Settings Options for under 18.. Let the kids play!

  • clocksstoppe
    You think people under 18 don't play this game? L0L
  • theyancey
    Oblivion NO!
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    You think people under 18 don't play this game? L0L

    I KNOW they do. So why not make it better and more fun for them and us?
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • Mindcr0w
    I don't know this is the same Star Wars were talking about the one where the guy kills his dad the one where people walk through villages of lightsabers slaughtering people? Same Star Wars?

    Yeah, same Star Wars. The one that in the creator's words was created "for 12 year olds", and has been generally viewed as family friendly throughout most of its existence. Now whether it has picked up additional less family friendly aspects over time is a different discussion for a different forum.

    Regardless, comparing that to something that has never been intended to be remotely family friendly at any point in its existence is nonsence.
  • Aliyavana

  • Banana
    I want an 18+ setting for more blood. Children dont have any money zos.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I want the game to embrace its mature rating and the Elder Scrolls lore, which is very adult themed, not make it more child friendly.


    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on April 28, 2020 9:54PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    xaraan wrote: »
    No. This is sold as a mature game and I feel that it's already watered down enough that kids could still play it. I'd hate to see an option to encourage more kids or parents to think it's a kids game and then suddenly complaints about this questline or that questline become a constant thing. Or why this filter or that filter doesn't babysit my kid for me. Or why my kid has trouble getting into runs b/c a guild doesn't want a 12 year old. Or this game is toxic b/c my kid was treated like this and they are a special angel that never does anything wrong so couldn't have been their fault. etc.

    It's a recipe for trouble IMO. There are kids games out there if you need something even more watered down than ESO. And if you are an engaged parent with kids that aren't super young and have an understanding of the world, then the game is fine as is. It's not something I worried about with my teenagers for example.

    Yeah it seems PG-13 seems to be the easiest add make the most sense and of course people are people they're going to complain I mean have you seen this forum? I mean sadly mostly all people do is complain. but yeah I'm a big fan of being there to guide kids through movies and things I'm actually the prude who is always surprised at what my friends and family will let kids watch its even worse when there's no one there to discuss things with them. the reason I don't like kids seeing things they shouldn't ahead of time is because exactly that, they don't understand it; they misunderstand and it's just not good for people's development when they're not at the right place to encounter certain concepts. of course this varies all over the place for different kids level of maturity compassion xcetera. I would imagine all they have to do is put a disclaimer for people. for instance the way my family would do it is they would play in guild with us on their own discord server. But it would be certainly nice to permanently turn off everyone's chats were they couldn't even turn it on themselves. The creepier darker gory stuff is usually just Halloween level in ESO. As for over the top gnarly I don't know a single person who thinks that's important sure there's going to be people who do, but most of us are like "that doesn't enhance the game in any way" so if it was blocked out for certain users I myself would sign up. I feel it kind of muddies my experience not enhances it.

    Irony? Aren't you here complaining that this game isn't child friendly, and needs to be? Now it's "but people are mean" because they disagree? To be fair, some people might have been mean, but seriously, you want Zos to completely rebuild the game from the ground up, which is what it would take for the ESRB to lower it's ratings to "Kid Friendly", and you're surprised that people disagree?

    I am not complaining, and if do that's ok. it's not complaining that's the problem it's too much of it. In this case I am advocating an idea. Nor would ESO have tobuild fromthe ground up nor change anything but for some users. And it's depending on how they would implement the idea of adding under 18 in a cool way. I depends, but my suggestion in a chat section or a checkbox to take it out. And those players having certain quest just not available. Maybe edit out gore. Relatively easy to implement.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • StormeReigns
    You think people under 18 don't play this game? L0L

    I KNOW they do. So why not make it better and more fun for them and us?

    Then. It is up to the decisions of their parents to allow them to play or not, as well the responsibility of said parents to determine what is / isn't okay for their child to partake in. It isn't ZoS/Bethesda's responsibility, nor would it be in their best financial intrest to dumb the game down to accommodate the smallest of fractions and curbing the majority of their mature audience.

    If you want your kids to play, great. That is all on YOU, not us, nor the community. Nor is it our, or the company's responsibilities to babysit and completely change for a very, very minor few.

    You either let them play and be exposed to certain aspects that they may or may not be prepared for, or you don't let them play and let them grow up some more so they might have a better understanding of certain key elements when they are older and more mentally developed. There is no middle ground and to suggest one is foolish, and should be treated as such.
    Edited by StormeReigns on April 28, 2020 9:57PM
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    Its really not any worse than any PG13 thing. The franchise
    Yeah it seems PG-13 seems to be the easiest add make the most sense and of course people are people they're going to complain I mean have you seen this forum? I mean sadly mostly all people do is complain. but yeah I'm a big fan of being there to guide kids through movies and things I'm actually the prude who is always surprised at what my friends and family will let kids watch its even worse when there's no one there to discuss things with them. the reason I don't like kids seeing things they shouldn't ahead of time is because exactly that, they don't understand it; they misunderstand and it's just not good for people's development when they're not at the right place to encounter certain concepts. of course this varies all over the place for different kids level of maturity compassion xcetera. I would imagine all they have to do is put a disclaimer for people. for instance the way my family would do it is they would play in guild with us on their own discord server. But it would be certainly nice to permanently turn off everyone's chats were they couldn't even turn it on themselves. The creepier darker gory stuff is usually just Halloween level in ESO. As for over the top gnarly I don't know a single person who thinks that's important sure there's going to be people who do, but most of us are like "that doesn't enhance the game in any way" so if it was blocked out for certain users I myself would sign up. I feel it kind of muddies my experience not enhances it.

    11/10 for the consistent dedication, although -6 for the inconsistent flip flopping. 5/10.

    Haven't changed my opinion. If it helps, I will take the time to put the idea and reasons point by point when I get off work. Might even bother to edit my voice to text if it matters to you. But in the end I am coming at it as a win win for the game. Basically a chill idea for folks to connect and play together.
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • idk
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.

    ESO's game rating is not because of zone chat. It is rated based on actual game content. It is specifically due to Blood and Gore, Sexual Themes, Use of Alcohol, and violence. Similar to the M+ rating Skyrim and Morrowind received.

    Zos would have to rewrite some quests and remove other items from the game to get to a Teen rating. It is not that simple and doubts Zos wants to undertake the expense and time to make such heavy changes.

    Heck, in EU ESO is rated Adult.
  • StormeReigns
    Its really not any worse than any PG13 thing. The franchise

    Interesting. Can tell by that comment, we grewup in very different eras.

    My childhood before Pg-13 was invented. Watership Down, PG. Family film about Bunnies.

    Ironically, this film lead me to watch more Don Bluth films shortly after. How he very rarely if ever, sugarcoated the situations (well, in his early works.)
    As well your version of PG-through-PG13 is very different from what others grew up with as well. So...
  • kyle.wilson
    Much of the sporadic dialog that NPC's have would make downrating the game difficult.
    They talk quite frequently about sex, gender stereotypes, and drug use. Just the fact that this game has many instances where NPCs have spouses of the same gender would guarantee the mature rating in many US states and other countries.

    Plus it is unlikely that ZOS would gain any tangible benefit, because they can't legally market the crown crates to children in a lot of countries. The free crown crates would have to go, because it could be seen as a grooming technique for gambling.
  • JinMori
    OG_Kaveman wrote: »

    Why not?

    Because eso is a 18 + game designed for a certain audience that would conflict with how the elder scrolls is.

    Just play a kid's game if you don't wanna see this kind of thing.

    Not every *** game has to appeal to children.

    If this is an argument about the poor children that have to see all of this bad stuff.... Well, that's a problem with parenting, maybe take some responsibility, and actually check once in a while what your child is doing.
    Edited by JinMori on April 28, 2020 11:04PM
  • kyle.wilson
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them

    If you think kids don't create a toxic community in games. Play COD or Battlefield games. Kids are capable of quite shocking levels of toxicity when direct adult supervision isn't occurring.
    It's quite rare that I can get to the end of a FPS round without some random kid saying the N' word out of frustration.

    I forgot the worst offender of them all, GTA V.
    Edited by kyle.wilson on April 28, 2020 11:06PM
  • ArchMikem
    You can actually turn off the chat window in social settings. If you can't trust your kid with not turning it back on behind your back then you shouldn't have bought them the game to begin with.

    Online interactions are not rated by the ESRB for a reason. Kids should never be playing games like this until at a more mentally appropriate age.
    CP1,900+ Master Explorer - AvA One Star General - Console Peasant - The Clan
    Quest Objective: OMG Go Talk To That Kitty!
  • robertthebard
    xaraan wrote: »
    No. This is sold as a mature game and I feel that it's already watered down enough that kids could still play it. I'd hate to see an option to encourage more kids or parents to think it's a kids game and then suddenly complaints about this questline or that questline become a constant thing. Or why this filter or that filter doesn't babysit my kid for me. Or why my kid has trouble getting into runs b/c a guild doesn't want a 12 year old. Or this game is toxic b/c my kid was treated like this and they are a special angel that never does anything wrong so couldn't have been their fault. etc.

    It's a recipe for trouble IMO. There are kids games out there if you need something even more watered down than ESO. And if you are an engaged parent with kids that aren't super young and have an understanding of the world, then the game is fine as is. It's not something I worried about with my teenagers for example.

    Yeah it seems PG-13 seems to be the easiest add make the most sense and of course people are people they're going to complain I mean have you seen this forum? I mean sadly mostly all people do is complain. but yeah I'm a big fan of being there to guide kids through movies and things I'm actually the prude who is always surprised at what my friends and family will let kids watch its even worse when there's no one there to discuss things with them. the reason I don't like kids seeing things they shouldn't ahead of time is because exactly that, they don't understand it; they misunderstand and it's just not good for people's development when they're not at the right place to encounter certain concepts. of course this varies all over the place for different kids level of maturity compassion xcetera. I would imagine all they have to do is put a disclaimer for people. for instance the way my family would do it is they would play in guild with us on their own discord server. But it would be certainly nice to permanently turn off everyone's chats were they couldn't even turn it on themselves. The creepier darker gory stuff is usually just Halloween level in ESO. As for over the top gnarly I don't know a single person who thinks that's important sure there's going to be people who do, but most of us are like "that doesn't enhance the game in any way" so if it was blocked out for certain users I myself would sign up. I feel it kind of muddies my experience not enhances it.

    Irony? Aren't you here complaining that this game isn't child friendly, and needs to be? Now it's "but people are mean" because they disagree? To be fair, some people might have been mean, but seriously, you want Zos to completely rebuild the game from the ground up, which is what it would take for the ESRB to lower it's ratings to "Kid Friendly", and you're surprised that people disagree?

    I am not complaining, and if do that's ok. it's not complaining that's the problem it's too much of it. In this case I am advocating an idea. Nor would ESO have tobuild fromthe ground up nor change anything but for some users. And it's depending on how they would implement the idea of adding under 18 in a cool way. I depends, but my suggestion in a chat section or a checkbox to take it out. And those players having certain quest just not available. Maybe edit out gore. Relatively easy to implement.

    Except that you can't do that. There are plenty of ambient dialogs, and adult situations that aren't anything to do with quests, then, as I mentioned earlier, there are the quests themselves, with some of them dealing with drugs and addiction. Throw in slavery, racism etc, and no, they'd have to rebuild it from the ground up to accommodate something that it was never intended for, children. This is not what this franchise is, or has ever been about and it shouldn't start trying to be.
  • Chicharron
    When my Daughter or my Nephew wants to play ESO

    I put the game in offline mode and set up chat this way:

  • Minyassa
    It would get the game taken down. Blame it on the Karens out there who are just dying for some new offense to attack; either the game would have to be completely gutted so that it was not even *remotely* close to a Mature rating, or kids would just have to stay out. This is to legally protect the company from people who literally have nothing better to do with their time than go around trying to ruin everyone else's fun.
  • doomette
    I think your heart’s in the right place, and I’m sympathetic to your reasons, but I think there are a ton of other things they should be spending their resources on. You say it would be relatively easy to implement an altered version of the game but considering how many bugs arise from basic features in the game, I’m not so sure. Also, there are a lot of teeny tiny interactions, quests, books/notes, etc that could be deemed inappropriate for kids, it would take a really long time to comb through it all. And what if one slips through and an overprotective parent gets wind of their kid being exposed to something objectionable when the game was supposed to sanitized?
    Plus, kids can be mature and awesome, but they can also be absolute nightmares in video games. Of course adults can be just as bad, but there’s something about hearing a 12yo screeching the n-word in voice chat that really makes you (well, me) worry about the future. Yes you mentioned chat being disabled, but 1) that would seriously hamstring any sort of group activity for the normal, non-horrible kids and 2) those little monsters will just find another way to be toxic hellions.

    And again, I’m sympathetic to your request. I remember listening to some kid in zone voice chat marveling over everyone’s mounts, pets, and outfits and it was pretty dang cute. Some aspects of this game would be pretty cool for a kid to experience. But there are so many other aspects that could be iffy and I don’t have much faith that the fix you’re suggesting is as easy as you make it seems.

    A side note: I 100% agree that portrayals of same-sex marriages/relationships should be normalized and not subject to censorship out of family-friendly games, etc.
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    we have enough immature and infantile adults here allready

    no need for real kids ty

    Lol. For reals there..working with kids I was thinking we might actually get a far more positive and less toxic community by adding them

    If you think kids don't create a toxic community in games. Play COD or Battlefield games. Kids are capable of quite shocking levels of toxicity when direct adult supervision isn't occurring.
    It's quite rare that I can get to the end of a FPS round without some random kid saying the N' word out of frustration.

    I forgot the worst offender of them all, GTA V.

    I was joking. Buts thats hard to do in text. Not Mark Twain, but practice makes perfect. But yeah, every toxic player was prob a toxic kid. Real
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on April 29, 2020 1:14AM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • malchior
    Anyone under 18 should really be concentrating on their studies. As this is quite a time investment heavy game, "kids" should look elsewhere (almost typed elsweyr lol) for gaming that do not eat into their study time.

    Not everything needs to be catered to everyone.

    Edit: Grammar.
    Edited by malchior on April 29, 2020 1:18AM
  • Klad
    Hi I'm Chris Hansen have a seat....

    I swear I get creeped out every time someone on these forums talks about allowing kids in game or having children NPC's in the game.

    No way in hell would I allow my young kids anywhere near the eso community.
    Edited by Klad on April 29, 2020 1:23AM
  • Hiro_Kintsugi
    doomette wrote: »
    I think your heart’s in the right place, and I’m sympathetic to your reasons, but I think there are a ton of other things they should be spending their resources on. You say it would be relatively easy to implement an altered version of the game but considering how many bugs arise from basic features in the game, I’m not so sure. Also, there are a lot of teeny tiny interactions, quests, books/notes, etc that could be deemed inappropriate for kids, it would take a really long time to comb through it all. And what if one slips through and an overprotective parent gets wind of their kid being exposed to something objectionable when the game was supposed to sanitized?
    Plus, kids can be mature and awesome, but they can also be absolute nightmares in video games. Of course adults can be just as bad, but there’s something about hearing a 12yo screeching the n-word in voice chat that really makes you (well, me) worry about the future. Yes you mentioned chat being disabled, but 1) that would seriously hamstring any sort of group activity for the normal, non-horrible kids and 2) those little monsters will just find another way to be toxic hellions.

    And again, I’m sympathetic to your request. I remember listening to some kid in zone voice chat marveling over everyone’s mounts, pets, and outfits and it was pretty dang cute. Some aspects of this game would be pretty cool for a kid to experience. But there are so many other aspects that could be iffy and I don’t have much faith that the fix you’re suggesting is as easy as you make it seems.

    A side note: I 100% agree that portrayals of same-sex marriages/relationships should be normalized and not subject to censorship out of family-friendly games, etc.

    Really good points. Yeah I just have no idea how much resources it would take, I've played around with really super basic programming and helped with some large art projects that took a lot of people but it still is a kind of unknown. but you're right combing through being rough and the whole problem has a lot to do with what different cultures and different people think of adult, and it just keeps vexing me that the violence is okay but the other things that they don't think are ok are wacky to me, like swearing and gay marriage. That to me is whatever. I guess some people care. Even having good fables to teach hopefully positive lessons about the perils of drug and alcohol use excetera to me seems like a good idea. But yeah it's a quagmire I thought maybe they could just weed out whatever it got that rating for, if it was simple like excessive gore etc yeah all the really great aspects about this game would definitely appeal to most teenagers/tweens. one of my godkids desperately wants to play just to have an awesome castle to deck out with furniture and a wolf pet. I mean hey why not? just a fun idea especially considering right now everyone's looking for ways to spend more time together. I personally think most video games are too easy/boring and so does my fam, ESO fan all the way! Cheers
    Edited by Hiro_Kintsugi on April 29, 2020 1:25AM
    Bosmer Wolfrider
  • max_only
    Edited by max_only on April 29, 2020 3:07AM
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • ZaroktheImmortal
    You'd have to pretty much cut most of the game out. I mean this is a game where lots of bad things happen the quests can get dark there's lots of killing no dark brotherhood cause assassins murdering people. How would you even make this game child friendly? Not all games are made for kids.
  • pod88kk
    It's up to the kids parents/guardians if they want them playing this game not Zos
  • Nanfoodle
    I do like how Zeni has done the game. It's PEGI 14 for me. I don't do content like the hand. Every now and then I will be standing in town and a NPC gets murdered in front of me and it's gory and shocking but unless you seek out that type of content. I like having the option to choose. Not that, that's how kids would do it lol
  • lemonizzle
    "Hello is this R* forums? I would like your online game to be family friendly so please remove cursing, weapons and explosions. Thanks for your assistance."
    But really, kids at age 10 and below play games a lot 'explicit' than ESO all the time. You should see what and how they talk about stuff in school with their peers - definitely not family friendly topics and language. There is nothing in-game that would make them have sleepless nights, maybe they begin to call your fetcher or milk-drinker but that's an extreme case.
    And if the kid is below 7, maybe they can wait before becoming a gamer. They also might not fully comprehend implied drug use and sexual themes, which gives the game the rating it has.
  • SydneyGrey
    Basically a kid would have to be mature enough to be able to play the game as-is, just simply because there are too many things that are mature in content that we don't really think about ...

    Like the Wailing Prison quest, which is the very first quest in the main quest-line. There's a spot where a dremora flings a guy (soul shriven) onto a spike. They aren't going to go back and edit every single moment like that to be kid-friendly. There are just too many instances like this. It would take months.

    It's a great game to play with your kids when they're older and can handle stuff like that, though.
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