Settings Options for under 18.. Let the kids play!

  • Matchimus
    We already have enough immature people playing. Let's not add to that.
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    Katahdin wrote: »
    I dont think this game should be modified to be a "hello kitty, or my little pony game".
    Its not that and I hope it will never be that because at that point, I will lose interest and me and my money will leave.

    Honestly the "gore" in this game is barely more than a little bit of blood spatter.
    The sexual themes, while mature are not overly overt or explicative.
    Zone chat, well its zone chat and I cant see that being much different than what many kids are exposed to in groups of their peers these days.

    I prefer that it remains as is and that parents need to be parents and participate in thier children's activities.
    If a parent decides that their child is mature enough to handle ESO's content, then I am fine with that.

    Whatever the rating may be, it is a suggestion. I see no reason why a mature and responsible teen cant play ESO.
    It really the parent's responsibility to monitor and decide what thier childern are exposed to.

    RefLiberty wrote: »
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    Yes I have the idea.
    The ESo is having Mature rating and that is one of the reasons why we play it.

    Your younglings needs to play hello kitty online or whatever don't mess with our M rated game here.

    There so no bussines for minors in M rated content, you will need to find something else.

    Nah guys we're not talking about changing the game we're talking about changing it for other people. it's already that way you play a bosmer character the NPCs will respond to you as if you were bosmer. Technically as game design goes I'm pretty sure it would not be that hard to implement. sadly yeah I mean probably at least 60% of the people who play this game are neither mature nor act like adults so I don't see why the rating at that point. that's my point it's like most of it is not that big of a deal or mildly suggestive at best, and certainly no worse than countless other things that are supposedly tippy for kids 10 and over. Or even PG-13. There's no reason you're so isn't it least PG-13 while all these other games are that are far "worse" just makes no sense. obviously you can decide for yourself and your kids but technically you're not supposed to because they make you agree that you're over 18. I'm trying to make it so that people can decide for themselves and we're encouraging a whole new group of players. the more players the more fun and those I know aged under 18 are far more entertaining and mature then the most of the people in zone chat. Especially PVP. It's beyond toxic, perhaps some of the most pathetic people I have ever had the misfortune of having to listen to. Don't get me wrong there's awesome players and awesome folks playing this game and I'm just thinking if we encouraged extended families and friend groups during covid-19 to play together we might get a few more of the awesome vs toxic players and maybe say a few less of the toxic lifers from WOW. I mean it doesn't take away from anyone's gameplay to make it a little bit different for somebody else. You're simply toggling off some quest and only the outrageous gore. Which there really isn't that much of. I mean as real grown ups go defining adulthood is taking responsibility for yourself and your community and hopefully growing up to be less obnoxious than the average toddler...if you're attached to the so-called adult themes I'm going to have to assume you're probably actually under 18.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    max_only wrote: »
    The Elder Scrolls franchise is not for “children”.


    in game npc prostitution from the previous titles, in game drug abuse, in game murder for hire, in game human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc etc.

    You could always try to instill in the children a sense of personal values, the ability to determine fact from fiction, and coping mechanisms so they aren’t unduly disturbed. That’s how I was able to watch horror movies and play video games under 13. It’s not real. What is acceptable in Tamriel is unacceptable in today’s society etc. But I guess that requires some homework prior to the video game.
    Oh yeah are the outfits I was talking about earlier...

    Oh man it's the Elder, Elder.... Elder scrolls
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on April 28, 2020 7:49PM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • TequilaFire
    In the mean time all the younger players are sitting back and laughing at how naive their elders are.
  • Regrief
    Soul Shriven
    Just looking at the lore and the main quests, it's difficult to make this game truly for kids.

    Considering many quests where you have to choose to let someone live or kill someone for the benefit of 2 skill points, it might seem too immoral for kids to handle ... even I, an adult, had difficulty choosing some options.

    Besides, by today's modern standards, what you think were appropriate for kids have changed with time.
  • TineaCruris
    No thank you. Horrible idea.
  • Nestor
    max_only wrote: »
    The Elder Scrolls franchise is not for “children”.

    in game npc prostitution from the previous titles, in game drug abuse, in game murder for hire, in game human sacrifice, cannibalism, etc etc.

    That was back when we did not need to be protected from ourselves.

    Enjoy the game, life is what you really want to be worried about.

    PakKat "Everything was going well, until I died"
    Gary Gravestink "I am glad you died, I needed the help"

  • Mindcr0w
    If you want to play something family friendly find something family friendly. Trying to mitigate the "objectional" content of a game whose central antagonist is known as The King of *** so Jr. and Sally can play it sounds like an exercise in frustration for everyone.
  • worrallj
    The zone chat aspect (but don't forget /guild, /say, /tell, /group chat... Nothing keeps those venues pristine either) can be kinda dark, but to your second point the "whatever makes it over 18" I think you'll find it's not necessary. ESO has an over 18 rating, but IMHO it's very mild and doesn't need the mature rating.

    Of course it all depends on your perspective. For example it doesn't seem to trouble most folks that nearly every quest in the game involves killing dozens of people (If that's a problem then eso is not a good choice). For some mild sexual references push the envelope (goodbye, Darien Gautier).

    But given most people's sense of what constitutes mature content, I think ESO is extremely mild and wouldn't get a rating over pg-13 (again, progress in this game is almost synonymous with killing tremendous numbers of people, however little blood is shown. Otherwise I'd be tempted to call it pg).

    Edit- Fwiw: someone told me that the reason ESO has a 18+ rating is literally just the alcohol consumption- apparently some countries have very strict rules about depicting that. Afaik there's nothing else in ESO that requires the mature rating. To the chagrin of many long time tes fans...
    Edited by worrallj on April 28, 2020 8:40PM
  • preevious
    meh .. they already play the game.
    They just don't use their real date of birth when creating an account

  • Tandor
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them

    Not to mention all the groomers you'd get too. I take it you have read the previous topics over the years about ingame harassment, offers of cyber sex and virtual prostitution?

    There seems to be a periodic launch of posts bemoaning the lack of children NPCs in ESO, and now we have one wanting children players. Both leave a lot of unanswered questions.
  • Noxavian
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?


  • karthrag_inak
    This one has 3 children under 18. They don't see anything worse than they hear from this one when his tail gets crimped around the house. :smiley:
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Lysette
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them

    I'm against children in ESO - neither virtual ones nor real ones - this is not the kind of game which would benefit from having children around - just have a look at fortnite and you can see what would happen to a game where you allow these toxic kids.
  • karthrag_inak
    Lysette wrote: »
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them

    I'm against children in ESO - neither virtual ones nor real ones - this is not the kind of game which would benefit from having children around - just have a look at fortnite and you can see what would happen to a game where you allow these toxic kids.

    yeah, because all kids are toxic
    PC-NA : 19 Khajiit and 1 Fishy-cat with fluffy delusions
    GM of Imperial Gold Reserve trading guild (started in 2017) since 2/2022
  • Feindrah
    Nah guys we're not talking about changing the game we're talking about changing it for other people. it's already that way you play a bosmer character the NPCs will respond to you as if you were bosmer. Technically as game design goes I'm pretty sure it would not be that hard to implement. sadly yeah I mean probably at least 60% of the people who play this game are neither mature nor act like adults so I don't see why the rating at that point. that's my point it's like most of it is not that big of a deal or mildly suggestive at best, and certainly no worse than countless other things that are supposedly tippy for kids 10 and over. Or even PG-13. There's no reason you're so isn't it least PG-13 while all these other games are that are far "worse" just makes no sense. obviously you can decide for yourself and your kids but technically you're not supposed to because they make you agree that you're over 18. I'm trying to make it so that people can decide for themselves and we're encouraging a whole new group of players. the more players the more fun and those I know aged under 18 are far more entertaining and mature then the most of the people in zone chat. Especially PVP. It's beyond toxic, perhaps some of the most pathetic people I have ever had the misfortune of having to listen to. Don't get me wrong there's awesome players and awesome folks playing this game and I'm just thinking if we encouraged extended families and friend groups during covid-19 to play together we might get a few more of the awesome vs toxic players and maybe say a few less of the toxic lifers from WOW. I mean it doesn't take away from anyone's gameplay to make it a little bit different for somebody else. You're simply toggling off some quest and only the outrageous gore. Which there really isn't that much of. I mean as real grown ups go defining adulthood is taking responsibility for yourself and your community and hopefully growing up to be less obnoxious than the average toddler...if you're attached to the so-called adult themes I'm going to have to assume you're probably actually under 18.
    I'm having a real hard time understanding you lol. On one hand you say the game isn't that bad and just mildly suggestive, yet you still want these changes added?? It seems like your biggest issue is you want a kid to make the decision and not the parent? I'm pretty sure kids/teens already play even if they aren't 18, lets be real.

    The game is labeled 'Over 18' for a legal reason. That's it. You gotta remember we have real life gambling in this game too. The label isn't necessarily there because the themes are too mature for a younger person to understand. (someone listed cross gender marriage as an adult theme.. yeah ok buddy lol)

    Would it be cool if they could add in a feature where you could turn certain things off? Yeah. Is it feasible this far into the game's life? Not really. You act like it would be easy but I honestly feel like it would be a lot of work to go through and change all the NPC dialogue and code a way to take away quest, etc. Especially when that time could be put into fixing other things first. You're right in that the changes doesn't take away from anyone else and i'm normally for that kind of thing, but this really isn't high on this list when you could have a parent supervise instead.

    Also gotta tell you, the insinuation that most of the people playing this game aren't mature themselves isn't going to help people see your point btw. People absolutely can be toxic or down right jerks- but I don't see what that has to do with the topic at hand. If anything it makes the case to not have kids on since no one wants an adult to bully a kid.
    Edited by Feindrah on April 28, 2020 8:51PM
    Khajiit Magplar
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    worrallj wrote: »
    The zone chat aspect (but don't forget /guild, /say, /tell, /group chat... Nothing keeps those venues pristine either) can be kinda dark, but to your second point the "whatever makes it over 18" I think you'll find it's not necessary. ESO has an over 18 rating, but IMHO it's very mild and doesn't need the mature rating.

    Of course it all depends on your perspective. For example it doesn't seem to trouble most folks that nearly every quest in the game involves killing dozens of people (If that's a problem then eso is not a good choice). For some mild sexual references push the envelope (goodbye, Darien Gautier).

    But given most people's sense of what constitutes mature content, I think ESO is extremely mild and wouldn't get a rating over pg-13 (again, progress in this game is almost synonymous with killing tremendous numbers of people, however little blood is shown. Otherwise I'd be tempted to call it pg).

    Edit- Fwiw: someone told me that the reason ESO has a 18+ rating is literally just the alcohol consumption- apparently some countries have very strict rules about depicting that. Afaik there's nothing else in ESO that requires the mature rating. To the chagrin of many long time tes fans...

    I agree on all points it seems pretty tame to me it's funny cuz a few people keep commenting as if I am I suggesting changing the game how they experience it. I am not I just happened to think that the online version of Star Wars and and in my opinion the undisputed best fantasy online game should be a little bit more inclusive when I say kids and talking people over 10 all teenagers and tweens.. so I'm probably talking
    about a lot of people in this forum...🤔yeah and I have to always found it really strange that the rating is about things like sexual innuendo or swearing but they're killing people left and right like how is that okay? It's really about where each individual people's and parent /guardian values are.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Mik195
    I'm against it. Even if you removed Dark Brotherhood, you'd have some parent hysterical because their innocent child had to speak to a woman who, gasp, mentioned her wife during the Morrowind main quest. Easier to just keep it for adults and not deal with people demand that everything their children encounter matches their personal headcannon.
  • worrallj
    Lysette wrote: »
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them

    I'm against children in ESO - neither virtual ones nor real ones - this is not the kind of game which would benefit from having children around - just have a look at fortnite and you can see what would happen to a game where you allow these toxic kids.

    Not to mention 90% of MMOs out there are already cartoony as heck. Go play those games kids! If anything ESO should sharpen it's teeth and give us some mature gothic storytelling. Here's hoping greymoor delivers!
  • Mindcr0w

    I am not I just happened to think that the online version of Star Wars and and in my opinion the undisputed best fantasy online game should be a little bit more inclusive

    Then your premise is flawed from the start. TES has never been anywhere near kid friendly, and certainly is less kid friendly than Star Wars.

    Just because a thing is "popular" and "fantasy" doesn't mean it should be for kids.
  • StormeReigns
    If the parents allow (or does not allow) said minor to play the game, then it is under the parents responsibility to take appropriate actions and judgement. Simple as that, no need to waste rescourses.

  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    Mindcr0w wrote: »

    I am not I just happened to think that the online version of Star Wars and and in my opinion the undisputed best fantasy online game should be a little bit more inclusive

    Then your premise is flawed from the start. TES has never been anywhere near kid friendly, and certainly is less kid friendly than Star Wars.

    Just because a thing is "popular" and "fantasy" doesn't mean it should be for kids.

    I don't know this is the same Star Wars were talking about the one where the guy kills his dad the one where people walk through villages of lightsabers slaughtering people? Same Star Wars?
    Mik195 wrote: »
    I'm against it. Even if you removed Dark Brotherhood, you'd have some parent hysterical because their innocent child had to speak to a woman who, gasp, mentioned her wife during the Morrowind main quest. Easier to just keep it for adults and not deal with people demand that everything their children encounter matches their personal headcannon.

    I actually think kids over 10 should the exposed to those kinds of topics and I imagine a lot of other people do to. Gay marriage? That's life. Should be the same as being exposed to non gay marriage. that's the thing the morals in the stories in Elder scrolls online not the previous incarnations are actually amazingly good and often quite tame. it's pretty crazy to think that all the violence in other games that are rated 10 plus or PG-13 is okay.
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on April 28, 2020 9:10PM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    Feindrah wrote: »
    Nah guys we're not talking about changing the game we're talking about changing it for other people. it's already that way you play a bosmer character the NPCs will respond to you as if you were bosmer. Technically as game design goes I'm pretty sure it would not be that hard to implement. sadly yeah I mean probably at least 60% of the people who play this game are neither mature nor act like adults so I don't see why the rating at that point. that's my point it's like most of it is not that big of a deal or mildly suggestive at best, and certainly no worse than countless other things that are supposedly tippy for kids 10 and over. Or even PG-13. There's no reason you're so isn't it least PG-13 while all these other games are that are far "worse" just makes no sense. obviously you can decide for yourself and your kids but technically you're not supposed to because they make you agree that you're over 18. I'm trying to make it so that people can decide for themselves and we're encouraging a whole new group of players. the more players the more fun and those I know aged under 18 are far more entertaining and mature then the most of the people in zone chat. Especially PVP. It's beyond toxic, perhaps some of the most pathetic people I have ever had the misfortune of having to listen to. Don't get me wrong there's awesome players and awesome folks playing this game and I'm just thinking if we encouraged extended families and friend groups during covid-19 to play together we might get a few more of the awesome vs toxic players and maybe say a few less of the toxic lifers from WOW. I mean it doesn't take away from anyone's gameplay to make it a little bit different for somebody else. You're simply toggling off some quest and only the outrageous gore. Which there really isn't that much of. I mean as real grown ups go defining adulthood is taking responsibility for yourself and your community and hopefully growing up to be less obnoxious than the average toddler...if you're attached to the so-called adult themes I'm going to have to assume you're probably actually under 18.
    I'm having a real hard time understanding you lol. On one hand you say the game isn't that bad and just mildly suggestive, yet you still want these changes added?? It seems like your biggest issue is you want a kid to make the decision and not the parent? I'm pretty sure kids/teens already play even if they aren't 18, lets be real.

    The game is labeled 'Over 18' for a legal reason. That's it. You gotta remember we have real life gambling in this game too. The label isn't necessarily there because the themes are too mature for a younger person to understand. (someone listed cross gender marriage as an adult theme.. yeah ok buddy lol)

    Would it be cool if they could add in a feature where you could turn certain things off? Yeah. Is it feasible this far into the game's life? Not really. You act like it would be easy but I honestly feel like it would be a lot of work to go through and change all the NPC dialogue and code a way to take away quest, etc. Especially when that time could be put into fixing other things first. You're right in that the changes doesn't take away from anyone else and i'm normally for that kind of thing, but this really isn't high on this list when you could have a parent supervise instead.

    Also gotta tell you, the insinuation that most of the people playing this game aren't mature themselves isn't going to help people see your point btw. People absolutely can be toxic or down right jerks- but I don't see what that has to do with the topic at hand. If anything it makes the case to not have kids on since no one wants an adult to bully a kid.

    Well you'll never know if there's a lot of the people playing this game are actually kids or not. if I had a dime for every time somebody said "okay boys" or assumed most of the players were if not all of the players were male I would be rich. and I'm saying that because it's just wrong when I go into discord in most of my guild's at least almost half the players are female. That's the thing unless we really get to know somebody say in discord we have no idea who they are (which is why I was suggesting making the way they interact with zone chat different) but the point is anyone who's ever had The misfortune of readings on chat will at least be able to give you a percentage of 40 to 60% of the players being immature and obnoxious, it's just a fact it's unfortunate and I wish it wasn't that way and maybe there will be a quest: a quest where we can find a magic sphere and by activating that magic sphere they will all become interesting entertaining or at least cool people but something tells me that's not going to happen. I mean it's hard to dispute. Especially over here in America, we have an epidemic of people wanting to only be told only what they want to hear, but the facts are the facts and people should get used to hearing critique. Your right though, it's not a good way to reach people tand it's certainly concerning when it comes to you not wanting the kids to get bullied or whatever but again that's why I do think it would be best to have a choice for parents or people themselves to say "you know what, I'm not interested in zone chat" like I said earlier I personally turn it off.

    I don't know how a difficult or not difficult it would be to implement as I've never worked at a large MMO creation company but from what I know about programming, game design and a few other things related I was putting together a theory that this would not be the hardest thing to implement and it would change the user experience of us other players literally not at all.
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on April 28, 2020 9:20PM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • xaraan
    No. This is sold as a mature game and I feel that it's already watered down enough that kids could still play it. I'd hate to see an option to encourage more kids or parents to think it's a kids game and then suddenly complaints about this questline or that questline become a constant thing. Or why this filter or that filter doesn't babysit my kid for me. Or why my kid has trouble getting into runs b/c a guild doesn't want a 12 year old. Or this game is toxic b/c my kid was treated like this and they are a special angel that never does anything wrong so couldn't have been their fault. etc.

    It's a recipe for trouble IMO. There are kids games out there if you need something even more watered down than ESO. And if you are an engaged parent with kids that aren't super young and have an understanding of the world, then the game is fine as is. It's not something I worried about with my teenagers for example.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • darthgummibear_ESO

  • Casul
    Then you better take out the antique riding crop collections.
    PvP needs more love.
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    xaraan wrote: »
    No. This is sold as a mature game and I feel that it's already watered down enough that kids could still play it. I'd hate to see an option to encourage more kids or parents to think it's a kids game and then suddenly complaints about this questline or that questline become a constant thing. Or why this filter or that filter doesn't babysit my kid for me. Or why my kid has trouble getting into runs b/c a guild doesn't want a 12 year old. Or this game is toxic b/c my kid was treated like this and they are a special angel that never does anything wrong so couldn't have been their fault. etc.

    It's a recipe for trouble IMO. There are kids games out there if you need something even more watered down than ESO. And if you are an engaged parent with kids that aren't super young and have an understanding of the world, then the game is fine as is. It's not something I worried about with my teenagers for example.

    Yeah it seems PG-13 seems to be the easiest add make the most sense and of course people are people they're going to complain I mean have you seen this forum? I mean sadly mostly all people do is complain. but yeah I'm a big fan of being there to guide kids through movies and things I'm actually the prude who is always surprised at what my friends and family will let kids watch its even worse when there's no one there to discuss things with them. the reason I don't like kids seeing things they shouldn't ahead of time is because exactly that, they don't understand it; they misunderstand and it's just not good for people's development when they're not at the right place to encounter certain concepts. of course this varies all over the place for different kids level of maturity compassion xcetera. I would imagine all they have to do is put a disclaimer for people. for instance the way my family would do it is they would play in guild with us on their own discord server. But it would be certainly nice to permanently turn off everyone's chats were they couldn't even turn it on themselves. The creepier darker gory stuff is usually just Halloween level in ESO. As for over the top gnarly I don't know a single person who thinks that's important sure there's going to be people who do, but most of us are like "that doesn't enhance the game in any way" so if it was blocked out for certain users I myself would sign up. I feel it kind of muddies my experience not enhances it.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • robertthebard
    xaraan wrote: »
    No. This is sold as a mature game and I feel that it's already watered down enough that kids could still play it. I'd hate to see an option to encourage more kids or parents to think it's a kids game and then suddenly complaints about this questline or that questline become a constant thing. Or why this filter or that filter doesn't babysit my kid for me. Or why my kid has trouble getting into runs b/c a guild doesn't want a 12 year old. Or this game is toxic b/c my kid was treated like this and they are a special angel that never does anything wrong so couldn't have been their fault. etc.

    It's a recipe for trouble IMO. There are kids games out there if you need something even more watered down than ESO. And if you are an engaged parent with kids that aren't super young and have an understanding of the world, then the game is fine as is. It's not something I worried about with my teenagers for example.

    Yeah it seems PG-13 seems to be the easiest add make the most sense and of course people are people they're going to complain I mean have you seen this forum? I mean sadly mostly all people do is complain. but yeah I'm a big fan of being there to guide kids through movies and things I'm actually the prude who is always surprised at what my friends and family will let kids watch its even worse when there's no one there to discuss things with them. the reason I don't like kids seeing things they shouldn't ahead of time is because exactly that, they don't understand it; they misunderstand and it's just not good for people's development when they're not at the right place to encounter certain concepts. of course this varies all over the place for different kids level of maturity compassion xcetera. I would imagine all they have to do is put a disclaimer for people. for instance the way my family would do it is they would play in guild with us on their own discord server. But it would be certainly nice to permanently turn off everyone's chats were they couldn't even turn it on themselves. The creepier darker gory stuff is usually just Halloween level in ESO. As for over the top gnarly I don't know a single person who thinks that's important sure there's going to be people who do, but most of us are like "that doesn't enhance the game in any way" so if it was blocked out for certain users I myself would sign up. I feel it kind of muddies my experience not enhances it.

    Irony? Aren't you here complaining that this game isn't child friendly, and needs to be? Now it's "but people are mean" because they disagree? To be fair, some people might have been mean, but seriously, you want Zos to completely rebuild the game from the ground up, which is what it would take for the ESRB to lower it's ratings to "Kid Friendly", and you're surprised that people disagree?
  • StormeReigns
    Yeah it seems PG-13 seems to be the easiest add make the most sense and of course people are people they're going to complain I mean have you seen this forum? I mean sadly mostly all people do is complain. but yeah I'm a big fan of being there to guide kids through movies and things I'm actually the prude who is always surprised at what my friends and family will let kids watch its even worse when there's no one there to discuss things with them. the reason I don't like kids seeing things they shouldn't ahead of time is because exactly that, they don't understand it; they misunderstand and it's just not good for people's development when they're not at the right place to encounter certain concepts. of course this varies all over the place for different kids level of maturity compassion xcetera. I would imagine all they have to do is put a disclaimer for people. for instance the way my family would do it is they would play in guild with us on their own discord server. But it would be certainly nice to permanently turn off everyone's chats were they couldn't even turn it on themselves. The creepier darker gory stuff is usually just Halloween level in ESO. As for over the top gnarly I don't know a single person who thinks that's important sure there's going to be people who do, but most of us are like "that doesn't enhance the game in any way" so if it was blocked out for certain users I myself would sign up. I feel it kind of muddies my experience not enhances it.

    11/10 for the consistent dedication, although -6 for the inconsistent flip flopping. 5/10.

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