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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • navystylz_ESO
    Chadak wrote: »

    No one even mentioned needing better rewards.

    You mean except almost everyone on every one of these threads that pop up every single day?

    Because I've seen an awful lot of these threads come and go, and they always feature the same rhetoric.


    You can already make it harder by downgrading your gear and not spending your own CP.


    So you really weren't interested in more difficulty at all, your just flipping tables because what you really want is better rewards because you feel you're in a higher level than most other players.


    I think the problem here is that I do understand and holy crap does that make some of you as mad as my fourteen year old nephew when he thinks he's being clever asking for money ’so he can get something nice for his little sister' when what he actually wants to do is keep the change.

    Your hyperbole has no place here. And show me what reply prior to yours says "and give better rewards."

    Talk about people being entitled while making up BS just to whine yourself. Hypocrite.
  • navystylz_ESO
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Because game already died once because people like you. There was EXACTLY what you want at launch.

    Correlation does not does not imply causation fallacy.

    Game nearly died to massive amount of bugs. Inability to ever see friends who rolled wrong faction. VR ranking and how tedious having to do every single quest, in the layout the game said, was. Ya, some people--still those who can't be bothered to do mechanics and thus like easy faceroll mode--cried about bosses actually requiring work. Or god forbid, being social in a MMO and asking for help (Doshia comes to mind). But stop pretending it was the difficulty and not more so all the other barriers that were killing the game then.

  • navystylz_ESO
    Aireal wrote: »
    I don't understand why some of you who really want more difficulty don't challenge yourselves. The tools are in the game for you to do so, your imagination and creativity would allow you to come up with personal challenges.

    The tools were in the game for people who couldn't make it past more difficult bosses as well. The same tools that still exist and have always existed. It's called being social and grouping. That, of course, wasn't good enough for people. Despite more people being able to solo content without help, than the ones who just couldn't be assed, and cried in forums the content was too difficult.

    People are acting like people expect veteran DLC dungeon bosses on hardmode for overland content.
  • Chadak
    Chadak wrote: »

    No one even mentioned needing better rewards.

    You mean except almost everyone on every one of these threads that pop up every single day?

    Because I've seen an awful lot of these threads come and go, and they always feature the same rhetoric.


    You can already make it harder by downgrading your gear and not spending your own CP.


    So you really weren't interested in more difficulty at all, your just flipping tables because what you really want is better rewards because you feel you're in a higher level than most other players.


    I think the problem here is that I do understand and holy crap does that make some of you as mad as my fourteen year old nephew when he thinks he's being clever asking for money ’so he can get something nice for his little sister' when what he actually wants to do is keep the change.

    Your hyperbole has no place here. And show me what reply prior to yours says "and give better rewards."

    Talk about people being entitled while making up BS just to whine yourself. Hypocrite.

    You're new to these threads. I can tell.

    I don't feel like digging up every one of these threads and the hundreds, if not thousands, of different posts wherein which people never fail to mention how ZOS could maybe possibly put increased rewards in there too, but the proof is in the pudding.

    If you want challenge, you can make your own challenge. You've a wealth of tools to do so and if you refuse to use them, that's your problem.

    If you're here crying about needing moar challenge, then you're not using the tools available to you to create your own challenge and I assume you have the ulterior motive of just wanting a path to more rewards.

    And the one or two times I'm wrong out of the hundreds to thousands? I'll chalk that up to an acceptable margin of error.
    Edited by Chadak on May 30, 2019 6:29PM
  • navystylz_ESO
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.
  • Spinkledorf
    Soul Shriven
    I made a similar post, and got mixed reactions. I'm with you OP, overland content for veteran players is a joke. For new players, sure, make it easy. Those looking for a challenge however, won't find anything in that regard with quests.
  • Chadak
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.

    I feel, at this time, that you need to be informed of an obscure little thing that you probably won't have heard of before because it's so obscure and little known.

    Where do you think overland sets come from?

    I imagine nobody cares about those though.


  • navystylz_ESO
    Aireal wrote: »

    So really it's not silly and it's not gimping.. now to take the character that earned those 520 CP points and take them away ( can you actually do that? ) and then strip them nude of armor, arms, and buffs.. no that IS regressive and gimping.

    Well you don't have to spend the CP. Which I didn't on my new toon I just leveled. And everything was still pathetically easy, even wearing level 10 gear with training (so no divines, armor, dmg extra bonuses in lieu of xp). Even hitting 30 and changing it out for level 30 xp, I only seen a slight decrease in killing time, but not actual difficulty. Maybe at that point my veteran knowledge was kicking in. But expecting a person to be naked or in gear 20 levels below them to start to feel a bump in TTK is absurd.
  • navystylz_ESO
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.
  • kathandira
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    I feel it is appropriately challenging for the sort of enemies I am fighting. Considering that I have completed end game challenges and fought enemies that are a kin to gods, I feel a random bandit should be a cake walk that does not provide me with a challenge.

    There are World Bosses that are still a challenge that I cannot kill in 2 hits, and I also find that appropriate as that is what they are intended for.

    If for some reason a random cut purse was as difficult to kill as a World Boss, that simply wouldn’t make sense due to the challenges Ive faced in Dungeons and Trials.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • Chadak
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    You realize that out of the 1,000,000 +/- people that play this game, almost none of them interact on this forum, right?

    But hey. You know what I've noticed? People like you think you've got a better grasp of what this game needs than its developers do.

    A lot of us are happy enough with it as it is whether we personally find it difficult or not.

    I myself find overworld content to be no challenge at all, and I like it that way, because it it were a challenge for me, ninety nine out of every hundred of you couldn't do it at all. I got good enough to punch my way through vMA repeatedly and put up good numbers on the leaderboard while doing it.

    And I'm here to tell you that this game's overworld content should not be made for me.
  • navystylz_ESO
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Same challenge as the other guy: do Caravan Rest/Mabrigal Burial Circle every 5 levels with no stats on level white gear and no CP. Videos required of course.

    By your "logic" vMA is also pi** easy because it can be done with just bow light attack and no skills (or just bash). But thats what "mechanics" does to the game.

    Would be nice if you even had to respect the mechanics on overland content. Got vampire at level 1 on the necromancer and even fire didn't feel dangerous.

    And if player doesn't keep his gear updated.. why? This is RPG. Not visual novel, not an adventure, not walk-in-park simulator. ESO is RPG. RPG genre includes role-playing and building your character, if somebody doesn't build his character and get smashed, is it problem of the game?

    As a relatively new player to ESO (but not new to MMO's nor new to TES), I can answer that. It is really unlikely that you will get the ideal drops for your build. Furthermore, unlike in other games, there is no truly open market for gear. You can farm gear, but you can never farm gear above the level of the character you are farming with, and meanwhile that character is levelling as you use them to farm. So gearing up is not entirely within your control.

    Once you have an established character, it is different, of course. Or if you have a guild or a friend power levelling you.

    Glad to see an actual relatively new player response. I think a mistake that a lot of new players make, is thinking that your traits a
    FierceSam wrote: »
    Yes its too easy and not challenging at all, the whole Content is too easy and boring because of it,.

    And yet it takes an experienced player over 10 minutes to kill a world boss with a vanilla L9 character. That doesn’t seem like it’s too easy to me.

    Should they be able to solo a world boss at L9? Sure, it should be possible for a good player to complete most overland content on a basic character, but they have to be way, way, way better than even the average new player. And that’s who overland content is aimed at.

    And the ‘whole’ content isn’t too easy either. vMA is still a challenge for 99% of the playerbase, DLC hard mode no death is still a challenge for the vast majority etc etc. Raise your sights.

    Don't move the bar. Many of the posts have been clarifying overland content to not mean dungeons, delves, dolmen or WBs.
  • navystylz_ESO
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Oh, now you should go around farming gear every level from 30 on. Right, best way to kill the game.

    These people sound to me the same like they use xp scrolls and complain xp is to high and has to be nerfed, and when you tell them to just stop using xp scrolls they call that absurd and continue demanding xp nerf cuz RPG....or something.

    Not sure which side of the argument you're on. New players wouldn't be rushing anyway. If they're level 30 they should be doing the game which includes the stuff that gives them plenty of gear. Why on earth would they not being getting gear from level 30 on? You don't even need to go out your way to do it.

    Level rewards gives you better stuff, esp weapons. You do not need to be wearing all the same type of armor. Stats matter over if it's light, medium or heavy. So if you aren't equipping better stats because of that, you're doing it wrong. You don't need set bonuses. If you keep your weapon updated you have plenty to easily smash overland content.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Minno wrote: »
    they should give special rewards for Max CP toons that decide to clear content with all CP removed or stay at CP160.
    Or just remove CP entirely since PVP has had several changes to handle the CP power creep but PVE has not.

    Oh. Now got to a post where someone is actually asking for special rewards. No, this post wasn't about special rewards, and now those people saying the rest of us just lowkey want more difficulty for better rewards will feel vindicated. No matter the 11 pages prior to this not mentioning it at all.
  • Ydrisselle
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    Count me in. I always love to see how people like you claims the game is mind-numbingly easy. Well, I had problems in delves with 100k hp minibosses with my first character, and then with my second character, and then with the others too. I was lvl30 when I could solo a boss in a public dungeon for the first time. I was lvl45 at my first solo dolmen. I didn't soloed any world bosses yet, and I've reached CP632. I didn't even tried to solo any dungeons yet. I'm simply not good enough for those challenges,and I would hate any step to make overland harder.

    You want a debuff for yourself to have challenging content? You can already do it right now: disable CP, wear white gear without any stats, and use a suboptimal skill build. If that's not enough for you, then nothing will be - since you are simply too good.
  • Aireal
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    In general, no ... the zombies and other mobs that attack in 3s yes, WB's yes... challenging, depending upon the character.

    Baran lvl 43 DK.. no issues, now that he's got good armor.
    T'sillah, lvl 34 Warden... no problems at all.
    Ay'Anna, lvl 34 sorc.. no issues
    Marik lvl 20 warden,stam... has some problems with WB'S
    A'Darien, lvl 19 Templar... large mob and WB'S can be problems.
    Dae and Amaranth... lvl 19 crafters.. both can handle single problems.. neither has more than 5 points in anything but crafting.

    The rest of my characters are below lvl 10..

    So in general, no I dont find the OW to hard... to me it's just right... in general.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Jeremy
    I remember the "veteran" zones of the other alliances from just before 1T. My requests:

    Vet Auridon
    Vet Deshaan
    Vet Rivenspire
    Vet Wrothgar

    Sure they might be full for a while but eventually I will be farming alone. One trip up the east coast of Auridon used to net me over 1K Nightwood in about 20 minutes. Good times.

    I had financial problems so had to stop playing ESO for awhile shortly after reaching level 50. But I think it was the grind associated with veteran levels that turned people off - not necessarily the veteran zones themselves. Though as I say - I never participated in those so can't really speak from experience on that. It's possible those zones were too difficult.

    I'm not asking for a dramatic increase to difficulty to where it's like VMA all over the place. But it at least needs to be scaled upward to the point enemies provide at least an interesting combat situation instead of dying almost instantly which makes for a very boring fight.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 7:21PM
  • navystylz_ESO
    Cortimi wrote: »
    Niaver wrote: »
    I agree. That's why i was extremely dissapointing that they are not going to release new group zones anytime soon. I agree though that all overand content should be way harder. It may be hard for newer players that don't have skills for self-sustain yet, but it's a joke for any competent player, which shoudn't be the case.

    The logical fallacy and cognitive dissonance is summed up perfectly in this statement.

    1. It is hard for new players.
    2. We have a progression system that works.
    3. The game is not hard now, because I progressed.
    4. Therefore, the game is bad because I progressed and find it easy now.
    5. Screw new players, it's all about my experience.

    That's it in a nutshell.

    1. He said it MAY be harder for new players. Almost as if he didn't want to commit that it's actually hard for new players. And posits that if it is, only sustain would be holding them back.
    2. Sustain is one little piece of progression. That new player should pop some food and have all the sustain they need for overland content. But that's not actually required. No food or potions are required. And the game THROWS potions at you, so if you need sustain you already have it.
    3. He never says competent player is someone who has gear progressed.
    4. So your 4 is BS.
    5. And new players don't take EVERY SINGLE OVERLAND MAP TO NOT BE NEW. If you can't pick up the game by time you get to the first real zone. Not tutorial, not the likes of Bal Foyen. Then you are not very competent.

    Therefor the overland content is way to easy to anyone who is competent. And arguing people are such horrible players they need every overland zone pretty much to be competent, or not a 'new player' is absurd.


    [edited for non-constructive comment]
    Edited by ZOS_RogerJ on May 31, 2019 1:48PM
  • kathandira
    The best idea i've come up with is diminishing returns on Weapon and Spell Damage. For example: After 1000 Weapon or Spell Damage, gains are decreased by 35%. After 2000, they are reduced by 45%. After 3000 they are reduced by 60%.

    After 1000 - 1 = .65
    After 2000 - 1 = .55
    After 3000 - 1 = .40

    It solves two problems at the same time. It closes the gap between top tier and bottom tier players, and makes overland content more of a challenge. Of course Vet content would need to be tuned down so this works. But I think that might be easier than tuning up everything in all of Overland Tamriel and hosting a second instance of the entire map.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • navystylz_ESO
    Kolache wrote: »
    Silly idea. I do not pug DLC content in this game simply because of how easy it is to get someone who is either bad or just doesnt know enough about the game to contribute to the group to finish the content. The content is easy to ppl who know the game. That can be said for any game.

    Sounds almost like the pre-DLC dungeon content is so easy that it doesn't teach people how to play their character effectively.

    Most people arent playing this game to "learn" anything. Theyre here to enjoy themselves and the vast majority dont care if that means they die 10 million times or they are carried to the end of the content by someone else.

    It's an RPG. You're trying to reinterpret what an RPG is to make concession for people who are just can't handle the simplest content.

    For all that, why do they even need to play the game themselves? At this point you could watch a 'Let's play ESO' and watch someone else do it. If all your care about is the story and not actually having to do anything for the visual novel.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Chadak wrote: »

    You're new to these threads. I can tell.

    No, in fact I'm not. I'm actually of a mind of don't use an argument that doesn't exist in a thread yet. Too many people don't know the basics of arguing a position and use too many fallacies. Yo
    Chadak wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.

    I feel, at this time, that you need to be informed of an obscure little thing that you probably won't have heard of before because it's so obscure and little known.

    Where do you think overland sets come from?

    I imagine nobody cares about those though.

    Chadak wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.

    I feel, at this time, that you need to be informed of an obscure little thing that you probably won't have heard of before because it's so obscure and little known.

    Where do you think overland sets come from?

    I imagine nobody cares about those though.


    I know where they come from. But you get all pieces outside of quest versions. How strong a quest boss is or isn't will not change what you get from opening a chest, killing a delve boss, doing a dolmen, or WB. All of these things will offer the whole set without ever touching the quest versions of these that normally don't even have the combination you want.

    Now dailies are a different matter with coffers. Which also comes from mostly WBs.

    Your argument doesn't stand. Nice try with obfuscating the real point being made.
  • navystylz_ESO
    kathandira wrote: »
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    I feel it is appropriately challenging for the sort of enemies I am fighting. Considering that I have completed end game challenges and fought enemies that are a kin to gods, I feel a random bandit should be a cake walk that does not provide me with a challenge.

    There are World Bosses that are still a challenge that I cannot kill in 2 hits, and I also find that appropriate as that is what they are intended for.

    If for some reason a random cut purse was as difficult to kill as a World Boss, that simply wouldn’t make sense due to the challenges Ive faced in Dungeons and Trials.

    Fair enough. But world bosses, while overland, wasn't included in the original overland is too easy discussion. Granted, you can get quests to do them, but they aren't part of the main story in general. No one is arguing world bosses are too easy.

    That being said, when said bandit isn't random overland bandit, but bandit that has been terrorizing a village for X time and no one can take him out. You don't expect to kill him as fast as random overland bandit.

    That being said, I also thing that if random overland group is doing a red spell charge that requires interrpting. Not doing so should hurt! If random overland bandit is charging a weapon power that requires blocking, taking the hit to the face should be meaty enough to teach players that they should step back or block that hit. Standing in circles of bad should chunk your health if you just decide to sit in it the whole duration.

    These things teach people mechanics they take into group play, but they don't know how to do. This is not acceptable. It means the whole purpose of these mechanics being on overland mobs is completely and utterly pointless and are not teaching what their intent is.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Chadak wrote: »
    You realize that out of the 1,000,000 +/- people that play this game, almost none of them interact on this forum, right?

    You know what I've noticed. You simply cannot respond to an argument in a post without pulling some rando crap out from left field. Is your natural state when responding to just straw man every single thing you reply to? Have you no reading comprehension skills, or any kind of responding integrity to actually stick to what is being discussed.

    I didn't speak to the whole population of ESO. I remarked on the phenomenon--that's especially prevalent in all walks of life from video games to politics--where people are championing or being an apologist for people that are not them.

    My remark, was that, of all the people I see REPLYING--as in participating in this conversation, never once mentioning or pretending this conversation is the whole ESO community--it's a lot of people arguing on behalf of this idea of 'new players' rather than actually including themselves in this category. Or simply stating I think the difficulty is fine because I don't feel like thinking at all when smashing mobs in a quest. I mean, there were a few of those--and fair enough.

    That being said. Forum posters are a small cut of the community. And should be a small cut of many types of the community. Being a small cut of said community who participates on the forums should also include a small cut of new players saying, indeed, this overland content is difficult to me.

    Rather, I find people arguing on behalf of someone else--with a chunk of those arguments being hardware or personal issues, rather than being indicative of the game being actually challenging (overland).
  • kathandira
    kathandira wrote: »
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    I feel it is appropriately challenging for the sort of enemies I am fighting. Considering that I have completed end game challenges and fought enemies that are a kin to gods, I feel a random bandit should be a cake walk that does not provide me with a challenge.

    There are World Bosses that are still a challenge that I cannot kill in 2 hits, and I also find that appropriate as that is what they are intended for.

    If for some reason a random cut purse was as difficult to kill as a World Boss, that simply wouldn’t make sense due to the challenges Ive faced in Dungeons and Trials.

    Fair enough. But world bosses, while overland, wasn't included in the original overland is too easy discussion. Granted, you can get quests to do them, but they aren't part of the main story in general. No one is arguing world bosses are too easy.

    That being said, when said bandit isn't random overland bandit, but bandit that has been terrorizing a village for X time and no one can take him out. You don't expect to kill him as fast as random overland bandit.

    That being said, I also thing that if random overland group is doing a red spell charge that requires interrpting. Not doing so should hurt! If random overland bandit is charging a weapon power that requires blocking, taking the hit to the face should be meaty enough to teach players that they should step back or block that hit. Standing in circles of bad should chunk your health if you just decide to sit in it the whole duration.

    These things teach people mechanics they take into group play, but they don't know how to do. This is not acceptable. It means the whole purpose of these mechanics being on overland mobs is completely and utterly pointless and are not teaching what their intent is.

    I kinda do expect to kill that Bandit who was terrorizing a town for a long time. Considering what our characters have been through and accomplished, the villagers are like 4 year olds, and that bandit is like a 12 year old. Yeah the 4yr olds can't handle it, but we are seasoned Marines compared to that 12 year old.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • navystylz_ESO
    Ydrisselle wrote: »
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    Count me in. I always love to see how people like you claims the game is mind-numbingly easy. Well, I had problems in delves with 100k hp minibosses with my first character, and then with my second character, and then with the others too. I was lvl30 when I could solo a boss in a public dungeon for the first time. I was lvl45 at my first solo dolmen. I didn't soloed any world bosses yet, and I've reached CP632. I didn't even tried to solo any dungeons yet. I'm simply not good enough for those challenges,and I would hate any step to make overland harder.

    You want a debuff for yourself to have challenging content? You can already do it right now: disable CP, wear white gear without any stats, and use a suboptimal skill build. If that's not enough for you, then nothing will be - since you are simply too good.

    Sweety. I don't expect everyone to have read all 13 pages of responses like I did. But let me point out that:

    Public Dungeon
    World Bosses

    Were not included in the overland part being too easy. But all the story stuff you do questing, and especially where we are told how powerful a boss is and then 2 shot that boss.

    While I would additionally argue that some of these story bosses might end up being in one of the aforementioned non-overland content, and should be a bit more difficult, that doesn't include all.

    I would also argue if you can not solo it, then it's working as intended. I soloed bosses in original ESO before 1T. It took a long time, and it was because my concept build. But this is not the type of difficulty I'm advocating for general play. I do NOT think having to group for a boss is a crazy idea. They are supposed to be strong, and the new player, who's role is kind of a nobody at the moment, shouldn't have the difficulty so easy they are solo killing them as if they are the hero of the Ebonheart Pact already. Or that they have beat a Daedric Prince.

    I do expect that if the game is giving you a visual clue a strong attack is happening, you can't just face tank that attack without performing the requisite response of: interrupt, block or dodge rolling out.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Jeremy wrote: »
    I remember the "veteran" zones of the other alliances from just before 1T. My requests:

    Vet Auridon
    Vet Deshaan
    Vet Rivenspire
    Vet Wrothgar

    Sure they might be full for a while but eventually I will be farming alone. One trip up the east coast of Auridon used to net me over 1K Nightwood in about 20 minutes. Good times.

    I had financial problems so had to stop playing ESO for awhile shortly after reaching level 50. But I think it was the grind associated with veteran levels that turned people off - not necessarily the veteran zones themselves. Though as I say - I never participated in those so can't really speak from experience on that. It's possible those zones were too difficult.

    I'm not asking for a dramatic increase to difficulty to where it's like VMA all over the place. But it at least needs to be scaled upward to the point enemies provide at least an interesting combat situation instead of dying almost instantly which makes for a very boring fight.

    I agree. I'm a completionist--all content type of player. But having to do every scrap of content on each map in order was more grindy and obnoxious than difficult. The most annoying part of it was it was a tedious, grindy wall that prevented access to other content until you surpassed this. And then next thing you know they were boosting those VR levels again, which once again locked you out of content until you did it.

    That was no fun.
  • barney2525
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.


  • MartiniDaniels
    kathandira wrote: »
    kathandira wrote: »
    One thing I'm noticing--because I'm actually reading through all replies and only on page 10--is I'm not actually seeing anyone say overland difficulty is good where it's at because I'm finding it difficult.

    There's this weird, SJW, apologist like thing going on, where everyone is thinking the the overland content difficulty is fine because their friend, family member, or noob they seen in the world is not doing it so well.

    Is anyone in this thread responding actually having any difficulty themselves?! It's ok if you think it's easy but don't care because you don't look for a challenge when mashing out story. But I want to know who is actually having trouble that isn't some idea of a person that someone knows of or seen.

    I feel it is appropriately challenging for the sort of enemies I am fighting. Considering that I have completed end game challenges and fought enemies that are a kin to gods, I feel a random bandit should be a cake walk that does not provide me with a challenge.

    There are World Bosses that are still a challenge that I cannot kill in 2 hits, and I also find that appropriate as that is what they are intended for.

    If for some reason a random cut purse was as difficult to kill as a World Boss, that simply wouldn’t make sense due to the challenges Ive faced in Dungeons and Trials.

    Fair enough. But world bosses, while overland, wasn't included in the original overland is too easy discussion. Granted, you can get quests to do them, but they aren't part of the main story in general. No one is arguing world bosses are too easy.

    That being said, when said bandit isn't random overland bandit, but bandit that has been terrorizing a village for X time and no one can take him out. You don't expect to kill him as fast as random overland bandit.

    That being said, I also thing that if random overland group is doing a red spell charge that requires interrpting. Not doing so should hurt! If random overland bandit is charging a weapon power that requires blocking, taking the hit to the face should be meaty enough to teach players that they should step back or block that hit. Standing in circles of bad should chunk your health if you just decide to sit in it the whole duration.

    These things teach people mechanics they take into group play, but they don't know how to do. This is not acceptable. It means the whole purpose of these mechanics being on overland mobs is completely and utterly pointless and are not teaching what their intent is.

    I kinda do expect to kill that Bandit who was terrorizing a town for a long time. Considering what our characters have been through and accomplished, the villagers are like 4 year olds, and that bandit is like a 12 year old. Yeah the 4yr olds can't handle it, but we are seasoned Marines compared to that 12 year old.

    But in vet content dungeons/trials those bandits have 300k+ HP already and if dps will be left with several of them for few seconds and won't kite/dodge them, dps will be killed. Elite mobs in vet content like golems/minotaurs/centurions have 900k+ HP and one-shot anybody other then blocking tank, while in overland they barely scratch you. So if you are talking about immersion, I'll agree that small mobs should be left expendable, but elite mobs and delve/quest bosses should be threatening to player. Not on the level of vet trial elite mobs of course, but certainly more powerful then now.
    And situation is not that cp810 min-maxed character has pointlessly easy time in overland, it's even new characters without CP, food etc are like gods too (if they have knowledge about how damage dealing and mitigation works in ESO).
  • navystylz_ESO
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue.
    But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging

    From the OP. And many of us clarified our positions with not including PBs, Dolmen, WBs. Explaining that the penultimate boss of a quest chain should feel like a boss. Though I have mentioned delves several times not included in the 'overland', I thought he meant the delve bosses that quests had you do, rather than the rando you kill because it's sits in there.
    It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    It's a majority of the game. Most of the content is questing stuff that is overland and where that brings you. The content added each chapter and DLC, which continuously treats the whole world like it's an afterthought. That would have us suspend disbelief but tell us majordomo X is so powerful, and he dies in 2 hits.

    Most of the time I quest I feel resentment that quest bits aren't instanced, that not only do I have to deal with extremely easy bosses, but there's a good chance some random person runs in and starts nuking them too. Now boss that I could kill in a few hits myself, instantly dies completely destroying any immersion in the story.
    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.

    Could be. Maybe not. Or could be that people just are incapable of arguing a position as stated. How hard is it to understand that this game with every chapter and DLC release, brings for another story arc. One that can be smashed through solo, but generally have a bunch of other players smashing through with you, extremely easily.

    I came to the forums because after doing Elsweyr completion I just felt cheated. Most of the story was good but I left it feeling like the experience was cheapened by how easy it was. This left me feeling bored and wondering if that aspect of the game was even worth paying more money for.

    At least in GW2 the living season come free as long as you are logged in during a particular bit. ESO makes you pay for it and the only reason I feel like this chapter was worth it is because the Necromancer. But I began to question redoing all the content of my original main on the new necromancer was actually going to keep me occupied without feeling like it was so easy that the story completion would leave me feeling more bored than entertained.

    This is why I came to the forums. And lo and behold, right there on the first page was this thread with other people expressing the exact same concerns I was feeling.

    I don't need more rewards. I don't need anything else except not feeling bored to tears doing the story content which makes up a majority of this game, and is only bearable when the storytelling is superb, which isn't always the case.
    Edited by navystylz_ESO on May 30, 2019 8:19PM
  • MentalxHammer
    95% of the dungeons are too easy, if the damage was more threatening than healers would actually see play again, and tanks would actually wear tank sets instead of sets to buff the group. 2 weeks ago I was able to complete vWGT as the tank using light armor wearing 2 damage sets and my only taunt was ice staff heavy attack. I didnt die once and we completed the dungeon with 3 players. Its fine if you don't want to buff the norm dungeons so introductory players will still have a fun experience, but 95% of vet dungeons need to feel more threatening.
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