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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • barney2525
    Sevn wrote: »
    exeeter702 wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Wanted to drop my 2c as I feel this issue is really hurting an otherwise amazing game.

    I would not call myself a veteran player. I played the game at launch for a few months. Came back for Morrowind for a few weeks, and have now returned for Elsweyr.

    Much to my dismay, having leveled my Necro to 50, all of this challenge is gone. I quickly realized that I could pull 10+ mobs at a time and AoE them down, all while keeping my health near max (thanks scythe ability). Group content is easily solo-able, even Skyreach/Craglorn. To be fair, there's a few pieces of content that I had trouble soloing in Craglorn.

    To me this makes the Overworld content very bland/boring. I do enjoy the story in ESO, but most of the time the immersion is completely ruined by some NPC telling me how dangerous this guy is, and then I run over and 3 shot them and all their goons. The story fundamentally breaks in these incidents. Personally the content in Overworld felt so boring that I almost quit, just a few days returned.
    <snipped for length >

    Exeeter702.. those who want a harder content would loose that fight... unless a mod could be made or new version come out with "legendary " on it... ESO is based on the other TES games. . And the overworld pretty much works the same way. Not exactly..because of the nature of single person versus MMO...

    The dungeons have always been harder... though truthfully, away from towns and starter areas was too. But you had ( usually) leveled by the time you got there... so only slightly more challenging, unless you min/maxed.. then not challenging at all.
    i dont get why you would draw the line at "legendary". An organic difficulty curve that adheres to an overall game wide standard where valuable lessons are taught to new players as they progress through overland content is not the same as wanting a legendary overland mode. This has nothing to do with single player TES entries as they are fundamentally different games and obey entirely different rules, im purely speaking on behalf of games willing to tell it players its ok to fail and provide them with the necessary tools and information to overcome a challenge or otherwise achieve a win condition. There is very little meaningful engagement for those that want some form of push back or opposition in overland content which again goes back to my intial point...

    Compartmentalized content that caters to isolated player demographcis is fine if you want to create a space for every type of player. The issue with this design approach is that when a player on the lower spectrum decides to venture outside their comfort zone, they tend to acclimate very poorly. Creating more meaningful overland opposition potentially solves the issue of players becoming better rather than plateauing. It doenst have to be extraordinarily difficult obviously and no one suggests as much. I simply come from the generation/mindset that believes the best kind of online games are the ones that treat all players as equals right out of the gates, provides the necessary tools to succeed and tells them to sink or swim while offering various teirs of content with varying ranges of difficulty.

    I'm also of the generation/mindset that feels there is little reason to play game if you arent engaged enough to desire improving and overcoming a challenge. I believe therenare 2 kinds of people (gamers) that after an 8 hour day, there are those that sit down with controller /kb mouse in hand and want to shut their brian off and those that want to turn it up to 11. And that is coming from a early 30s family man with a salary job.

    Creating a meaningful overland environment for cp 810 characters is an entirely separate can of worms but for myself and my friends in game, this has effected are ability to enjoy all of the 3 chapters released.

    The game you are advocating for would fail. Why? Due to you seemingly believing the majority of gamers play videogames, ESO in particular, to work towards harder content. That just simply isn't the case. I think the devs are well aware of the numbers we don't have access to and have consistently dismissed this because they know for a fact it would be a worthless time/money sink for little profit. Yes I care about their profits as it directly affects my gameplay experience.
    Completely wrong.

    Most popular games are PVP games where people kill each other dozens and hundreds times for days and there is actual challenge at every step.
    If you'll say that ESO overland is more like single-player experience, let's then take Witcher 3, in the beginning that archgryphon and ghost "bosses" in White Orchard require tactics and reaction to deal with them even in normal difficulty when you play first time... and this doesn't stopped W3 to be sold at 20M+ and be praised by everyone. In Skyrim until you min-max to certain level on normal difficulty you will be smashed by any giant/dragon priest/draugr lord if you don't use some kind of tactics... Aldmeri Ambassy is quite challenging and requires some brain activity.. even on the road to High Hrotgar you will meet white bear and snow troll which will torn your lvl5 char in parts if you just rush on them. 30M+ sales. From the recent - Divinity Original Sin 2 - this game simply brings your ass to you in each encounter, which doesn't prevented it to become very popular despite very specific non-casual gameplay.
    95% of the best and most successful RPGs in the history will kill you within several seconds on normal difficulty if you will run forward spamming light attacks on enemy of comparable level. Of course there are exploits everywhere, but we are talking about new players. So your argument is wrong. Majority of players play game for gameplay and overcoming challenges game provides, and not to go around picking flowers and listening how somebody cursed some village and you need to close 4 portals to abort this..

    First off, except for Skyrim, I've never heard of any of these games. I've been watching videos for the past three years about what the best games to play are currently and what will be coming out and I STILL have never heard of any of the games aside from Skyrim.

    If they are/were so great, where are they? Why aren't they listed in Any top 25 MMOs to play?

    You are throwing statements out as if they were fact, but no documentation whatsoever. Where are you coming up with these numbers? ESPECIALLY the percentage on the second bold line.

    And then I see - You are NOT talking about MMOs. You are talking about RPGs. Games you buy and play by yourself.

    And the third bold is completely wrong because No One, not you, not me, not anyone else here can definitively state WHY each and every person plays an MMO. There are so many different reason, THERE IS NO MAJORITY.

    Archeage is a beautiful game that is horrendously broken and yet it still functions BECAUSE it has the unique feature that it caters to ALL walks. You want to PvP? You can spend either years grinding or thousands of dollars to get near to top of the gear gap (which was about 14k gear score when I finally quit). Or you can farm, do traderuns, build homes, decorate, make millions in gold and NEVER have to swing a weapon. Or you can go do quests and make gold farming critters. Or go out to the Ocean in your boat and search for treasure chests next to wrecks on the sea floor. Or you can just hang out with friends and do silly stuff like sail your boat on land.

    People play games for MANY different reasons. There is NO Majority.

  • Chadak
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Why don't you remove all your CP's, and take your gear off if you want difficulty for the sake of difficulty?

    People already have, and it’s still pointlessly easy
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue.
    But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging

    From the OP. And many of us clarified our positions with not including PBs, Dolmen, WBs. Explaining that the penultimate boss of a quest chain should feel like a boss. Though I have mentioned delves several times not included in the 'overland', I thought he meant the delve bosses that quests had you do, rather than the rando you kill because it's sits in there.
    It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    It's a majority of the game. Most of the content is questing stuff that is overland and where that brings you. The content added each chapter and DLC, which continuously treats the whole world like it's an afterthought. That would have us suspend disbelief but tell us majordomo X is so powerful, and he dies in 2 hits.

    Most of the time I quest I feel resentment that quest bits aren't instanced, that not only do I have to deal with extremely easy bosses, but there's a good chance some random person runs in and starts nuking them too. Now boss that I could kill in a few hits myself, instantly dies completely destroying any immersion in the story.
    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.

    Could be. Maybe not. Or could be that people just are incapable of arguing a position as stated. How hard is it to understand that this game with every chapter and DLC release, brings for another story arc. One that can be smashed through solo, but generally have a bunch of other players smashing through with you, extremely easily.

    I came to the forums because after doing Elsweyr completion I just felt cheated. Most of the story was good but I left it feeling like the experience was cheapened by how easy it was. This left me feeling bored and wondering if that aspect of the game was even worth paying more money for.

    At least in GW2 the living season come free as long as you are logged in during a particular bit. ESO makes you pay for it and the only reason I feel like this chapter was worth it is because the Necromancer. But I began to question redoing all the content of my original main on the new necromancer was actually going to keep me occupied without feeling like it was so easy that the story completion would leave me feeling more bored than entertained.

    This is why I came to the forums. And lo and behold, right there on the first page was this thread with other people expressing the exact same concerns I was feeling.

    I don't need more rewards. I don't need anything else except not feeling bored to tears doing the story content which makes up a majority of this game, and is only bearable when the storytelling is superb, which isn't always the case.


    It's Not a Majority of the game because IF you want you can simply avoid it - Completely.

    You do not have to fight Anything if you don't Choose to.

    It Can't be considered a ' Majority ' of the game if it can be simply ignored.

    I could not even estimate the many many many characters I have seen running across my screen, being pursued by several mobs. It's not that the character could not stop and kill them. The player just has better things to do - like reaching their actual objective and participating in whatever that issue is.

    Overland is Flavor.

    Now you’re just outright lying

    Questing is not avoidable in any way. You need it for Psijic. You need it for crafting area access. You need it to have access to many dailies. You need it for skill points. You need it for Soul Magic. You need it to experience a damn story

    You’re not some old wisened Yoda, you’re just being a nuisance who clearly has no interest in actual debate, who believes all players are infantile creatures that would immediately throw out the whole game if a quest boss actually had a chance to kill them.

    Then start removing points from all your passives, and use only one bar, and don't LA weave. Just keep going down the list until you've found the right level of "difficulty" for yourself, then play the rest of the game that way.

    That's like suggesting if someone is too smart for a class they should take a crowbar to their head until they are brain damaged enough to where that class challenges them - instead of seeking out a more challenging class they could actually have fun learning in.

    It's preposterous.

    In the context of a game with pre defined parameters, that's what you need to do if that is the thrill you seek.

    I don't find purposely gimping myself thrilling. I find it stupid. In any context.

    Then you aren't interested in challenge.

    Move along.

    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character and purposely myself suck. You are right about that.... That doesn't interest me in the least.

    And you're going to do what about it?

    You have four basic options. They are thus.

    1. You could modify your own experience through tinkering with your gear/CP/imposing various challenges on yours.
    2. You could modify your expectations.
    3. You could find something else to play that gives you the experience you desire.
    4. You could complain on this forum about it, which has a 100% failure rate and will accomplish precisely nothing what so ever.

    I don't think you're bad or wrong if you actually do want a different sort of challenge, but you have to acknowledge the reality of the situation. ZOS isn't going to make radical changes to the overworld experience. That's just not going to happen. There is no negotiation. It isn't even a discussion. They picked a direction with One Tamriel and they haven't budged from it one bit since. That's pretty heavily telling.

    Nobody on this forum can help you change the game. You're stuck with options 1, 2 or 3 for anything with any practical value at all.

    I don't know why you think asking for improvements on the forum has 100% failure rate. To be honest they have been fairly receptive to many of my complaints in the past. Not all of my requests have been honored mind you. But quite a few of them have been. So I'm actually optimistic they will do something about this one - especially considering how much traffic this issue gets on the forum. I think the developers are aware there is a problem with the way their content scales in respect to high-end players. That's probably one of the reasons they are taking another look at their CP system.

    Asking for improvements on the forum? Maybe more like a 99% failure rate.

    Asking for complete overhauls of the basic difficulty of the game in its entirety as some are doing? 100% failure rate. No company is going to embark on the grand expenditure of time and money to overhaul a game because a minority of its players want to turn it into the lovechild of Dark Souls and Witcher 2 'Insane' Difficulty mode.

    Asking for cheap/easy accommodations that require minimal expenditures of time and money and run little to no risk of damaging the retention rates or accelerating churn? Somewhere between 99% and 100% failure rate.

    That's been my experience of how it goes on MMO forums anyway, and this one doesn't seem to be any different than any others I've participated in.

  • MartiniDaniels
    Special for people who call for challenge in overland: no-CP, no-food, no-ability used, no gear (zero resistance, ~zero weapon/spell damage), lvl11, steed mundus (can't cancel it though I tried), elite mob, whose ascendant will devastate newbie in Skyrim in open combat on normal difficulty :
    Damage done
    Damage received

    I may try to apply some useless mundus for bare fists fighting, maybe maxmagicka one, but after that i'm out of variants how to give that damn giant a chance. Damage health/gradual damage health potion applied on myself maybe, huh?
  • Linaleah
    you know how to avoid giant's damage. 12 dodges. TWELVE. there is nothing that's going to be challenging for you, including something like Soul's because you know how to dodge that damage. and if you cannot dodge, then what is even the point?
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Chadak
    Special for people who call for challenge in overland: no-CP, no-food, no-ability used, no gear (zero resistance, ~zero weapon/spell damage), lvl11, steed mundus (can't cancel it though I tried), elite mob, whose ascendant will devastate newbie in Skyrim in open combat on normal difficulty :
    Damage done
    Damage received

    I may try to apply some useless mundus for bare fists fighting, maybe maxmagicka one, but after that i'm out of variants how to give that damn giant a chance. Damage health/gradual damage health potion applied on myself maybe, huh?

    And your idea of making dodge not work anymore would be what, exactly?

    Lets pretend you have somewhere useful to go with this. Lets pretend that you have a salient point to make, for the sake of making sure you realize just how futile your entire position is when we're finished.

    What now?

    Should that giant have an instant kill mechanic? Would you find that enjoyable?

    Should 2x faster? Should its attack speed be accelerated dramatically?

    Should player dodging be removed from the game?

    There are two things that could technically happen here.

    In the first case, they could make the giant tougher in various ways (adding more mechanics, making it insta-kill anyone it hits or both). Give it more mechanics and you're going to alienate twenty people for every one you thrill, and you're going to annoy a hundred more roundabout three months down the road when the infinite respawning giants are still a PITA to deal with and their fancy new mechanics aren't fun or entertaining anymore.

    In the second case, they could just make players incapable of dodging anymore. Completely gut the system, remove it outright. Would that please you?

    What would please you here? Is there anything that could possibly be done that would even matter to you that would not, in the same occurrence, send over half the playerbase out of the game entirely?

  • Jeremy
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Why don't you remove all your CP's, and take your gear off if you want difficulty for the sake of difficulty?

    People already have, and it’s still pointlessly easy
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue.
    But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging

    From the OP. And many of us clarified our positions with not including PBs, Dolmen, WBs. Explaining that the penultimate boss of a quest chain should feel like a boss. Though I have mentioned delves several times not included in the 'overland', I thought he meant the delve bosses that quests had you do, rather than the rando you kill because it's sits in there.
    It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    It's a majority of the game. Most of the content is questing stuff that is overland and where that brings you. The content added each chapter and DLC, which continuously treats the whole world like it's an afterthought. That would have us suspend disbelief but tell us majordomo X is so powerful, and he dies in 2 hits.

    Most of the time I quest I feel resentment that quest bits aren't instanced, that not only do I have to deal with extremely easy bosses, but there's a good chance some random person runs in and starts nuking them too. Now boss that I could kill in a few hits myself, instantly dies completely destroying any immersion in the story.
    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.

    Could be. Maybe not. Or could be that people just are incapable of arguing a position as stated. How hard is it to understand that this game with every chapter and DLC release, brings for another story arc. One that can be smashed through solo, but generally have a bunch of other players smashing through with you, extremely easily.

    I came to the forums because after doing Elsweyr completion I just felt cheated. Most of the story was good but I left it feeling like the experience was cheapened by how easy it was. This left me feeling bored and wondering if that aspect of the game was even worth paying more money for.

    At least in GW2 the living season come free as long as you are logged in during a particular bit. ESO makes you pay for it and the only reason I feel like this chapter was worth it is because the Necromancer. But I began to question redoing all the content of my original main on the new necromancer was actually going to keep me occupied without feeling like it was so easy that the story completion would leave me feeling more bored than entertained.

    This is why I came to the forums. And lo and behold, right there on the first page was this thread with other people expressing the exact same concerns I was feeling.

    I don't need more rewards. I don't need anything else except not feeling bored to tears doing the story content which makes up a majority of this game, and is only bearable when the storytelling is superb, which isn't always the case.


    It's Not a Majority of the game because IF you want you can simply avoid it - Completely.

    You do not have to fight Anything if you don't Choose to.

    It Can't be considered a ' Majority ' of the game if it can be simply ignored.

    I could not even estimate the many many many characters I have seen running across my screen, being pursued by several mobs. It's not that the character could not stop and kill them. The player just has better things to do - like reaching their actual objective and participating in whatever that issue is.

    Overland is Flavor.

    Now you’re just outright lying

    Questing is not avoidable in any way. You need it for Psijic. You need it for crafting area access. You need it to have access to many dailies. You need it for skill points. You need it for Soul Magic. You need it to experience a damn story

    You’re not some old wisened Yoda, you’re just being a nuisance who clearly has no interest in actual debate, who believes all players are infantile creatures that would immediately throw out the whole game if a quest boss actually had a chance to kill them.

    Then start removing points from all your passives, and use only one bar, and don't LA weave. Just keep going down the list until you've found the right level of "difficulty" for yourself, then play the rest of the game that way.

    That's like suggesting if someone is too smart for a class they should take a crowbar to their head until they are brain damaged enough to where that class challenges them - instead of seeking out a more challenging class they could actually have fun learning in.

    It's preposterous.

    In the context of a game with pre defined parameters, that's what you need to do if that is the thrill you seek.

    I don't find purposely gimping myself thrilling. I find it stupid. In any context.

    Then you aren't interested in challenge.

    Move along.

    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character and purposely myself suck. You are right about that.... That doesn't interest me in the least.

    And you're going to do what about it?

    You have four basic options. They are thus.

    1. You could modify your own experience through tinkering with your gear/CP/imposing various challenges on yours.
    2. You could modify your expectations.
    3. You could find something else to play that gives you the experience you desire.
    4. You could complain on this forum about it, which has a 100% failure rate and will accomplish precisely nothing what so ever.

    I don't think you're bad or wrong if you actually do want a different sort of challenge, but you have to acknowledge the reality of the situation. ZOS isn't going to make radical changes to the overworld experience. That's just not going to happen. There is no negotiation. It isn't even a discussion. They picked a direction with One Tamriel and they haven't budged from it one bit since. That's pretty heavily telling.

    Nobody on this forum can help you change the game. You're stuck with options 1, 2 or 3 for anything with any practical value at all.

    I don't know why you think asking for improvements on the forum has 100% failure rate. To be honest they have been fairly receptive to many of my complaints in the past. Not all of my requests have been honored mind you. But quite a few of them have been. So I'm actually optimistic they will do something about this one - especially considering how much traffic this issue gets on the forum. I think the developers are aware there is a problem with the way their content scales in respect to high-end players. That's probably one of the reasons they are taking another look at their CP system.

    Asking for improvements on the forum? Maybe more like a 99% failure rate.

    Asking for complete overhauls of the basic difficulty of the game in its entirety as some are doing? 100% failure rate. No company is going to embark on the grand expenditure of time and money to overhaul a game because a minority of its players want to turn it into the lovechild of Dark Souls and Witcher 2 'Insane' Difficulty mode.

    Asking for cheap/easy accommodations that require minimal expenditures of time and money and run little to no risk of damaging the retention rates or accelerating churn? Somewhere between 99% and 100% failure rate.

    That's been my experience of how it goes on MMO forums anyway, and this one doesn't seem to be any different than any others I've participated in.

    I remember complaining on this forum about how easy it was to out-level zones and how they needed to increase a scaling mechanism so players could enjoy content at their own pace. Guess what they did? They implemented a complete overhaul of the game's progression system to allow for just that.

    Many players were complaining about veteran ranks and how it was a tedious grind. Guess what they did? They implemented a complete overhaul of the endgame leveling system to make it less of a grind.

    So I don't believe criticisms in this regard are warranted. ON other games, certainly. But the developers of this game have been fairly receptive and have shown they are willing to overhaul entire systems.

    I also complained often and loudly on here that 2-handed weapons should count twice toward a set bonus so that 2-handed builds could make use of two 5-set bonuses and a monster set as well. They ended up doing just that as well.

    Those are just a few examples. I could give you more, but i'll leave it there in order to keep things brief. So I think I have good reasons to be optimistic here.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 11:06PM
  • MartiniDaniels
    ^ i specially dodged several times to toggle that comment of yours. If you deny dodging you just prove how pointless your arguments are since dodging is basic mechanic of any action game.
    But ok, no dodge, and i even increased my dps on 20% and received way less hits, since I became more experienced in fighting naked :D

    Damage done

    Damage received
  • navystylz_ESO
    barney2525 wrote: »


    It's Not a Majority of the game because IF you want you can simply avoid it - Completely.

    You do not have to fight Anything if you don't Choose to.

    It Can't be considered a ' Majority ' of the game if it can be simply ignored.

    I could not even estimate the many many many characters I have seen running across my screen, being pursued by several mobs. It's not that the character could not stop and kill them. The player just has better things to do - like reaching their actual objective and participating in whatever that issue is.

    Overland is Flavor.

    Ok, this is one of the most stupid arguments I've heard in this thread. Even more so than get naked to find a challenge. Choosing not to do content doesn't mean that content doesn't exist. It doesn't mean that content doesn't make up the biggest chunk of what this game consists of. Honestly, you guys aren't even trying.
  • MartiniDaniels
    But about propositions how to fix it, yes, it should be faster, since he is 3 times higher so have much higher speed in short distance by definition and he must one shot non-blocking 15k HP target without resistances.
  • navystylz_ESO
    Mintaka5 wrote: »
    No it's not easy when everyone else is saying it's hard. You just are a seasoned player. Maybe you've end-gamed, so move on and let others work their way up.

    Everyone else whom? No one is saying it's hard. People are trying to champion this "new player who might find it difficult", but no one has said it's hard. They've said the challenge on content that wasn't included in what is being discussed as overland is enough.
  • Aireal
    Sevn wrote: »
    Wanted to add my bit on the Souls games as they have been mentioned many times by both sides. The thing is even with Souls, and this is strictly my experience from playing all but Bloodborne, is that once again once you "get" how the combat works, the game becomes insanely more easier, like never dying again unless you just are careless easy.

    Is this not the same here? Once you know the ins and outs of combat the game is suppose to be easy for you, in particular the easy content designed to be easy in the first place. Am I once again the only one when looking for a challenge went around fighting everything with a broken sword and practically naked in the Souls games?

    I'm doing the same here when I seek a challenge, pick a WB or solo a 4man dungeon, no added bonuses neccessary and without affecting anyone else's experience. It can be done and truly satisfying to anyone really seeking a good challenge and nothing else.

    <jumping up and down> Yes..!!!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!

    Every time I play Any of the Dark Souls, I tend to beat my head against the monitor.. until that point where it just .. Clicks... Then, while not a walk amoung the daisies... it's not an insane ride on a rollercoaster to Hades either.
    Jeremy wrote:
    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character to purposely myself suck. You are right about that. That doesn't interest me in the least. Nor should it because it's beyond stupid.

    Well thank you for dissing one of my favorite styles of 'challenge'! Nekked Nord... 0 armor, Iron ( starter) weapon only.. goal set.. and.. off and running...

    2nd favorite... Dead is Dead...

    Self-challenge... Self-entertainment... I learned really young to never 'be bored' when Mom asked. I play RPG's because many, many of them give me a world that I can 'live in' and tell my own story, using their's.

    Cloth wearing Bard.. that uses scrolls and staff's only.. ( Mod that allows for buying & lvl'ing them as if they were normal spells).. Traveling from town to town, Inn to Inn... Dead is Dead.. She died at the ripe old age of 45 when two Ancient Dragons and a Spriggian Matriarch attacked at once.

    Yeah.. cause after 3 yr's on 360.. I got a PC.. and added mods.. and I have more or less continiously played Skyrim since it came out.. I DO play other games.. but I've found that Skyrim has the best "sand box" for playing my own way.

    Vanilla anything get's boring.. you learn it all, get really good at it and unless you are willing to do something about it... you get bored at how 'easy' it is.

    Of course, I AM just speaking of myself and a group of friends that play competitions the same way.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • navystylz_ESO
    Sevn wrote: »

    The game you are advocating for would fail. Why? Due to you seemingly believing the majority of gamers play videogames, ESO in particular, to work towards harder content.

    Guild Wars 2 general gameplay is more difficult that ESO. You don't move, you die. You don't know how to use your dodge. You die. You don't know how to use your sustain. You die. This is on normal content. It's mindblowing that people are trying to argue the average player in ESO is completely incapable of the most basic requirement of a thriving game like GW2.
    Edited by navystylz_ESO on May 30, 2019 11:29PM
  • Jeremy
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    Wanted to add my bit on the Souls games as they have been mentioned many times by both sides. The thing is even with Souls, and this is strictly my experience from playing all but Bloodborne, is that once again once you "get" how the combat works, the game becomes insanely more easier, like never dying again unless you just are careless easy.

    Is this not the same here? Once you know the ins and outs of combat the game is suppose to be easy for you, in particular the easy content designed to be easy in the first place. Am I once again the only one when looking for a challenge went around fighting everything with a broken sword and practically naked in the Souls games?

    I'm doing the same here when I seek a challenge, pick a WB or solo a 4man dungeon, no added bonuses neccessary and without affecting anyone else's experience. It can be done and truly satisfying to anyone really seeking a good challenge and nothing else.

    <jumping up and down> Yes..!!!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!

    Every time I play Any of the Dark Souls, I tend to beat my head against the monitor.. until that point where it just .. Clicks... Then, while not a walk amoung the daisies... it's not an insane ride on a rollercoaster to Hades either.
    Jeremy wrote:
    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character to purposely myself suck. You are right about that. That doesn't interest me in the least. Nor should it because it's beyond stupid.

    Well thank you for dissing one of my favorite styles of 'challenge'! Nekked Nord... 0 armor, Iron ( starter) weapon only.. goal set.. and.. off and running...

    2nd favorite... Dead is Dead...

    Self-challenge... Self-entertainment... I learned really young to never 'be bored' when Mom asked. I play RPG's because many, many of them give me a world that I can 'live in' and tell my own story, using their's.

    Cloth wearing Bard.. that uses scrolls and staff's only.. ( Mod that allows for buying & lvl'ing them as if they were normal spells).. Traveling from town to town, Inn to Inn... Dead is Dead.. She died at the ripe old age of 45 when two Ancient Dragons and a Spriggian Matriarch attacked at once.

    Yeah.. cause after 3 yr's on 360.. I got a PC.. and added mods.. and I have more or less continiously played Skyrim since it came out.. I DO play other games.. but I've found that Skyrim has the best "sand box" for playing my own way.

    Vanilla anything get's boring.. you learn it all, get really good at it and unless you are willing to do something about it... you get bored at how 'easy' it is.

    Of course, I AM just speaking of myself and a group of friends that play competitions the same way.


    Sorry. It was my intention to diss your favorite styles of challenge. But I honestly believe it's just beyond ridiculous to expect players to have strip their characters or remove their experience points in order to create a fun challenge for themselves. That's just not a reasonable solution in my mind or something that should be expected of players.

    Now obviously if you enjoy doing that that's up to you and I have no issues with you choosing to do that. How you play the game is your business and I"m a big believer in allowing people to do their own thing so long as it doesn't negatively affect others in the process. But I just don't believe this is a realistic solution to the problem.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 11:13PM
  • navystylz_ESO
    Linaleah wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Because game already died once because people like you. There was EXACTLY what you want at launch.

    Correlation does not does not imply causation fallacy.

    Game nearly died to massive amount of bugs. Inability to ever see friends who rolled wrong faction. VR ranking and how tedious having to do every single quest, in the layout the game said, was. Ya, some people--still those who can't be bothered to do mechanics and thus like easy faceroll mode--cried about bosses actually requiring work. Or god forbid, being social in a MMO and asking for help (Doshia comes to mind). But stop pretending it was the difficulty and not more so all the other barriers that were killing the game then.

    I quite literally quit at launch becasue i hit a wall on my nighblade and couldn't progress past certain point in Auridon and couldn't make it to Elden Root to respec to maybe fix my build up a bit, cause you have to go through heaven which is full of enemies that were 5-6 levels above me. i was completely stuck. the game was too hard for me too frustrating... so i quit. becasue there is no way I would pay $15 to be frustrated. and as much as I'd like to believe that i'm a super unique special snowflake? i doubt that I was. I have a feeling that I was far from the only one to hit that wall and just quit instead of trying to beat my head against it.

    I'm sorry to hear that, and I'm not trying to say there aren't people in your shoes. I argue that wasn't a main reason. On the flip side, I played this game since early access. My main I started was a Nightblade, and was my main up until I just dropped it for the Necromancer. I soloed world bosses on my nightblade. My build was anything but meta. Did I find some difficulty in the game at all, sure. But I either chipped away at it until I accomplished it, or I got help. I never once asked for difficulty to be nerfed.

    I don't get why people play MMOs to want to solo everything themselves. They want to treat it like a single player game, except single player games actually challenge the player more than ESO's overland does. Unless you're putting in cheats and running around acting like you're a god. Which is totally fine when you're alone, but not in a MMO unless the intent is to blow up a bunch of minor enemies as this larger than life hero.

    As I've stated before, I could literally watch someone else play the story--and I watch enough twitch--and feel nearly as much participation as I do playing through it now.
  • Jeremy
    Sevn wrote: »

    The game you are advocating for would fail. Why? Due to you seemingly believing the majority of gamers play videogames, ESO in particular, to work towards harder content.

    Guild Wars 2 general gameplay is more difficult that ESO. You don't move, you die. You don't know how to use your dodge. You die. You don't know how to use your sustain. You die. This is on normal content. It's mindblowing that people are trying to argue the general players in ESO is completely incapable of the most basic requirement of a thriving game like GW2.

    I'm not a big fan of the move or die mechanics.

    I don't mind having moves that hit really hard that you can dodge. But I believe players should have the option to build their character more defensively to where they can survive them - which would come at a cost to their offensive capacity.

    One shot mechanisms upset the balance of role based combat - giving emphasis to offensive builds designed to dodge because there is little point in defense and heals if you are instantly killed every time you mess up anyway. It's been awhile - but I don't believe Guild Wars 2 had role-based game play so that's probably why this is less of an issue on that game.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 11:23PM
  • myskyrim26
    Hey OP, take off your golden gear, reset CPs to zero and go make quests. Have fun seeing your character dead again and agian.
    Edited by myskyrim26 on May 30, 2019 11:25PM
  • Aireal
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    Wanted to add my bit on the Souls games as they have been mentioned many times by both sides. The thing is even with Souls, and this is strictly my experience from playing all but Bloodborne, is that once again once you "get" how the combat works, the game becomes insanely more easier, like never dying again unless you just are careless easy.

    Is this not the same here? Once you know the ins and outs of combat the game is suppose to be easy for you, in particular the easy content designed to be easy in the first place. Am I once again the only one when looking for a challenge went around fighting everything with a broken sword and practically naked in the Souls games?

    I'm doing the same here when I seek a challenge, pick a WB or solo a 4man dungeon, no added bonuses neccessary and without affecting anyone else's experience. It can be done and truly satisfying to anyone really seeking a good challenge and nothing else.

    <jumping up and down> Yes..!!!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!

    Every time I play Any of the Dark Souls, I tend to beat my head against the monitor.. until that point where it just .. Clicks... Then, while not a walk amoung the daisies... it's not an insane ride on a rollercoaster to Hades either.
    Jeremy wrote:
    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character to purposely myself suck. You are right about that. That doesn't interest me in the least. Nor should it because it's beyond stupid.

    Well thank you for dissing one of my favorite styles of 'challenge'! Nekked Nord... 0 armor, Iron ( starter) weapon only.. goal set.. and.. off and running...

    2nd favorite... Dead is Dead...

    Self-challenge... Self-entertainment... I learned really young to never 'be bored' when Mom asked. I play RPG's because many, many of them give me a world that I can 'live in' and tell my own story, using their's.

    Cloth wearing Bard.. that uses scrolls and staff's only.. ( Mod that allows for buying & lvl'ing them as if they were normal spells).. Traveling from town to town, Inn to Inn... Dead is Dead.. She died at the ripe old age of 45 when two Ancient Dragons and a Spriggian Matriarch attacked at once.

    Yeah.. cause after 3 yr's on 360.. I got a PC.. and added mods.. and I have more or less continiously played Skyrim since it came out.. I DO play other games.. but I've found that Skyrim has the best "sand box" for playing my own way.

    Vanilla anything get's boring.. you learn it all, get really good at it and unless you are willing to do something about it... you get bored at how 'easy' it is.

    Of course, I AM just speaking of myself and a group of friends that play competitions the same way.


    Sorry. It was my intention to diss your favorite styles of challenge. But I honestly believe it's just beyond ridiculous to expect players to have strip their characters or remove their experience points in order to create a fun challenge for themselves. That's just not a reasonable solution in my mind or something that should be expected of players.

    Now obviously if you enjoy doing that that's up to you and I have no issues with you choosing to do that. How you play the game is your business and I"m a big believer in allowing people to do their own thing so long as it doesn't negatively affect others in the process. But I just don't believe this is a realistic solution to the problem.

    <shrug> I have thick skin.. it doesn't matter. I do choose, not yet of course, don't need to.. the content as is - is challenging enough for me atm.. Not difficult mind, just a challenge because I do not min/max and never have.

    Ditto.. and I am happy with the difficulty where it is. Thanks!

    If and I double it will happen, Zos comes out with a way to increase the difficulty for those that want it.. without changing things for those that don't... I'll do a happy dance for the people that wanted more difficulty.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Jeremy
    Aireal wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    Wanted to add my bit on the Souls games as they have been mentioned many times by both sides. The thing is even with Souls, and this is strictly my experience from playing all but Bloodborne, is that once again once you "get" how the combat works, the game becomes insanely more easier, like never dying again unless you just are careless easy.

    Is this not the same here? Once you know the ins and outs of combat the game is suppose to be easy for you, in particular the easy content designed to be easy in the first place. Am I once again the only one when looking for a challenge went around fighting everything with a broken sword and practically naked in the Souls games?

    I'm doing the same here when I seek a challenge, pick a WB or solo a 4man dungeon, no added bonuses neccessary and without affecting anyone else's experience. It can be done and truly satisfying to anyone really seeking a good challenge and nothing else.

    <jumping up and down> Yes..!!!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!

    Every time I play Any of the Dark Souls, I tend to beat my head against the monitor.. until that point where it just .. Clicks... Then, while not a walk amoung the daisies... it's not an insane ride on a rollercoaster to Hades either.
    Jeremy wrote:
    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character to purposely myself suck. You are right about that. That doesn't interest me in the least. Nor should it because it's beyond stupid.

    Well thank you for dissing one of my favorite styles of 'challenge'! Nekked Nord... 0 armor, Iron ( starter) weapon only.. goal set.. and.. off and running...

    2nd favorite... Dead is Dead...

    Self-challenge... Self-entertainment... I learned really young to never 'be bored' when Mom asked. I play RPG's because many, many of them give me a world that I can 'live in' and tell my own story, using their's.

    Cloth wearing Bard.. that uses scrolls and staff's only.. ( Mod that allows for buying & lvl'ing them as if they were normal spells).. Traveling from town to town, Inn to Inn... Dead is Dead.. She died at the ripe old age of 45 when two Ancient Dragons and a Spriggian Matriarch attacked at once.

    Yeah.. cause after 3 yr's on 360.. I got a PC.. and added mods.. and I have more or less continiously played Skyrim since it came out.. I DO play other games.. but I've found that Skyrim has the best "sand box" for playing my own way.

    Vanilla anything get's boring.. you learn it all, get really good at it and unless you are willing to do something about it... you get bored at how 'easy' it is.

    Of course, I AM just speaking of myself and a group of friends that play competitions the same way.


    Sorry. It was my intention to diss your favorite styles of challenge. But I honestly believe it's just beyond ridiculous to expect players to have strip their characters or remove their experience points in order to create a fun challenge for themselves. That's just not a reasonable solution in my mind or something that should be expected of players.

    Now obviously if you enjoy doing that that's up to you and I have no issues with you choosing to do that. How you play the game is your business and I"m a big believer in allowing people to do their own thing so long as it doesn't negatively affect others in the process. But I just don't believe this is a realistic solution to the problem.

    <shrug> I have thick skin.. it doesn't matter. I do choose, not yet of course, don't need to.. the content as is - is challenging enough for me atm.. Not difficult mind, just a challenge because I do not min/max and never have.

    Ditto.. and I am happy with the difficulty where it is. Thanks!

    If and I double it will happen, Zos comes out with a way to increase the difficulty for those that want it.. without changing things for those that don't... I'll do a happy dance for the people that wanted more difficulty.

    That's fine if you are content with the current difficulty and what I"m saying doesn't really conflict with what you have put here. What I'm asking for is an optional veteran-version of each zone for high level players who find the current difficulty too easy to quest in. That way both sides get what they want - which is always the best way to solve a problem when possible.

    Because for me, the current difficulty in just too easy to the point of boredom (I don't min/max either). It's just not nearly as much fun as I used to have to quest and explore on this game.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 11:33PM
  • Wifeaggro13
    Linaleah wrote: »
    Murador178 wrote: »
    Bekkael wrote: »
    By bad, I mean new, naked account, like a first time player to the game would experience. Starting out is tough for a new player, and if things are too hard they will quit. I left the game several times when I was leveling my first character. I died to a gust of wind for quite a while, and that just isn’t fun.

    For the sake of brand new players, I’m glad if overland leans more toward easy than hard. Experienced players can get their jollies with harder content in other areas of the game, and leave questing alone. New players need to be enticed to stay, not driven away by a Dark Souls type of gameplay.

    Just my opinion.

    There are ALOT of zones - just add some hard zones maybe with better rewards. Im literally 1 shotting most quest bosses... . And remove the CP system openworld it adds a even bigger power disadvantage to starters.

    PS: Dark souls is also not as hard as people make it... . Its just a thing of getting into the timings and muscle memory.
    you understand that that's precisely the challenge, right? getting the timing and muscle memory just right? THAT is what makes games challenging. if you think that Dark souls are not hard, there is NOTHING that developers can do to make the game challenging for you without making it inaccessible for majority of the population.

    I dont think anyone is asking for darksouls online lol.if we look at this historically zos has a very bad history of going to far in one direction with updates and core game design. Eso had a decent group dynamic decent class/ role definition. With an absurd and extremely small progression system. Faction lock and overland leveling progession made the game extremely small and restricted. Tam one was a great idea and it fixed a lot of those issues but it also killed a part of heart and soul of the game in the process. Subsequent needs patches and a wrobel dps focus content destroyed the class definition/ role definition . It was not long before the player base started with noticing your character actually got weaker from its core as you gained levels.add in the very bad alternate advancement system that has not even remotely been evolved. The game play for long term has gotten extremely boring.

    Eso has really focused on finding ways to make huge profits with out having to invest much into evolving the game. It made it extremely easy to pump out quarterly updates and charge huge price for big but very shallow content. Eso is a large body of water that is 2 feet deep in all directions. It's great for a churn player base bad if you are into traditional MMOs
    Edited by Wifeaggro13 on May 31, 2019 12:27AM
  • navystylz_ESO
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »

    The game you are advocating for would fail. Why? Due to you seemingly believing the majority of gamers play videogames, ESO in particular, to work towards harder content.

    Guild Wars 2 general gameplay is more difficult that ESO. You don't move, you die. You don't know how to use your dodge. You die. You don't know how to use your sustain. You die. This is on normal content. It's mindblowing that people are trying to argue the general players in ESO is completely incapable of the most basic requirement of a thriving game like GW2.

    I'm not a big fan of the move or die mechanics.

    I don't mind having moves that hit really hard that you can dodge. But I believe players should have the option to build their character more defensively to where they can survive them - which would come at a cost to their offensive capacity.

    One shot mechanisms upset the balance of role based combat - giving emphasis to offensive builds designed to dodge because there is little point in defense and heals if you are instantly killed every time you mess up anyway. It's been awhile - but I don't believe Guild Wars 2 had role-based game play so that's probably why this is less of an issue on that game.

    They're not all one shots. Most aren't unless it's harder content. It's the same kind of intro to mechanics that ESO has, but can be completely ignored. Not moving in GW2 will make you take a lot of damage until you die, or one shot you. Not moving in ESO on the same type of questing content will do absolutely nothing to you, nor teach you that should should be avoiding these things especially once you get into instanced dungeon content.

    Just not sure how many more times this needs to be explained before people stop obfuscating what the whole argument is, or saying people just want better rewards. And this isn't towards you, but it's the most obnoxious type of trolling that just doesn't get anywhere.

    The worse thing that happened was World of Warcraft making MMOs more popular, and causing dumbing down of video games to be so normal that people can argue overland content in this game present any kind of challenge.

    Any rate, I will continue to participate in normal discussion, knowing either down the road things will change or not. A whole slew of new companies are designing games that bring back the challenge of MMOs and requiring crazy ideas like social interaction and grouping with other players--ya know, not treating MMOs like single player games.
  • Jeremy
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »

    The game you are advocating for would fail. Why? Due to you seemingly believing the majority of gamers play videogames, ESO in particular, to work towards harder content.

    Guild Wars 2 general gameplay is more difficult that ESO. You don't move, you die. You don't know how to use your dodge. You die. You don't know how to use your sustain. You die. This is on normal content. It's mindblowing that people are trying to argue the general players in ESO is completely incapable of the most basic requirement of a thriving game like GW2.

    I'm not a big fan of the move or die mechanics.

    I don't mind having moves that hit really hard that you can dodge. But I believe players should have the option to build their character more defensively to where they can survive them - which would come at a cost to their offensive capacity.

    One shot mechanisms upset the balance of role based combat - giving emphasis to offensive builds designed to dodge because there is little point in defense and heals if you are instantly killed every time you mess up anyway. It's been awhile - but I don't believe Guild Wars 2 had role-based game play so that's probably why this is less of an issue on that game.

    They're not all one shots. Most aren't unless it's harder content. It's the same kind of intro to mechanics that ESO has, but can be completely ignored. Not moving in GW2 will make you take a lot of damage until you die, or one shot you. Not moving in ESO on the same type of questing content will do absolutely nothing to you, nor teach you that should should be avoiding these things especially once you get into instanced dungeon content.

    Just not sure how many more times this needs to be explained before people stop obfuscating what the whole argument is, or saying people just want better rewards. And this isn't towards you, but it's the most obnoxious type of trolling that just doesn't get anywhere.

    The worse thing that happened was World of Warcraft making MMOs more popular, and causing dumbing down of video games to be so normal that people can argue overland content in this game present any kind of challenge.

    Any rate, I will continue to participate in normal discussion, knowing either down the road things will change or not. A whole slew of new companies are designing games that bring back the challenge of MMOs and requiring crazy ideas like social interaction and grouping with other players--ya know, not treating MMOs like single player games.

    Alright. Thanks for clarifying your position then.

    I don't mind the occasional one shot mechanic - just so long as they are well telegraphed so players can reasonably avoid them. But when they become tedious and constant to where they make up the builk of the fight that's when I start to have issues with them. Something this game is guilty of at times - especially as it relates to their recent DLC dungeons.

    I would also love to see MMORPGs go back to actually being designed for groups again - instead of being single player games with chat channels. So I"m with you on that.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 30, 2019 11:42PM
  • navystylz_ESO
    I also want to toss in there, ESO has one of the most forgiving death systems out there. So many people seem to be against any chance you might die, when you can literally click rez yourself and try again if some mistake kills you. Right next to the thing that killed you.
  • Sylvermynx
    Aireal wrote: »
    I seriously don't care if he can't do 'endgame' stuff... he's fun to play atm holds his own solo in dungeons.. ( Thanks Sis for the armor ... Dae still can't make high enough stuff for him!)

    No worries. Sha can make him some higher level when he starts having issues killing/staying alive!

  • Aireal
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sevn wrote: »
    Wanted to add my bit on the Souls games as they have been mentioned many times by both sides. The thing is even with Souls, and this is strictly my experience from playing all but Bloodborne, is that once again once you "get" how the combat works, the game becomes insanely more easier, like never dying again unless you just are careless easy.

    Is this not the same here? Once you know the ins and outs of combat the game is suppose to be easy for you, in particular the easy content designed to be easy in the first place. Am I once again the only one when looking for a challenge went around fighting everything with a broken sword and practically naked in the Souls games?

    I'm doing the same here when I seek a challenge, pick a WB or solo a 4man dungeon, no added bonuses neccessary and without affecting anyone else's experience. It can be done and truly satisfying to anyone really seeking a good challenge and nothing else.

    <jumping up and down> Yes..!!!!!! Yes!!! Yes!!!!

    Every time I play Any of the Dark Souls, I tend to beat my head against the monitor.. until that point where it just .. Clicks... Then, while not a walk amoung the daisies... it's not an insane ride on a rollercoaster to Hades either.
    Jeremy wrote:
    Not when that challenge involves me stripping my character to purposely myself suck. You are right about that. That doesn't interest me in the least. Nor should it because it's beyond stupid.

    Well thank you for dissing one of my favorite styles of 'challenge'! Nekked Nord... 0 armor, Iron ( starter) weapon only.. goal set.. and.. off and running...

    2nd favorite... Dead is Dead...

    Self-challenge... Self-entertainment... I learned really young to never 'be bored' when Mom asked. I play RPG's because many, many of them give me a world that I can 'live in' and tell my own story, using their's.

    Cloth wearing Bard.. that uses scrolls and staff's only.. ( Mod that allows for buying & lvl'ing them as if they were normal spells).. Traveling from town to town, Inn to Inn... Dead is Dead.. She died at the ripe old age of 45 when two Ancient Dragons and a Spriggian Matriarch attacked at once.

    Yeah.. cause after 3 yr's on 360.. I got a PC.. and added mods.. and I have more or less continiously played Skyrim since it came out.. I DO play other games.. but I've found that Skyrim has the best "sand box" for playing my own way.

    Vanilla anything get's boring.. you learn it all, get really good at it and unless you are willing to do something about it... you get bored at how 'easy' it is.

    Of course, I AM just speaking of myself and a group of friends that play competitions the same way.


    Sorry. It was my intention to diss your favorite styles of challenge. But I honestly believe it's just beyond ridiculous to expect players to have strip their characters or remove their experience points in order to create a fun challenge for themselves. That's just not a reasonable solution in my mind or something that should be expected of players.

    Now obviously if you enjoy doing that that's up to you and I have no issues with you choosing to do that. How you play the game is your business and I"m a big believer in allowing people to do their own thing so long as it doesn't negatively affect others in the process. But I just don't believe this is a realistic solution to the problem.

    <shrug> I have thick skin.. it doesn't matter. I do choose, not yet of course, don't need to.. the content as is - is challenging enough for me atm.. Not difficult mind, just a challenge because I do not min/max and never have.

    Ditto.. and I am happy with the difficulty where it is. Thanks!

    If and I double it will happen, Zos comes out with a way to increase the difficulty for those that want it.. without changing things for those that don't... I'll do a happy dance for the people that wanted more difficulty.

    That's fine if you are content with the current difficulty and what I"m saying doesn't really conflict with what you have put here. What I'm asking for is an optional veteran-version of each zone for high level players who find the current difficulty too easy to quest in. That way both sides get what they want - which is always the best way to solve a problem when possible.

    Because for me, the current difficulty in just too easy to the point of boredom (I don't min/max either). It's just not nearly as much fun as I used to have to quest and explore on this game.

    I'm good with that...

    You know my very first "Death by Dragon" is Skyrim... I got one of the very rare cut scenes.. and I thought it was awesome. It's what my character was doing though.. she was standing on a bridge, watching the Auroa.. I was born in Florida.. had only seen one IRL once.. and was captivated...errr and Tara was dead!

    Last week the character I started did the Elswyer Tutorial dungeon.. and he spent a great deal of time just looking around. We spent 10 minutes watching a heron fish, the bob and weave of the head.. a couple missed strikes.. and then.. bam! he caught his fish.. awesome to watch..

    In response to.. I don't remember who... Why do I play MMO's if I'm playing solo ( 95% of the time) .. I don't, I don't play any other MMO's and unless another Elder Scrolls MMO comes out, this will probably the one and only MMO I play.. why?

    - TES Lore
    - Open World- exploration
    - Open-ended Quests ( it's easy to insert your own story into )
    - Cause I wanted to see all the Countries that are mentioned in Skyrim, Morrowind and Oblivion
    - The ability to play just about any role I want to.

    The fact that I can play with friends.. old and new is a perk, but when I bought the game I was using my phone's hotspot as internet.. it wasn't good enough to do PvP or group PvE content... I knew it, it took 2 days.. 2 days to DL the game ( free week).. and at the end of that time, I asked my friends that play ESO a couple of questions.. and bought the game, pre-ordered Elswyer when it became available.

    ATM I have only 3 characters that are following questlines, Baran ( MQ) T'Sillah ( Psijiic's ) and Ay'Anna ( Mirkmire), the rest are pretty much exploring different parts of the map.I may not have the whole of the map explored before my characters think the OW is too easy, but I'm not an 'endgame' kinda person, so I doubt it.

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Aireal
    I also want to toss in there, ESO has one of the most forgiving death systems out there. So many people seem to be against any chance you might die, when you can literally click rez yourself and try again if some mistake kills you. Right next to the thing that killed you.

    <snicker> and when I get to the point that I start thinking the OW is 'to easy".. I will start a Dead is Dead play through's here too, same as I do in Skyrim.. and did in Oblivion.

    I'm already formulating the rules (cause it has to be around what ESO allows for ) .. but now that I know I get more than 3 delete's total... 1st rule, NO CP points - found gear/ weapons only till ( whichever lvl I find truly starts to need crafted armor).

    Die and the character get's deleted.. Death by lag or freezing or IRL interference the only exceptions ( for now.. except PvP, I can't think of another good reason).

    I have a long way to go.. cause, exploration!
    No worries. Sha can make him some higher level when he starts having issues killing/staying alive!

    Thanks Sis!

    Edited by Aireal on May 31, 2019 12:11AM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • MartiniDaniels
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Hey OP, take off your golden gear, reset CPs to zero and go make quests. Have fun seeing your character dead again and agian.

    Ok, I will make 3000 gold sacrifice for new guest of discussion. CP810 character with CP reset. No food. No gear. No abilities. Racial and class passives active, I'm not ready to sacrifice 20k gold for you sorry. All attributes to magicka, which is useless for fighting naked.
    CP810 parameters without CP, but with racials.
    Damage done, ~1.5x lower considering stamina+WD. So yeah if newbies won't distribute CP on their road to CP160 they will suffer from decreasing damage.
    Damage received, as we can see damage from kick is exactly the same as for lvl11, so there is no "tremendous buff to low-levels which will diminish to lvl30" in part of damage resistance.
    P.S. CMX bugged in terms of critical damage for this case, I will include log of damage where it's clearly seen that crit is 1.5x, not 1.59x.
  • Sylvermynx
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Why don't you remove all your CP's, and take your gear off if you want difficulty for the sake of difficulty?

    People already have, and it’s still pointlessly easy
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue.
    But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging

    From the OP. And many of us clarified our positions with not including PBs, Dolmen, WBs. Explaining that the penultimate boss of a quest chain should feel like a boss. Though I have mentioned delves several times not included in the 'overland', I thought he meant the delve bosses that quests had you do, rather than the rando you kill because it's sits in there.
    It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    It's a majority of the game. Most of the content is questing stuff that is overland and where that brings you. The content added each chapter and DLC, which continuously treats the whole world like it's an afterthought. That would have us suspend disbelief but tell us majordomo X is so powerful, and he dies in 2 hits.

    Most of the time I quest I feel resentment that quest bits aren't instanced, that not only do I have to deal with extremely easy bosses, but there's a good chance some random person runs in and starts nuking them too. Now boss that I could kill in a few hits myself, instantly dies completely destroying any immersion in the story.
    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.

    Could be. Maybe not. Or could be that people just are incapable of arguing a position as stated. How hard is it to understand that this game with every chapter and DLC release, brings for another story arc. One that can be smashed through solo, but generally have a bunch of other players smashing through with you, extremely easily.

    I came to the forums because after doing Elsweyr completion I just felt cheated. Most of the story was good but I left it feeling like the experience was cheapened by how easy it was. This left me feeling bored and wondering if that aspect of the game was even worth paying more money for.

    At least in GW2 the living season come free as long as you are logged in during a particular bit. ESO makes you pay for it and the only reason I feel like this chapter was worth it is because the Necromancer. But I began to question redoing all the content of my original main on the new necromancer was actually going to keep me occupied without feeling like it was so easy that the story completion would leave me feeling more bored than entertained.

    This is why I came to the forums. And lo and behold, right there on the first page was this thread with other people expressing the exact same concerns I was feeling.

    I don't need more rewards. I don't need anything else except not feeling bored to tears doing the story content which makes up a majority of this game, and is only bearable when the storytelling is superb, which isn't always the case.


    It's Not a Majority of the game because IF you want you can simply avoid it - Completely.

    You do not have to fight Anything if you don't Choose to.

    It Can't be considered a ' Majority ' of the game if it can be simply ignored.

    I could not even estimate the many many many characters I have seen running across my screen, being pursued by several mobs. It's not that the character could not stop and kill them. The player just has better things to do - like reaching their actual objective and participating in whatever that issue is.

    Overland is Flavor.

    Now you’re just outright lying

    Questing is not avoidable in any way. You need it for Psijic. You need it for crafting area access. You need it to have access to many dailies. You need it for skill points. You need it for Soul Magic. You need it to experience a damn story

    You’re not some old wisened Yoda, you’re just being a nuisance who clearly has no interest in actual debate, who believes all players are infantile creatures that would immediately throw out the whole game if a quest boss actually had a chance to kill them.

    Then start removing points from all your passives, and use only one bar, and don't LA weave. Just keep going down the list until you've found the right level of "difficulty" for yourself, then play the rest of the game that way.

    That's like suggesting if someone is too smart for a class they should take a crowbar to their head until they are brain damaged enough to where that class challenges them - instead of seeking out a more challenging class they could actually have fun learning in.

    It's preposterous.

    In the context of a game with pre defined parameters, that's what you need to do if that is the thrill you seek.

    I don't find purposely gimping myself thrilling. I find it stupid. In any context.

    Then you aren't interested in challenge.

    Move along.

    Challenge is key part of gameplay, but not the only part. Another essential part of any RPG is your build. You may go for full glass-cannon build in VMA for example with reward of higher scores but this will require times more skill then completing VMA as petsorc or WW. But in overland even if you are full glass cannon you still cannot die.. so if you remove your armor etc you will simply kill mobs longer, but they still can't kill you if you do basic actions like not standing in aoe and blocking/dodging heavy attacks. So now you will propose not to dodge aoes and heavy attacks? :D what's left of gameplay then? you don't have build, you can't use CP perks which unlock mechanics, you can't use active defense, you can't use heals.. so you just stay in front of mobs in aoe light attacking them and then you finally die and feel accomplishment - "I finally found challenge"? :D

    I know.

    The whole point of an RPG is to make your character more powerful by collecting gear and experience. This idea that you should remove all of that to try and make the game more fun is like saying you should get rid of the football to have fun on a football field. It defeats the whole purpose of the game itself - at which point there is really no point in playing it at all.

    Um. Have to disagree. The whole point of an RPG is that I have fun playing it. And RP'ing it. Right now, with new faster 'net, I'm going to be able to do stuff I haven't been able to do before - like bar swapping.... And I'm going to fully enjoy that. But the bottom line for me is - I am having fun in this game.

    When it stops being fun, I'll stop playing it. Making overland harder? Eh, nope thanks. I play games (especially TES) for the stories.

    Now.... I'm on board for a toggle that gives people like you a DiD option. Go for it, ZOS. And when you die repeatedly.... well... remember you asked for it.

    Hit dog barks.
  • Aireal
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Wifeaggro13
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Why don't you remove all your CP's, and take your gear off if you want difficulty for the sake of difficulty?

    People already have, and it’s still pointlessly easy
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue.
    But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging

    From the OP. And many of us clarified our positions with not including PBs, Dolmen, WBs. Explaining that the penultimate boss of a quest chain should feel like a boss. Though I have mentioned delves several times not included in the 'overland', I thought he meant the delve bosses that quests had you do, rather than the rando you kill because it's sits in there.
    It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    It's a majority of the game. Most of the content is questing stuff that is overland and where that brings you. The content added each chapter and DLC, which continuously treats the whole world like it's an afterthought. That would have us suspend disbelief but tell us majordomo X is so powerful, and he dies in 2 hits.

    Most of the time I quest I feel resentment that quest bits aren't instanced, that not only do I have to deal with extremely easy bosses, but there's a good chance some random person runs in and starts nuking them too. Now boss that I could kill in a few hits myself, instantly dies completely destroying any immersion in the story.
    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.

    Could be. Maybe not. Or could be that people just are incapable of arguing a position as stated. How hard is it to understand that this game with every chapter and DLC release, brings for another story arc. One that can be smashed through solo, but generally have a bunch of other players smashing through with you, extremely easily.

    I came to the forums because after doing Elsweyr completion I just felt cheated. Most of the story was good but I left it feeling like the experience was cheapened by how easy it was. This left me feeling bored and wondering if that aspect of the game was even worth paying more money for.

    At least in GW2 the living season come free as long as you are logged in during a particular bit. ESO makes you pay for it and the only reason I feel like this chapter was worth it is because the Necromancer. But I began to question redoing all the content of my original main on the new necromancer was actually going to keep me occupied without feeling like it was so easy that the story completion would leave me feeling more bored than entertained.

    This is why I came to the forums. And lo and behold, right there on the first page was this thread with other people expressing the exact same concerns I was feeling.

    I don't need more rewards. I don't need anything else except not feeling bored to tears doing the story content which makes up a majority of this game, and is only bearable when the storytelling is superb, which isn't always the case.


    It's Not a Majority of the game because IF you want you can simply avoid it - Completely.

    You do not have to fight Anything if you don't Choose to.

    It Can't be considered a ' Majority ' of the game if it can be simply ignored.

    I could not even estimate the many many many characters I have seen running across my screen, being pursued by several mobs. It's not that the character could not stop and kill them. The player just has better things to do - like reaching their actual objective and participating in whatever that issue is.

    Overland is Flavor.

    Now you’re just outright lying

    Questing is not avoidable in any way. You need it for Psijic. You need it for crafting area access. You need it to have access to many dailies. You need it for skill points. You need it for Soul Magic. You need it to experience a damn story

    You’re not some old wisened Yoda, you’re just being a nuisance who clearly has no interest in actual debate, who believes all players are infantile creatures that would immediately throw out the whole game if a quest boss actually had a chance to kill them.

    Then start removing points from all your passives, and use only one bar, and don't LA weave. Just keep going down the list until you've found the right level of "difficulty" for yourself, then play the rest of the game that way.

    That's like suggesting if someone is too smart for a class they should take a crowbar to their head until they are brain damaged enough to where that class challenges them - instead of seeking out a more challenging class they could actually have fun learning in.

    It's preposterous.

    In the context of a game with pre defined parameters, that's what you need to do if that is the thrill you seek.

    I don't find purposely gimping myself thrilling. I find it stupid. In any context.

    Then you aren't interested in challenge.

    Move along.

    Challenge is key part of gameplay, but not the only part. Another essential part of any RPG is your build. You may go for full glass-cannon build in VMA for example with reward of higher scores but this will require times more skill then completing VMA as petsorc or WW. But in overland even if you are full glass cannon you still cannot die.. so if you remove your armor etc you will simply kill mobs longer, but they still can't kill you if you do basic actions like not standing in aoe and blocking/dodging heavy attacks. So now you will propose not to dodge aoes and heavy attacks? :D what's left of gameplay then? you don't have build, you can't use CP perks which unlock mechanics, you can't use active defense, you can't use heals.. so you just stay in front of mobs in aoe light attacking them and then you finally die and feel accomplishment - "I finally found challenge"? :D

    I know.

    The whole point of an RPG is to make your character more powerful by collecting gear and experience. This idea that you should remove all of that to try and make the game more fun is like saying you should get rid of the football to have fun on a football field. It defeats the whole purpose of the game itself - at which point there is really no point in playing it at all.

    Um. Have to disagree. The whole point of an RPG is that I have fun playing it. And RP'ing it. Right now, with new faster 'net, I'm going to be able to do stuff I haven't been able to do before - like bar swapping.... And I'm going to fully enjoy that. But the bottom line for me is - I am having fun in this game.

    When it stops being fun, I'll stop playing it. Making overland harder? Eh, nope thanks. I play games (especially TES) for the stories.

    Now.... I'm on board for a toggle that gives people like you a DiD option. Go for it, ZOS. And when you die repeatedly.... well... remember you asked for it.

    Hit dog barks.

    he is right historically this is the way things work in RPG's from pen and paper in the 70's to all iterations and eras of pc gaming. i dont know when you started playing RPG's but i started with 2nd edition DND in the 80s and played the first ultima on a apple 2 the core of the game play was you get more powerful as you level and attain gear which in turn gives you access to greater challenges.
    Edited by Wifeaggro13 on May 31, 2019 1:28AM
  • Jhalin
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Chadak wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jeremy wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Why don't you remove all your CP's, and take your gear off if you want difficulty for the sake of difficulty?

    People already have, and it’s still pointlessly easy
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »
    barney2525 wrote: »

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    Must be really nice for people like you to pull absolutely BS out their arse to attack that argument, rather than the on-going actual discussion. You have NEVER gotten good rewards from quest content. NEVER. So this fixation and pretending peopel thinking overland content is too easy because they want better rewards is just inane. Stop. Just stop.


    If you had paid any attention, you would have seen I have been addressing the issue.

    The idea that the Main Focus of this or any other game of this type is to have the "wandering monsters" be the most dangerous and horribly hard for characters to kill is just plain ridiculous. The character needs to get from point A to point B to pursue the actual Mission (whatever it may be). Overland is simply Filler. It's Nuisance. It is DESIGNED to be minimal effort - especially for higher powered characters. To think otherwise makes no sense. It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    So, if I see someone so adamant about Making it some Major part of the game, I start wondering Why. It's Not because "it's too easy". That would be something you complain about if you get to a world boss and it falls over in 3 hits.

    That's Not what Overland is. Overland is Not Supposed to be hard, and it is functioning Exactly as it is supposed to. You tell me - WHY DOES ANYONE CARE THAT IS IS EASY TO GET FROM POINT A TO POINT B?

    I can run through everything just like I would with CP and gear on. There's virtually no chance of me dying against trash mobs, even the "bosses" of quests are not a challenge. When we talk about the game being too easy, this is the number one issue.
    But you know some of us, actually want a little bit of a challenge, we want to die to trash mobs if we aggro too many, ESPECIALLY in the overworld. Some of us want the bosses of quests or delves to be actually challenging

    From the OP. And many of us clarified our positions with not including PBs, Dolmen, WBs. Explaining that the penultimate boss of a quest chain should feel like a boss. Though I have mentioned delves several times not included in the 'overland', I thought he meant the delve bosses that quests had you do, rather than the rando you kill because it's sits in there.
    It is NOT a Major part of the game.

    It's a majority of the game. Most of the content is questing stuff that is overland and where that brings you. The content added each chapter and DLC, which continuously treats the whole world like it's an afterthought. That would have us suspend disbelief but tell us majordomo X is so powerful, and he dies in 2 hits.

    Most of the time I quest I feel resentment that quest bits aren't instanced, that not only do I have to deal with extremely easy bosses, but there's a good chance some random person runs in and starts nuking them too. Now boss that I could kill in a few hits myself, instantly dies completely destroying any immersion in the story.
    Maybe I'm older than you are, But Nobody complains this hard about something this insignificant without having Something else that they want to accomplish.

    Could be. Maybe not. Or could be that people just are incapable of arguing a position as stated. How hard is it to understand that this game with every chapter and DLC release, brings for another story arc. One that can be smashed through solo, but generally have a bunch of other players smashing through with you, extremely easily.

    I came to the forums because after doing Elsweyr completion I just felt cheated. Most of the story was good but I left it feeling like the experience was cheapened by how easy it was. This left me feeling bored and wondering if that aspect of the game was even worth paying more money for.

    At least in GW2 the living season come free as long as you are logged in during a particular bit. ESO makes you pay for it and the only reason I feel like this chapter was worth it is because the Necromancer. But I began to question redoing all the content of my original main on the new necromancer was actually going to keep me occupied without feeling like it was so easy that the story completion would leave me feeling more bored than entertained.

    This is why I came to the forums. And lo and behold, right there on the first page was this thread with other people expressing the exact same concerns I was feeling.

    I don't need more rewards. I don't need anything else except not feeling bored to tears doing the story content which makes up a majority of this game, and is only bearable when the storytelling is superb, which isn't always the case.


    It's Not a Majority of the game because IF you want you can simply avoid it - Completely.

    You do not have to fight Anything if you don't Choose to.

    It Can't be considered a ' Majority ' of the game if it can be simply ignored.

    I could not even estimate the many many many characters I have seen running across my screen, being pursued by several mobs. It's not that the character could not stop and kill them. The player just has better things to do - like reaching their actual objective and participating in whatever that issue is.

    Overland is Flavor.

    Now you’re just outright lying

    Questing is not avoidable in any way. You need it for Psijic. You need it for crafting area access. You need it to have access to many dailies. You need it for skill points. You need it for Soul Magic. You need it to experience a damn story

    You’re not some old wisened Yoda, you’re just being a nuisance who clearly has no interest in actual debate, who believes all players are infantile creatures that would immediately throw out the whole game if a quest boss actually had a chance to kill them.

    Then start removing points from all your passives, and use only one bar, and don't LA weave. Just keep going down the list until you've found the right level of "difficulty" for yourself, then play the rest of the game that way.

    That's like suggesting if someone is too smart for a class they should take a crowbar to their head until they are brain damaged enough to where that class challenges them - instead of seeking out a more challenging class they could actually have fun learning in.

    It's preposterous.

    In the context of a game with pre defined parameters, that's what you need to do if that is the thrill you seek.

    I don't find purposely gimping myself thrilling. I find it stupid. In any context.

    Then you aren't interested in challenge.

    Move along.

    Challenge is key part of gameplay, but not the only part. Another essential part of any RPG is your build. You may go for full glass-cannon build in VMA for example with reward of higher scores but this will require times more skill then completing VMA as petsorc or WW. But in overland even if you are full glass cannon you still cannot die.. so if you remove your armor etc you will simply kill mobs longer, but they still can't kill you if you do basic actions like not standing in aoe and blocking/dodging heavy attacks. So now you will propose not to dodge aoes and heavy attacks? :D what's left of gameplay then? you don't have build, you can't use CP perks which unlock mechanics, you can't use active defense, you can't use heals.. so you just stay in front of mobs in aoe light attacking them and then you finally die and feel accomplishment - "I finally found challenge"? :D

    I know.

    The whole point of an RPG is to make your character more powerful by collecting gear and experience. This idea that you should remove all of that to try and make the game more fun is like saying you should get rid of the football to have fun on a football field. It defeats the whole purpose of the game itself - at which point there is really no point in playing it at all.

    Um. Have to disagree. The whole point of an RPG is that I have fun playing it. And RP'ing it. Right now, with new faster 'net, I'm going to be able to do stuff I haven't been able to do before - like bar swapping.... And I'm going to fully enjoy that. But the bottom line for me is - I am having fun in this game.

    When it stops being fun, I'll stop playing it. Making overland harder? Eh, nope thanks. I play games (especially TES) for the stories.

    Now.... I'm on board for a toggle that gives people like you a DiD option. Go for it, ZOS. And when you die repeatedly.... well... remember you asked for it.

    Hit dog barks.

    I’d recommend actually reading the OP before posting comments unrelated to what’s being asked for. Also, if a tiny modicum of challenge would make a game unfun, then what you want is a graphic novel, not a game. There is no immersing yourself as hero in a world that poses no threat. No boss can kill you unless you quite literally stand in place and don’t attack with any weapon (which is given in the tutorials), no abilities (which are recommended by the level up advisor), no food (which you loot), no potions (which the game throws at you), no enchants (which are also thrown at you), you don’t block (which is taught in the tutorial), don’t bash (tutorial), and don’t dodge roll

    We want actual quest bosses, we want something that gives a sense of accomplishment when we defeat it instead of feeling like we just stepped on a small bug because someone claimed that bug was a huge monsterous fiend that was nigh unstoppable to all challengers before we arrived

    I can count on one hand the quest bosses that remotely felt like a boss, even with no CP, with no food, while standing on reds, not even following basic mechanics of the game.

    The game sets up a big fight and a strong villain, and it fails to deliver in every way.

    It is completely and utterly unreasonable, as well as plain stupid, to imply that the right way to get a challenge in the vast majority of this game’s content is to ignore everything the game has ever provided, and use none of the basic knowledge the TUTORIAL teaches you, then light attack everything to death.

    That’s what you’re suggesting, to be crap at the game intentionally, and even then, the enemies still aren’t a threat. It’s ridiculous
    Edited by Jhalin on May 31, 2019 1:21AM
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