Settings Options for under 18.. Let the kids play!

  • Alucardo
    God forbid they find the roleplayers brothel in Deeshan. Boy was that a surprise. Seriously though, 2k for a lap dance, that's daylight robbery if you ask me.
  • Onigar
    I really don't understand the purpose of this post.

    Kids to me means under 18 and under 18s are already playing ESO.

    The purchase of the game if by credit card or sub management is likely to be by someone over 18 but as far as playing is concerned there is really no control over age other than the arbitrary age entry when creating an account.

    Younger people can be happy if they are able to be thought as as older and can get away with it, for me I try now very hard to be thought as as younger.

    We all have a road to walk in life. Physical age, Mental age, Internet age, these are points we use to our advantage when the need suits us.

    The only aspect of ESO that for me poses an issue for youthful players is the 1:1 killing as part of the Dark Brotherhood quest line (DLC) which may introduce some undesirable psychological directions otherwise everything else is simple and clear.
    PC EU
    Addon Author:
    Currency Manager:
  • TheShadowScout
    Settings Options for under 18...
    ...would be a bad idea.
    There is so much mixed into ESO that could be iffy and would need to be handled... there is no way this effort could be profitable, it would basically be redoing all the game, and blocking too many quests, from murder-for-hire to "pluck out their eyes for a snack"... all in fear that someone would sue them for something anyhow, because we -know- that is an issue, and the main reason why a great many people do a lot of silly things to cover their a... uhm... legal position.

    No thanks.

    Yes, under 18 may be playing the game already... but that is not ZOS fault, they explicitely made the rating "M" (or "18", depending on where you live) as to not get in trouble themselves.
    But seriously what do you think?
  • Coatmagic
  • Luxior
    Soul Shriven
    Game rated M for mature and it's actually showing that rating and why at the very bottom of this page lol. That's not going to change.
  • Chaos2088
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • kinguardian
    No absolutely not.
  • Indigogo
    Grown adults struggle to be responsible and mature enough when it comes to the group content. Adding actual children into it? God nooooo.
    Getting matched with a bunch of 9 year olds in a dungeon is some idea of fresh hell.

  • SpiderKnight
    There are lots of people that openly admit to letting their kids play on ps4 (some under 10). A setting like this won't matter, too many dumb parents. If they aren't going to waste time banning for these violations, I doubt they'd waste time implementing a child rated server or whatever.
    Edited by SpiderKnight on April 29, 2020 2:32PM
  • Sephyr
  • Ingenon
    No. ZOS does not need to spend money to add an option for under 18. The game is currently sold with an Mature Rating, and parents are ignoring it and letting their kids play. Just look at zone chat in several zones. And multiple guilds on PS4 / NA put in their guild recruitment post that new guild members must be 18+. The guildmasters know (like the rest of us do) that kids are playing, and so they have to put in the recruitment post that the guild is limited to adults.
  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    It's not over 18 because of gore, it's because of the chat and removing that on the players isn't going to net you any friends. You'd be causing more headaches then it's worth
  • indigorune
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    It's not over 18 because of gore, it's because of the chat and removing that on the players isn't going to net you any friends. You'd be causing more headaches then it's worth

    Well that's not really correct. The reason for ESO's ESRB rating of M, is:
    "Blood and Gore
    Sexual Themes
    Use of Alcohol

    They would have to change aspects of every part of the game to bring down the rating. It wouldn't be ESO anymore.

    EDIT: This is taken directly from ESRB's info on ESO:
    Rating Summary
    This is a multiplayer online role-playing game in which players assume the role of a warrior in the fantastical world of Nirn. As players explore open-world environments, they can perform various quests and complete tasks. Characters use swords, arrows, axes, and magic attacks (e.g., lightning, fire attacks) to kill human-like and fantastical enemies (e.g., orcs, demons, giant insects). Players engage in melee-style combat, hacking and slashing at various enemies; battles are highlighted by cries of pain, impact sounds, and blood splashes. Some sequences depict large amounts of blood streaming up-close as vampires attack/feed on characters. In some quests players have the ability to mount creatures' severed heads onto pikes; some environments depict corpse piles or skeletons hanging from torture devices. Text descriptions or dialogue sometimes contain references to sexual material and/or innuendo (e.g., “She...*** the men as cruelly as Bal had ravished her”; “In his mind, she would be the sheath to every knight's blade”; “No sweetmeat for you”; But it is huge! It could take me all night!”). During the course of the game, alcohol (i.e., wine, mead, ale) can be purchased and consumed by the central character; one sequence prompts players to engage in a drinking contest, resulting in the central character's blurred vision/slurred speech.
    Edited by indigorune on April 29, 2020 7:44PM
    PC-NA | EP
    PvE main --> K'hira - Khajiiti stamblade
    Trade Guild: Free Marketers
  • starlizard70ub17_ESO
    What if you could click "I am under 18" and you would not be able to see or type in zone chat.
    The game could simply edit out the more gnarly gore or whatever makes it over 18 when your character comes in contact with it. They would just not be able to participate in certain quest. In fact I think it would be super cool if those quest were replaced with more "saturday morning cartoon" like quest storylines if you will. You could add a lot more players and families could play together during the quarantine.

    I researched and play tested so many games trying to find the best game for family and friends to join in together online. Elder scrolls is from my research the most well put together game with diverse options by a long shot. So I think it would be great if we could have a 10+ setting. Honestly would be great if adults could choose it because I could care less about the gore and all the things that make it over 18 myself. I would much prefer more creative high fantasy quest and I often mute zone chat anyway... But seriously what do you think?

    Ideas? Thoughts?

    No, just no. We already have enough games that are kid friendly. A lot of people I know play this game to take a break from children and hang out with adults. If ESO ever went to a family friendly mode, I believe many people including myself would get bored with the kid's fare and go find another adult orientated MMO.
    "We have found a cave, but I don't think there are warm fires and friendly faces inside."
  • what_the
    no, pick another Mmo to play with the kids...
  • Lixiviant
    NNNNOOOOOO. I come here to get away from kids. Other people's kids. And the kids screaming, moaning, cussing on the mics. Just say No.
    PS4/PS5/NA - And now EU

    Daedroth might bite, just letting you know
  • DovahkiinHeart
    Even if every change that you want to happen to make the game more kid friendly became implemented, that's not going to shelter them from other players who couldn't care less or don't know the age of the player they're interacting with.

    Even if all they are ever going to do is casual flower picking, housing, overland quests, they're still going to come into contact with other players. And unless you disable the ability to interact with other players, they're still going to come across rude, callous and toxic players in this game.

    For the love of Akatosh, don't let them find out about end game content. You need to have really thick skin in that community.
    Edited by DovahkiinHeart on April 30, 2020 12:51AM
  • Sylvermynx
    Even if every change that you want to happen to make the game more kid friendly became implemented, that's not going to shelter them from other players who couldn't care less or don't know the age of the player they're interacting with.

    Even if all they are ever going to do is casual flower picking, housing, overland quests, they're still going to come into contact with other players. And unless you disable the ability to interact with other players, they're still going to come across rude, callous and toxic players in this game.

    For the love of Akatosh, don't let them find out about end game content. You need to have really thick skin in that community.

    Yep. That's the big problem with an MMO. No one can micromanage the dreck that happens in chat, in guilds, in whispers. MMOs are by their very nature one of the absolute worst experiences online outside of 4chan (hmm.... is that even still around? dunno, don't care). I am so happy I don't have kids or grandkids younger than mid-20s in this day and age.

    I can deal (I'm in my 70s, I grew up in Vegas, I've seen everything there is to see). Can the OP's children deal with it? That's a fair question. Back when my daughter was in middle school.... I would have never allowed her to play a game like this one (had there been one that many years ago - there wasn't) unsupervised every second.

    And she herself set up her children's workstations on the family dining room table when she home schooled while living in Germany. So her children were supervised every minute while they were online. Now they're adults in their own right, so of course they can make decisions for themselves.

    None of them play MMOs....
  • newtinmpls
    [if I had a dime for every time somebody said "okay boys" or assumed most of the players were if not all of the players were male I would be rich.

    And if I had a dime for every time someone mistook simple American grammar (i.e. when a plural contains at least one male, one uses the masculine version) for presumptions about gender, we'd both be rich.

    On the other hand there could be cultural issues.

    I was raised in Minnesota, and I use "guys" for any group of people. When dealing with all female groups of people NOT familiar with that usage, I get raised eyebrows - but it has nothing to do with any presumption of gender. It has to do with "guys" or "boys" or "kiddos" being terms I was raised to use for groups of humans.

    And I also agree that there is no way to know anyone's age online - unless I know them personally, and in that case, I really don't care.
    Tenesi Faryon of Telvanni - Dunmer Sorceress who deliberately sought sacrifice into Cold Harbor to rescue her beloved.
    Hisa Ni Caemaire - Altmer Sorceress, member of the Order Draconis and Adept of the House of Dibella.
    Broken Branch Toothmaul - goblin (for my goblin characters, I use either orsimer or bosmer templates) Templar, member of the Order Draconis and persistently unskilled pickpocket
    Mol gro Durga - Orsimer Socerer/Battlemage who died the first time when the Nibenay Valley chapterhouse of the Order Draconis was destroyed, then went back to Cold Harbor to rescue his second/partner who was still captive. He overestimated his resistance to the hopelessness of Oblivion, about to give up, and looked up to see the golden glow of atherius surrounding a beautiful young woman who extended her hand to him and said "I can help you". He carried Fianna Kingsley out of Cold Harbor on his shoulder. He carried Alvard Stower under one arm. He also irritated the Prophet who had intended the portal for only Mol and Lyris.
    Order Draconis - well c'mon there has to be some explanation for all those dragon tattoos.
    House of Dibella - If you have ever seen or read "Memoirs of a Geisha" that's just the beginning...
    Nibenay Valley Chapterhouse - Where now stands only desolate ground and a dolmen there once was a thriving community supporting one of the major chapterhouses of the Order Draconis
  • TineaCruris
    No capes. No kids.
  • TradoTheOne
    Some players are immature enough as it is, no need to make it worse.
    3 2 1 - My horn
  • GalexPK

    PC NA:
    Karim Vidal - Altmer Magicka Templar

    La'Mahnaz - Bosmer WW Stamina Nightblade

    Alba Id - Altmer Magicka Sorcerer

    La'Ainaz - Bosmer Vamp Necro

    Va'Shir - Khajiit Nightblade

    Steam ID: Galexpk
  • GalexPK
    Alucardo wrote: »
    God forbid they find the roleplayers brothel in Deeshan. Boy was that a surprise. Seriously though, 2k for a lap dance, that's daylight robbery if you ask me.

    Where is this? asking for a friend, send me PM if dont want to announce it public xD
    PC NA:
    Karim Vidal - Altmer Magicka Templar

    La'Mahnaz - Bosmer WW Stamina Nightblade

    Alba Id - Altmer Magicka Sorcerer

    La'Ainaz - Bosmer Vamp Necro

    Va'Shir - Khajiit Nightblade

    Steam ID: Galexpk
  • Kingslayer513

    Beat me to it.
  • Sibenice
    No. It's a bad idea. The amount of resources required to alter the game to fit that would be huge and would take away from actual game content. Not even remotely worth it.

    If you're looking for an MMO to play with your kids I'd suggest FFXIV. It's lighter, more colourful, the combat is slower and easier to pick up, the community is generally friendlier and you don't really need to be all that competent to make it through the base content. It's rated T, but it barely deserves that, if it does at all.
  • SpacemanSpiff1
    kids are already playing because parents don't parent.
  • Sneaky-Snurr
    OG_Kaveman wrote: »

    The Order of the Shadows: Nightmare
      EP CP810 Nightblade
      AD CP810 Templar
      AD CP810 Dragon Knight
      AD Lvl 25 Sorceror
      DC Lvl 23 Nightblade
    {PC•NA•no-CP Ravenwatch}

    Shadow hide you. -Unknown
    There is no clean fight in a war. -Shun Izaki
  • Monte_Cristo
    I didn't realize this game was supposed to be 18+. Thought it was more like the Australian M rating. Nothing in game that warrants an R rating.
  • Austinseph1
    I didn't realize this game was supposed to be 18+. Thought it was more like the Australian M rating. Nothing in game that warrants an R rating.

    If you actually read the lore and listen to what they say in game, there are some very perverse Ideals that are not meant for a young mind, We have just become fairly numb to it from playing it so much lol.
    Edited by Austinseph1 on April 30, 2020 6:49AM
  • flyingduchess
    The mere idea of this made me groan tbh. Like I wouldn't be surprised if teens are already playing this game, as did I with other games when I was like 14~15 or so, but that's on them. Overhauling this entire game just cos some rando insists on playing this with their kids?? Imagine having a buncha 11 year olds in a pug run omg bye go play Club Penguin with them or something
    Edited by flyingduchess on April 30, 2020 7:33AM
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