FlopsyPrince wrote: »And some still think this is a wonderful system.
This shows how "wonderful" it really is.
generalmyrick wrote: »Help me out here...how does the upcoming 10x bid + no disbanding a ghost guild result in the following "rumors?" i have heard?
PLEASE USE MATH AND/OR LOGIC/ ECONOMICS or something that makes sense.
1. Doubling of guild fees? why?
2. i think @bmnoble said that some guild was raising dues to 100k? or something like that? so how/why would a guild do that or charge that? and why would a population base even entertain that?
its as if the entire game has gone nuts over a change, as what this game does every time there is a big change, but chill out!
however, i stand ready and honestly to read the intelligent justifications for doubling guild fees or raising them to 100k a week.
generalmyrick wrote: »
PLEASE USE MATH AND/OR LOGIC/ ECONOMICS or something that makes sense.
VaranisArano wrote: »The reason any guild would increase fees and/or requirements in that they need more ready cash.
Why do they need more ready cash?
1. To use the new multi-bid feature.
2. To defend their spot against other guilds using the new multi-bid feature.
First, guilds can bid up to 10 times...but they must have the gold to make those bids. So a guild who was bidding 3 million on their regular spot now must raise even more gold to bid on backup spots.
Second, other guilds can now use their spot as a backup bid. So take a guild who normally bids 500k for a lower tier city spot. Now, they face competition from more wealthy guilds who might be able to easily beat their regular bid with their backup. So in the event of the wealthier guilds getting shaken out of their regular spot, the lower-paying guilds risk losing to a wealthier guild's backup bid. So that guild might decide to increase their 500k bid in order to ward off wealthier guilds' backup bids in the event of a market shakeup.
generalmyrick wrote: »WE NEED A MINI GAME to practice.
CP is a crutch for people who can’t sustain and want to be "tanky" so they aren’t immediately punished for making mistakes.
No top trader is going to spend millions on a remote trader bid to screw over a little guy.
generalmyrick wrote: »Help me out here...how does the upcoming 10x bid + no disbanding a ghost guild result in the following "rumors?" i have heard?
PLEASE USE MATH AND/OR LOGIC/ ECONOMICS or something that makes sense.
1. Doubling of guild fees? why?
2. i think @bmnoble said that some guild was raising dues to 100k? or something like that? so how/why would a guild do that or charge that? and why would a population base even entertain that?
its as if the entire game has gone nuts over a change, as what this game does every time there is a big change, but chill out!
however, i stand ready and honestly to read the intelligent justifications for doubling guild fees or raising them to 100k a week.
The problem is the multi bid system is like the ghost guilds on steroids. Where the ghost guilds were matching the local competition of the area they were bidding in or bidding lower than that tier. The multi bidding system is making us match the prices in the tier above where were bidding, so we arnt sniped from guilds in that tier backups. Basically all tiers prices just got there minimum entry bid bumped up by 1 tier
The problem is the multi bid system is like the ghost guilds on steroids. Where the ghost guilds were matching the local competition of the area they were bidding in or bidding lower than that tier. The multi bidding system is making us match the prices in the tier above where were bidding, so we arnt sniped from guilds in that tier backups. Basically all tiers prices just got there minimum entry bid bumped up by 1 tier
I agree. This analysis is supported by game theory.
generalmyrick wrote: »
The problem is the multi bid system is like the ghost guilds on steroids. Where the ghost guilds were matching the local competition of the area they were bidding in or bidding lower than that tier. The multi bidding system is making us match the prices in the tier above where were bidding, so we arnt sniped from guilds in that tier backups. Basically all tiers prices just got there minimum entry bid bumped up by 1 tier
I agree. This analysis is supported by game theory.
The ghost guilds cut people out of the market...by basically acting as an extra bid for a guild that could afford them...now everybody has extra bids.
In effect, the game now has less players because they can't snipe and disband...so there's no point.
Less players for same amount spots means...less demand for same supply?
FlopsyPrince wrote: »And some still think this is a wonderful system.
This shows how "wonderful" it really is.
I do. I and my guildies raise enough cash to bid and win where we please. If there were a central trader, I'd have 24/7/365 coverage to cherrypick the best items to flip.
Either way, I win.
generalmyrick wrote: »0_o
So...people that set up guilds to snipe them from big guilds so they can then sell them to big guilds at higher prices...are not players in the game?
These non payers sold to poor guilds for discounts?
Is that air I'm breathing?
Idk rift....
generalmyrick wrote: »Help me out here...how does the upcoming 10x bid + no disbanding a ghost guild result in the following "rumors?" i have heard?
PLEASE USE MATH AND/OR LOGIC/ ECONOMICS or something that makes sense.
1. Doubling of guild fees? why?
2. i think @bmnoble said that some guild was raising dues to 100k? or something like that? so how/why would a guild do that or charge that? and why would a population base even entertain that?
its as if the entire game has gone nuts over a change, as what this game does every time there is a big change, but chill out!
however, i stand ready and honestly to read the intelligent justifications for doubling guild fees or raising them to 100k a week.
You misread bmnoble's post.
He did not state the his guild was raising fees to 100k. He stated that in a healthy, competitive guild, some members donate far and above the minimum. He used "100k to one million" as an example. Amongst my three competitive trade guilds, I see several such deposits every week. This is made possible by hiring a kiosk in a high-traffic location as opposed to say, an outlaw refuge.
generalmyrick wrote: »A group of people bid on a kiosk and win it. Then sell it to another guild. How are they not a player in the game?
Just by taking action and those actions resulting in more transactions...that resulting in the very changes we are talking about. No net effect....I see a very large one. This thread, the kiosk changes...etc.
generalmyrick wrote: »Parse basic English...
Okay. Let's block each other so my stupidity doesn't rub up against your invincible logic!
Moving on,
Medium and small guilds have stated over and over that they are tapped out of funds, they are not in big guilds for lots of reasons, etc etc. Bottom line is that fees aren't there thing and the little bids is all they can scrape together.
So, big guilds are raising fees to fight with each other...given that if they lose their first bid they have 9 insurance policies while working with their partners.
So, once again it does seem that a temporary fee increase would make sense if they are building a bidding pool.
However, anything long-term wouldn't make sense to this flimsy brain...