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VMA and VDSA weapons will have perfected versions but your weapon won't be upgraded automatically.

  • Kingslayer513
    Turelus wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    It's an Id in a data table, just like when they nerfed it, they updated the base item which affected all instances of it.
    Elsonso wrote: »
    I guess my first question is whether it is even realistic, from the game/server perspective, to upgrade them? Is it even something that they could do, and get it right? I mean, I can see the "no soup for you" coming from them, but there might be more to it than just an arbitrary "no" decision.

    Just clone the existing Id for non perfected, update the original to perfected. 5minute job for a grad developer on pittance pay.

    The thing is that these people are not stupid, and they are not blind to what players want. If it was simply a matter that a grad student could have done in 5 minutes, then I would expect that they would be doing it. They are not evil, and they are not deliberately mean. If we start to assume that they are doing this for no good reason, or just to be mean, or just because they don't listen, we might as well blame it on 5G cell towers.

    Now, I could be wrong. I am not an insider. It just seems implausible that this is just some arbitrary decision to avoid "5 minutes of work".

    This is an MMO... they're designed to be as grind-y and addictive as possible. They have teams of analysts and even psychologists whose job it is to ensure that people are playing as much as possible.

    This is absolutely intentional from that standpoint. They make tweaks/nerfs/buffs to sets all the time that are applied to existing sets during patches- remember Ravager, Veiled Heritance, Elemental Succession, Iceheart, etc etc etc. There is zero chance that there's no way to change existing vMA weaps to their perfected versions during this update.

    They want people to keep playing/grinding, pure and simple.
    Even if that's the case there is a line you don't normally cross.

    I personally can't think of any MMO in my years of gaming which changed an item people worked their butt off to get to a lower version just to add the old version back in as a "new" item.

    What I don't understand (and I have no coding/design knowledge) is why can't all the current items in the game have their info update to say perfect and keep their values, vet arenas keep dropping those items.
    Then create a whole new item/database entry for the new standard version.

    I'm a software engineer and can tell you that this is exactly how it would be done, as efficiently as possible. All the current item IDs already drop from vet arenas. Simply update their stats to perfected. You don't even have to change any of the loot tables. Then make new item IDs for the nonperfected weapons. Add those to the loot tables for normal arenas only. Simple.

    It actually deliberately takes more work to do this a roundabout way so that all current weapons don't automatically become perfected.
  • xaraan
    I believe someone mentioned earlier getting rid of RNG for both vMA & vDSA...

    I’d go one step further and would suggest that upon completion of vMA or vDSA, you should get a choice of what weapon you want (like how you choose the Fighter’s Guild Prismatic)...

    However; maybe leaving the trait as RNG, leaving transmutation viable still.


    oh, it wouldn't shock me if they added a token system in just to push their change through and mitigate some of the rage

    But it's still screwing over everyone that earned the weapons on vet already.

    In fact, I don't want to run MA, it's boring. But if they just added in a token system I might actually do it every blue moon just to earn some tokens to have in case for the future. BUT if I HAVE to refarm it to earn tokens to buy the same veteran weapons I already earned, that's a different story. Makes me not even want to play the game anymore out of principle.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • Royaji
    Don't the perfected weapons from Asylum Sanctorium only drop on Vet HM? Since VMA doesn't exactly have a hard mode yet; unless they are going to use one of those achievos as the HM equivalent, why wouldn't you be expected to do it again... on hard mode? What they need is a currency system like Tel Var or Undaunted Keys so you can pick and choose your rewards from a vendor that shows at the end of an Arena, locking the Vet and Vet HM versions behind the corresponding achievements (like they do the achievement furnishings vendor), of course.

    vBRP perfected weapons drop on vet (and it does not even have HM). Being an arena, this is a much closer analogy system to vMA and vDSA than vAS, which is a trial.
  • roflcopter
    roflcopter wrote: »
    you mean my way above 1k + vma runs to get all what i wanted for all my account

    should be...redone?? like...srsly?

    ok then while we are here why not to raise all gear level to let's say 180cp?

    it won't be more ugly than what you are doing now ZOS =/

    This is just testing the waters for when they want increase the level cap on gear.

    why? there is no benefit in increasing the gear cap...

    Benefit to who?
    Xbox One | NA | AD
    GM - OK LOL
    Warden Stuff
    Ex - Trials Core 1 Runner - Left and couldn't be happier
  • r34lian
    What the....
    Just adding another time sink , good job!!
    Not gonna grind for that crap again
    Edited by r34lian on April 17, 2020 7:25PM
    2000 CP • 18 Maxed Characters • 6 Altmers • 7 Redguards • Necromancer Orc • Warden Dunmer • DK Nord • DK Imperial • Templar Breton
  • Neoauspex
    Every time sets get updated, our sets change. It's not only possible, it's the norm. Maybe they just want to lose 10-20% of their player base to see if that fixes performance.
  • gamergirldk
    so now all ppl that have done the vet arena will just have the non perfefect version thats on par with new upcomming normal reward.... wow thats low...
  • Dojohoda
    U G H
    Fan of playing magblade since 2015. (PC NA)
    Might be joking in comments.
  • richo262
    Turelus wrote: »
    Elsonso wrote: »
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    It's an Id in a data table, just like when they nerfed it, they updated the base item which affected all instances of it.
    Elsonso wrote: »
    I guess my first question is whether it is even realistic, from the game/server perspective, to upgrade them? Is it even something that they could do, and get it right? I mean, I can see the "no soup for you" coming from them, but there might be more to it than just an arbitrary "no" decision.

    Just clone the existing Id for non perfected, update the original to perfected. 5minute job for a grad developer on pittance pay.

    The thing is that these people are not stupid, and they are not blind to what players want. If it was simply a matter that a grad student could have done in 5 minutes, then I would expect that they would be doing it. They are not evil, and they are not deliberately mean. If we start to assume that they are doing this for no good reason, or just to be mean, or just because they don't listen, we might as well blame it on 5G cell towers.

    Now, I could be wrong. I am not an insider. It just seems implausible that this is just some arbitrary decision to avoid "5 minutes of work".

    This is an MMO... they're designed to be as grind-y and addictive as possible. They have teams of analysts and even psychologists whose job it is to ensure that people are playing as much as possible.

    This is absolutely intentional from that standpoint. They make tweaks/nerfs/buffs to sets all the time that are applied to existing sets during patches- remember Ravager, Veiled Heritance, Elemental Succession, Iceheart, etc etc etc. There is zero chance that there's no way to change existing vMA weaps to their perfected versions during this update.

    They want people to keep playing/grinding, pure and simple.
    Even if that's the case there is a line you don't normally cross.

    I personally can't think of any MMO in my years of gaming which changed an item people worked their butt off to get to a lower version just to add the old version back in as a "new" item.

    What I don't understand (and I have no coding/design knowledge) is why can't all the current items in the game have their info update to say perfect and keep their values, vet arenas keep dropping those items.
    Then create a whole new item/database entry for the new standard version.

    I'm a software engineer and can tell you that this is exactly how it would be done, as efficiently as possible. All the current item IDs already drop from vet arenas. Simply update their stats to perfected. You don't even have to change any of the loot tables. Then make new item IDs for the nonperfected weapons. Add those to the loot tables for normal arenas only. Simple.

    It actually deliberately takes more work to do this a roundabout way so that all current weapons don't automatically become perfected.

    Another easy way would be

    1. Rename the existing loot table to 'Perfected'
    2. Introduce new loot table for normal
    3. Introduce new loot table for veteran

    1 and 3 have the same stats. 1 won't ever drop again but is essentially the same as 3. Player doesn't notice the difference on the backend.

    ZOS has done this in the past when they introduced items that could not be sold on guild traders. It was a brand new item, and you could still find a few trade-able sets on guild stores that if found now cannot be sold, because technically they are two different items with the same name.
  • YandereGirlfriend
    This is an unfathomably disastrous move.
  • dcam86b14_ESO
    Its an mmo , grind is part of the game.
  • Stx
    I think it's unfair that our current veteran mode weapons are being down graded to normal mode versions. I think adding perfected versions is a good idea. It allows casual players to obtain the normal versions easier so they can deal better damage and it also allows veteran players a better weapon they can use on the front bar if desired without losing too many stats.

    But the bottom line is, we worked for these weapons on veteran mode, we earned them. Forcing us to earn them all over again is bogus.
  • virtus753
    Its an mmo , grind is part of the game.

    But having us grind for a certain piece of loot, adjusting that loot to be less powerful after the fact for the same level of content, then making the original quality gear available again but saying "oh, actually, all your rewards that we ourselves nerfed are only befitting norm difficulty -- so you'll have to redo the exact same content you already did to re-earn what you had before we took it away from you"?

    That's not "part-of-the-game grind." That's an inexplicable and inexcusable way to invalidate the time and effort that players have invested in the game.
  • yeey
    ZOS not good.
  • Death_Courir
    WTF!! Some solution to upgrade should be manageable! It is hard work and in most cases a bunch of time to get what u need in vMSA/vDSA. There are some people who really think about this.
    CP 1200+; Feierabend- und Wochendspieler mit realem Leben, Freunden und Verantwortungen; Lange dabei und trotzdem Noob!
  • Elsonso
    I'm a software engineer and can tell you that this is exactly how it would be done, as efficiently as possible. All the current item IDs already drop from vet arenas. Simply update their stats to perfected. You don't even have to change any of the loot tables. Then make new item IDs for the nonperfected weapons. Add those to the loot tables for normal arenas only. Simple.

    Right, which simply says that there is more to this than that.

    It will be interesting to see if they add to this story with some official reason behind this.
    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Arwaut
    Remeber what they do to you. They kick you directly into the face. Every time they want money from you pay them back!
  • Damocles
    Why should they? I'ts a new prize for completing the same content again. You've not done anything to earn the new prize. Just because the new prize isn't as good as the new prize doesn't mean your old prize should be upgraded.
  • Mettaricana
    Sounds like a ploy to drum up wrothgar sales or eso plus subs to get the perfected version...
  • Integral1900
    To be honest I’m so fed up with maelstrom arena that I would not go back now if it was literally just a room with the reward chest in it, I loath that thing with every fibre of my being.

    For the player who feel they will need to grind vet again you have my profound sympathy, at the very least they could have given a reason why they were not just upgrading the gear
  • llllADBllll
    I must be the only person who's played ESO that is looking forward to going back in there for a grinding session...
    Haven't played properly in months but would come back just for the LOLs and the farm and reignite some interest after PVP on EU became a ghost town 🤣


    Tamriel Trading Company Guildmaster
  • Matchimus
    I have totally revamped my main character specifically for vma and am just starting to get the hang of it. I now have to stop my momentum. Feeling flat.

    Edit - I have cleared 5 times in the last few weeks...quickest is about 3 hours & longest equivalent to my first marriage. All for nothing. I feel the pain of all players that have gone through this. I have got a lightning stave.but chasing others.
    Edited by Matchimus on April 17, 2020 9:43PM
  • iaminc
    Yep , way to dump on all the players that ground out the weapons before it was nerfed.


    [edited for profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_Lunar on April 18, 2020 1:45PM
  • Xologamer
    Elsonso wrote: »
    I guess my first question is whether it is even realistic, from the game/server perspective, to upgrade them? Is it even something that they could do, and get it right? I mean, I can see the "no soup for you" coming from them, but there might be more to it than just an arbitrary "no" decision.

    just change the existing set to get the new upgraded one and add a new one withouzt üperfectet buff
  • MissBizz
    Caelc wrote: »
    it may not be possible to upgrade them automatically. its not the same as changing a set stat. These will have the blue versions still in the game so they may not be able to differentiate what was already farmed and what was farmed after the patch.

    They can make the current VMA item ID the perfected version, and create a new item ID for non perfected. That actually makes MORE sense, so the same item ID's drop from veteran version as before.
    Lone Wolf HelpFor the solo players who know, sometimes you just need a hand.PC | NA | AD-DC-EP | Discord
  • Rake
    mairwen85 wrote: »
    It's an Id in a data table, just like when they nerfed it, they updated the base item which affected all instances of it.
    Elsonso wrote: »
    I guess my first question is whether it is even realistic, from the game/server perspective, to upgrade them? Is it even something that they could do, and get it right? I mean, I can see the "no soup for you" coming from them, but there might be more to it than just an arbitrary "no" decision.

    Just clone the existing Id for non perfected, update the original to perfected. 5minute job for a grad developer on pittance pay.

    Pretty much something like this.
  • Matchimus
    Glad I didn't buy new chapter. By the time I grind out the weapons I need the chapter will be half price. Cheers ZOS.
  • Red_Feather
    They're killing it guys. :)
  • gamergirldk
    They are pretty much shitting on the player that have done vet.... now all previous effort is down the drain.( yes I have my achievements ).
    We are not talking about a new type arena weapons if they had added new weapons to both normal/vet then I would have been ok with this.

    Now we have noting to show for the old Vet farming , new playerer who will do normal will have same stat weapons...

    Your selling out again. Your punishing the Vet arena ppl to pander to the less skill player base...
  • HappyTheCamper
    And what’s funny is It seems like no one is against the actual change. I think people are cool with adding perfected, but the fact that they won’t upgrade the current weapons of people who proved they beat vMA and vDSA is what has everyone (like me) upset.

    If they pushed these changes AND upgraded the weapons of current winners to perfected, this whole this gets near-universal praise. It blows my mind that ZOS continues to just shoot themselves in the foot and face with all these weird decisions.

    Then you remember that the Wrothgar event and sales come out at the end of the summer, conveniently right after these updates will take place...
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