Settings Options for under 18.. Let the kids play!

  • Vicarra
    There are numerous problems with this idea, many of which have already been covered, but a rather big one for me that no one has really discussed yet is:

    Who decides the standards of what is kid-friendly?

    Different parents have different ideas of what their children should be exposed to, and at what ages. Some may dislike the gore aspect, but be fine with everything else. Some may, unfortunately, think that the normalising of same-sex relationships is unacceptable, or that the freedom we have to dress our male toons in "women's" clothes is abhorrent. Some may not like the sexual references that are present everywhere (as someone already mentioned - the antique riding crop is a great example of "flavour" in the game that would have to be removed). You cannot possibly sanitise the game to a level that would be acceptable to the average helicopter parent without removing...basically most of the content in the game. At that point, what would be the purpose of the developers even making new content if there's a toggle to turn it off? I think the developers' time and effort would be better spent elsewhere.

    My suggestion? If you really want your children to be able to play the game, supervise them while they're playing. I know some parents playing the game who do that. They turn off all the chat, they don't take them into Cyrodiil or dungeons, just let them roam about picking flowers and decorating houses. That's their decision, and they're not asking for special dispensations to do it. I suggest the OP look at steps they can take themselves, if they really want to have their children and family all play together.

    Otherwise, if you sanitise the game and get the rating dropped so that parents -think- it's "kid-friendly", you'll end up with another MMO full of unsupervised children. And there are few things in gaming worse than other peoples' children. In playing other games like WoW, LOTRO etc, I encountered a lot of guilds that accepted under-18s, and they were universally awful, and people like me were expected to be unpaid babysitters of other peoples' children. No thank you. I'm fairly certain the OP will take this point and counter it with "well you won't run into my kids, because I'm supervising them", and that's all well and good for the sake of this argument, but it does remind of when children ask "can I have a puppy". You can say yes, and I'm sure everything is grand for the first few days, but once the initial excitement wears off, then you're left with an overexcitable creature with no social skills that everyone else has to look after. Again, no thank you.

    PAWS - Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff!

    Haakon Stormblade - Nord Illusionist, Dwemer scholar, Horse Whisperer, Bringer of Storms
  • Lysette
    See it from the other side - i don't want kids around - this game is rated mature so there shouldn't be any kids around. Fine, so I like to play this game and tolerate that some might be kids, but are trying to not openly show it. if they would be allowed, they would have no scruples to behave like nasty kids (like those fortnite kids) and then I would have to quit this game for good. I don't want to see kids in this game - neither virtual ones nor real ones.
    Edited by Lysette on April 30, 2020 1:03PM
  • Veles
  • SteveCampsOut
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    If you think the maturity level of zone chat is bad now, just add kids to the mix! No thank you!
    @ֆȶɛʋɛƈǟʍքֆօʊȶ ʀʋʟɨʄɛ⍟
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  • axecidential
    Soul Shriven
    Absolutely not. Keep the game as it is. There are other games for your kids to play like pokemon, or WoW.
    Edited by axecidential on April 30, 2020 6:49PM
  • Woeler
    I hate kids.
  • Monte_Cristo
    I didn't realize this game was supposed to be 18+. Thought it was more like the Australian M rating. Nothing in game that warrants an R rating.

    If you actually read the lore and listen to what they say in game, there are some very perverse Ideals that are not meant for a young mind, We have just become fairly numb to it from playing it so much lol.

    But still not worth an R rating. ESO is no worse than Skyrim, which was only MA, although R didn't exist for games in Australia then. Any R game had to be censored down to MA (like console GTA 4) or sneak through unedited with an MA (like PC GTA4).
    MA generally meant parental guidance for persons under 15.
  • Monte_Cristo
    Katahdin wrote: »
    I dont think this game should be modified to be a "hello kitty, or my little pony game".
    Its not that and I hope it will never be that because at that point, I will lose interest and me and my money will leave.

    Honestly the "gore" in this game is barely more than a little bit of blood spatter.
    The sexual themes, while mature are not overly overt or explicative.
    Zone chat, well its zone chat and I cant see that being much different than what many kids are exposed to in groups of their peers these days.

    I prefer that it remains as is and that parents need to be parents and participate in thier children's activities.
    If a parent decides that their child is mature enough to handle ESO's content, then I am fine with that.

    Whatever the rating may be, it is a suggestion. I see no reason why a mature and responsible teen cant play ESO.
    It really the parent's responsibility to monitor and decide what thier childern are exposed to.


    Now i want to see an R rated Hello Kitty or My Little Pony game.
  • Alienoutlaw
    defo a big NO, the game is toxic enough without turning it into fortnight
  • wild_kmacdb16_ESO
    I'm sure there are already teenagers that are playing this game, and I personally don't think there is any content here that would phase someone in that age bracket. If your kids are younger than that, might I suggest Mario Karts instead
  • Old_Foggy
    In a word, No. Absolutely not a good idea just imagine the strain alone on the servers if little Tommy and his friends all joined ESO, Next door they have 3 boys/monsters, bad enough living next door to them wouldn't want them here too good grief. :/
  • Recent
    Eso is among one of the few fun and respectable games i can play. Im very sensitive to gore and violence and im not comfortable with nudity. I dont need all that in a game. I just want fun, exploration, good story and beautiful settings aswell as fun dungeons and trials afcourse. Im a kid at heart.

    BUT zone chat can be toxic at times and you never know when it's going to go from funny, friendly and engaging to full on toxic, rude, abusive and R rated. So it's for this very reason i say it's not a game for under 18 years of age.

    There have been times when zone chat has caused me to actually log out and take a break. I also experienced abuse in pug dungeons and pvp but not too often. Overall the eso community is very helpful and nice and mature.

    Edited by Recent on May 1, 2020 7:30AM
  • Lord_Hypnos
    let the kids stay in fork-knife and CoD. And you would need to disable the crown store, crown crates and all kinds of different stuff for them which basically would mean to make a new game just so kids could play this. and Since ZOS doesn't even have the recourses to keep this game running smoothly imagine how much worse it would get if they had to focus on two games .
  • Belyar
    Anyone above 14 can safely play this game imo. No one gives a *** whether you're 18 or not after all, that's just a stupid indicator .
  • rager82b14_ESO
    Who to say that they don't play? Do you think age rating on a game matters? Really?
  • richo262
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    Removing zone chat - simple
    Removing gore - relatively simple, are we talking removing blood from attacks? or removing entire landscapes from the world?
    Adding / replacing quests - Massive undertaking
    Getting a rating certified - Massive undertaking

    The amount of resources required, I'd prefer you just give your kids the latest Dora the Explorer game and the ZOS team instead use their limited resources to improve performance and create new content.

    The first two options are probably something they could do without it consuming huge resources, but why would they? They already have an M rating, they did not agree and did not challenge it. To get re-rated is a pain in the ass. Furthermore, many players actually liked the fact the Greymoor chapter looks to have a bit a grit compared to SSet and Els.

    Severed heads, sexual inuendo, drinking games earned ESO an M rating. Now it has raising the dead, eating corpses, drinking blood, thievery, assassinations, loot crates and a new chapter themed in Gothic. Good luck getting it lower than M. Furthermore is ZOS was to do something like 'cartoony quests' after they introduced crown crates, Kids + Gambling ... PR nightmare waiting to happen.
    Edited by richo262 on May 1, 2020 7:57AM
  • Tandor
    The one thing that surprises me most about this thread is the apparent number of players who comment on their issues with zone chat. I turned it off on installation at launch and haven't since then seen a single reason put forward for enabling it. I keep Zone English enabled to give or receive the occasional help and that's all I ever encounter, and then only once every few months. I don't need spammed guild recruitment or trade chat, let alone all the nonsense that is typically found in public chat channels in MMOs.
  • Sylvermynx
    Tandor wrote: »
    The one thing that surprises me most about this thread is the apparent number of players who comment on their issues with zone chat. I turned it off on installation at launch and haven't since then seen a single reason put forward for enabling it. I keep Zone English enabled to give or receive the occasional help and that's all I ever encounter, and then only once every few months. I don't need spammed guild recruitment or trade chat, let alone all the nonsense that is typically found in public chat channels in MMOs.

  • Jakx
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    We've gotten to a point where people feel they're entitled to everything. Not everything is made for everybody.

    Elderscrolls wouldn't be Elderscrolls anymore. The experience they're trying to create would be compromised.

    One of the worst suggestions I've ever seen but I appreciate it was thought out and well written. Maybe World of Warcraft and their catering to Grandmothers - Esports is the way to be for you?
    Joined September 2013
  • Yukon2112
    I feel if you want family time go to the playground or get a board game. That encourages conversation in the family.
  • thedavidventer
    If you want your kid to play the game, educate them on things that are displayed in the game and online safety and keep it moving. There is no reason for developers to go out of their way using development time so that Sally Lue doesn't have to see blood. Not going to try and sway your parenting strategies, but if you want them to play a "kid friendly" game, this is not for them and never will be.

    Honestly, the game isn't even that hectic. Also, what @CyberSkooma said ^^. Or alternatively; If this game is too hardcore according to your parental standards, introduce your kids to fortnite instead since that is basically a kids playground. But for the love of Mara, please do not remove the already less-than-mild, subtle, few-and-far-between hints of mature content from this game. It'll become super boring if they were to ever do that.
    David Venter - Digital Creator, macOS Gamer, Graphic Designer, Music Producer
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  • Lysette
    If you want your kid to play the game, educate them on things that are displayed in the game and online safety and keep it moving. There is no reason for developers to go out of their way using development time so that Sally Lue doesn't have to see blood. Not going to try and sway your parenting strategies, but if you want them to play a "kid friendly" game, this is not for them and never will be.

    Honestly, the game isn't even that hectic. Also, what @CyberSkooma said ^^. Or alternatively; If this game is too hardcore according to your parental standards, introduce your kids to fortnite instead since that is basically a kids playground. But for the love of Mara, please do not remove the already less-than-mild, subtle, few-and-far-between hints of mature content from this game. It'll become super boring if they were to ever do that.

    Fortnite is about the worst you could possibly do to your kid in regards to video games.
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    1. I am not looking for a game for the kids. I am looking for a game to play WITH the older kids. 10+ Tween and Teens. ( Not bothering to qoute all the people who didn't read the forum but read just read the post clear some things up..again. )and I was also only suggesting that people who signed up under the under 18 login didn't see certain things or we just be not able to do certain quests like when you don't have that DLC. For everyone else the game would not change at all I repeat the game would not change at all.

    2. On a personal level my own extended family and I could care less about ratings most of the time and have zero worries about the things mentioned in this forum such as swearing, gay couples and exposure to drinking etc. That to me is absurd Especially considering the time-tested remedy is fables and stories to teach kids the perils of those things and I have found Elder scrolls to be one of the most thoughtful when it comes to the stories more often than not. This is so we can encourage a larger player base and some parents do care about the ratings even if they're playing with the kids so it would be nice if the rating was softened up since to me I can't see a single reason it's any higher than half the games I looked at in fact that should be lower. And again I'm looking at games that tweens and teens can play with their families. The criteria is that it's fun for both, just as fun for both because that's totally doable. especially with teens they're about to become adults what's fun for them should be pretty much what's fun for us. So I used Star Wars as an example it's fun for 10+ and depending on your family censorship may be younger. I would imagine in most situations what I'm looking for is something that the kids( or should I say teens and tweens so a couple people don't lose their minds) would be playing with the parents, aunts uncles godparents whatever. I've known many family guilds especially in PvP that are awesome and it seems like a great thing to do together especially during shelter in place which was why I brought this up in the first place. Not only can It connect us from far away but now we are forced to spend time way from each other being able to chat in discord and goof around and play a game together seems the best way to keep it from turning into most peoples Thanksgiving.. they say a common enemy..That said I do believe kids should witness things at an age where they can process it well. Not see things they will just misunderstand and get traumatized/overwhelmed by something too complex to be internalized in a positive way. I don't really understand how people can include swearing and seeing people drinking in this but okay. I mean come on guys most of the stuff that was mentioned is not anything they haven't seen on television, restaurants, school or at home let's be real here. some of the other things mentioned I wouldn't even consider under the ratings like gay marriage, and the others almost all I feel are best discussed with fam or learned about through fable and story. The old Elder scrolls might have gone over the top but I have never seen the current ESO do so maybe I'm just not looking in the right places again I imagine those could be cut out for under 18 users. I haven't felt like I'm missing anything and I doubt anyone else would either. That said..
    3. I and all of civilized society agree on at least one level that violence against other humans is bad news and murder is punishable by either death or life imprisonment etc. Ironically, I don't think even adults can make sense out of makeing exceptions for war.."yeah go ahead and slaughter the hell out of someone if they're not from your borders but that's a discussion for another time." Basically gratuitous gore and violence isn't really good for anyone but if you write it off in such a way like I do "they're just going back to their plane of existence or whatever you tell yourself" I just basically ignore it. but I don't like seeing it, perhaps because I'm not some closet psychopath or sadist and maybe some of you are and....okay... Murderous violence isn't specifically for adults, it is frowned upon by all a civilized society and I think it needs to be mentioned. but this is a medieval hack and slash and there's going to be violence and you might as well make it real, point is it doesn't mean anything to me in fact it's just annoying and a detriment. I think it should also be said that a lot of adults who've been through crazy things aka soldiers first responders excetera could do with a "how about not" button for adults.
    All that makes Elder scrolls amazing has nothing to do with the violence literally at all except for a few above mentioned.

    Zone chat, yeah and I couldn't agree more with a couple people that mentioned that they also turned it off. I find it to be irrelevant 99% of the time even in PvP. ( I just wish there was a chat function that made it so you could only see people that are kindly letting you know if "there's Blues at Roe" etc. But thats not possible. )

    To sum up multiplayer games have just really started to come into their own and games you can play with your extended family n friends in a non ageist way that appealed to the most kinds of players and personalities would be awesome From my research Elder scrolls was the only one that fit the bill atm. Feel free to suggest others but I looked at a lot. Dragons elves quest housing costumes pets mounts guilds magic. Elder scrolls like The Princess Bride it has it all but the only thing it doesn't have is a PG13 rating. It's just an idea that I thought would be a cool thing during social isolation.
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on May 2, 2020 4:50PM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Lysette
    1. I am not looking for a game for the kids. I am looking for a game to play WITH the older kids. 10+ Tween and Teens. ( Not bothering to qoute all the people who didn't read the forum but read just read the post clear some things up..again. )and I was also only suggesting that people who signed up under the under 18 login didn't see certain things or we just be not able to do certain quests like when you don't have that DLC. For everyone else the game would not change at all I repeat the game would not change at all.

    2. On a personal level my own extended family and I could care less about ratings most of the time and have zero worries about the things mentioned in this forum such as swearing, gay couples and exposure to drinking etc. That to me is absurd Especially considering the time-tested remedy is fables and stories to teach kids the perils of those things and I have found Elder scrolls to be one of the most thoughtful when it comes to the stories more often than not. This is so we can encourage a larger player base and some parents do care about the ratings even if they're playing with the kids so it would be nice if the rating was softened up since to me I can't see a single reason it's any higher than half the games I looked at in fact that should be lower. And again I'm looking at games that tweens and teens can play with their families. The criteria is that it's fun for both, just as fun for both because that's totally doable. especially with teens they're about to become adults what's fun for them should be pretty much what's fun for us. So I used Star Wars as an example it's fun for 10+ and depending on your family censorship may be younger. I would imagine in most situations what I'm looking for is something that the kids( or should I say teens and tweens so a couple people don't lose their minds) would be playing with the parents, aunts uncles godparents whatever. I've known many family guilds especially in PvP that are awesome and it seems like a great thing to do together especially during shelter in place which was why I brought this up in the first place. Not only can It connect us from far away but now we are forced to spend time way from each other being able to chat in discord and goof around and play a game together seems the best way to keep it from turning into most peoples Thanksgiving.. they say a common enemy..That said I do believe kids should witness things at an age where they can process it well. Not see things they will just misunderstand and get traumatized/overwhelmed by something too complex to be internalized in a positive way. I don't really understand how people can include swearing and seeing people drinking in this but okay. I mean come on guys most of the stuff that was mentioned is not anything they haven't seen on television, restaurants, school or at home let's be real here. some of the other things mentioned I wouldn't even consider under the ratings like gay marriage, and the others almost all I feel are best discussed with fam or learned about through fable and story. The old Elder scrolls might have gone over the top but I have never seen the current ESO do so maybe I'm just not looking in the right places again I imagine those could be cut out for under 18 users. I haven't felt like I'm missing anything and I doubt anyone else would either. That said..
    3. I and all of civilized society agree on at least one level that violence against other humans is bad news and murder is punishable by either death or life imprisonment etc. Ironically, I don't think even adults can make sense out of makeing exceptions for war.."yeah go ahead and slaughter the hell out of someone if they're not from your borders but that's a discussion for another time." Basically gratuitous gore and violence isn't really good for anyone but if you write it off in such a way like I do "they're just going back to their plane of existence or whatever you tell yourself" I just basically ignore it. but I don't like seeing it, perhaps because I'm not some closet psychopath or sadist and maybe some of you are and....okay... Murderous violence isn't specifically for adults, it is frowned upon by all a civilized society and I think it needs to be mentioned. but this is a medieval hack and slash and there's going to be violence and you might as well make it real, point is it doesn't mean anything to me in fact it's just annoying and a detriment. I think it should also be said that a lot of adults who've been through crazy things aka soldiers first responders excetera could do with a "how about not" button for adults.
    All that makes Elder scrolls amazing has nothing to do with the violence literally at all except for a few above mentioned.

    Zone chat, yeah and I couldn't agree more with a couple people that mentioned that they also turned it off. I find it to be irrelevant 99% of the time even in PvP. ( I just wish there was a chat function that made it so you could only see people that are kindly letting you know if "there's Blues at Roe" etc. But thats not possible. )

    To sum up multiplayer games have just really started to come into their own and games you can play with your extended family n friends in a non ageist way that appealed to the most kinds of players and personalities would be awesome From my research Elder scrolls was the only one that fit the bill atm. Feel free to suggest others but I looked at a lot. Dragons elves quest housing costumes pets mounts guilds magic. Elder scrolls like The Princess Bride it has it all but the only thing it doesn't have is a PG13 rating. It's just an idea that I thought would be a cool thing during social isolation.

    Then just do it - the game doesn't have to change just because you want to play with your kids. No one is checking the age anyway, just do it then and leave the game alone and rated M - it is your parental decision then, other parents do not have to share your view and the rating agency certainly doesn't share it. And you said yourself, you couldn't care less - then just leave this game alone.

    And PG13 - are you even serious - permanent murder and violence in the game and drug abuse - that isn't something a young teen should be exposed to and certainly not 10+, how you suggested.
    Edited by Lysette on May 2, 2020 5:02PM
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    Yukon2112 wrote: »
    I feel if you want family time go to the playground or get a board game. That encourages conversation in the family.

    Well that's a cool idea and sure we play board games but again this was an idea for shelter-in-place and I find most board games to be pretty boring and so do my godkids nieces and nephews. Elder scrolls is way more fun. And discord allows us to chat plenty.
    Tandor wrote: »
    The one thing that surprises me most about this thread is the apparent number of players who comment on their issues with zone chat. I turned it off on installation at launch and haven't since then seen a single reason put forward for enabling it. I keep Zone English enabled to give or receive the occasional help and that's all I ever encounter, and then only once every few months. I don't need spammed guild recruitment or trade chat, let alone all the nonsense that is typically found in public chat channels in MMOs.

    Yeah that got me too. When I considered the reading comprehension of at least 70% of the responders I remember exactly why I turned off zone chat. I just got tired of repeating myself constantly letting people know: no, my idea won't change your experience at all. No I'm not looking for a kid's game but a game that people can play together with their tweens and teens... On and on. I turn it off too in PVE as a rule and have a setting in my PVP chat called "Ah the silence" you may enjoy, it's pretty close to perfect.. no zone generals, toxic people and both my PVP guilds tell me what I need to know.It is set to my pvp guilds only. cheers!
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    If you think the maturity level of zone chat is bad now, just add kids to the mix! No thank you!

    The very first sentence says "you would not be able to see nor type in zone chat. "
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    Lysette wrote: »
    1. I am not looking for a game for the kids. I am looking for a game to play WITH the older kids. 10+ Tween and Teens. ( Not bothering to qoute all the people who didn't read the forum but read just read the post clear some things up..again. )and I was also only suggesting that people who signed up under the under 18 login didn't see certain things or we just be not able to do certain quests like when you don't have that DLC. For everyone else the game would not change at all I repeat the game would not change at all.

    2. On a personal level my own extended family and I could care less about ratings most of the time and have zero worries about the things mentioned in this forum such as swearing, gay couples and exposure to drinking etc. That to me is absurd Especially considering the time-tested remedy is fables and stories to teach kids the perils of those things and I have found Elder scrolls to be one of the most thoughtful when it comes to the stories more often than not. This is so we can encourage a larger player base and some parents do care about the ratings even if they're playing with the kids so it would be nice if the rating was softened up since to me I can't see a single reason it's any higher than half the games I looked at in fact that should be lower. And again I'm looking at games that tweens and teens can play with their families. The criteria is that it's fun for both, just as fun for both because that's totally doable. especially with teens they're about to become adults what's fun for them should be pretty much what's fun for us. So I used Star Wars as an example it's fun for 10+ and depending on your family censorship may be younger. I would imagine in most situations what I'm looking for is something that the kids( or should I say teens and tweens so a couple people don't lose their minds) would be playing with the parents, aunts uncles godparents whatever. I've known many family guilds especially in PvP that are awesome and it seems like a great thing to do together especially during shelter in place which was why I brought this up in the first place. Not only can It connect us from far away but now we are forced to spend time way from each other being able to chat in discord and goof around and play a game together seems the best way to keep it from turning into most peoples Thanksgiving.. they say a common enemy..That said I do believe kids should witness things at an age where they can process it well. Not see things they will just misunderstand and get traumatized/overwhelmed by something too complex to be internalized in a positive way. I don't really understand how people can include swearing and seeing people drinking in this but okay. I mean come on guys most of the stuff that was mentioned is not anything they haven't seen on television, restaurants, school or at home let's be real here. some of the other things mentioned I wouldn't even consider under the ratings like gay marriage, and the others almost all I feel are best discussed with fam or learned about through fable and story. The old Elder scrolls might have gone over the top but I have never seen the current ESO do so maybe I'm just not looking in the right places again I imagine those could be cut out for under 18 users. I haven't felt like I'm missing anything and I doubt anyone else would either. That said..
    3. I and all of civilized society agree on at least one level that violence against other humans is bad news and murder is punishable by either death or life imprisonment etc. Ironically, I don't think even adults can make sense out of makeing exceptions for war.."yeah go ahead and slaughter the hell out of someone if they're not from your borders but that's a discussion for another time." Basically gratuitous gore and violence isn't really good for anyone but if you write it off in such a way like I do "they're just going back to their plane of existence or whatever you tell yourself" I just basically ignore it. but I don't like seeing it, perhaps because I'm not some closet psychopath or sadist and maybe some of you are and....okay... Murderous violence isn't specifically for adults, it is frowned upon by all a civilized society and I think it needs to be mentioned. but this is a medieval hack and slash and there's going to be violence and you might as well make it real, point is it doesn't mean anything to me in fact it's just annoying and a detriment. I think it should also be said that a lot of adults who've been through crazy things aka soldiers first responders excetera could do with a "how about not" button for adults.
    All that makes Elder scrolls amazing has nothing to do with the violence literally at all except for a few above mentioned.

    Zone chat, yeah and I couldn't agree more with a couple people that mentioned that they also turned it off. I find it to be irrelevant 99% of the time even in PvP. ( I just wish there was a chat function that made it so you could only see people that are kindly letting you know if "there's Blues at Roe" etc. But thats not possible. )

    To sum up multiplayer games have just really started to come into their own and games you can play with your extended family n friends in a non ageist way that appealed to the most kinds of players and personalities would be awesome From my research Elder scrolls was the only one that fit the bill atm. Feel free to suggest others but I looked at a lot. Dragons elves quest housing costumes pets mounts guilds magic. Elder scrolls like The Princess Bride it has it all but the only thing it doesn't have is a PG13 rating. It's just an idea that I thought would be a cool thing during social isolation.

    Then just do it - the game doesn't have to change just because you want to play with your kids. No one is checking the age anyway, just do it then and leave the game alone and rated M - it is your parental decision then, other parents do not have to share your view and the rating agency certainly doesn't share it. And you said yourself, you couldn't care less - then just leave this game alone.

    And PG13 - are you even serious - permanent murder and violence in the game and drug abuse - that isn't something a young teen should be exposed to and certainly not 10+, how you suggested.

    We already play together it's against the rules but we already play together. we were just trying to make it something that other people can enjoy too. By having no zone chat and not having the crazier quest (as if they were thier own DLC) it seemed a great way to bring in more kids whose parents are more strict but also like I mentioned before as an adult I don't feel any need to have either of those things. My idea would not change the game for the older player whatsoever. except that they would know that there were kids on but they should know that already.
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on May 2, 2020 5:06PM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Lysette
    Lysette wrote: »
    1. I am not looking for a game for the kids. I am looking for a game to play WITH the older kids. 10+ Tween and Teens. ( Not bothering to qoute all the people who didn't read the forum but read just read the post clear some things up..again. )and I was also only suggesting that people who signed up under the under 18 login didn't see certain things or we just be not able to do certain quests like when you don't have that DLC. For everyone else the game would not change at all I repeat the game would not change at all.

    2. On a personal level my own extended family and I could care less about ratings most of the time and have zero worries about the things mentioned in this forum such as swearing, gay couples and exposure to drinking etc. That to me is absurd Especially considering the time-tested remedy is fables and stories to teach kids the perils of those things and I have found Elder scrolls to be one of the most thoughtful when it comes to the stories more often than not. This is so we can encourage a larger player base and some parents do care about the ratings even if they're playing with the kids so it would be nice if the rating was softened up since to me I can't see a single reason it's any higher than half the games I looked at in fact that should be lower. And again I'm looking at games that tweens and teens can play with their families. The criteria is that it's fun for both, just as fun for both because that's totally doable. especially with teens they're about to become adults what's fun for them should be pretty much what's fun for us. So I used Star Wars as an example it's fun for 10+ and depending on your family censorship may be younger. I would imagine in most situations what I'm looking for is something that the kids( or should I say teens and tweens so a couple people don't lose their minds) would be playing with the parents, aunts uncles godparents whatever. I've known many family guilds especially in PvP that are awesome and it seems like a great thing to do together especially during shelter in place which was why I brought this up in the first place. Not only can It connect us from far away but now we are forced to spend time way from each other being able to chat in discord and goof around and play a game together seems the best way to keep it from turning into most peoples Thanksgiving.. they say a common enemy..That said I do believe kids should witness things at an age where they can process it well. Not see things they will just misunderstand and get traumatized/overwhelmed by something too complex to be internalized in a positive way. I don't really understand how people can include swearing and seeing people drinking in this but okay. I mean come on guys most of the stuff that was mentioned is not anything they haven't seen on television, restaurants, school or at home let's be real here. some of the other things mentioned I wouldn't even consider under the ratings like gay marriage, and the others almost all I feel are best discussed with fam or learned about through fable and story. The old Elder scrolls might have gone over the top but I have never seen the current ESO do so maybe I'm just not looking in the right places again I imagine those could be cut out for under 18 users. I haven't felt like I'm missing anything and I doubt anyone else would either. That said..
    3. I and all of civilized society agree on at least one level that violence against other humans is bad news and murder is punishable by either death or life imprisonment etc. Ironically, I don't think even adults can make sense out of makeing exceptions for war.."yeah go ahead and slaughter the hell out of someone if they're not from your borders but that's a discussion for another time." Basically gratuitous gore and violence isn't really good for anyone but if you write it off in such a way like I do "they're just going back to their plane of existence or whatever you tell yourself" I just basically ignore it. but I don't like seeing it, perhaps because I'm not some closet psychopath or sadist and maybe some of you are and....okay... Murderous violence isn't specifically for adults, it is frowned upon by all a civilized society and I think it needs to be mentioned. but this is a medieval hack and slash and there's going to be violence and you might as well make it real, point is it doesn't mean anything to me in fact it's just annoying and a detriment. I think it should also be said that a lot of adults who've been through crazy things aka soldiers first responders excetera could do with a "how about not" button for adults.
    All that makes Elder scrolls amazing has nothing to do with the violence literally at all except for a few above mentioned.

    Zone chat, yeah and I couldn't agree more with a couple people that mentioned that they also turned it off. I find it to be irrelevant 99% of the time even in PvP. ( I just wish there was a chat function that made it so you could only see people that are kindly letting you know if "there's Blues at Roe" etc. But thats not possible. )

    To sum up multiplayer games have just really started to come into their own and games you can play with your extended family n friends in a non ageist way that appealed to the most kinds of players and personalities would be awesome From my research Elder scrolls was the only one that fit the bill atm. Feel free to suggest others but I looked at a lot. Dragons elves quest housing costumes pets mounts guilds magic. Elder scrolls like The Princess Bride it has it all but the only thing it doesn't have is a PG13 rating. It's just an idea that I thought would be a cool thing during social isolation.

    Then just do it - the game doesn't have to change just because you want to play with your kids. No one is checking the age anyway, just do it then and leave the game alone and rated M - it is your parental decision then, other parents do not have to share your view and the rating agency certainly doesn't share it. And you said yourself, you couldn't care less - then just leave this game alone.

    And PG13 - are you even serious - permanent murder and violence in the game and drug abuse - that isn't something a young teen should be exposed to and certainly not 10+, how you suggested.

    We already play together it's against the rules but we already play together. we were just trying to make it something that other people can enjoy too. By having no zone chat and not having the crazier quest (as if they were thier own DLC) it seemed a great way to bring in more kids whose parents are more strict but also like I mentioned before as an adult I don't feel any need to have either of those things. My idea would not change the game for the older player whatsoever. except that they would know that there were kids on but they should know that already.

    A lower rating would eventually inform parents wrongly, who do not really look into the game content, but rely on the rate agency - and this game is clearly not for children - regardless what you think about the matter, you can decide that for your children, but to rate this game to PG13 or teen would be wrong - simply because parents often have no time or way to check the game content - they have to rely on the rating agency and therefore the rating shouldn't change.

    I will give you another example - I couldn't care less about nudity and sexual contents - what would you say, if I would demand that a game containing these things should be rated PG13. it is good as it is - this is an international game and morale ratings are best to put in place, because otherwise the game might just be banned in certain countries.
    Edited by Lysette on May 2, 2020 5:18PM
  • Raudgrani
    I have a son who's a minor, and we play ESO now and then. When we do, we do it together, and we simply do funny questlines, or we do normal dungeons together. As I can do them myself I have full control and can tell him to do this or that, or revive him if I need to - he has even revived me a few times. He loves argonians, so we made him a StamDk lizard which is pretty alright, and he's frankly a better help/player than many fully leveled people that you find in activity finder. We decorate his house and do all argonian related quests/territories etc.

    I don't see a need to adjust the game for minors, take to opportunity to play with them instead, then there's no need to change the game because of kids. It's pretty fun, it's almost like doing things together in the real world, something which becomes harder and harder the older they get. :-)

  • Tandor
    <snip> no, my idea won't change your experience at all. <snip>

    But that's where you're wrong. Implementing the changes you want even on an optional basis for players will take a massive diversion of developer resources from other things, and place the development focus on turning the game into something it isn't currently. That will impact on everyone. It's also wholly unrealistic, it just isn't going to happen - although I accept that is not a reason not to ask for what you want. Just don't be surprised when pretty much no-one else wants it, because what you're proposing is contrary to everything about the TES IP, and that degree of change and its near total unpopularity are reasons enough for the developers not to do it. If you want to play the game with your kids that's fine, you can already do that. However, you'll never get optional changes to make it more kid-friendly.
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