Maintenance for the week of July 1:
• NA megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
• EU megaservers for maintenance – July 1, 8:00 UTC (4:00AM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)
• ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – July 1, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)

Please give us back Rapid Maneuver!

  • esotoon
    Okay I see the problem are you grinding up your levels?

    That depends. I'm a bit of an altaholic. Sometimes I just grind, sometimes I do what you do. And I have a couple toons that like to walk everywhere and smell the roses and will probably take years to fully level. ;)

    I do however like to level all skill lines on all my characters, rather than only level the skill lines I will need for a specific build. (Just in case I want to change things up, or ZOS decides to mess with skill lines.) So perhaps that's another reason I have no problem with levelling using 2 dual wield skills in the early stages, because I'm going to be levelling all the Stam Weapon lines on that character anyways?
    Leveling a tank as DPS is not needed Ancient Dragonguard, Ashen Grip and a two piece stamina recover will have you tank level as a Tank with tank skill lines.

    That's fair enough. I must admit the advice of levelling a tank as a DPS comes from the early days of the game, so perhaps with sets like Dragonguards it's no longer true.
    When you level skills trees that you're not going to sure at max level you end up having to level the skill trees you need which adds in more time I long deleted my Excel with the point by breakdown but it was like 15 hours saved. Things I took into account was wayshine unlocks, time to get the skills and passives needed for the build and time it took to get all the skill points needed.

    On paper, that's probably correct if you are only levelling a few set skill lines. However does that spreadsheet take into account though, that if a player on say a Stam DK or Stam NB is struggling to survive at low levels due to the lack of a stamina heal at that point, and is dying all the time, they are going to take much, much longer to level? So would they still be faster than doing it that way than if they had used a restro staff, which would have given the heals and resources to get through the earlier levels easily, then switch to a stam set up around the 20-30 level mark when they do have enough skills opened up to no longer need the restro heals, even if it does mean they then have to take a bit extra time to make up for that 'lost xp'?
    All classes SHOULD have a stamina heal but they don't. So I see point in taking from the viewpoint of how it should be.

    That's for sure. :) That's one of the main issues I have with this. They are saying it was done so stamina players have a heal from the start. But it is at most a band-aid, it's not a solution. It allows them to tick the box on the to-do list that says "Give stamina users a heal", whilst leaving stamina users still without a decent stamina burst heal in the early levels. Stamina users shouldn't be celebrating this as a win, they should be up in arms that they have been fobbed off with something that is, at best, a make-do solution to shut people up.

    Now lets go back to your spreadsheet. How does Rapids figure in? i.e. How much time will you save by having Vigor from level 10 compared to having rapids from level 10 to get you 30% faster to quests, wayshrines, skyshards, etc? For a player that isn't completely new to the game, it's hard for me to think of a situation where that extra heal from Vigor at low levels would allow you to complete quests and delves in such a quicker time that it would get close to making up for the the slower travel times from the loss of Rapids.

    And even, for arguments sake, lets say having Vigor does make up for the time lost from not having Rapids, lets look at the bigger picture. You now want to level a magicka character to go alongside you stamina character. What benefit does that Magicka character get from having Vigor at Level 10? And how much time is it losing by not having Rapids? When combined has your levelling time for both gone up or down?

    And that's my second issue with this. Whilst Vigor might be beneficial to a couple stamina classes at low level, it is to the detriment of every other class. A band aid fix, that screws over the majority of players is not "a good thing <tm>". Especially when, even if ZOS do not want to spend the time and effort to change the class skill lines like they said they would and give actual, proper stam heals, there was a simple solution that would give Stam players Vigor, whilst not screwing over anyone. And that was switching Vigor (or Rapids) to the first slot in the other assault line, so that new and old players alike could get the benefits of both Vigor AND Rapids, with NO downsides to anyone.
    Edited by esotoon on August 29, 2020 11:25PM
  • renne
    erio wrote: »

    Boo hoo. Pvp players have to grind pve skill lines and dungeons for days, you can manage an hour in cyro

    How is this any different for what vigor used to be then?

    Boo hoo. You want vigor you can manage an hour in cyro
  • JoeCapricorn
    I really like the suggestion of Rapids being moved to Support as the first skill there and Siege being the 2nd skill of Assault.

    It would make Siege Shield require Assault 5, but that wouldn't be a problem because it is a PVP skill and everyone who uses it would have PVPed enough to get it anyway.

    Therefore it has the least amount of impact.

    I can't be the only one dreading Tuesday. There may be an influx of console players who are also about to get blindsided by this change.
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • DipItInCider
    Hi I am new to the forum. I signed up mainly because I wanted to voice my opinion about rapid maneuver. Since they changed it to rank 5 I only have one character on n/a and e/u that have it. Before I had it on all my characters and I feel I earned it. To take away something you earned is not fair no matter what anyone says or does. I haven't been playing as much since the update. I don't like poking around I need speed. What was wrong with the way it was anyhow? Please return rapid maneuver anyway it fits best rank 1 or 2 in support would work great I believe. Keep the faith people!!!!
  • SteveCampsOut
    Will you people never learn? ZOS doesn't respond to forum thread concerns of their users unless it's to berate us for misbehaving in the thread! You'll never see a thread with an actual answer from them as to why they did the stupid thing they did.
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
    Sanguine & Psijic Group Beta Tester.
    Steve's Craftiness Find out what I can make for you at my Google Doc Spreadsheet.
    Pacrooti's Hirelings Website:

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    Sheenara Soulstrong CH782 Dragonknight DC
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    Growling Kahjiti CH782 Nightblade EP
    One of Many Faces CH782 Sorcerer DC
    Grumpasaurus Rex CH782 Warden DC
    EU Server:
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    ESO Plus status: Canceled!
  • JoeCapricorn
    They have addressed controversial changes in the past and I feel that it is only a matter of time before they post in one of these threads something to the effect of, "Look, we're sorry, we made a mistake, next patch we will do X"
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
  • OmniDo
    Will you people never learn? ZOS doesn't respond to forum thread concerns of their users unless it's to berate us for misbehaving in the thread! You'll never see a thread with an actual answer from them as to why they did the stupid thing they did.
    Also, the best way to vote is with your wallet, and hope that the whales don't supply Zeni with the majority of their income. :trollface:
  • harvey07
    not sure how people keep typing: only takes one hour of pvp. this is bs. it took me over 3 hours....of constant combat as a healer. JUST for my main. not sure how i am going to do this on my other 11 toons. pvp is not something i care to do. i don't do trials and rarely even dungeons.....i just do what i find interesting. i almost never ever to battlegrounds - maybe five since launch. i just explore and do quests.....takes me longer because i like to read everything and then google even more info if i am not completely satisfied with how it fits into my past quests / lore.

    to be honest....i am not sure why stamina needed a heal. can't they just use a healing staff to get a heal? i do on the characters that want a heal spell. guess they are players that follow some guide? not sure.

    feels almost like wow with how they just had to have everyone be able to have heals, slows and etc.

    i just do not like having to invest time in pvp to get something i feel is rather essential since mounts are so slow.

    maybe make pvp talents only work in pvp and pve only in pve. that would be ok with me...and seems logical. i could live with that...but making me have to pvp to get an action i already kinda stupid.

  • pkostadinov
    This change just steals some of my game time and gives nothing in return.

    And I even like to PvP from time to time (Cyrodiil, not BGs), but there is a difference to play with a character you like and developed for this and to "role-play a snail around", with low level alts, most of which skill points are in crafting skills.

    This is not fun and if it isn't - it will be a silly thing to pay money for a Plus subscription anyway.
  • nukk3r
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.
  • Apox
    dunno who green lighted this change. actually not a good change.

    at this point just reduce the requirement of rapids to assault 3 and call it a day. you still get it quick enough. my baby sorc tank is almost assault 3 just from doing the cyrodiil intro and looting his 4500 free alliance points from login rewards this month. so probably 1 bg after cyrodiil intro and you'll get it, regardless of winning/losing

    ..and ideally, swap the place of vigor and rapids..again. so rapids is unlocked with 0 pvp required since its more useful in way more places
    Edited by Apox on August 30, 2020 3:14PM
  • Linaleah
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Elsonso
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)

    This is a well known "pacifist" tactic, although I dispute how much AP they got in 30 minutes.

    There is always damage to repair. The "Rapids to the Next Keep" folk don't stick around to fix things to 100. It is basically trading gold and AP for PVP levels.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • SilverBride
    harvey07 wrote: »
    to be honest....i am not sure why stamina needed a heal. can't they just use a healing staff to get a heal? i do on the characters that want a heal spell.

    To be honest, I am not sure why new characters (or any for that matter) need to rush around super fast all the time. Can't they just train their mount speed every day and use sprint? I do on all my characters.
  • nukk3r
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)

    Sure, I'll record a video next time.

    1. The keeps are always like this. Especially home keeps because after the defense people rush to front line keeps.
    2. No one bothers with repairing walls because they auto-repair if the keep has been held for some time and has a mine under control. Usually people patch the visible holes and move on.
    3. I used 200 repair kits to repair 2 keeps. And then some more in a third keep. Wall strength varied from 58 to 75% but EVERY wall was damaged. Wall repair kits cost either 90g or 200ap per item. You'll probably have to invest gold into the first stack but after that it's pretty much self sustained.

    Edit: typos.
    Edited by nukk3r on August 30, 2020 3:51PM
  • DarcyMardin
    Not all of us who are angry about this change hate PvP. I would probably do more of it if I didn’t suck at it, not having fast reflexes. Even so, I’ve literally got dozens of alts (3 accounts) and most of them already have Level 5 or higher in the assault line.

    I love the beauty of Cyrodiil and don’t mind riding around the landscape. I’ve done every delve and gotten all the skyshards. I’ve done every town quest on the map and either taken or defended every keep. But no matter the level, I’ve always done it with rapids to get around that vast territory (not to mention using it everywhere in the rest of Tamriel).

    Now I’m playing my new low level characters third account, just created this month. All of them *had* rapids — first thing they did at lvl 10 was go to Cyrodiil. Now none of them do. The entire leveling process, which I obviously don’t mind, since I’ve done it to 50 already on about 30 characters, has now become such a slow, painful slog that I’m not adding a third subscription for the new account and seriously thinking of cancelling the other two.

    Vigor? Not using it. Don’t need it—got resto staff and all those free pots we get for signing in every day. Low level characters have been crippled all for a skill we don’t need until later in the game.
  • Linaleah
    Elsonso wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)

    This is a well known "pacifist" tactic, although I dispute how much AP they got in 30 minutes.

    There is always damage to repair. The "Rapids to the Next Keep" folk don't stick around to fix things to 100. It is basically trading gold and AP for PVP levels.

    I'm not disputing that you can get AP that way. I'm disputing they did it in 30 minutes.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)

    Sure, I'll record a video next time.

    1. The keeps are always like this. Especially home keeps because after the defense people rush to front line keeps.
    2. No one bothers with repairing walls because they auto-repair if the keep has been held for some time and has a mine under control. Usually people patch the visible holes and move on.
    3. I used 200 repair kits to repair 2 keeps. And then some more in a third keep. Wall strength varied from 58 to 75% but EVERY wall was damaged. Wall repair kits cost either 90g or 200ap per item. You'll probably have to invest gold into the first stack but after that it's pretty much self sustained.

    Edit: typos.

    please do record it. no editing, just raw footage. because that seems way WAY too fast. how can you even know which keeps just got defended, so they haven't auto repair yet? was that in low level campaign? lvl 50 campaign? the locked or unlocked one?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • pkostadinov
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Sure, I'll record a video next time.

    1. The keeps are always like this. Especially home keeps because after the defense people rush to front line keeps.
    2. No one bothers with repairing walls because they auto-repair if the keep has been held for some time and has a mine under control. Usually people patch the visible holes and move on.
    3. I used 200 repair kits to repair 2 keeps. And then some more in a third keep. Wall strength varied from 58 to 75% but EVERY wall was damaged. Wall repair kits cost either 90g or 200ap per item. You'll probably have to invest gold into the first stack but after that it's pretty much self sustained.

    Edit: typos.

    Please do, since my experience was very different.

    I just leveled my fresh 50 lvl, 83 SP, max CP alt with fully upgraded mount.
    It took me 2:10 hours to get from Assault 3 (7500/30000) to Assault 5 (3750/90000).

    During that time I captured 4 keeps, 2 outposts, 1 scroll and several resources, defended 1 keep, 2 outposts and did 2-3 pvp quests.
    Tried porting to a keep after battle twice - they were fully repaired every time, so zero AP that way.
    All keeps which I captured/defended were repaired for about a minute, so I managed to spend about 20 kits total.
    But even then, average AP per repair were 59, so even if I could spend 200, that would net me less than 12k SP - nowhere near to the 90k I needed.
    Also, that 30k defense tick seems very ... extraordinary - my biggest was ~14k, after capturing a keep. More often they were around 10k and below.

    That happened on Grey Host PC-EU, the biggest alliance locked campaign, Sunday evening on full server.

    The experience was miserable, had no skill points left for all needed skills, had no experience how to play the class and I died every time a half-competent player looked in my direction. I was mainly healing and tried to not die too often.

    That is how easy is to get rank 5 on a crafting alt at max level.
    If my mount wasn't 60/60/60, I would not try this at all.
  • WARchief10K
    No one seems to care, life isn't forever, getting to the point where I might delete my chars, so my account is clear and I can re-roll new one day!

    That's what you want right @ZOS_GinaBruno? cause no one seems to be saying/doing anything differently.
    Edited by WARchief10K on August 30, 2020 6:47PM
    Cyrodiil crafting recipe: Cyrodiil 2014 + some siege + a hammer = Cyrodiil 2020
  • Nomadic_Atmoran
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)

    Sure, I'll record a video next time.

    1. The keeps are always like this. Especially home keeps because after the defense people rush to front line keeps.
    2. No one bothers with repairing walls because they auto-repair if the keep has been held for some time and has a mine under control. Usually people patch the visible holes and move on.
    3. I used 200 repair kits to repair 2 keeps. And then some more in a third keep. Wall strength varied from 58 to 75% but EVERY wall was damaged. Wall repair kits cost either 90g or 200ap per item. You'll probably have to invest gold into the first stack but after that it's pretty much self sustained.

    Edit: typos.

    please do record it. no editing, just raw footage. because that seems way WAY too fast. how can you even know which keeps just got defended, so they haven't auto repair yet? was that in low level campaign? lvl 50 campaign? the locked or unlocked one?

    Keep walls are constantly at 75%. Once players see the visual animation of walls appear they almost always stop repairing and move on. Its been a while since I did a Emp push for someone but jumping Keep to Keep and doing Keep Wall repairs was a method used to keep AP flow going during lulls in fighting so to keep them at the top of the list for AP gain.
    Edited by Nomadic_Atmoran on August 30, 2020 6:39PM
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry - Laerinel Rhaev - Enrerion - Caius Berilius - Seylina Ithvala - Signa Squallrider - H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Yynril Rothvani - Tenarei Rhaev - Bathes-In-Coin - Dazsh Ro Khar - Aredyhel - Reads-To-Frogs - Azjani Ma'Les
    Kheshna gra-Gharbuk - Gallisten Bondurant - Aban Shahid Bakr - Etain Maquier - Atsu Kalame - Faulpia Severinus
  • WARchief10K
    This is a very basic ability I require for a new character just to move around especially when mount speed is so low!

    Many players, myself included, have never used this skill, yet somehow we manage to play and level quite fine. It is by no means necessary for game play. This is your own personal requirement that you imposed on yourself.

    New characters start with slow riding, and very few skills unlocked, and poor gear. That is the nature of a new character. You aren't meant to start off fully decked out and ready to go. This is called leveling.

    I want to add, this is the description of the base skill: "Mobilize your forces, granting Major Expedition to you and your group, increasing your Movement Speed by 30% for 8 seconds. You and your group also gain Major Gallop, increasing your Mounted Speed by 30% for 30 seconds."

    I don't see "for a new character just to move around" as an intended purpose. Any changes made to this skill are only relevant for its stated purpose, not what you decided to use it for.

    It doesn't even take long to get your mount up to a respectable spee
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    nukk3r wrote: »
    So I just checked a thing. I went to some keeps that were recently defended and just repaired the walls. It got me 30k AP in about 30 min. I didn't fight anyone and didn't have to ride anywhere, just chilled in empty keeps and pressed one button.

    video or it didn't happen.


    1. there were apparently enough recently defended keeps for you to travel to which is.. huh, interesting coincidence.
    2. none of those keeps were repaired by people who defended them apparently - another interesting coincidence.
    3. you apparently had a ton of repair kits on hand (or bough them and how much did THAT cost, I want the exact number of kits you used)

    Sure, I'll record a video next time.

    1. The keeps are always like this. Especially home keeps because after the defense people rush to front line keeps.
    2. No one bothers with repairing walls because they auto-repair if the keep has been held for some time and has a mine under control. Usually people patch the visible holes and move on.
    3. I used 200 repair kits to repair 2 keeps. And then some more in a third keep. Wall strength varied from 58 to 75% but EVERY wall was damaged. Wall repair kits cost either 90g or 200ap per item. You'll probably have to invest gold into the first stack but after that it's pretty much self sustained.

    Edit: typos.

    please do record it. no editing, just raw footage. because that seems way WAY too fast. how can you even know which keeps just got defended, so they haven't auto repair yet? was that in low level campaign? lvl 50 campaign? the locked or unlocked one?

    Keep walls are constantly at 75%. Once players see the visual animation of walls appear they almost always stop repairing and move on. Its been a while since I did a Emp push for someone but jumping Keep to Keep and doing Keep Wall repairs was a method used to keep AP flow going during lulls in fighting so to keep them at the top of the list for AP gain.

    Nearly everything you've said here is wrong.
    Cyrodiil crafting recipe: Cyrodiil 2014 + some siege + a hammer = Cyrodiil 2020
  • Noisivid
    harvey07 wrote: »
    to be honest....i am not sure why stamina needed a heal. can't they just use a healing staff to get a heal? i do on the characters that want a heal spell.

    To be honest, I am not sure why new characters (or any for that matter) need to rush around super fast all the time. Can't they just train their mount speed every day and use sprint? I do on all my characters.

    after three weeks the mount is still really slow, speed 21, stamina 0, painfully slow. not really usable in cyro IMO
    I had trouble keeping up with groups last night in Cyro with a speed 60, stam 46 mount before I finally hit rank5 and got rapids.

    if I make any new characters i'm just going to park them at the stables and run a random BG and a random dungeon on them (i'll slot and use a taunt, axe and shield and call it a tank or grab a resto staff)

    Vogon Poet Laureate
  • SilverBride
    Noisivid wrote: »
    harvey07 wrote: »
    to be honest....i am not sure why stamina needed a heal. can't they just use a healing staff to get a heal? i do on the characters that want a heal spell.

    To be honest, I am not sure why new characters (or any for that matter) need to rush around super fast all the time. Can't they just train their mount speed every day and use sprint? I do on all my characters.

    after three weeks the mount is still really slow, speed 21, stamina 0, painfully slow.

    I understand that. It is ridiculous that it takes 6 months to fully update your mount. But that is a separate issue that needs to be addressed.

    As far as everyone complaining that their new characters mounts are can't expect a new character to start off with a full set of skills, gear sets, and a maxed out mount. You have to put in some work to level and develop them. Even their mount speeds.

  • Taleof2Cities
    Hi I am new to the forum. I signed up mainly because I wanted to voice my opinion about rapid maneuver. Since they changed it to rank 5 I only have one character on n/a and e/u that have it. Before I had it on all my characters and I feel I earned it.

    Except players didn't do any PvP to earn it.

    You only needed to do a short 30-second Intro to Cyrodiil quest to unlock Rapids in the pre-Stonethorn days. Actually, players didn't even need to do that ... they could also just log in and collect any AP daily reward on their new character.

    Players still retain their progress in the skill line (that's not lost). Now, they just have to actually PvP to earn the unlock at Assault Level 5.

    Edited by Taleof2Cities on August 30, 2020 7:53PM
  • Jaraal
    Apox wrote: »
    dunno who green lighted this change. actually not a good change.

    at this point just reduce the requirement of rapids to assault 3 and call it a day. you still get it quick enough. my baby sorc tank is almost assault 3 just from doing the cyrodiil intro and looting his 4500 free alliance points from login rewards this month. so probably 1 bg after cyrodiil intro and you'll get it, regardless of winning/losing

    ..and ideally, swap the place of vigor and rapids..again. so rapids is unlocked with 0 pvp required since its more useful in way more places

    It's been mentioned multiple times in this thread and others, I don't know why people choose to ignore the facts.

    They took away Rapids and gated it behind active PvP because they want people to pay for Crown Store riding lessons, AvA skill lines for your alts so you only have to grind it once, the upcoming two player Crown Store mounts that will allow those with Rapids and fully trained mounts to haul slow people around...... and the primary reason: to slow players down to reduce the number of location calculations that are stressing the already over-taxed and failing servers.

    All the logic in the world is not going to make them suddenly close their wallets back up or yank the band-aids off the seemingly crippled "performance update" experiment. They had plenty of opportunity to revert the changes in light of the overwhelming protests that flooded the foums the day these changes hit the Public Test Server. But they went ahead with their vision as planned, so get used to it.

    Their silence on the matter is not coincidental.

    Edited by Jaraal on August 30, 2020 8:40PM
    RIP Bosmer Nation. 4/4/14 - 2/25/19.
  • Hurbster
    Hi I am new to the forum. I signed up mainly because I wanted to voice my opinion about rapid maneuver. Since they changed it to rank 5 I only have one character on n/a and e/u that have it. Before I had it on all my characters and I feel I earned it.

    Except players didn't do any PvP to earn it.

    You only needed to do a short 30-second Intro to Cyrodiil quest to unlock Rapids in the pre-Stonethorn days. Actually, players didn't even need to do that ... they could also just log in and collect any AP daily reward on their new character.

    Players still retain their progress in the skill line (that's not lost). Now, they just have to actually PvP to earn the unlock at Assault Level 5.

    What a surprise...
    So they raised the floor and lowered the ceiling. Except the ceiling has spikes in it now and the floor is also lava.
  • wishlist14
    Jierdanit wrote: »
    PvPers had to PvE to get their best gear for ages, i think the pve players can take that they now have to do pvp for more than 10 min because they want to have a skill that is purely a QoL improvement and does not change anything about how well they do in pve content.

    The thing is, in pve you get lfg so you just queue to do a dungeon or trial if you go to craglorn you can pug easily but with pvp not many pvpers want pvers in their groups talking cyrodill. Even grinding fighters guild rep is easy to do just type x in zone chat in Alkir desert and insta group invite. Also, other players dont gank you while doing pve so you dont really have a fair argument at all. Im not trying to be argumentative just stating facts.
  • WeerW3ir
    Accept it or leave. Its not THAT hard to reach skill rank 5.
  • JoeCapricorn
    Hey, I don't know if anyone here has noticed, but we finally have a comment from a higher up in regards to the issue.
    Ich werde Matt & Rich am Samstag nach dieser Änderung befragen. Einen offzielleren Kommentar als die mögliche Antwort dort gibt es nicht.

    Meine persönliche Meinung hatte ich Dienstag im Stream genannt: Ich verstehe die Änderung ebenso wie den Unmut darüber.
    Rapid maneuvers war als reiner PvP-Skill als Ausgleich für die Dimensionen und weiten Laufwege in Cyrodiil gedacht.
    Wir nötigen PvP-Spieler ins PvE ohne dass es da große Beschwerden gibt. Warum also nicht auch ins PvP, wenn man einen PvP-Skill haben möchte? Zudem kommt man mit dem PvP-Tutorial alleine schnell auf Stufe 3 und kann mit Eroberungsquests oder BGs den Rest schnell nachholen. Gerade U50-Charaktere sollten ab 30 mal in die passende Kampagne; dort geht es nach meinen Erfahrungen recht entspannt zu.
    Ich komme zudem aus einer MMO-Generation, als man noch nicht alles nachgeworfen bekam und ein Wipe an einem Abend durchaus den kompletten Fortschritt des Abends löschen konnte.

    Aber natürlich ist es immer unglücklich, Spielern etwas zu nehmen, an das sie sich gewöhnt haben, und wir verfolgen das Feedback hier genau.

    Translation according to Google:
    I'll ask Matt & Rich about this change on Saturday. There is no more official comment than the possible answer there.

    I gave my personal opinion on Tuesday in the stream: I understand the change as well as the displeasure about it.
    Rapid maneuvers was intended as a pure PvP skill to compensate for the dimensions and long walking distances in Cyrodiil.
    We force PvP players into PvE without any major complaints. So why not go into PvP if you want to have a PvP skill? In addition, you can quickly get to level 3 with the PvP tutorial alone and can quickly catch up with the rest with conquest quests or BGs. U50 characters in particular should participate in the appropriate campaign from 30 times; In my experience, things are quite relaxed there.
    I also come from a MMO generation when you didn't get everything thrown back and a wipe in one evening could easily erase the entire progress of the evening.

    But of course it's always unfortunate to take something away from players that they have gotten used to, and we are closely following the feedback here.

    In the same thread there also is a mention of a stream with Matt and Rich with questions from Kai Schober, at 2 hours 31 minutes Kai asks about Rapid Maneuver.

    Rich explains that they wanted to make Vigor more accessible to PvE players. The team also knew it would be controversial.

    But they do see the feedback on the forums. I am hopeful that they come up with a better alternative (maybe switching Siege Shield with Rapids).
    I simp for vampire lords and Glemyos Wildhorn
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