Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »Since you are misinterpreting what I am saying, I will do the work you should have done to understand what I am saying.Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »PvP and lately PvE is strugling under the burden of lag and server issues since ever, and none blinks an eye.
Suddenly trading is being bugged and everyone jumps on other's throat's
You have to love this community.
May I add that we are those grumpy ones moaning about joining forces on demanding better services
before its too late, aka the problem reaches every aspect of the game!
This is weird, since PVP-, PVE- and Social guild related problems have been solved by removing everything the trading community needs, to work out properly, and now you come and complain about trading community, which gets everything while PVP, PVE and co nothing. There is absolutely no logic behind that.
The community acts individually.
None blinks an eye as long as the issues do not interfere with their daily habbits.
Although most of the people here being handed forum bans, censorship and deletion of -what would be deemed perfectly logic- posts just for voicing their concerns over and over again.
All of us or most of us are members in guilds to trade, not all of us log in just to farm so to maintain them.
I personaly don't give a damn about what will happen with trading addons. I see the big picture.
Trading can live without the current addons, the game itself can't with the current state.
The fun part about this is, that not the "professional traders" are the ones, depending on these trading related addons (except for the GMs) that you give "a damn about", but the people, who want to think as less as possible about trading, ergo PVEers, Questers, Casuals, PVPers. Those who do not want to run around, looking up prices of other items same type, those who do not want to check all stores for one specific most cheap item.
KoultouraS wrote: »Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »Since you are misinterpreting what I am saying, I will do the work you should have done to understand what I am saying.Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »PvP and lately PvE is strugling under the burden of lag and server issues since ever, and none blinks an eye.
Suddenly trading is being bugged and everyone jumps on other's throat's
You have to love this community.
May I add that we are those grumpy ones moaning about joining forces on demanding better services
before its too late, aka the problem reaches every aspect of the game!
This is weird, since PVP-, PVE- and Social guild related problems have been solved by removing everything the trading community needs, to work out properly, and now you come and complain about trading community, which gets everything while PVP, PVE and co nothing. There is absolutely no logic behind that.
The community acts individually.
None blinks an eye as long as the issues do not interfere with their daily habbits.
Although most of the people here being handed forum bans, censorship and deletion of -what would be deemed perfectly logic- posts just for voicing their concerns over and over again.
All of us or most of us are members in guilds to trade, not all of us log in just to farm so to maintain them.
I personaly don't give a damn about what will happen with trading addons. I see the big picture.
Trading can live without the current addons, the game itself can't with the current state.
The fun part about this is, that not the "professional traders" are the ones, depending on these trading related addons (except for the GMs) that you give "a damn about", but the people, who want to think as less as possible about trading, ergo PVEers, Questers, Casuals, PVPers. Those who do not want to run around, looking up prices of other items same type, those who do not want to check all stores for one specific most cheap item.
Alt+tab > TTC site, >search item > sort column by cheapest ... Tadah...
Also Arkadius is still working and its lighter than MM
KoultouraS wrote: »Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »Since you are misinterpreting what I am saying, I will do the work you should have done to understand what I am saying.Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »PvP and lately PvE is strugling under the burden of lag and server issues since ever, and none blinks an eye.
Suddenly trading is being bugged and everyone jumps on other's throat's
You have to love this community.
May I add that we are those grumpy ones moaning about joining forces on demanding better services
before its too late, aka the problem reaches every aspect of the game!
This is weird, since PVP-, PVE- and Social guild related problems have been solved by removing everything the trading community needs, to work out properly, and now you come and complain about trading community, which gets everything while PVP, PVE and co nothing. There is absolutely no logic behind that.
The community acts individually.
None blinks an eye as long as the issues do not interfere with their daily habbits.
Although most of the people here being handed forum bans, censorship and deletion of -what would be deemed perfectly logic- posts just for voicing their concerns over and over again.
All of us or most of us are members in guilds to trade, not all of us log in just to farm so to maintain them.
I personaly don't give a damn about what will happen with trading addons. I see the big picture.
Trading can live without the current addons, the game itself can't with the current state.
The fun part about this is, that not the "professional traders" are the ones, depending on these trading related addons (except for the GMs) that you give "a damn about", but the people, who want to think as less as possible about trading, ergo PVEers, Questers, Casuals, PVPers. Those who do not want to run around, looking up prices of other items same type, those who do not want to check all stores for one specific most cheap item.
Alt+tab > TTC site, >search item > sort column by cheapest ... Tadah...
Also Arkadius is still working and its lighter than MM
Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »Since you are misinterpreting what I am saying, I will do the work you should have done to understand what I am saying.Dont_do_drugs wrote: »KoultouraS wrote: »PvP and lately PvE is strugling under the burden of lag and server issues since ever, and none blinks an eye.
Suddenly trading is being bugged and everyone jumps on other's throat's
You have to love this community.
May I add that we are those grumpy ones moaning about joining forces on demanding better services
before its too late, aka the problem reaches every aspect of the game!
This is weird, since PVP-, PVE- and Social guild related problems have been solved by removing everything the trading community needs, to work out properly, and now you come and complain about trading community, which gets everything while PVP, PVE and co nothing. There is absolutely no logic behind that.
The community acts individually.
None blinks an eye as long as the issues do not interfere with their daily habbits.
Although most of the people here being handed forum bans, censorship and deletion of -what would be deemed perfectly logic- posts just for voicing their concerns over and over again.
All of us or most of us are members in guilds to trade, not all of us log in just to farm so to maintain them.
I personaly don't give a damn about what will happen with trading addons. I see the big picture.
Trading can live without the current addons, the game itself can't with the current state.
The fun part about this is, that not the "professional traders" are the ones, depending on these trading related addons (except for the GMs) that you give "a damn about", but the people, who want to think as less as possible about trading, ergo PVEers, Questers, Casuals, PVPers. Those who do not want to run around, looking up prices of other items same type, those who do not want to check all stores for one specific most cheap item.
Alt+tab > TTC site, >search item > sort column by cheapest ... Tadah...
Also Arkadius is still working and its lighter than MM
ATT can only show the past data sources, tho i guess it at least doesnt produce any ui errors while history shutdown, phew for that. so all u can do with att atm is crawling previous sales before history-shutdown. ingame ttc doesnt work atm as well as i heard, everything which requres a second medium (browser) while playing isnt userfriendly. that ttc has to go browser is only a crook for bad server performance and ig ui design. after all, your not able prove opposite of what i said.
The fun part about this is, that not the "professional traders" are the ones, depending on these trading related addons (except for the GMs) that you give "a damn about", but the people, who want to think as less as possible about trading, ergo PVEers, Questers, Casuals, PVPers....
as much as your strawman desperately trys to portrayPVEers, Questers, Casuals, PVPers
Does the average player need History to do his daily sells/puchases atm?
Does the average player need History to do his daily sells/puchases atm?
I need. I still haven't got three mails for items sold during 'not in any guild' time. If not ATT I wouldn't even know it was sold. So with ATT don't show any sales history now I don't care even place something a bit valuable for sale. I feel guilty before my trade guilds but see no point in trading during all this mess.
ZOS, why are you waiting until Monday to restore guild histories? Why can't you do a hot fix?
MartiniDaniels wrote: »So I went to fishing as a last resort and even that lags in peak hours. I was gutting several hundreds of fish and many times fish won't gut and then 3 fish are gutted in a row... ARGHHH!
My login request timed out today, part of those new login queues probably even if it’s not by the same name
Tried again, collected daily, logged out.
There’s nothing really worth doing in ESO, nothing that consistently functions anyway
I got into BGs, then they got glitchy, matches wouldn’t start, server lagged and never displayed vfx, leaver penalty for matches that never started, chaosballs in spawn areas. I quit doing BGs.
Wanted to do some more trials, have to restart the whole thing cuz there was an unlucky wipe topside in HRC and now the boosts and doors don’t work right. Dungeons give “someone declined” even with four people. Now they lock you out of queuing at al when some arbitrary amount of people are already queued because they refuse to buy better servers.
Went back to farming mats and gear to sell, even that pops up load screens in PvE zones with no one else in sight. Now they’re seriously trying to remove basic addon functions, wrecking the trading scene’s norm five years into the game
Fishing was glitched to not award a catch for a good while, not sure if that is fully fixed.
Cyro is as always a huge mess of bugs and lag, and now it’s getting restricted playability too.
EU servers are constantly imploding for no good reason besides more refusal to invest some crate money into more efficient hardware. “Login queue” is an insult.
I’ve unsubbed. I imagine it’ll make the game damn near unplayable with the horrendous storage limits in place. The moment they brought out jewelry crafting was the moment they lost any justification not to make the craft bag and extra bank space a standard feature for every player. Until someone changes though, if it ever does, I think we’d all be better off putting our time and money into better, more functional games
Daviiid_ESO wrote: »MartiniDaniels wrote: »So I went to fishing as a last resort and even that lags in peak hours. I was gutting several hundreds of fish and many times fish won't gut and then 3 fish are gutted in a row... ARGHHH!
Ah you should see cyro in primetime, skills not going out until 5-6 seconds after you press them, rollbacks to where you were 10 seconds ago and then teleport back, weird desync bugs where you're moving with your group (but only on your screen. On their screens you are just standing still apparantly) and much much more!
WhisperLFE wrote: »I've been frustrated on behalf of the PC-EU players for a while (I'm PC-NA). And now, for the past week (since the full Eslweyr release and recent patch), I've seen similarly-described issues showing up on PC-NA (e.g., skills not firing or firing late, bosses lagging and teleporting, etc.).
Combined with all the broken guild store problems, seems like ZOS took everything they've learned from the PC-EU issues and not being proactive about trouble-shooting and...did absolutely nothing with it. Cheers to that.
lordrichter wrote: »It is starting to look, from this La-Z-Boy, that ESO is suffering from it's own success. Critical backend systems were designed years ago, and have either reached design limits, or have proven unable to scale as player demand increases. No amount of additional server hardware is going to fix that, once processing capacity for the weakest link in the chain has reached maximum.
Guild history... LFG... Latency... all of these things point to a tentative conclusion about systems that are overtaxed, and possibly unable to scale to meet the player demand. These are not easy to fix because they need to be redesigned, and as we have seen with LFG, will take months to do it.
This is very expensive work, if that conclusion is correct. My bigger question is whether ZOS wants to do it. Are they at the point where they are expecting ESO to have a high ROI so they can focus Studio efforts on the two other games they are working on. Are they trying to fix these things on a budget in hopes that they can address key issues without expending so much effort that it will seriously impact the other games. profits, or whatever goals they have in place?
I guess the answer to that depends on what they have in place for an outlook. If they are expecting ESO to continue to grow, and view these things as blockades to that, then they have a reason to fix them. If they are expecting ESO to peak soon, and then wane in population, then all they need to do is hold things together until that happens. Eventually, the game population will drop to the point where the megaservers run smoothly, assuming that scaling is the problem.
lordrichter wrote: »WhisperLFE wrote: »I've been frustrated on behalf of the PC-EU players for a while (I'm PC-NA). And now, for the past week (since the full Eslweyr release and recent patch), I've seen similarly-described issues showing up on PC-NA (e.g., skills not firing or firing late, bosses lagging and teleporting, etc.).
Combined with all the broken guild store problems, seems like ZOS took everything they've learned from the PC-EU issues and not being proactive about trouble-shooting and...did absolutely nothing with it. Cheers to that.
It is starting to look, from this La-Z-Boy, that ESO is suffering from it's own success. Critical backend systems were designed years ago, and have either reached design limits, or have proven unable to scale as player demand increases. No amount of additional server hardware is going to fix that, once processing capacity for the weakest link in the chain has reached maximum.
Guild history... LFG... Latency... all of these things point to a tentative conclusion about systems that are overtaxed, and possibly unable to scale to meet the player demand. These are not easy to fix because they need to be redesigned, and as we have seen with LFG, will take months to do it.
This is very expensive work, if that conclusion is correct. My bigger question is whether ZOS wants to do it. Are they at the point where they are expecting ESO to have a high ROI so they can focus Studio efforts on the two other games they are working on. Are they trying to fix these things on a budget in hopes that they can address key issues without expending so much effort that it will seriously impact the other games. profits, or whatever goals they have in place?
I guess the answer to that depends on what they have in place for an outlook. If they are expecting ESO to continue to grow, and view these things as blockades to that, then they have a reason to fix them. If they are expecting ESO to peak soon, and then wane in population, then all they need to do is hold things together until that happens. Eventually, the game population will drop to the point where the megaservers run smoothly, assuming that scaling is the problem.
lordrichter wrote: »WhisperLFE wrote: »I've been frustrated on behalf of the PC-EU players for a while (I'm PC-NA). And now, for the past week (since the full Eslweyr release and recent patch), I've seen similarly-described issues showing up on PC-NA (e.g., skills not firing or firing late, bosses lagging and teleporting, etc.).
Combined with all the broken guild store problems, seems like ZOS took everything they've learned from the PC-EU issues and not being proactive about trouble-shooting and...did absolutely nothing with it. Cheers to that.
It is starting to look, from this La-Z-Boy, that ESO is suffering from it's own success. Critical backend systems were designed years ago, and have either reached design limits, or have proven unable to scale as player demand increases. No amount of additional server hardware is going to fix that, once processing capacity for the weakest link in the chain has reached maximum.
Guild history... LFG... Latency... all of these things point to a tentative conclusion about systems that are overtaxed, and possibly unable to scale to meet the player demand. These are not easy to fix because they need to be redesigned, and as we have seen with LFG, will take months to do it.
This is very expensive work, if that conclusion is correct. My bigger question is whether ZOS wants to do it. Are they at the point where they are expecting ESO to have a high ROI so they can focus Studio efforts on the two other games they are working on. Are they trying to fix these things on a budget in hopes that they can address key issues without expending so much effort that it will seriously impact the other games. profits, or whatever goals they have in place?
I guess the answer to that depends on what they have in place for an outlook. If they are expecting ESO to continue to grow, and view these things as blockades to that, then they have a reason to fix them. If they are expecting ESO to peak soon, and then wane in population, then all they need to do is hold things together until that happens. Eventually, the game population will drop to the point where the megaservers run smoothly, assuming that scaling is the problem.
lordrichter wrote: »WhisperLFE wrote: »I've been frustrated on behalf of the PC-EU players for a while (I'm PC-NA). And now, for the past week (since the full Eslweyr release and recent patch), I've seen similarly-described issues showing up on PC-NA (e.g., skills not firing or firing late, bosses lagging and teleporting, etc.).
Combined with all the broken guild store problems, seems like ZOS took everything they've learned from the PC-EU issues and not being proactive about trouble-shooting and...did absolutely nothing with it. Cheers to that.
It is starting to look, from this La-Z-Boy, that ESO is suffering from it's own success. Critical backend systems were designed years ago, and have either reached design limits, or have proven unable to scale as player demand increases. No amount of additional server hardware is going to fix that, once processing capacity for the weakest link in the chain has reached maximum.
Guild history... LFG... Latency... all of these things point to a tentative conclusion about systems that are overtaxed, and possibly unable to scale to meet the player demand. These are not easy to fix because they need to be redesigned, and as we have seen with LFG, will take months to do it.
This is very expensive work, if that conclusion is correct. My bigger question is whether ZOS wants to do it. Are they at the point where they are expecting ESO to have a high ROI so they can focus Studio efforts on the two other games they are working on. Are they trying to fix these things on a budget in hopes that they can address key issues without expending so much effort that it will seriously impact the other games. profits, or whatever goals they have in place?
I guess the answer to that depends on what they have in place for an outlook. If they are expecting ESO to continue to grow, and view these things as blockades to that, then they have a reason to fix them. If they are expecting ESO to peak soon, and then wane in population, then all they need to do is hold things together until that happens. Eventually, the game population will drop to the point where the megaservers run smoothly, assuming that scaling is the problem.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »"How to blew up reputation in one year, and receive relentless cash-grabber title after being known as player-oriented company for years" (c) Bethesda.
Most funny thing is that if we look at EA, they have actually grabbed billions of cash before becoming "worst gaming-company", while in case of Bethesda they sold reputation so cheap and so fast that it looks pitiful. The only right thing they can do now is fire those new "effective managers" who organized all this circus like FO76 and return to what they can really do good.
Tulare_Verlaris wrote: »The silence is deafening.
Hey, great communication improvement ZO$!
LiraTaurwen wrote: »Waiting to see what tomorrow's maintenace will this point we can expect anything to happen lol