Settings Options for under 18.. Let the kids play!

  • Lolinda

  • Anhedonie
    There are no kids in the elder scrolls. It's not lore friendly.
    Profanity filter is a crime against the freedom of speech. Also gags.
  • peacenote
    Wow. It seems like we have found a topic on which almost the entire community agrees. :D
    My #1 wish for ESO Today: Decouple achievements from character progress and tracking.
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  • CyberSkooma
    I'm very confused about what you're actually suggesting after reading your comments. You suggested offering options to soften the game up to play with your family but then you also have commented many times saying that the content doesn't bother you anyway. Which is it? The age rated on the box is a mere suggestion. Why are you strung onto it so hard?
    Edited by CyberSkooma on May 2, 2020 11:31PM
    I play this game a little bit I guess
  • robertthebard
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    If you think the maturity level of zone chat is bad now, just add kids to the mix! No thank you!

    The very first sentence says "you would not be able to see nor type in zone chat. "

    Which means that they're not going to be able to participate in a lot of content that requires being able to read/request help in zone chat. That's not a very well thought through plan, is it.

    So essentially, you want to turn it into a watered down SP game for kids, for the sake of kids, and that's not what this game is.
  • eklhaftb16_ESO
    If kids want to play ESO, they are already playing. Hardly anybody cares about age ratings these days.

    To be fair, I've been playing Elder Scrolls games since Arena, and I'm yet to encounter anything I'd consider inappropriate for a 13+; and it is twice as true for ESO, because ESO has been heavily neutered to make it palatable for oversensitive safe-space-dwellers.
    Despite the ratings, we are not really playing a "M" game. There may be a gruesome scene here and there, a tiny bit of body horror, a pinch of spicy humor and a small dose of existential dread sprinkled on top, but it's nothing that would make a healthy teenager hide under their bed. Back in the 80s, most of it would safely fit within the margins of PG-13.

    So, if you want to play with your kids, all you have to do is buy them their copy of the game and let them play. Just turn off the general chat in their client and stop worrying. Kids are harder than you think. Back in the 80s, we grew up watching much scarier stuff than anything ESO has to offer.
  • Muzza45
    The entire point of this game is to almost mindlessly kill lots and lots of humanoids and other monsters.... lots of times. This death is by the use of many sharp & pointy things. Let's invite our kids to participate in this joyous slaughter!! I think not. There is an adult warning due to the fact it really is unsuitable for children.

    So, on the flip side, folks get banned or forced to change names because someone gets offended? Some are justified, but others are just plain funny - get over it you snowflakes - we're adults. Remember the rating? Folks are getting bans for funny names, whilst persons who go in and out of crouch multiple times on a dead body escape scot-free? Isn't that simulation of a sexual assault? Zos need to decide if it is indeed an adult or kid's game - not some flaky hybrid.

    In case you're wondering? No I haven't had a ban - but probably should - lol
  • DTStormfox
    The game when I was 12 launching an 18+ rated game: "Are you 18 years or older?"
    Me when I was 12: *clicks "Yes"*
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  • Icy_Waffles
    No absolutely not. I can’t imagine getting into a dungeon and having a kid as a teammate who cannot type speak or hear me. Even if the kid was capable of playing you have to be able to communicate.
  • JKorr
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    Oh dear.

    You do realize the original game opens with your character kidnapped, possibly drugged, chained by the neck to other prisoners, pinned on a sacrificial altar, a large dagger slammed through your heart, and your soul stolen by a "demon" worshiping necromancer.

    Exactly what part of that would be considered "child friendly"?

    Also consider that many if not all quests in the game will involve something that would be objectionable; killing, magic, "demon" summoning, slavery, stealing, cannibalism, vampires, werewolves.....

  • Sylvermynx
    Well, I'm not interested in having kids playing a game I play to get away from RL. However, I do have to point out that much earlier in my life (LONG before RPGs, MMORPGs etc) what I did for fun was go to the library as a 4th grader, and take out books like the original Brothers' Grimm (not real "child-friendly" by today's standards) and the original 1001 Nights (ditto). Did my parents know? Nope. Did the librarian censor what I chose to read? Nope.

    And yes - at about 8 (I was always the youngest kid in my grade from kindergarten through senior in high school), I did understand what those books were about.

    I doubt that children today are any different (well, outside of the majority "culture" in this state - and probably not many of those kids either though their parents may not be aware).

    If OP wants to play ESO with family including kids, he should go for it without wanting ZOS to micro-manage the game to make it specifically attractive to children by rating.
  • SpiderCultist
    no, in fact this game should be more gore and darker
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  • JamuThatsWho
    You can write as many huge walls of text as you want, but it still won't make what you're asking for any more feasible.

    The age rating is what it is. And it's only a suggestion anyway; the police aren't going to break down your door for letting Little Timmy play.
    @JamuThatsWho - PC EU - CP2000

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  • ZOS_FalcoYamaoka
    We had to remove some posts due to violating our rules involving baiting and bashing. Please keep your posts constructive and civil. If you have any questions about the actions being taken, please take a moment to review our community rules here.
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  • Rye_puff
    It won’t work with Elder Scrolls because the game, the lore, is not designed for kids...
    I feel like a lot of quests would have to be redone. MMO is also a weird genre to get into for kids as it revolves around mostly communities of adults.
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