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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • Sylvermynx
    GoFigure wrote: »
    The problem with every argument that wants to change the game as it now sits is that you are not taking the developers into consideration. While all of your arguments have validity, the cost to implement many of those changes are cost prohibitive. Every hour of programming probably costs them upwards of $70 (I would guess that figure is too low) and many of those changes would probably take hundreds if not thousands of hours. They have to play a numbers game. "How much can we spend that will increase sales enough to warrant the cost?" Unless you can bring in other players willing to pay $100 a month, or you are willing to fork over something like $100,000, you are not going to get many of the proposed changes that you want. Sure a lot of content is repetitive, but that is how they keep costs down. They build modular code that can be reused over and over with a few simple lines that calls the modular code. It gives the appearance of quantity, with much less cost.

    No matter what anyone wants, the developers will make the decision. They have to keep newbies and the less able folks in the game or they will have fewer customers and that will result in less fixes, less changes, and less new content. The top 10% (or less), which is what you are, is not enough income to keep them in business. They do a lot to keep the upper 10% happy, but they cannot put all their focus on them. There are plenty of people enjoying all the content in the game right now, even though it is not perfect by any means. Yet, it is still worth playing.

    If we really need challenges to be happy, then we can delete our account and start a new one with new characters. Take that 10th level and go solo group dungeons until we can do it. Once we become God, life is boring. All we can do is learn to live with it and find something that does interest us and makes us happy. This is basically what others are saying when they say go to Cyrodiil or do the hard mode dungeons, etc. They are not saying you are wrong. If nothing is making you happy, then perhaps you should find something that does and go do that.

    Arguing over opinions is pointless. Almost all opinions are valid, from the presenter's point of view. It would be much more productive to have each person state what they would like to see and then upvote it if you agree, don't if you disagree. The number of votes will tell the developers what is most important and then they can implement them over time, if it makes sense financially. This post has 20 pages! The developers probably hate slogging through it to find "what they consider to be" a good post. We don't want "what they consider to be a good post" anyway. We want them to know what we as a group think is a good post. The way to do that is to keep it short and sweet and give suggestions that are not obviously super expensive and one that appeals to many people so that it will get the needed upvotes.

    I don't mean to oppose anyone's opinion, but I was a programmer for many years and I understand what they are facing. It is like digging a big hole. Telling someone to do it is much easier than picking up the tools and doing it. And the guy doing the work does not need 50 people, that have never done it, telling him how to do it. He will get it done the most economical way he can.

    Awesome post, and have an awesome for it. That's the most level-headed post I've ever read about this particular issue, in any of the forums for the three MMOs I've played (WoW, RIFT, ESO).

    Thanks for a very well-written, logical exposition.

    @Aireal - you have about one delete every 24 hours - if you use all three all at once. You could probably micromanage DiD here, as long as you didn't have three die in one day....
    Edited by Sylvermynx on May 29, 2019 11:42PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    The Implemented tam one was very short sighted. They tried to hide the vertical progession behind a gear and trait meta. Add on the dps centric design and focus the meat and patatoes of the game ends up being very dull for long term play and alt characters. The game caters to a churn base new player or extremely casual browser gamer population.
    Hopefully a gutted and reworked CP system will fix some of the long term play issues. I have not bought any content since morrowind and the broken pet class .
  • Jeremy
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    The Implemented tam one was very short sighted. They tried to hide the vertical progession behind a gear and trait meta. Add on the dps centric design and focus the meat and patatoes of the game ends up being very dull for long term play and alt characters. The game caters to a churn base new player or extremely casual browser gamer population.
    Hopefully a gutted and reworked CP system will fix some of the long term play issues. I have not bought any content since morrowind and the broken pet class .

    I don't think One Tamriel is the problem. Before One Tamriel - you just out leveled all the zones half way through the story and things became even easier than they are now. So I think One Tamriel was a good change overall for the game (possibly the best single change the game made).

    They just need to improve their scaling options to accommodate high level players looking for an interesting challenge is all. It's an easy problem to fix. I suspect the only reason they haven't yet is they aren't sure if they won't to continue with the CP system moving forward. So they are currently trying to figure out how they want to handle endgame progression.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 29, 2019 11:58PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    The Implemented tam one was very short sighted. They tried to hide the vertical progession behind a gear and trait meta. Add on the dps centric design and focus the meat and patatoes of the game ends up being very dull for long term play and alt characters. The game caters to a churn base new player or extremely casual browser gamer population.
    Hopefully a gutted and reworked CP system will fix some of the long term play issues. I have not bought any content since morrowind and the broken pet class .

    I don't think One Tamriel is the problem. Before One Tamriel - you just out leveled all the zones half way through the story and things became even easier than they are now. So I think One Tamriel was a good change overall for the game (possibly the best single change the game made).

    They just need to improve their scaling to accommodate high level players looking for an interesting challenge is all. It's an easy problem to fix. I suspect the only reason they haven't yet is they aren't sure if they won't to continue with the CP system moving forward. So they are trying to figure out how they want to handle endgame progression.

    I'm saying the implemented tam one was shortsighted. It's a good idea with bad implementation. Zos has a very bad habit of creating a system implementing it and leaving it un touched and never re visited for updates or evolution. By 5 years post launch games like everquest 2 had several layers to their alternate advancement that defined roles while keeping up with power creep.they maintained vertical progression multiple starting zones 3 x the classes and 2 x the races. All on a quarter of a Zos budget
    Edited by Wifeaggro13 on May 30, 2019 12:03AM
  • Aireal
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?

    Looks like a nice job! Anywho... one question, the 635.01 is that seconds? or minutes.. seconds translates to 10.58 minutes, yeah I did the math

    I mean 6.35 min or almost 11.. either way, is pretty good with a lvl 9 character. I do think that skill plays a lot into that..

    Do I think that every lvl 9 character should be able to take down a WB.. with no CP or decent gear.. potions, food..etc.. No, I don't, but danged if that isn't a challenge.

    Level scaling.. as I understand it.. people love it.. or hate it.

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Aireal
    Sylvermynx wrote: »

    @Aireal - you have about one delete every 24 hours - if you use all three all at once. You could probably micromanage DiD here, as long as you didn't have three die in one day....

    Thanks Sis.. I thought it was.. 3 period.. or 3 per month...

    <gleafully rubbing hands together> I gotta learn the game mechanic's better...but then.. whoop!!!

    1st challenge... main quest no deaths! Be a little while of course!

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • MartiniDaniels
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    Ok, I'll try, but I'm sure it will be way easier. Btw I tried on troll WB nearby and was smashed, so I'm not pointing that killing of Aereus as any kind of achievement, she is really weak. But still she is times more powerful then overland trash packs, so when people are telling that newbies have problems with 30k mobs...
  • MartiniDaniels
    Aireal wrote: »
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?

    Looks like a nice job! Anywho... one question, the 635.01 is that seconds? or minutes.. seconds translates to 10.58 minutes, yeah I did the math

    I mean 6.35 min or almost 11.. either way, is pretty good with a lvl 9 character. I do think that skill plays a lot into that..

    Do I think that every lvl 9 character should be able to take down a WB.. with no CP or decent gear.. potions, food..etc.. No, I don't, but danged if that isn't a challenge.

    Level scaling.. as I understand it.. people love it.. or hate it.

    Yep, it was long, all I do was mostly killing adds she spawns and dodging aoes while blockade was slowly depleting Aereus. I had food, stolen something which gives ~520 stamina recovery which allowed me to spam scythe. And I gulped couple of lvl3 pots when screen was becoming red, but overall it's only persistence, no actual skill, if boss has minimal regeneration it will be undo-able without min-maxing.
    But this character is real misfit in the moment. I started with dual-wielding and so 2 skill points were invested in there and then blastbones and skull which were useless, no passives at all, no ultimate and no second bar..
  • Sylvermynx
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »

    @Aireal - you have about one delete every 24 hours - if you use all three all at once. You could probably micromanage DiD here, as long as you didn't have three die in one day....

    Thanks Sis.. I thought it was.. 3 period.. or 3 per month...

    <gleafully rubbing hands together> I gotta learn the game mechanic's better...but then.. whoop!!!

    1st challenge... main quest no deaths! Be a little while of course!

    Yeah, I thought you might have been understanding it as "only 3 deletes EVER". Fortunately, not how it is.
  • Aireal
    Aireal wrote: »
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?

    Looks like a nice job! Anywho... one question, the 635.01 is that seconds? or minutes.. seconds translates to 10.58 minutes, yeah I did the math

    I mean 6.35 min or almost 11.. either way, is pretty good with a lvl 9 character. I do think that skill plays a lot into that..

    Do I think that every lvl 9 character should be able to take down a WB.. with no CP or decent gear.. potions, food..etc.. No, I don't, but danged if that isn't a challenge.

    Level scaling.. as I understand it.. people love it.. or hate it.

    Yep, it was long, all I do was mostly killing adds she spawns and dodging aoes while blockade was slowly depleting Aereus. I had food, stolen something which gives ~520 stamina recovery which allowed me to spam scythe. And I gulped couple of lvl3 pots when screen was becoming red, but overall it's only persistence, no actual skill, if boss has minimal regeneration it will be undo-able without min-maxing.
    But this character is real misfit in the moment. I started with dual-wielding and so 2 skill points were invested in there and then blastbones and skull which were useless, no passives at all, no ultimate and no second bar..

    Skill isn't all in knowing the mechanic's it's also in knowing when to use what you have, when to press, when to back up a little. In 'your' response time.. many things equal skill.

    When my Husband started playing Assassin's Creed, I helped him with the puzzles, because I am good at them and had knowledge of the subjects.. Otherwise he was pretty dang awesome at the game, except one thing.. the over the roof races, his twitch skills were not good enough to follow the person or the arrows as they appeared, I did those for him.. and had not picked up a controller since Frogger. I got really good at those races.

    Didn't start actually playing a game on my own till he threw his controller at me and told me not to let John (RDR ) die.. as he bolted out the back door with the rifle. Coyote in the yard chasing our goat and chickens, just far enough that our one yard dog , he was on a cable run, couldn't get to it.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • MikaHR
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    This. They all conveniently forget newbie buffs.

    I guess that dialogue option for skipping tutorial when you make new character could also disable newbie buffs so they get killed by wolves.

    Its very indicative that all of them eother speak of lvls 1-15/20 (newbie buffs) or CP300+ characters. Where is that guy that said he will try same WB every 5 levels in random gear? Thats right *crickets*, people dont tend to come back to forums to admit they were wrong.
    Edited by MikaHR on May 30, 2019 7:46AM
  • MartiniDaniels
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    This. They all conveniently forget newbie buffs.

    I guess that dialogue option for skipping tutorial when you make new character could also disable newbie buffs so they get killed by wolves.

    I was without ulti, without second bar, without any 5-piece bonus, without passives, without any minor/major buff. You are somewhat right about lvl3 character with CP and good food - yeah, those have even more raw power then cp810. But without all those things I mentioned, at lvl9 your character is a scrub. Attributes were 19k mag, 16k HP, 16k stam, 1500 spell damage, 13% crit, 0 penetration. If you think that I will have less then that at lvl30 you are seriously optimistic about your case.
  • MikaHR
    Same challenge as the other guy: do Caravan Rest/Mabrigal Burial Circle every 5 levels with no stats on level white gear and no CP. Videos required of course.

    By your "logic" vMA is also pi** easy because it can be done with just bow light attack and no skills (or just bash). But thats what "mechanics" does to the game.
    Edited by MikaHR on May 30, 2019 8:00AM
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.

    The Implemented tam one was very short sighted. They tried to hide the vertical progession behind a gear and trait meta. Add on the dps centric design and focus the meat and patatoes of the game ends up being very dull for long term play and alt characters. The game caters to a churn base new player or extremely casual browser gamer population.
    Hopefully a gutted and reworked CP system will fix some of the long term play issues. I have not bought any content since morrowind and the broken pet class .

    I don't think One Tamriel is the problem. Before One Tamriel - you just out leveled all the zones half way through the story and things became even easier than they are now. So I think One Tamriel was a good change overall for the game (possibly the best single change the game made).

    They just need to improve their scaling to accommodate high level players looking for an interesting challenge is all. It's an easy problem to fix. I suspect the only reason they haven't yet is they aren't sure if they won't to continue with the CP system moving forward. So they are trying to figure out how they want to handle endgame progression.

    I'm saying the implemented tam one was shortsighted. It's a good idea with bad implementation. Zos has a very bad habit of creating a system implementing it and leaving it un touched and never re visited for updates or evolution. By 5 years post launch games like everquest 2 had several layers to their alternate advancement that defined roles while keeping up with power creep.they maintained vertical progression multiple starting zones 3 x the classes and 2 x the races. All on a quarter of a Zos budget

    I see what you are saying now and I can't disagree. It was short-sighted and didn't take into account the the long term implications. I still believe it was a general improvement on the game. But you're right - it could have been implemented better.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 8:11AM
  • MartiniDaniels
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Same challenge as the other guy: do Caravan Rest/Mabrigal Burial Circle every 5 levels with on level white gear and no CP. Videos required of course.

    By your "logic" vMA is also pi** easy because it can be done with just bow light attack and no skills. But thats what "mechanics" does to the game.

    OMG, what caravan rest has to do with 30k mobs /100k delve bosses? Then you will ask to kill songbird with bare fists? :D Your point is that current level of difficulty exists to allow newbies explore and develop their character in overland otherwise they'll be smashed. I show to you that weaker WBs can be soloed by characters which have only items from overland drops and nothing else. No passives, no buffs, no CP, no full item sets, NOTHING. So how newbies can have problems with solo overland content which is 30-40k regular mobs, 100k elite mobs and 50-150k delve "bosses", If they can solo 1.8M enemies?
  • MartiniDaniels
    P.S. And plz show me how to complete vma with bow light attacks only
  • Aireal
    Edited cause I changed my mind.

    My opinion is kinda easy to figure.. though some have missed that the only thing I am opposed to in increasing the difficulty is doing it generically across the board.

    As long as it's an Individuals choice, I have no problems with it.

    Difficulty is individual... Some want 'easy easy' mode.. some want 'insane hard-core' mode.. I wouldn't mind them both...and something in the middle.

    I've been told that my Dragonknight ( my highest leved char atm ) won't be viable at higher levels.. because he's a hybrid.. that's fine.. once he finishes his story.. he can just gather mat's for my crafter..who will have no more skill points given till after all the crafting points are full.

    I seriously don't care if he can't do 'endgame' stuff... he's fun to play atm holds his own solo in dungeons.. ( Thanks Sis for the armor ... Dae still can't make high enough stuff for him!)

    I have no problem with "Vet level's for OW".. as long as it's a choice.
    Edited by Aireal on May 30, 2019 10:48AM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • MikaHR
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Same challenge as the other guy: do Caravan Rest/Mabrigal Burial Circle every 5 levels with on level white gear and no CP. Videos required of course.

    By your "logic" vMA is also pi** easy because it can be done with just bow light attack and no skills. But thats what "mechanics" does to the game.

    OMG, what caravan rest has to do with 30k mobs /100k delve bosses? Then you will ask to kill songbird with bare fists? :D Your point is that current level of difficulty exists to allow newbies explore and develop their character in overland otherwise they'll be smashed. I show to you that weaker WBs can be soloed by characters which have only items from overland drops and nothing else. No passives, no buffs, no CP, no full item sets, NOTHING. So how newbies can have problems with solo overland content which is 30-40k regular mobs, 100k elite mobs and 50-150k delve "bosses", If they can solo 1.8M enemies?

    You lie you have BIG nwbie buffs at lvl9.

    Come on PROVE to us overland is too easy by doing simple challenge, just you and your leet skillz.
  • FierceSam
    FierceSam wrote: »

    The DLC zone is for everyone. Murkmire had a for-everyone questline, two decent world bosses with actual mechanics and a new 4 player arena.

    The chapters are also for everyone. Everyone can do the questing and dragons, the world bosses are not as hard as some, but they’re currently being melted by numbers, the public dungeons are very soloable and the new Trial is fun on normal and a challenge on vet (assuming you’re not simply going on E-Z chest runs). So again, plenty for everyone.

    If I was a newer player, I might be forgiven for thinking the DLCs were overly stacked in favour of the more experienced players.

    Then they are failing in the "everyone" category as there is clearly a percentage of players who are unsatisfied because it is effortless content.

    What if the tables were turned and the same percentage were saying, hey we are new players and it is too difficult?

    Not sure about your assertion that new players may be thinking the DLCs were overly stacked in favour of the more experienced player as there seems to be no evidence of this on the forums. However there is a lot of evidence that some people find the opposite.

    Of the 3 annual non-chapter DLCs, 2 are dungeon packs that you can’t even enter until you’re L45 and clearly aimed at the more experienced player, while the new zone DLC also features a lot of content which new players can’t do (eg Blackrose Prison). And while there’s nothing wrong with that, if I were a new player (or even one who hasn’t made the leap to DLC dungeons), I might feel that the majority of the new game content was not aimed at me, and I would not buy it. New chapters are aimed at getting new players on board and, hopefully, keeping them in the game as well as giving existing players more content. By the looks of things ZOS are doing a great job of attracting new players to the game.

    Content that is for everyone is content that everyone can do, not necessarily content that satisfies everyone. By making overland content more difficult, ZOS risk losing many new players simply to satisfy a smaller number of more highly skilled ones.

    In terms of the OP, yes overland content is easy once you know how to fight, block, bash/interrupt etc. But you would be stunned at the numbers of players who can’t do these basics but still want to play the game. And overland caters for that group and everyone above it. Similarly FG1 was a challenge the first time. A couple of runs in it’s a cakewalk. But I don’t think it’s difficulty should be changed just because I’ve improved. If I want that sense of challenge again I’ll start working on something more difficult, like DLC no death runs.

    Forums like this are great, but they don’t provide any kind of indication of what an ‘average’ player wants.
  • barney2525
    Overland is supposed to be easy. You've chosen to do the easy content and are now complaining it's too easy?

    It was designed this way as an orientation for new players. If you're a big dog then pls run with the pack.

    Easy or effortless? I would argue that current overland is below easy.

    Also no-one is calling for easy to be nerfed. People are asking for options for people who don't want it effortless or even easy.

    Why would you deny your fellow players something if it doesn't threaten what is already available?

    What happens when players arent new anymore? So every DLC for every has to be set a new players? More and more content just for people who are new or just play for the story?

    Sorry I'm not getting it.

    They ARE calling for Easy to be nerfed. They claim they want Easy removed from the game.

    There are plenty of ways for a player to dumb down the character so Overland is a "challenge" rather than destroying the game for new players.

  • Jeremy
    barney2525 wrote: »
    Overland is supposed to be easy. You've chosen to do the easy content and are now complaining it's too easy?

    It was designed this way as an orientation for new players. If you're a big dog then pls run with the pack.

    Easy or effortless? I would argue that current overland is below easy.

    Also no-one is calling for easy to be nerfed. People are asking for options for people who don't want it effortless or even easy.

    Why would you deny your fellow players something if it doesn't threaten what is already available?

    What happens when players arent new anymore? So every DLC for every has to be set a new players? More and more content just for people who are new or just play for the story?

    Sorry I'm not getting it.

    They ARE calling for Easy to be nerfed. They claim they want Easy removed from the game.

    There are plenty of ways for a player to dumb down the character so Overland is a "challenge" rather than destroying the game for new players.

    What I see most people advocating for is an optional alternative for veteran players so they can enjoy the questing part of this game too. And that's something everyone should be able to get behind. This idea that high level characters should go naked and purposely dumb down their characters is absurd.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 8:40AM
  • master_vanargand
    Dragon of Elsweyr is too weak.
    I was very disappointed.
  • albesca
    I was without ulti, without second bar, without any 5-piece bonus, without passives, without any minor/major buff. You are somewhat right about lvl3 character with CP and good food - yeah, those have even more raw power then cp810. But without all those things I mentioned, at lvl9 your character is a scrub. Attributes were 19k mag, 16k HP, 16k stam, 1500 spell damage, 13% crit, 0 penetration. If you think that I will have less then that at lvl30 you are seriously optimistic about your case.

    I'd say the game is hardest from level 40 to CP 100: without appropriate gear, traits and enchantments your stats and regen will be abysmal and so will be your base damage (when my main reached level 50 he had less than 10k health).

    Also, your character is a scrub but you're not: you managed to not screw up for ten minutes straight, using skills, potions, keeping adds under control; that's not easy at all.
    PC EU

    Khajiit has no time for you
  • Jeremy
    albesca wrote: »
    I was without ulti, without second bar, without any 5-piece bonus, without passives, without any minor/major buff. You are somewhat right about lvl3 character with CP and good food - yeah, those have even more raw power then cp810. But without all those things I mentioned, at lvl9 your character is a scrub. Attributes were 19k mag, 16k HP, 16k stam, 1500 spell damage, 13% crit, 0 penetration. If you think that I will have less then that at lvl30 you are seriously optimistic about your case.

    I'd say the game is hardest from level 40 to CP 100: without appropriate gear, traits and enchantments your stats and regen will be abysmal and so will be your base damage (when my main reached level 50 he had less than 10k health).

    Also, your character is a scrub but you're not: you managed to not screw up for ten minutes straight, using skills, potions, keeping adds under control; that's not easy at all.

    I would second that. Around level 40 is when crappy gear can really start to take its toll.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 8:46AM
  • FierceSam
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?

    Hey Martini,

    Gratz on the takedown.

    Given it seems to have taken you over 10 minutes with a sub-10k dps, I would say it perfectly illustrates both sides of the argument.

    Your ability to solo this boss is all down to your skill at the game. A new player with the same dps would not have lasted the distance. You seem to be able to adapt to the fight, manage your resources effectively, dish out more damage than the boss can heal and not die. That kind of performance will kill most HM bosses (granted it may take a while but they’ll be just as dead in the end).

    ZOS can’t unskill you. And if you are saying that a 10 minute boss fight ISN’T a challenge, I’d hate to see what does challenge you.

  • Aireal
    FierceSam wrote: »
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?

    Hey Martini,

    Gratz on the takedown.

    Given it seems to have taken you over 10 minutes with a sub-10k dps, I would say it perfectly illustrates both sides of the argument.

    Your ability to solo this boss is all down to your skill at the game. A new player with the same dps would not have lasted the distance. You seem to be able to adapt to the fight, manage your resources effectively, dish out more damage than the boss can heal and not die. That kind of performance will kill most HM bosses (granted it may take a while but they’ll be just as dead in the end).

    ZOS can’t unskill you. And if you are saying that a 10 minute boss fight ISN’T a challenge, I’d hate to see what does challenge you.

    That's what I said....different words!
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • MartiniDaniels
    MikaHR wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Same challenge as the other guy: do Caravan Rest/Mabrigal Burial Circle every 5 levels with on level white gear and no CP. Videos required of course.

    By your "logic" vMA is also pi** easy because it can be done with just bow light attack and no skills. But thats what "mechanics" does to the game.

    OMG, what caravan rest has to do with 30k mobs /100k delve bosses? Then you will ask to kill songbird with bare fists? :D Your point is that current level of difficulty exists to allow newbies explore and develop their character in overland otherwise they'll be smashed. I show to you that weaker WBs can be soloed by characters which have only items from overland drops and nothing else. No passives, no buffs, no CP, no full item sets, NOTHING. So how newbies can have problems with solo overland content which is 30-40k regular mobs, 100k elite mobs and 50-150k delve "bosses", If they can solo 1.8M enemies?

    You lie you have BIG nwbie buffs at lvl9.

    Come on PROVE to us overland is too easy by doing simple challenge, just you and your leet skillz.

    Thanks for vid, I never thought ice arena can be done with 10k dps, i'm really amazed.
    But anyway this video just proves my point. You don't need some mad animation cancelling skillz to complete solo content, you just need enough self-heals, focus adds, walk out of aoes and some minimal dps to do mechanics. And in dungeons you may clearly see that a lot of people don't know this basics.. which just proves that overland is lame. If player will die after 3 seconds of standing in aoe in overland, he will probably learn to avoid it before he will face fact that many vet aoes are one-shots.
    And I told and specially mentioned lack of minor/major buffs. If you don't understand difference between minor/major buffs and boon to newbies it's your problem, plz don't call me a liar. And boon to newbies is working all the way to cp160. Yes, it is decreasing with each level, but your passives start to open and at level 30 you have plenty of them. Actually, you are already way more powerful at lvl30 then at lvl3, if you keep your gear more or less updated. And if player doesn't keep his gear updated.. why? This is RPG. Not visual novel, not an adventure, not walk-in-park simulator. ESO is RPG. RPG genre includes role-playing and building your character, if somebody doesn't build his character and get smashed, is it problem of the game?
  • MartiniDaniels
    FierceSam wrote: »
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?

    Hey Martini,

    Gratz on the takedown.

    Given it seems to have taken you over 10 minutes with a sub-10k dps, I would say it perfectly illustrates both sides of the argument.

    Your ability to solo this boss is all down to your skill at the game. A new player with the same dps would not have lasted the distance. You seem to be able to adapt to the fight, manage your resources effectively, dish out more damage than the boss can heal and not die. That kind of performance will kill most HM bosses (granted it may take a while but they’ll be just as dead in the end).

    ZOS can’t unskill you. And if you are saying that a 10 minute boss fight ISN’T a challenge, I’d hate to see what does challenge you.

    Hi, Sam! Thanks, but this is not comparable to any hard boss, a lot of world bosses are more harder even for fully min-maxed CP810, i was just keeping blockade up, walking out of aoes and scytching adds. But I won't say it was that easy, I had red screen several times which means I was close to death.
    I posted this to show that new players have enough durability/dps without min-maxing to go overland without any risk, with exception of world bosses and public dungeons. Those are hard for new players, but they are supposed to be completed by semi-group content, i.e. no actual grouping, but you wait for couple of players to come around and then do that boss/group event together.
    albesca wrote: »
    I was without ulti, without second bar, without any 5-piece bonus, without passives, without any minor/major buff. You are somewhat right about lvl3 character with CP and good food - yeah, those have even more raw power then cp810. But without all those things I mentioned, at lvl9 your character is a scrub. Attributes were 19k mag, 16k HP, 16k stam, 1500 spell damage, 13% crit, 0 penetration. If you think that I will have less then that at lvl30 you are seriously optimistic about your case.

    I'd say the game is hardest from level 40 to CP 100: without appropriate gear, traits and enchantments your stats and regen will be abysmal and so will be your base damage (when my main reached level 50 he had less than 10k health).

    Also, your character is a scrub but you're not: you managed to not screw up for ten minutes straight, using skills, potions, keeping adds under control; that's not easy at all.

    And you are right that there is some dead-zone between lvl40 and cp100, when gear becomes obsolete very fast and if you don't grind or craft it, you will end up in weak position. But another question, why somebody won't keep his gear updated? Is it so big problem to learn some traits and craft something like night silence or torug's pact? or to run around public dungeon for half-hour following various occasional cp810 who came for skill point?
    I understand that some players may have problems, but this is not related to their skill or game difficulty, it is caused by insufficient explanation from game about how to build your character (and ESO build system is counter-intuitive).
    Edited by MartiniDaniels on May 30, 2019 9:23AM
  • Humancentipede2
    Yes its too easy and not challenging at all, the whole Content is too easy and boring because of it,.
  • Dracheimflug

    And if player doesn't keep his gear updated.. why? This is RPG. Not visual novel, not an adventure, not walk-in-park simulator. ESO is RPG. RPG genre includes role-playing and building your character, if somebody doesn't build his character and get smashed, is it problem of the game?

    As a relatively new player to ESO (but not new to MMO's nor new to TES), I can answer that. It is really unlikely that you will get the ideal drops for your build. Furthermore, unlike in other games, there is no truly open market for gear. You can farm gear, but you can never farm gear above the level of the character you are farming with, and meanwhile that character is levelling as you use them to farm. So gearing up is not entirely within your control.

    Once you have an established character, it is different, of course. Or if you have a guild or a friend power levelling you.
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