VMA and VDSA weapons will have perfected versions but your weapon won't be upgraded automatically.

According to ZOS_Brianwheeler our existing weapons will not be upgraded.


Dragonstar Arena and Maelstrom Arena proposed weapon changes from PTS 6.0.0:

Dragonstar Arena

Caustic Arrow:
This set now grants up to 330 Weapon Damage against targets affected with your Poison Arrow, up from 300.
This set now has a perfected version that grants up to 103 Weapon Damage.

Destructive Impact:
This set now grants up to 600 Spell Damage for 4 seconds after casting Destructive Touch.
Reduced the cost reduction granted towards Destructive Touch to 10%, down from 30%.
This set now has a Perfected version that grants up to 103 Spell Damage.

Grand Rejuvenation:
This set now grants up to 117 Magicka and Stamina to target affected, up from 100.
This set now has a Perfected version that grants up to 877 Max Magicka.

Puncturing Remedy:
Increased the healing granted by this set to 6130, up from 2500.
Increased the duration of the armor bonus to 5 seconds, up from 3.
The armor granted from this set will now incorporate over healing into its calculation, ensuring it will always grant a benefit when engaged with.
This set now has a Perfected version that grants up to 3% Healing Taken.

Stinging Slashes:
This set now increases any instance of damage done with Twin Slashes by 2102, rather than only increasing the bleed damage by 1600.
This set now has a Perfected version which grants up to 666 Weapon Critical Rating.

Titanic Cleave:
Increased the stacking damage bonus of this set to 1550, up from 1500.
Increased the target cap to 24, up from 6.
Note we will closely monitor how frequently this allows utter devastation to large groups and will address it appropriately so it is similar in function to Proximity Detonation.
This set now has a Perfected version which grants up to 1190 Physical Penetration.

Maelstrom Arena

Cruel Flurry:
Increased the Weapon and Spell Damage granted from this set to 1690, up from 1000.
This set now has a Perfected version which also grants up to 103 Weapon Damage.

Crushing Wall:
Increased the damage bonus of this set to 1353, up from 1341.
This set now has a Perfected version which grants up to 1190 Spell Penetration.

Merciless Charge:
Increased the damage done by this set to 10032 over its duration, up from 7200. The damage done is now once again labeled as a Bleed.
This set now has a Perfected version which also grants up to 1190 Physical Penetration.

Precise Regeneration:
Decreased the Magicka granted from this set to 500, down from 800.
Removed the cooldown from this set, though note it cannot proc from the event of simultaneous critical heals from Radiant Regeneration.
This set now has a Perfected version that grants up to 666 Spell Critical Rating.

Rampaging Slash:
Decreased the Magicka and Stamina restore from this set to 1904, down from 2000.
This set now has a Perfected version which also grants up to 77 Magicka and Stamina Recovery.

Thunderous Volley:
This set now increases the damage done of your Volley by 430 and increases by 143 per tick, up from 320 and increasing by 110 per tick.
This set now stacks up to a maximum of 8 times, rather than continuously stacking.
This set now has a Perfected version which grants up to 666 Weapon Critical rating.

[EDIT: Added PTS proposed weapon adjustments for perfected and non-perfected vDSA and vMA weapons]
Edited by Knowledge on April 20, 2020 9:39PM
  • mairwen85
    Seriously... [snip]

    [Edited for baiting commentary]
    Edited by ZOS_Mika on April 17, 2020 4:30PM
  • Elsonso
    I guess my first question is whether it is even realistic, from the game/server perspective, to upgrade them? Is it even something that they could do, and get it right? I mean, I can see the "no soup for you" coming from them, but there might be more to it than just an arbitrary "no" decision.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • mairwen85
    It's an Id in a data table, just like when they nerfed it, they updated the base item which affected all instances of it.
    Elsonso wrote: »
    I guess my first question is whether it is even realistic, from the game/server perspective, to upgrade them? Is it even something that they could do, and get it right? I mean, I can see the "no soup for you" coming from them, but there might be more to it than just an arbitrary "no" decision.

    Just clone the existing Id for non perfected, update the original to perfected. 5minute job for a grad developer on pittance pay.
  • Danksta
    I'm so glad they took the stats off them only for them to put them back on a perfected version for me to grind all over again..
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • Elsonso
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    It's an Id in a data table, just like when they nerfed it, they updated the base item which affected all instances of it.

    Just clone the existing Id for non perfected, update the original to perfected. 5minute job for a grad developer on pittance pay.

    The thing is that these people are not stupid, and they are not blind to what players want. If it was simply a matter that a grad student could have done in 5 minutes, then I would expect that they would be doing it. They are not evil, and they are not deliberately mean. If we start to assume that they are doing this for no good reason, or just to be mean, or just because they don't listen, we might as well blame it on 5G cell towers.

    Now, I could be wrong. I am not an insider. It just seems implausible that this is just some arbitrary decision to avoid "5 minutes of work".
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • spacecitypurrp
    I agree, I don't see the purpose of us having to regrind 4 year old content for weapons we already have, all current weapons should be upgraded or at least offer a way to upgrade them, first thing when dlc comes out is not thinking "let me regrind vma for a staff I already have" we want to get into the new trial not old content from 4 years ago, I hope you guys rethink this.
    Valkyn PURRP - Magicka Dragonknight The Flawless Conqueror
    Werecat PURRP - Stamina Dragonknight The Flawless Conqueror
    PURRPfect Storm - Magicka Sorcerer The Flawless Conqueror
    Molten Whip Me Daddy - Magicka Dragonknight Former Empress
    iiM PurrpSwift - Stamina Nightblade Gankblade of Dreams

    Xbox One - NA - II PURRP II
  • Sanguinor2
    Elsonso wrote: »

    The thing is that these people are not stupid, and they are not blind to what players want. If it was simply a matter that a grad student could have done in 5 minutes, then I would expect that they would be doing it. They are not evil, and they are not deliberately mean. If we start to assume that they are doing this for no good reason, or just to be mean, or just because they don't listen, we might as well blame it on 5G cell towers.

    Now, I could be wrong. I am not an insider. It just seems implausible that this is just some arbitrary decision to avoid "5 minutes of work".

    While I obviously dont know how Zos works I know that they have been able to edit existing item sets and add new ones without Problems. And that is all they would have to do with the perfected Arena weapons. Nothing more. The vma weapons even used to have the perfected Bonus until it got removed years ago.
    Politeness is respecting others.
    Courage is doing what is fair.
    Modesty is speaking of oneself without vanity.
    Self control is keeping calm even when anger rises.
    Sincerity is expressing oneself without concealing ones thoughts.
    Honor is keeping ones word.
  • mairwen85
    Elsonso wrote: »

    The thing is that these people are not stupid, and they are not blind to what players want. If it was simply a matter that a grad student could have done in 5 minutes, then I would expect that they would be doing it. They are not evil, and they are not deliberately mean. If we start to assume that they are doing this for no good reason, or just to be mean, or just because they don't listen, we might as well blame it on 5G cell towers.

    Now, I could be wrong. I am not an insider. It just seems implausible that this is just some arbitrary decision to avoid "5 minutes of work".

    It's about churn and enforcing longevity, continuity of older content. In other words $$. The best (non arbitrary) reason and motivator for any business decision.
    Edited by mairwen85 on April 17, 2020 4:54PM
  • Fur_like_snow
    My theory is that ZoS seems to believe since the majority of the player base hasn’t finish vMA it’s fine to release perfected weapons without an update of the old ones.
    Edited by Fur_like_snow on April 17, 2020 4:55PM
  • Elsonso
    My theory is that ZoS seems to believe since the majority of the player base hasn’t finish vMA it’s fine to release perfected weapons without an update of the old ones.

    This makes more sense than the $$$ reasoning that was expressed above. Using the word "majority" is probably generous. It is probably something in the single digit percentages. Still, they had to know going into this that the decision would be intensely popular, and not in a good way, so hopefully there is more to it than that.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • SidraWillowsky
    Elsonso wrote: »

    The thing is that these people are not stupid, and they are not blind to what players want. If it was simply a matter that a grad student could have done in 5 minutes, then I would expect that they would be doing it. They are not evil, and they are not deliberately mean. If we start to assume that they are doing this for no good reason, or just to be mean, or just because they don't listen, we might as well blame it on 5G cell towers.

    Now, I could be wrong. I am not an insider. It just seems implausible that this is just some arbitrary decision to avoid "5 minutes of work".

    This is an MMO... they're designed to be as grind-y and addictive as possible. They have teams of analysts and even psychologists whose job it is to ensure that people are playing as much as possible.

    This is absolutely intentional from that standpoint. They make tweaks/nerfs/buffs to sets all the time that are applied to existing sets during patches- remember Ravager, Veiled Heritance, Elemental Succession, Iceheart, etc etc etc. There is zero chance that there's no way to change existing vMA weaps to their perfected versions during this update.

    They want people to keep playing/grinding, pure and simple.
  • mairwen85
    Assuming that this is OK because the majority does not have these weapons and has not finished the content is still a stiff middle finger to those of us who have put time and effort into it. I don't see that as reasonable or sensible logic. I'm going to need more justification than that as to why I am worth less consideration as a paying customer just because I have done something they provided me to do. The reasoning is backwards in this argument.
    Edited by mairwen85 on April 17, 2020 5:08PM
  • Ezhh
    The one positive about them tying to make us go back to old content in such a meaningless and mindless fashion, is that it means we can put off buying any new content. :)

    I've had one inferno staff in over 50 clears (yes, I kept a log...) so this can take a while.
  • Wrecking_Gorilla
    Guess I’m done playing this game. Always going in circles for gear, doesn’t make a game interesting or worth while.
  • Turelus

    This is an MMO... they're designed to be as grind-y and addictive as possible. They have teams of analysts and even psychologists whose job it is to ensure that people are playing as much as possible.

    This is absolutely intentional from that standpoint. They make tweaks/nerfs/buffs to sets all the time that are applied to existing sets during patches- remember Ravager, Veiled Heritance, Elemental Succession, Iceheart, etc etc etc. There is zero chance that there's no way to change existing vMA weaps to their perfected versions during this update.

    They want people to keep playing/grinding, pure and simple.
    Even if that's the case there is a line you don't normally cross.

    I personally can't think of any MMO in my years of gaming which changed an item people worked their butt off to get to a lower version just to add the old version back in as a "new" item.

    What I don't understand (and I have no coding/design knowledge) is why can't all the current items in the game have their info update to say perfect and keep their values, vet arenas keep dropping those items.
    Then create a whole new item/database entry for the new standard version.
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • price101610
    Each character with stormproof title should get either 50 transmutes or an upgrade medallion in the mail to transmute the new versions farmed or upgrade current gear. I don’t mind re farming, but it’s *** that there is no retroactive acknowledgement of all of our multiple completes to farm the weapons.
  • price101610
    Boethia’s Scythe as well
  • Elsonso

    This is an MMO... they're designed to be as grind-y and addictive as possible. They have teams of analysts and even psychologists whose job it is to ensure that people are playing as much as possible.

    This is absolutely intentional from that standpoint. They make tweaks/nerfs/buffs to sets all the time that are applied to existing sets during patches- remember Ravager, Veiled Heritance, Elemental Succession, Iceheart, etc etc etc. There is zero chance that there's no way to change existing vMA weaps to their perfected versions during this update.

    They want people to keep playing/grinding, pure and simple.

    No team of analysts or psychologists are going to come up with something like this. They don't hook people by being intentionally mean to them.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Caelc
    it may not be possible to upgrade them automatically. its not the same as changing a set stat. These will have the blue versions still in the game so they may not be able to differentiate what was already farmed and what was farmed after the patch.
  • L2Pissue
    I can't understand how they reached such decisions.
    The game server cannot tolerate 200 players doing vMA simultaneously, and now they expect the game to run properly on the first week? Haha,

    The idea was nice, but the performance wasn't taken into account
  • price101610
    Have final drop include a special key like undaunted, then have the maelstrom merchant sell specific weapons for 5 keys each. Kizna could do the same in vdsa.
  • price101610
    Weapon could be random trait like undaunted shoulder
  • SidraWillowsky
    Caelc wrote: »
    it may not be possible to upgrade them automatically. its not the same as changing a set stat. These will have the blue versions still in the game so they may not be able to differentiate what was already farmed and what was farmed after the patch.

    All MA weaps in the game right now ONLY come from vMA is the thing- you get no Maelstrom weap from completing on norm. Ergo, any existing vMA weap prior to the patch should be upgraded to perf automatically. The normal vs. perfect differentiation will only start after U26 goes live. So there's no differentiation needed when upgrading.
  • Lisutaris
  • shaielzafine
    This is ridiculous. The best part is there's no response from the lead combat dev on WHY they're doing this. It's just like the other changes, no respect for the time and effort people have already done with their builds. They could've made a 3rd difficulty for the arena instead of want us to grind the same thing we already did hundreds of times. The best part is once you grind again, you get random loot.
  • Darkenarlol
    you mean my way above 1k + vma runs to get all what i wanted for all my account

    should be...redone?? like...srsly?

    ok then while we are here why not to raise all gear level to let's say 180cp?

    it won't be more ugly than what you are doing now ZOS =/

  • Neophyte
    So if you dont have ESO+ you need to subscribe or actually bay orsinium to farm these again ? Is this pay to be viable ?
  • FierceSam
    Funnily enough, Orsinium, home of vMA was/is on sale right now

    This is a bad move that will generate nothing but rancour and bad feelings
  • Neophyte
    So if you dont have ESO+ you need to subscribe or actually buy orsinium to farm these again ? Is this pay to be viable ?

  • Rave the Histborn
    Rave the Histborn
    Caelc wrote: »
    it may not be possible to upgrade them automatically. its not the same as changing a set stat. These will have the blue versions still in the game so they may not be able to differentiate what was already farmed and what was farmed after the patch.

    That's absurd. They've edited things before so they can edit these as well
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