on you, you don't have to pull any weight, and it can be done with half your mind on another project. All it will take is a few nights tops, less time than your spending writing posts that have zero chance of convincing ZoS to do.

    All this advice, wonder why those who wanted Vigor earlier just did not shut up and do what you say? Vigor got changed, Rapids can get changed.

    Somehow it is right to make those who want rapids do PvP but not Vigor anymore, the logic of this is so broke it is laughable.
    Edited by Sgrug on September 3, 2020 4:29PM
  • zaria
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Sgrug wrote: »
    madrab73 wrote: »
    Can you not just do your crafting in Alinor? Pretty much a waste of time getting on your mount let alone using Rapids to travel such a short distance

    Last I checked (which was this morning) crafting surveys are across all the old world zones and chapter zones, how does that solve anything? Not to mention crafting events and other world events crafters can do where we run all over the place.

    If you do your crafting on one character 100k ap is one of the easiest 'grinds' in the game

    No it is not. I have specifically posted on that and have run 2 now working the third character for rapids. It is a colossal waste of my time taking an average 5 to 7 hours a toon to get rapids back. Also yesterday I had to endure serious in game beratement in BG because my crafting toon was not performing as the other players wanted. It is so much fun being insulted in PvP in a game I prefer to use as an escape from life issues for a while. Now because of this change if I wish to get my same experience back I had for the last 6 years I have to accept rude, insulting trolling jerk's ridicule, real nice attitude, suffer in PvP if you want rapids back.

    OK, I get it. You hate PvP and want rapids. ZOS continues to just hammer through with its changes that they think will improve the game regardless of how much players express their dislike.

    Go on making and posting 20 page threads complaining about it. Because that has such a good track record. Or banging your head against the wall doing something you dislike and just aggravating yourself.

    Here is what I'd recommend to folks like yourself who hate PvP and want rapids. Battlegrounds is absolutely the worst environment for someone who doesn't like PvP. It's competitive, it has time sensitive objectives, other players are counting on you to pull your weight, it has even more PvPers who take ESO far too seriously than plain old Cyrodiil; in short, it's very much an arena where you need to be an active participant and you're likely to get wrecked.

    If you really can;t stand PvP, then don;t engage in it. Or at least be a passive participant. At 8:30 PM Eastern Standard Time, equip your restoration staff and log into whatever the "zerg" server that everyone joins by default. Also have your other alternative form of entertainment ready, whether that's a book you're reading, laptop with Netflix, IKEA table that hasn't been put together yet, whatever. Park yourself at whatever emperor ring keep the enemy zerg is heading toward and when it arrives, put down your book and do two things: spam rapid regeneration and use some sort of range AoE to damage enemy players (high single target like snipe or sorcerer endless fury kill steal also are good). On a successful defense, be sure to follow the 30 players going to recapture the resources for the easy ticks.

    With a little more active participation, that is following your own faction's zerg to whatever emperor keep they are going, will get your rapids faster as you will also be getting offensive ticks (and be sure to accompany them capping enemy resources). Either way, this sort of brainless activity can be done with non competitive builds, has no time sensitive objectives, nobody is counting on you, you don't have to pull any weight, and it can be done with half your mind on another project. All it will take is a few nights tops, less time than your spending writing posts that have zero chance of convincing ZoS to do.
    This, now I find LFG zerging pretty fun if leader is kind of competent, I say it compares a lot to normal pug trials.
    Yes you die more but you don't fail as pug groups fall apart after two wipes.

    I converted my latest necro to magic for the double AP event, spent one day in Cyrodil on <50 campaign, got to assault 7 as I had fun enter level 12 exit as 20, Switched back to stamina as its better for overland even if only run random dungeons on her :) Should kept the magic build and queued as healer, then stuff her into some hurdling and vicious serpent to farm skill point at 50.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Elvenheart
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    Sgrug wrote: »
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    Sgrug wrote: »
    WeerW3ir wrote: »
    renne wrote: »
    Rapids is not vital to game play.
    Not having rapids does not prevent you from doing anything in game.
    Rapids was not taken away from anyone, it was just moved.
    If you want rapids bad enough you will go to Cyrodiil and earn it.

    I've tried to understand both sides, but it is not possible in this case. I'm done.

    Vigor is not vital to game play (plenty of people run stam toons without it, mag toons don't need it).
    Not having vigor does not prevent you from doing anything in game.
    Vigor was not taken away from anyone when it was at level 5, it didn't need to be moved.
    If you want vigor bad enough you will go to Cyrodiil and earn it.

    See how it works?

    [snip] You all acting like the game is now unplayable or something because you now HAVE TO ACTUALLY DO SOMETHING for the ability and not just entering into the pvp. All goods must end once. And now its ended. [snip]

    [snip] that poster is not acting like the game is unplayable. They simply pointed out that that exact same reasoning used on these threads for Vigor can be said of Rapids.

    Vigor is not vital to game-play, the fact that players did without this change for 6 years proves that. Yet, and I repeat this again, NO ONE IS ASKING TO CHANGE VIGOR BACK.

    Continued posting against proposed changes that literally have no negative impact to anyone does not make a point. [snip]

    Vigor > Rapid
    rapid is not meta!!! You wont survive with spamming rapid. [snip] this is why they changed it.

    NO they did not change it because rapids is not meta, they changed it because they needed a place to make Vigor easier to get, RAPIDS WAS COLLATERAL DAMAGE. That being said Rapids could have been grandfathered, made level three or swapped to support line earlier. All solutions recommended that do not impact Vigor and do not negatively impact ANYONE for rapids.

    The reason to stubbornly keep Rapids as it is now is quite suspect (or capricious if they really just don't care) as no valid justification has been given to keep it at level 5. However numerous plausible ones have been speculated on and none of them put ZoS in a good light.

    And i try to keep convience you all to let it go. and adapt as we did before

    Why? Why is it so important to convince unhappy people that they are wrong to be unhappy about something? That is like me trying to tell the manager of a restaurant that I am unhappy about the way my order was prepared because something was changed and some other diner chiming in trying to convince me that what I think doesn’t matter because either he liked the change OR he had ordered something completely different that was unaffected by the change. Why have you and others worked so hard throughout this thread to convince us we don’t have a right to feel like we do?
  • Triballian
  • Sephyr
    Ri_Khan wrote: »
    Coming from someone who is usually infuriated by changes like this, I'm totally cool with it this time around. Half my characters lost rapids and that's ok, if I decide they absolutely need it in order to play, I'll go suffer the horrible performance that PvP has to offer to unlock it for them. It's not like it was completely removed from the game or anything.

    Same. I can understand the point of contention though I'd say a reasonable compromise would have Rapids unlock at the same time as Vigor, that way everyone's happy.

    I'd also like to say, it'd be nice to have some warning from ZoS ahead of PTS cycles for changes like this so people can start sending feedback in ahead of time. They don't look at the feedback on the forums, they've even said as much and based on things they've recently broke and nothing was done despite major backlash on the forum, I'd say it unfortunately tracks.

    Regardless, I'm sorry for the folks that no longer have access to it. Hope it's resolved somehow!
  • OldManJim
    I have also emailed and told them exactly why I've cancelled ESO Plus on both of my accounts.
    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!
  • phairdon
    I decided to take one of characters into Cyrodiil to try and gain XP and unlock rapids again. Disconnected straight after getting into cyrodiil.
    Thought I would try battlegrounds. 4 attempts to join matches. 3 out of the 4 left my character stuck in the battlegrounds load screen.
    This is turning into an extremely frustrating experience.
    Reinstate rapids to the player base.

    Your immersion is breaking my entitlement. Buff Sorc's. Darkshroud the cremator Death by furRubeus BlackFluffy knight BladesThe Fat PantherPsijic Fungal SausageFlesheater the VileCaspian Rafferty FernsbyArchfiend Warlock PiersThe Black BishopEvil Wizard Lizard (EU)Neberra Vestige Fajeon (EU)Salanis Deathstick (EU)Blood Mage Alchemist (EU)
  • Ri_Khan
    Sephyr wrote: »
    Same. I can understand the point of contention though I'd say a reasonable compromise would have Rapids unlock at the same time as Vigor, that way everyone's happy.

    I'd also like to say, it'd be nice to have some warning from ZoS ahead of PTS cycles for changes like this so people can start sending feedback in ahead of time. They don't look at the feedback on the forums, they've even said as much and based on things they've recently broke and nothing was done despite major backlash on the forum, I'd say it unfortunately tracks.

    Regardless, I'm sorry for the folks that no longer have access to it. Hope it's resolved somehow!

    All the changes that go through the PTS are announced well ahead of time and they do have feedback threads for them. This one in particular included this change and there was feedback given that I've seen repeated throughout all these threads, ad nauseam...

    This is certainly not the first time they've pushed unpopular changes through. The Bosmer stealth gutting was a big one except that time, they completely deleted something that many players built their characters around. It was messed up. At least this time around you can still unlock the skill, it's still in the game, it's just more of a grind, which is what MMO's are all about, correct?

    I'm having a hard time understanding what the big deal is with just going and grinding out some more AP to unlock it. I've had to do a load of stuff in this game I didn't particularly enjoy in order to advance my characters' development. It's part of the game. I find it completely ridiculous to expect the devs to go back on their decision in order to cater to this "cause I don't wanna PvP!" crowd.

    I'm not one bit sorry because nobody's actually lost access to anything. Again, it's still there just with a slightly different requirement.
  • zantarizb14_ESO
    I am not a PVP player. I avoid stepping into Cyrodil at all costs except for the brief time I need to in order to get the Skill lines and extra skill points and then I immediately spend the one and ONLY point i ever spend in the PVP tree.... Rapid Maneuver. To make this a rank 5 skill puts it entirely out of my reach as I will never attain that level.... just like I was never able to attain the rank 4 skill for .... I don't even know what it's called because I never even got to rank 4, but the skill that removes debuffs.

    I miss it dearly, but can live without it... although I keep falling off my mount these days because I keep pressing the button that would normally give me rapid movement and instead is not slotted with an ability that immediately causes me to be dismounted... i still haven't broken that habit yet.

    I wouldn't have cared too much if the ability had been removed from the game altogether or if the ability had been changed to be used only in Cryodil. What bothers me the most is that if you happen to like PVP you gain this amazing bonus that you can use anywhere and if you don't like PVP you have to watch others breeze past you while your out exploring the world or farming materials or whatever your doing. It gives PVP interested players and unfair advantage in the game. Every time I see some PVPer using that skill outside of Cyrodil, it's going to make me irritated (to put it mildly).

    I'm not sure if those who made the decision to make this change understood the impact it would have on players like myself, so I'm here to voice my displeasure in hopes that it will be reconsidered.

    Thank you.
  • esotoon
    Ri_Khan wrote: »
    I'm having a hard time understanding what the big deal is with just going and grinding out some more AP to unlock it. I've had to do a load of stuff in this game I didn't particularly enjoy in order to advance my characters' development. It's part of the game. I find it completely ridiculous to expect the devs to go back on their decision in order to cater to this "cause I don't wanna PvP!" crowd.

    I think there is a difference between having to grind in order to get something new, to having something that you have had access to for 6 years, removed from you, and then having to spend time to get it back. Especially when it is for no reason whatsoever. The Skill wasn't moved to balance the game, the skill wasn't OP so needed a nerf, so there was zero need to move it. On top of that, there is no reward involved to incentivise you to get it back. The skill hasn't been improved to make that grind more rewarding (like for example the perfected VMA weapons). So as a result it highlights the amount of time you are literally having to throw away to get back to where you were, especially having to do it in an environment that a lot of people are allergic to.

    On 18 characters, it's a minimum of 2.5 days of your life gone, and probably more like 5+ days, to get back a skill you already had, simply because ZOS chose not to make Vigor accessible in one of several ways that wouldn't have impacted players.

    On top of that, there are other frustrations people have with this change. Stamina users have needed a heal for a long time, especially at low levels. We were told the developers were going to rework the class system so every class has a dps/heal/tank line, and within that change give every class a stam heal, just like Wardens and Necros. However instead of doing that, they have made this change, which whilst better than nothing, is not really the solution Stam users were after. Vigor isn't that great a heal at low levels and doesn't make up for the need of a burst heal. So not only have the developers inconvenienced a large portion of the player base for no reason, but they have fobbed stam players off with a heal that isn't even up to the task.

  • zantarizb14_ESO
    P.S. to the prior post....

    It's not really "grinding" to get it back for players like myself. Grinding is doing something you generally don't mind doing, but to a degree at which is becomes repetitive and boring (possibly irritating). This does not describe the requirement for players like myself who would have to endure game play they absolutely despise for an unreasonable amount of time (to a degree that I simply won't do it... I'll just live without rapid movement).

    I have several accounts and probably in the range of 40 characters and every single one of them had rapid maneuver and I used it constantly on every single one of them. I used it to the point where now I'm constantly dismounting myself by pushing that all too family key on my ability bar that no longer has rapid maneuver there.

    To a PVP'er you can call it "grinding". You can't call it that for a player like myself. The intent of playing the game is to have fun and, for me, PVP is the antipathy to fun.
    Edited by zantarizb14_ESO on September 4, 2020 1:31AM
  • Sennecca
    P.S. to the prior post....

    It's not really "grinding" to get it back for players like myself. Grinding is doing something you generally don't mind doing, but to a degree at which is becomes repetitive and boring (possibly irritating). This does not describe the requirement for players like myself who would have to endure game play they absolutely despise for an unreasonable amount of time (to a degree that I simply won't do it... I'll just live without rapid movement).

    I have several accounts and probably in the range of 40 characters and every single one of them had rapid maneuver and I used it constantly on every single one of them. I used it to the point where now I'm constantly dismounting myself by pushing that all too family key on my ability bar that no longer has rapid maneuver there.

    To a PVP'er you can call it "grinding". You can't call it that for a player like myself. The intent of playing the game is to have fun and, for me, PVP is the antipathy to fun.

    This is the issue that people who enjoy pvp don't seem to understand. We all play the game to have fun in ways that we find fun. It's suggested that ppl go into cyrodil and spend hours (and days depending on time available to play, cyrodil activity etc) per character on something that ranges from small dislike to disdain for for hours on end (again per character) takes the "game" away from the game. I play games to have fun. not spend hours watching netflix while doing something i do not enjoy. I might as well just watch netflix and not play because I'd enjoy that more.
    Edited by Sennecca on September 4, 2020 5:00AM
  • Ackwalan
    After 20 pages, does anyone really think this thread is being read by someone that can make a change to rapids?
  • esotoon
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    After 20 pages, does anyone really think this thread is being read by someone that can make a change to rapids?

    Yes. By you and everybody else who reads this thread. If only you'd realise it. :)
  • Jaraal
    Ackwalan wrote: »
    After 20 pages, does anyone really think this thread is being read by someone that can make a change to rapids?

    The removal of Bosmer stealth protest thread got to 70 pages before they finally locked it.

    We have a ways to go yet.

    Oh, and nothing ever changed because of it. We were promised that they would look into other means of stealth for players to make up for it, but that never happened either. We'd have a better chance of getting water to flow uphill than we will getting them to modify their "vision".

    Edited by Jaraal on September 4, 2020 7:09AM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Merforum
    So lucky I was able to level up my last toon just before they changed rapids, because I like to do psygic, run pick up shyshards and lorebooks. Now this toon is so slow just running to do writs is a slog. Please change it back.

    Luckily I got all my other 12 toons to level 5 assault. But it was only because I could run super fast on horse and zerg castles with all of them during MYM. But this last one is so slow it will be a nightmare. Might force me to do BG which would suck because I have arthritis and can't smash buttons like PVPers.
  • Sgrug
    Merforum wrote: »
    So lucky I was able to level up my last toon just before they changed rapids, because I like to do psygic, run pick up shyshards and lorebooks. Now this toon is so slow just running to do writs is a slog. Please change it back.

    Luckily I got all my other 12 toons to level 5 assault. But it was only because I could run super fast on horse and zerg castles with all of them during MYM. But this last one is so slow it will be a nightmare. Might force me to do BG which would suck because I have arthritis and can't smash buttons like PVPers.

    Rapids is a big thing for so many, this change was callous and hardhearted,. totally unjustified to have made it level 5 when so many other less aggressive and more thoughtful options were recommended.
  • Obsidian3
    They might lower the requirements in Q4 update after they have fleeced the lazy rich people for their Crowns. See I used to be upset, then I realized that Crown teams job is to farm crowns, so that's all this change is, crown farming.

    gg, wp.
  • JoeCapricorn
    Yesterday, a situation came about that perfectly illustrated the reason why I dislike PVP at times.

    So, my plan on doing the IC event is to go to the Memorial district, do the daily there, run back through the sewers, turn in, and leave.

    It wasn't hard to do the quest itself. I had Ring of the Wild Hunt and Stage 4 vampirism. I run for three seconds and turn invisible. The quest is simple: knock down two Xivkyns and boop four skeletons.

    But upon running back, right outside of the doorway to the Ebonheart Pact base, I encountered an obstacle. A full raid of DC players poaching anyone that was running through to bank their Tel Var stones. Not even the first time I saw something like that (encountered this during Midyear as well).

    I lost half of my Tel Var stones. You know how many that was? 14. So jokes on them.

    But that situation probably captures exactly why I dislike PVP so much. This is griefing, pure and simple. Do you really expect people who hate PVP to go through dealing with griefing just to get back a skill they rightfully had for six and a half years?

    I don't care how many pages this thread gets. As long as it stays on the first page, that is my goal, until Rapid Maneuver is restored to its prior state.
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • Sephyr
    Ri_Khan wrote: »
    Sephyr wrote: »
    Same. I can understand the point of contention though I'd say a reasonable compromise would have Rapids unlock at the same time as Vigor, that way everyone's happy.

    I'd also like to say, it'd be nice to have some warning from ZoS ahead of PTS cycles for changes like this so people can start sending feedback in ahead of time. They don't look at the feedback on the forums, they've even said as much and based on things they've recently broke and nothing was done despite major backlash on the forum, I'd say it unfortunately tracks.

    Regardless, I'm sorry for the folks that no longer have access to it. Hope it's resolved somehow!

    All the changes that go through the PTS are announced well ahead of time and they do have feedback threads for them. This one in particular included this change and there was feedback given that I've seen repeated throughout all these threads, ad nauseam...

    This is certainly not the first time they've pushed unpopular changes through. The Bosmer stealth gutting was a big one except that time, they completely deleted something that many players built their characters around. It was messed up. At least this time around you can still unlock the skill, it's still in the game, it's just more of a grind, which is what MMO's are all about, correct?

    I'm having a hard time understanding what the big deal is with just going and grinding out some more AP to unlock it. I've had to do a load of stuff in this game I didn't particularly enjoy in order to advance my characters' development. It's part of the game. I find it completely ridiculous to expect the devs to go back on their decision in order to cater to this "cause I don't wanna PvP!" crowd.

    I'm not one bit sorry because nobody's actually lost access to anything. Again, it's still there just with a slightly different requirement.

    You're entitled to your opinion on that, however PTS cycles don't often always reach people, nor is feedback listened to ON this forum. Not even in the case of the PTS unless it's something that's obviously very broken or gamebreaking. The thread you linked is high evidence of that.

    Also, you mistake my apologies for their loss of the skill. It's not, it's the fact that there are folks that aren't enjoying the game for a variety of reasons, which I can empathize with. I don't care if you're sorry or not.
    Edited by Sephyr on September 4, 2020 7:30PM
  • zaria
    Merforum wrote: »
    So lucky I was able to level up my last toon just before they changed rapids, because I like to do psygic, run pick up shyshards and lorebooks. Now this toon is so slow just running to do writs is a slog. Please change it back.

    Luckily I got all my other 12 toons to level 5 assault. But it was only because I could run super fast on horse and zerg castles with all of them during MYM. But this last one is so slow it will be a nightmare. Might force me to do BG which would suck because I have arthritis and can't smash buttons like PVPers.
    Yes my latest is an second necro made around Skyrim release, happy I leveled her during double AP event.
    Got to 7 assault because having fun.
    Has all alts at assualt 5 or higher, farmed lots of geodes on alts, also mostly play Khajiit who I wanted vigor on even is magic builds as I might change them to stamina.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • markulrich1966
    subscription cancelled.

    This and the loss of crystal blast were the final nail in the coffin.

    If you just swear out of frustration the whole time playing, it is better to make a cut.
  • Sgrug
    subscription cancelled.

    This and the loss of crystal blast were the final nail in the coffin.

    If you just swear out of frustration the whole time playing, it is better to make a cut.

    I have edited my subscription 3 times so far, have not yet pushed the button to finalize the cancel yet... Normally I would have already bought the new mount but I did not this time, specifically because I refuse to put anymore money into this game, specifically because of the poor way Rapids is being handled.
  • Ackwalan
    Yesterday, a situation came about that perfectly illustrated the reason why I dislike PVP at times.

    So, my plan on doing the IC event is to go to the Memorial district, do the daily there, run back through the sewers, turn in, and leave.

    It wasn't hard to do the quest itself. I had Ring of the Wild Hunt and Stage 4 vampirism. I run for three seconds and turn invisible. The quest is simple: knock down two Xivkyns and boop four skeletons.

    But upon running back, right outside of the doorway to the Ebonheart Pact base, I encountered an obstacle. A full raid of DC players poaching anyone that was running through to bank their Tel Var stones. Not even the first time I saw something like that (encountered this during Midyear as well).

    I lost half of my Tel Var stones. You know how many that was? 14. So jokes on them.

    But that situation probably captures exactly why I dislike PVP so much. This is griefing, pure and simple. Do you really expect people who hate PVP to go through dealing with griefing just to get back a skill they rightfully had for six and a half years?

    I don't care how many pages this thread gets. As long as it stays on the first page, that is my goal, until Rapid Maneuver is restored to its prior state.

    You should give people that do that a break. They spend all year getting rick rolled by players and npc's alike, this is their one week to win a fight.
  • markulrich1966
    Sgrug wrote: »
    subscription cancelled.

    This and the loss of crystal blast were the final nail in the coffin.

    If you just swear out of frustration the whole time playing, it is better to make a cut.

    I have edited my subscription 3 times so far, have not yet pushed the button to finalize the cancel yet... Normally I would have already bought the new mount but I did not this time, specifically because I refuse to put anymore money into this game, specifically because of the poor way Rapids is being handled.

    I hesitated, too. Tried to "adapt". But things stack up. EU (xbox) is not well populated, and you find almost none of the new solitude blueprints in guildstores. Very different to NA, where they drop to 50k already as there are so many.
    Now they chase away even more players with such unneccesary decisions, making the overal situaton (deserted server) even worse.

    So you ride thinking about the blueprint misery, press the rapid button to speed up as you are used to it, ... oh well, nada... frustration explodes, switching to xbox store, done...

    If they just would react to all the protest they got, but the silence is even more frustrating.
    Edited by markulrich1966 on September 4, 2020 9:45PM
  • Hurbster
    They will do what they always do, keep it quiet until it dies down. Or make an off-hand comment in a live-stream or something and laugh it off.
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
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