Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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• Xbox: NA and EU megaservers for patch maintenance – July 10, 4:00AM EDT (8:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EDT (16:00 UTC)
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Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • Aireal
    Leocaran wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Really the question isn't how easy.. the question is how hard does it have to get before the "It's too easy" crowd is happy? The answer to that really is "Dark Souls"..
    That's simply a lie. I'm quite sure that most people that want some challenge in quests would be satisfied enough if, say, for them quest bosses would be on the level current Public Dungeon bosses have. Maybe some major ones - on a soloable WB's level. I definitely would be. And I'm quite sure that nobody would want something like vet dungeon's level.
    [Of course, these levels are not defined enough and different bosses could have different difficulty, but you can get an impression.]
    It still should be questing. For pure fighting, there are indeed other options like vMA, vet dungeons and such.

    I think you missed my point.... say...and yes I am making up small numbers..

    Wolf....4 health, 5 damage...
    Player.. 3 health..4 damage

    It's going to take more than one hit to kill the wolf.....So we add armor and a weapon with damage on it.

    Wolf.. 4 health, 5 damage
    Player.. 6 health, 7 damage..

    Now the wolf is an easy kill.. so what do we need to do.. bump up the wolves health and damage..and what do "you" do in response.. get better gear and better armor plus buffs.. and we bump up the wolves stat's.. again..

    You see the circle? So how big a bump would make people happy? Is Dark Souls an extreme example? Yes.. yes it is, but would that be enough?

    So again, how much is enough? What is a large enough jump up in difficulty? When does it stop?

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Cortimi
    I quest every day in overland zones, and every day I see dead bodies. Maybe afk, maybe not.

    Also, a large portion of the people who are overland are TANKS and HEALERS. The fact that you can burst through a 40k HP mob in a couple seconds is completely irrelevant to the game at large. Why? Because tanks and healers have every right to be able to go solo content the same as you.

    And that is the thing, when someone is new, they don't have all the skillpoints to go as a support build AND a solo build. You pick your role. Expecting otherwise is not the game's fault.

    Forcing people to go with a "solo"/dps build just to be able to clear content on their own is going to make the tank and healer population even worse.

    I solo'd a tank to CP500 on PS4 (wife joined after that and we duo'd), it was awful. Did I ever die? No. But did I AVOID entire areas for the simple fact that I had better things to do than spend 2 minutes killing trolls every 10 seconds. Quests became something I wanted to AVOID rather than jump into because I knew it was going to be simply tedious. THAT is the point.

    Xbox NA: Soviet Messiah
    EP: Cortimi - Imperial StamDK
    EP: Melga - Orc StamDen (Dah Bear)
    EP: Narileya - Nord StamPlar (Mad cuz Bad)
    EP: Corvaera - Bosmer Orc StamSorc (RIP)

    PS4 NA (Retired at CP835): Soviet-Messiah:
    EP: Cortimi - Imperial StamDK
    DC: Melga gra-Antilae - StamDen
    AD: Corvaera - Bosmer StamSorc
    Urvoth wrote: »
    CP is a crutch for people who can’t sustain and want to be "tanky" so they aren’t immediately punished for making mistakes.
  • Aireal
    Aireal wrote: »

    Difficulty is individual with skill & knowledge... You can't go back to a tutorial with a new character and say "see that was easy".. you had nothing to learn.. That new player with no skill, no knowledge.. they might find the tutorial difficult... but some may think it's easy.

    What is a 1 to 10% bump in difficulty going to do for the person with 810CP? Not a darn thing... one or two more button mashes.

    ~~>>Exactly we are on the same page. At the moment 100% of overland is set at the easiest possible setting. If people do fnd it difficult how long will that last, a week? 2 weeks?.

    All people are asking for is options.

    I for one would love to go and explore new overland content but for a while now I have not been engaged because it is too easy for me.

    As a paying customer, my expectations are not being met. I am not the only one, clearly.

    It is perfectly acceptable for players to post their experience and suggestions on a topic on the forums. What is dismaying is that even though people are just asking for alternatives or options another bunch of players are telling them that they are wrong and should pip down.

    I would have no problems with jumping difficulty up.. IF it wasn't across the board, affecting everyone...

    ** Ummm I've been playing for months.. 8 characters on one server 6 on the other... I have 1 character at level 43, the rest are way lower... 34 being the next highest. Neither of my crafting characters can make super great gear..yet.

    Dae ( crafter ) just went and found the 'Mangus' set.. farmed her way across two countries.. cause no open wayshrines and none of my friends were in the area. She only has 2 pieces of armor, 2 cloth, 3 weapons.. no staffs., open to craft on that set, So she made what she could and my sorceress went by the house to pick it up..

    She has points in Companions, just enough to have bear and one morph, Flyers - no morph and 2- 2h skills.. all the rest of her points are in crafting areas. Some of the creatures are almost too much for her.. almost.. If two attack a once, probably would be.

    I think everyone has a voice and they should use it.. ZOS probably won't change a thing.. a harder zone for a new DLC was tried and failed. and BTW I don't know why.. but I had presumed that Glenumbra and Craglorn were still harder.. Amaranth my other crafter dies much.. much more often when farming, there. Daggerfall is her hometown.

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • ProfessorKittyhawk
    Overworld is fine. It's meant to be quick and easy to do to keep noobs around and get gold and learn the basics of the game. When you hit 50 the endgame is trials, dungeons, and pvp, which are difficult enough for most everyone.

    But would I like to see the return of veteran scaled overworld like the original Cadwell gold and silver? Certainly. Maybe give better rewards in return for higher difficulty. Make it optional. And since it would be a separate instance from the main overworld, it would be much quieter. Less nonsense in zone. I hope.
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Cortimi wrote: »
    I quest every day in overland zones, and every day I see dead bodies. Maybe afk, maybe not.

    I cant remember the last time I saw a dead body!
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Murador178
    Bekkael wrote: »
    By bad, I mean new, naked account, like a first time player to the game would experience. Starting out is tough for a new player, and if things are too hard they will quit. I left the game several times when I was leveling my first character. I died to a gust of wind for quite a while, and that just isn’t fun.

    For the sake of brand new players, I’m glad if overland leans more toward easy than hard. Experienced players can get their jollies with harder content in other areas of the game, and leave questing alone. New players need to be enticed to stay, not driven away by a Dark Souls type of gameplay.

    Just my opinion.

    There are ALOT of zones - just add some hard zones maybe with better rewards. Im literally 1 shotting most quest bosses... . And remove the CP system openworld it adds a even bigger power disadvantage to starters.

    PS: Dark souls is also not as hard as people make it... . Its just a thing of getting into the timings and muscle memory.
    Edited by Murador178 on May 29, 2019 5:18PM
  • Ingvar798_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    The arguments to gimp yourselves (no CP/gear) to make Overland content easier are silly. MMOs and RPGs are, at their core, about progression. People enjoy seeing themselves get stronger and progressing to take on bigger challenges.

    The only solution to this issue is a Vet Overland mode. There is a huge division here, with some enjoying the current pacing of the game. Keep it the same for them, and allow players who want to be challenged while doing the majority of the solo content in ESO (Overland questing) to do so.

    The suggestions to play another game are sad - try being welcoming to differing opinions for once. Try to see a different humanity other than your own, you'll be a better person for it.
  • Joosef_Kivikilpi
    I mean this might seem stupid to just decrease/increase damage done/received but compare unmodded Skyrim in normal and legendary... in legendary it's hell of the tactics and action game if you are not exploiting, at least until you reach very high levels.

    Only way I play Skyrim is on Legendary with no HUD or crosshairs.... Absolutely fanatical sense of achievement every enemy you slay when using strategy. You actually have to sneak around and choose to avoid completely at times.
  • Aireal
    The arguments to gimp yourselves (no CP/gear) to make Overland content easier are silly. MMOs and RPGs are, at their core, about progression. People enjoy seeing themselves get stronger and progressing to take on bigger challenges.

    The only solution to this issue is a Vet Overland mode. There is a huge division here, with some enjoying the current pacing of the game. Keep it the same for them, and allow players who want to be challenged while doing the majority of the solo content in ESO (Overland questing) to do so.

    The suggestions to play another game are sad - try being welcoming to differing opinions for once. Try to see a different humanity other than your own, you'll be a better person for it.

    But is it progression when you start a brand new Character. lvl 1.. and add CP to them from another character? They didn't earn that.. so where is the satisfaction of progression? Then add in Crafter made sets from a different ( or the same ) character.. they didn't earn that either.

    So really it's not silly and it's not gimping.. now to take the character that earned those 520 CP points and take them away ( can you actually do that? ) and then strip them nude of armor, arms, and buffs.. no that IS regressive and gimping.

    But just say ( and I'm not saying it's a bad idea ) that they did decide to implement a Vet mode.. what's the baseline? for those with a CP of 160, 350, 530, 810??? If done at a base challenge for those with a 160.. would those with a 510 still find it challenging? or just as tedious as 'vanilla' OW? Does that mean that the Vet OW should have Zones... 3 difficulty levels and you have to get through the first to get to the second?

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Niaver
    I agree. That's why i was extremely dissapointing that they are not going to release new group zones anytime soon. I agree though that all overand content should be way harder. It may be hard for newer players that don't have skills for self-sustain yet, but it's a joke for any competent player, which shoudn't be the case.
    PC EU - Daggerfall Covenant - @Niaver
    Erazar (main) - Khajit DK tank

    Proud owner of Maelstrom Sharpened Bow
  • MartiniDaniels
    I mean this might seem stupid to just decrease/increase damage done/received but compare unmodded Skyrim in normal and legendary... in legendary it's hell of the tactics and action game if you are not exploiting, at least until you reach very high levels.

    Only way I play Skyrim is on Legendary with no HUD or crosshairs.... Absolutely fanatical sense of achievement every enemy you slay when using strategy. You actually have to sneak around and choose to avoid completely at times.

    Yep, I did the same and for additional immersion and to be completely mod free I bought Skyrim SSE on PS4 just for this legendary walkthrough. It's such a fun to use illusion spells to turn enemies on each other, to time your summons etc and to know that you'll die from couple of errors in the row.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Murador178 wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    Heh, this is still going?

    How's about this? For anyone who finds the open-world content "too easy" and you refuse to spend your time in the more challenging content, then you're playing the wrong game.

    It turns out, yes our sources have just confirmed it, there are in fact other games out there. Many of which offer a much greater challenge than any MMO currently out on the market. There are also more challenging MMOs out there, too.

    Ask yourselves why you are devoting so much time to ESO when you could be fluffing your e-peens in some other masochism simulator games. Could it be because you secretly like the pacing of this game as it is?

    Maybe you're not playing those other MMOs because they're just too damn slow...? Just saying.

    Damn, I bet majority of those who ask for "veteran" version of overland, already completed all or most of high end content and just want to explore story and quests without being bored by pointlessly easy gameplay. And as it was mentioned numerous times, talk is about transferring part of existing instances to veteran mode, accordingly to number of players who want them, but for you and other players who prefer current overland, it all be only better, since you'll get rid of all those toxic e-peens.
    Basically there is enjoyable solo content like Imperial city and Craglorn group zones now, but we just want similar in other zones so we can explore what writers and artists created, in immersive and engaging atmosphere.

    The most challenging gameplay called PvP is most of the time lagging :trollface:

    My personal dream is all overland turned to IC mode with telvars, PVP and alliances. As an optional "campaign" of course.
  • Aireal
    I mean this might seem stupid to just decrease/increase damage done/received but compare unmodded Skyrim in normal and legendary... in legendary it's hell of the tactics and action game if you are not exploiting, at least until you reach very high levels.

    Only way I play Skyrim is on Legendary with no HUD or crosshairs.... Absolutely fanatical sense of achievement every enemy you slay when using strategy. You actually have to sneak around and choose to avoid completely at times.

    Ack...You don't have to Exploit on Legendary in Skyrim.. just use all three crafts..vanilla, I have ( had ) a friend who was a master at it.. Dead is Dead.

    But I prefer a heavily modded game to Legendary.. yes it takes some strategy.. been there, done that, DiD gimped by only having certain skills usable ( we did competitions )..burned out. I'd rather have smarter Bandits than one that just hits harder and is a sponge.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • ZOS_GregoryV
    Greetings all,

    After removing a handful of comments, we must remind everyone that all posts should be kept civil. So let's avoid the more baiting and flaming and trolling kind of posts and go with some more constructive feedback. Also in case there may be any questions in regards to the rules, please feel free to review them here.

    Thank you for your understanding,
    Edited by ZOS_GregoryV on May 30, 2019 5:34PM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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    Staff Post
  • Aireal
    Murador178 wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    Heh, this is still going?

    How's about this? For anyone who finds the open-world content "too easy" and you refuse to spend your time in the more challenging content, then you're playing the wrong game.

    It turns out, yes our sources have just confirmed it, there are in fact other games out there. Many of which offer a much greater challenge than any MMO currently out on the market. There are also more challenging MMOs out there, too.

    Ask yourselves why you are devoting so much time to ESO when you could be fluffing your e-peens in some other masochism simulator games. Could it be because you secretly like the pacing of this game as it is?

    Maybe you're not playing those other MMOs because they're just too damn slow...? Just saying.

    Damn, I bet majority of those who ask for "veteran" version of overland, already completed all or most of high end content and just want to explore story and quests without being bored by pointlessly easy gameplay. And as it was mentioned numerous times, talk is about transferring part of existing instances to veteran mode, accordingly to number of players who want them, but for you and other players who prefer current overland, it all be only better, since you'll get rid of all those toxic e-peens.
    Basically there is enjoyable solo content like Imperial city and Craglorn group zones now, but we just want similar in other zones so we can explore what writers and artists created, in immersive and engaging atmosphere.

    The most challenging gameplay called PvP is most of the time lagging :trollface:

    My personal dream is all overland turned to IC mode with telvars, PVP and alliances. As an optional "campaign" of course.

    OMG.... I've started one PvP character and that's all I ever want to have! and I know a few that want nothing to do with PvP at all...

    Of course my personal dream is quest's with no markers, only clues that you have to get by asking NPC's... Quest's that when you fail have severe consequences... If you join the TG or DB you can't join the Fighters or Mage guild... cause honorable! Puzzles that don't give you the answers!

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • GoFigure
    Soul Shriven
    idk wrote: »
    Nimrhys wrote: »
    No, I like it as it is thank you.

    Why the hell do you like one shotting mobs of enemies at endgame?

    I do not look to trash mobs in open world for a challenge in any MMORPG I have played in years. I look to raids, vet trials in HM and working on the latest greatest trials or DLC dungeon for my challenge. That works well with the overall scaled difficulty levels I have found is designed into modern MMORPGs.

    But as I said, it would be great if Zos could add a toggle to allow a player to make their character weaker, but keep loot the same because the goal is to offer more challenge with trash mobs for those that are interested. BTW, it would not be permitted to work in dungeons or trials. There is a reason.

    Power creep is a problem all dungeon masters face, video or pencil and paper. Instead of a toggle, the easiest way they could program it might be to have armor sets that debuff the heck out of you. They can already kill your CP for certain areas. They could maim you, gain -10% to your healing, drain your stamina magicka over time, etc. They could make several sets that debuff differently so you could have hard, medium, easy debuff gear. They could have new achievements for people wearing debuff gear and still making it through Vet mode, etc. I think this would be easier for them to program thus making it more viable to implement, but I might be wrong.

    On a side note: I get that they don't want people to have to much inventory for a number of reasons including so they will buy ESO Plus, which I would hate to play without. However, I think that is being shortsighted. There are many gear sets that I would like to keep and try out some different/weird builds with them, but I don't have the inventory and so I dump them. The reason it is shortsighted is because I would still be playing the game, probably longer or more than BiS gear would let me do. It would also make content more difficult while learning the build and it would add diversity. Perhaps they could give us a bit more inventory once we reach a certain level of CP or even regular levels or it could only apply to ESO Plus members. Obviously, if they did make debuff gear, players would really need more inventory.
  • Leocaran
    Aireal wrote: »
    I think you missed my point.... say...and yes I am making up small numbers..
    So how big a bump would make people happy?
    It is you who is missing the point which was given several times here and in other topics and which I support. The point is: yes, we probably could leave content in general as it is now, also making new 'veteran' instances could be problematic. But adding a voluntary 'Battle spirit'-like debuff (which also turns off CP) would not hurt anybody and is cheap for the devs. Also, no, it must not decrease quest and other rewards and quite possibly could slighly improve them (nothing wrong with that). Also removing gear and CP by hand is not plausible (and also not free both in gold and time costs). That's the summary, more or less.
    Instead you just use slippery slope with 'this all will come to Dark Souls!' and false generalization and apparently mind-reading on a "It's too easy" crowd'. Nice work.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Aireal wrote: »
    Murador178 wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    Heh, this is still going?

    How's about this? For anyone who finds the open-world content "too easy" and you refuse to spend your time in the more challenging content, then you're playing the wrong game.

    It turns out, yes our sources have just confirmed it, there are in fact other games out there. Many of which offer a much greater challenge than any MMO currently out on the market. There are also more challenging MMOs out there, too.

    Ask yourselves why you are devoting so much time to ESO when you could be fluffing your e-peens in some other masochism simulator games. Could it be because you secretly like the pacing of this game as it is?

    Maybe you're not playing those other MMOs because they're just too damn slow...? Just saying.

    Damn, I bet majority of those who ask for "veteran" version of overland, already completed all or most of high end content and just want to explore story and quests without being bored by pointlessly easy gameplay. And as it was mentioned numerous times, talk is about transferring part of existing instances to veteran mode, accordingly to number of players who want them, but for you and other players who prefer current overland, it all be only better, since you'll get rid of all those toxic e-peens.
    Basically there is enjoyable solo content like Imperial city and Craglorn group zones now, but we just want similar in other zones so we can explore what writers and artists created, in immersive and engaging atmosphere.

    The most challenging gameplay called PvP is most of the time lagging :trollface:

    My personal dream is all overland turned to IC mode with telvars, PVP and alliances. As an optional "campaign" of course.

    OMG.... I've started one PvP character and that's all I ever want to have! and I know a few that want nothing to do with PvP at all...

    Of course my personal dream is quest's with no markers, only clues that you have to get by asking NPC's... Quest's that when you fail have severe consequences... If you join the TG or DB you can't join the Fighters or Mage guild... cause honorable! Puzzles that don't give you the answers!

    Yep, that is even better then first dream, but this will never happen anymore, at least in AAA games. I have a friend in ESO who is seasoned gamer who played in 199x etc.. but he was extremely frustrated when couple of quests in ESO were without markers.. so we all become like robots, running between checkpoints..
  • Aireal
    Leocaran wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    I think you missed my point.... say...and yes I am making up small numbers..
    So how big a bump would make people happy?
    It is you who is missing the point which was given several times here and in other topics and which I support. The point is: yes, we probably could leave content in general as it is now, also making new 'veteran' instances could be problematic. But adding a voluntary 'Battle spirit'-like debuff (which also turns off CP) would not hurt anybody and is cheap for the devs. Also, no, it must not decrease quest and other rewards and quite possibly could slighly improve them (nothing wrong with that). Also removing gear and CP by hand is not plausible (and also not free both in gold and time costs). That's the summary, more or less.
    Instead you just use slippery slope with 'this all will come to Dark Souls!' and false generalization and apparently mind-reading on a "It's too easy" crowd'. Nice work.

    ummm I have no problem with a Vet instance.. or something each individual can use or not use.. I never said anything to the contrary. The only thing I have said anything against is bumping up the difficulty of the OW from where it stands now.

    BTW had you read ALL of my post's you would find out that not only have I played Dark Souls, but that I didn't find it terribly difficult... So perhaps what you think of as Vet instance hard, I think of as Dark Souls hard? Skyrim Legendary Nekked Nord Hard?

    I never.. said anything about more or less rewards.. if it's harder and one has to work harder at it, it should have better rewards... but in general, if I want a challenge, I don't give a rat's patootie about the reward nor do I care if others get better rewards ( except in real life.. I work for it, I want to be paid for it ).

    I'll leave the last bit alone.. as the thread has already been warned about being nice...
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Aireal
    Aireal wrote: »
    Murador178 wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    Heh, this is still going?

    How's about this? For anyone who finds the open-world content "too easy" and you refuse to spend your time in the more challenging content, then you're playing the wrong game.

    It turns out, yes our sources have just confirmed it, there are in fact other games out there. Many of which offer a much greater challenge than any MMO currently out on the market. There are also more challenging MMOs out there, too.

    Ask yourselves why you are devoting so much time to ESO when you could be fluffing your e-peens in some other masochism simulator games. Could it be because you secretly like the pacing of this game as it is?

    Maybe you're not playing those other MMOs because they're just too damn slow...? Just saying.

    Damn, I bet majority of those who ask for "veteran" version of overland, already completed all or most of high end content and just want to explore story and quests without being bored by pointlessly easy gameplay. And as it was mentioned numerous times, talk is about transferring part of existing instances to veteran mode, accordingly to number of players who want them, but for you and other players who prefer current overland, it all be only better, since you'll get rid of all those toxic e-peens.
    Basically there is enjoyable solo content like Imperial city and Craglorn group zones now, but we just want similar in other zones so we can explore what writers and artists created, in immersive and engaging atmosphere.

    The most challenging gameplay called PvP is most of the time lagging :trollface:

    My personal dream is all overland turned to IC mode with telvars, PVP and alliances. As an optional "campaign" of course.

    OMG.... I've started one PvP character and that's all I ever want to have! and I know a few that want nothing to do with PvP at all...

    Of course my personal dream is quest's with no markers, only clues that you have to get by asking NPC's... Quest's that when you fail have severe consequences... If you join the TG or DB you can't join the Fighters or Mage guild... cause honorable! Puzzles that don't give you the answers!

    Yep, that is even better then first dream, but this will never happen anymore, at least in AAA games. I have a friend in ESO who is seasoned gamer who played in 199x etc.. but he was extremely frustrated when couple of quests in ESO were without markers.. so we all become like robots, running between checkpoints..

    Yeah I know.. A girl can dream right??

    Silly me, 1st Skyrim dungeon.. BFB.. here I am ticking through each of the possible combinations of the door puzzle and a friend called, when I told him what I was doing <sigh> he told me the answer was on the back of the golden Claw.. <gasp and groan> .. I did figure out the pillar ones quick enough though.

    OK.. so maybe all the History/ painting ones in AC were a bit much for some people..

    Husband"..WTF is this asking"

    Me: "which painting came first"

    HIm: "and how am I supposed to know that?'

    Me: "We because obviously, Divinci came before Rembrandt who came before Dali..."

    Yeah.. I miss games that made you think.. not just mash buttons!
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • twev
    Pronto wrote: »
    The PvE questing and main story attracts players to explore and learn the game at a lower difficulty. The overland World Bosses are really tough to solo when you have no CP or gear and that is the first aspect I think that prompts newer players to group up and help each other complete that content.

    The normal dungeons, again, are supposed to be easy. They are like the tutorials in introducing new players to the dungeon-aspect of the games. Any experienced player can blow by these like nothing.

    The vet dungeons are when mechanics, class roles, and a basic understanding of the game is meant to be reached, escpecially the DLC ones, and of course trials. If you find the beginner aspects of the game really easy for you right now, then it's time to step it up in terms of content so it's enjoyable to you.

    Or try Cyrodiil, that should hold you over.

    This is a combat game, I don't think many of us bought it to become SJW's or to just wander around like tourists looking at the citizens and scenery.

    And I specifically didn't buy this game to satisfy my desire to be a Peace Corp volunteer.

    First point:
    The normal dungeons on the first area after the starter zones should be teaching newbs how to play harder dungeon mode.
    The overland areas should in general be increasing in difficulty to train players to play harder badguys, else it's just a walk in the park from stat to end, and playing through the whole overland game at 'first map' difficulty is pointless.

    If the difficulty didn't increase - you're just playing the same game mode on every map and the only thing that changes is the style of architecture and NPC clothing from map to map.

    Second point:
    Cyrodiil is a joke.
    BGs are a joke.
    Loading screens, lag and disconnects take those areas from being a game to being an exercise in futility.


    Edited by twev on May 29, 2019 8:25PM
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • JumpmanLane
    Overland content is fine. I’ve seen new players get reckt by a mudcrab. Lol.
  • MartiniDaniels
    Aireal wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Murador178 wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    Heh, this is still going?

    How's about this? For anyone who finds the open-world content "too easy" and you refuse to spend your time in the more challenging content, then you're playing the wrong game.

    It turns out, yes our sources have just confirmed it, there are in fact other games out there. Many of which offer a much greater challenge than any MMO currently out on the market. There are also more challenging MMOs out there, too.

    Ask yourselves why you are devoting so much time to ESO when you could be fluffing your e-peens in some other masochism simulator games. Could it be because you secretly like the pacing of this game as it is?

    Maybe you're not playing those other MMOs because they're just too damn slow...? Just saying.

    Damn, I bet majority of those who ask for "veteran" version of overland, already completed all or most of high end content and just want to explore story and quests without being bored by pointlessly easy gameplay. And as it was mentioned numerous times, talk is about transferring part of existing instances to veteran mode, accordingly to number of players who want them, but for you and other players who prefer current overland, it all be only better, since you'll get rid of all those toxic e-peens.
    Basically there is enjoyable solo content like Imperial city and Craglorn group zones now, but we just want similar in other zones so we can explore what writers and artists created, in immersive and engaging atmosphere.

    The most challenging gameplay called PvP is most of the time lagging :trollface:

    My personal dream is all overland turned to IC mode with telvars, PVP and alliances. As an optional "campaign" of course.

    OMG.... I've started one PvP character and that's all I ever want to have! and I know a few that want nothing to do with PvP at all...

    Of course my personal dream is quest's with no markers, only clues that you have to get by asking NPC's... Quest's that when you fail have severe consequences... If you join the TG or DB you can't join the Fighters or Mage guild... cause honorable! Puzzles that don't give you the answers!

    Yep, that is even better then first dream, but this will never happen anymore, at least in AAA games. I have a friend in ESO who is seasoned gamer who played in 199x etc.. but he was extremely frustrated when couple of quests in ESO were without markers.. so we all become like robots, running between checkpoints..

    Yeah I know.. A girl can dream right??

    Silly me, 1st Skyrim dungeon.. BFB.. here I am ticking through each of the possible combinations of the door puzzle and a friend called, when I told him what I was doing <sigh> he told me the answer was on the back of the golden Claw.. <gasp and groan> .. I did figure out the pillar ones quick enough though.

    OK.. so maybe all the History/ painting ones in AC were a bit much for some people..

    Husband"..WTF is this asking"

    Me: "which painting came first"

    HIm: "and how am I supposed to know that?'

    Me: "We because obviously, Divinci came before Rembrandt who came before Dali..."

    Yeah.. I miss games that made you think.. not just mash buttons!

    Yep, BFB is genial one. How you release that Arwel and he runs away just to be stomped by door trap :D
    Or Riften.. when people are telling that ESO has so amazing questing.. yes, some quests are amazing, but lion's share of quests in base game zones are so bland and pointless... and if we add pointless combat, lack of real stealth, lack of puzzles... just 3 mobs one with low slash, one with ambush and one with channeled attack.. even RP-character without account goodies, without fast travel and with turned off interface feels like he is in some mobile game where all purpose of content is to make you spend money. I found that only reason which allows me to do some quests is when I figure out new RP outfit or buy a new costume. At least for few hours there will be some desire to do overland just to see how you character acts with RP looks and RP skill bars.
  • Jeremy
    Pronto wrote: »
    The PvE questing and main story attracts players to explore and learn the game at a lower difficulty. The overland World Bosses are really tough to solo when you have no CP or gear and that is the first aspect I think that prompts newer players to group up and help each other complete that content.

    The normal dungeons, again, are supposed to be easy. They are like the tutorials in introducing new players to the dungeon-aspect of the games. Any experienced player can blow by these like nothing.

    The vet dungeons are when mechanics, class roles, and a basic understanding of the game is meant to be reached, escpecially the DLC ones, and of course trials. If you find the beginner aspects of the game really easy for you right now, then it's time to step it up in terms of content so it's enjoyable to you.

    Or try Cyrodiil, that should hold you over.

    The problem with your argument is that PvE questing is not just for newer players who are just starting out. Most of this game's content revolves around questing and exploring - especially when it comes to new chapters like Summerset and Elsweyr. So this is not "beginner content" we are talking about. This is content released years and years after the game has been released - and it ought to be designed in such a way to accommodate veteran players.

    Your solution - which is for veteran players to spend all their time in Cyrodil and doing DLC dungeons - is not reasonable or realistic. Veteran players should be able to enjoy the new content too. Not to mention those are probably the last two places on this game I would want to spend all my time in.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 29, 2019 8:36PM
  • Aireal
    Aireal wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Murador178 wrote: »
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    Heh, this is still going?

    How's about this? For anyone who finds the open-world content "too easy" and you refuse to spend your time in the more challenging content, then you're playing the wrong game.

    It turns out, yes our sources have just confirmed it, there are in fact other games out there. Many of which offer a much greater challenge than any MMO currently out on the market. There are also more challenging MMOs out there, too.

    Ask yourselves why you are devoting so much time to ESO when you could be fluffing your e-peens in some other masochism simulator games. Could it be because you secretly like the pacing of this game as it is?

    Maybe you're not playing those other MMOs because they're just too damn slow...? Just saying.

    Damn, I bet majority of those who ask for "veteran" version of overland, already completed all or most of high end content and just want to explore story and quests without being bored by pointlessly easy gameplay. And as it was mentioned numerous times, talk is about transferring part of existing instances to veteran mode, accordingly to number of players who want them, but for you and other players who prefer current overland, it all be only better, since you'll get rid of all those toxic e-peens.
    Basically there is enjoyable solo content like Imperial city and Craglorn group zones now, but we just want similar in other zones so we can explore what writers and artists created, in immersive and engaging atmosphere.

    The most challenging gameplay called PvP is most of the time lagging :trollface:

    My personal dream is all overland turned to IC mode with telvars, PVP and alliances. As an optional "campaign" of course.

    OMG.... I've started one PvP character and that's all I ever want to have! and I know a few that want nothing to do with PvP at all...

    Of course my personal dream is quest's with no markers, only clues that you have to get by asking NPC's... Quest's that when you fail have severe consequences... If you join the TG or DB you can't join the Fighters or Mage guild... cause honorable! Puzzles that don't give you the answers!

    Yep, that is even better then first dream, but this will never happen anymore, at least in AAA games. I have a friend in ESO who is seasoned gamer who played in 199x etc.. but he was extremely frustrated when couple of quests in ESO were without markers.. so we all become like robots, running between checkpoints..

    Yeah I know.. A girl can dream right??

    Silly me, 1st Skyrim dungeon.. BFB.. here I am ticking through each of the possible combinations of the door puzzle and a friend called, when I told him what I was doing <sigh> he told me the answer was on the back of the golden Claw.. <gasp and groan> .. I did figure out the pillar ones quick enough though.

    OK.. so maybe all the History/ painting ones in AC were a bit much for some people..

    Husband"..WTF is this asking"

    Me: "which painting came first"

    HIm: "and how am I supposed to know that?'

    Me: "We because obviously, Divinci came before Rembrandt who came before Dali..."

    Yeah.. I miss games that made you think.. not just mash buttons!

    Yep, BFB is genial one. How you release that Arwel and he runs away just to be stomped by door trap :D
    Or Riften.. when people are telling that ESO has so amazing questing.. yes, some quests are amazing, but lion's share of quests in base game zones are so bland and pointless... and if we add pointless combat, lack of real stealth, lack of puzzles... just 3 mobs one with low slash, one with ambush and one with channeled attack.. even RP-character without account goodies, without fast travel and with turned off interface feels like he is in some mobile game where all purpose of content is to make you spend money. I found that only reason which allows me to do some quests is when I figure out new RP outfit or buy a new costume. At least for few hours there will be some desire to do overland just to see how you character acts with RP looks and RP skill bars.

    Huh.. I really didn't expect the quest's to be amazing, I was forwarned. Same with the bland fighting, the one thing that I am really happy with though is the exploration factor. That is truly why I bought the game.

    Yes, I will follow the MQ, yes I will do other quests.. I even started a PvP character.. I'm being careful how I level her, I don't want to go to any PvP grounds and get my azz handed to me.. that would take the fun out of it. My sorceress has become my PvE char to run with friends, I think she is spec'd wrong for PvP also...

    I am used to playing a slow methodical game.. I generally ( not always ) play Dead is Dead.. Not possible here ( well if I was rich and didn't mind buying a lot of tokens for another character ).

    Which is why I said challenge is individual.. I know that 6 months from now the "new" will have worn off.. I don't want to forget my 1st steps into ESO.. same as I never want to forget getting off the cart in Skyrim and the awe of looking at the night sky as I exited the tutorial .. yeah, it was night and an aroura was full blaze over BFB.

    Finding the little vignettes in the OW is my reason for exploring.... and not wanting an increase in general difficulty, that isn't individual. and yeah, I truly like getting new Motifs and patterns.

    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • twev
    Overland content is fine. I’ve seen new players get reckt by a mudcrab. Lol.

    Of course newbs get wrecked by mudcrabs in the beginning.
    Discover a few areas, a few skyshards, break down some loot - mall of these things give you XP and points to spend.

    Come back and wreck some crabs for more XP and mats.

    Otherwise - whats the point of improving at all once you can kill mudcrabs, alits, and wolves?

    The point of improving is to fight your way through harder badguys while getting to more advanced areas further along into the game.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • GoFigure
    Soul Shriven
    The problem with every argument that wants to change the game as it now sits is that you are not taking the developers into consideration. While all of your arguments have validity, the cost to implement many of those changes are cost prohibitive. Every hour of programming probably costs them upwards of $70 (I would guess that figure is too low) and many of those changes would probably take hundreds if not thousands of hours. They have to play a numbers game. "How much can we spend that will increase sales enough to warrant the cost?" Unless you can bring in other players willing to pay $100 a month, or you are willing to fork over something like $100,000, you are not going to get many of the proposed changes that you want. Sure a lot of content is repetitive, but that is how they keep costs down. They build modular code that can be reused over and over with a few simple lines that calls the modular code. It gives the appearance of quantity, with much less cost.

    No matter what anyone wants, the developers will make the decision. They have to keep newbies and the less able folks in the game or they will have fewer customers and that will result in less fixes, less changes, and less new content. The top 10% (or less), which is what you are, is not enough income to keep them in business. They do a lot to keep the upper 10% happy, but they cannot put all their focus on them. There are plenty of people enjoying all the content in the game right now, even though it is not perfect by any means. Yet, it is still worth playing.

    If we really need challenges to be happy, then we can delete our account and start a new one with new characters. Take that 10th level and go solo group dungeons until we can do it. Once we become God, life is boring. All we can do is learn to live with it and find something that does interest us and makes us happy. This is basically what others are saying when they say go to Cyrodiil or do the hard mode dungeons, etc. They are not saying you are wrong. If nothing is making you happy, then perhaps you should find something that does and go do that.

    Arguing over opinions is pointless. Almost all opinions are valid, from the presenter's point of view. It would be much more productive to have each person state what they would like to see and then upvote it if you agree, don't if you disagree. The number of votes will tell the developers what is most important and then they can implement them over time, if it makes sense financially. This post has 20 pages! The developers probably hate slogging through it to find "what they consider to be" a good post. We don't want "what they consider to be a good post" anyway. We want them to know what we as a group think is a good post. The way to do that is to keep it short and sweet and give suggestions that are not obviously super expensive and one that appeals to many people so that it will get the needed upvotes.

    I don't mean to oppose anyone's opinion, but I was a programmer for many years and I understand what they are facing. It is like digging a big hole. Telling someone to do it is much easier than picking up the tools and doing it. And the guy doing the work does not need 50 people, that have never done it, telling him how to do it. He will get it done the most economical way he can.
  • MartiniDaniels
    So I decided to give it a shot at soloing WB with my misfit RP necromancer and her lvl5 ice staff. Yep, this is one of the weakest WB in all Tamriel, but still is it ok that lvl9 no-CP character with stolen food in random gear can reliably solo it?
  • Jeremy
    GoFigure wrote: »
    The problem with every argument that wants to change the game as it now sits is that you are not taking the developers into consideration. While all of your arguments have validity, the cost to implement many of those changes are cost prohibitive. .

    Including Veteran Zones ought to be relatively easy to program and shouldn't consume many resources. All they would have to do is scale one of the world instances for each zone to 810 and give players the option to play in that instance. Should be simple to do and well worth the effort. They could continue to scale that zone upward as CP increases as well - so it would be a long term solution.
    Edited by Jeremy on May 29, 2019 11:45PM
  • Massacre_Wurm
    Try at lvl 30 with no CP and random gear (from quests and world loot )
    Lvl 9 char = cp160 stats pretty much.
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