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Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • FlopsyPrince
    typical elitist cry - I get so sick of the "Oh xxx is easy" with the subtone that if you don't find it easy you're either a noob a *** or a waste of oxygen.

    ESO is a GAME. People like me play it to get away from the hard things in life. There is challenging content if you want it and enough chill factor if you don't.

    Exactly. Many of us play to have a fun relaxing time. We are not attacking trials and may have only recently tried the group dungeons. Whining because we may have a fun time and don't die frequently running from the delve to the wayshrine is quite shortsighted.
  • Cheetac19
    ESO was so much fun when it was challenging. My buddy actually quit playing because he was bored and couldn't find challenging enemies. Dude played a week

    An instance for people wanting a challenge would be nice.
    Edited by Cheetac19 on August 11, 2019 9:36PM
  • Mayrael
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Adernath wrote: »
    Jhalin wrote: »
    Did you know it’s actually impossible, literally, not possible, to die while fighting the necromancer you chase down after the dragon attack in Elsweyr? I left my character standing in one spot while I ate dinner, and just watched for 30 minutes while his heath bar casually drifted between 100% and 85%.

    You could make a time-lapse movie of this and post it every time someone still claims the game is hard for newbies :D

    Because if one story fight is rigged, clearly there is no other overland content that might kill someone.

    Well there’s two of then in Elsweyr on its own, granted one is the tutorial dragon so I gave it a pass, even if the original ESO tutorial actually did have a chance to kill you if you went afk against the Child of Bones.

    Regardless, there should never be a fight designed to never let the player die. There especially shouldn’t be a fight that is so noob-catering that you can’t even get yourself killed when you are intentionally doing everything wrong.

    Oh good ol Vet Zones... You hit lvl 50 and booom! You get killed by 3 normies :D When I think of it I used to like it a lot, at least when Ive finished a zone I felt like I have achieved something.
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • Sylvermynx
    D0PAMINE wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Minyassa wrote: »
    Not everyone comes to this game from WoW or other MMOs. Some of us never played video games at all until recently, believe it or not. There are actually people who have never seen WoW or any of the shooters or whatever else is out there.

    I actually have never owned a console. Ever. Just couldn't afford it, so I played PC games, and the PC games I played were not MMOs.

    I started with DDO a few years ago, which anyone who's played knows is a weird sort of MMO with everything instanced and strictly level-specific--if you aren't high enough level for it, you get help doing it OR you just go fight trash mobs until you are higher level and you try again. That was experience 1, and completely different from ESO. Combat system, type of skills, game physics, everything different. No comparison.

    Next was LOTRO. That one has leveled zones; if you're a new player you stay in the new areas or you die, period. The higher level zones even increase aggro range for lowbies to make SURE you die if you stray into the big dogs' area. It's very level dependent. However, once you have leveled past a zone you have literally outleveled it because mobs no longer aggro on you at all unless you start a fight with them. You can wander around in a zone you've outleveled and never be touched. There are only a small handful of zones that remain on-level for capped toons. Also, different combat system, different class sets, skills, etc. Nothing really in common with ESO.

    ESO was my 3rd MMO and my FIRST playing anything in this particular style. It took me the better part of a year and a half to learn my way around the mechanics. I couldn't even figure out bar swapping as part of a rotation for a year, it was just a foreign concept. The way you use skills is different from either of the two other games I played. The way you build a toon is different. With no background in WoW or anything similar to this, this was ENTIRELY a new experience, and I found it more than challenging enough. I even got frustrated a few times...there were delves I could not solo for a long time until I figured out how to start getting my dps up, and I couldn't even solo a dolmen for a long time. Overland is *necessary* to learn these things.

    If the game had been much, much harder, like enough to pose a challenge for veteran, capped, endgame-geared toons? I would've quit after a month. I don't play games to not get anywhere for the entire duration of my play time. Spending a couple of hours getting past a challenge? Sure, that's play. Spending days on the same thing and not managing it? Screw that, I'll go read a book or watch Netflix instead, that doesn't leave me at the end of my recreational time all pissed off.

    You people who played WoW and nineteen other MMOs have no idea what it's like to be a new player anymore. For YOU, just being new to a *game* is not being a new player. It's playing a different flavor of the same thing and other people do NOT have your same experience or skillsets in video games in general. You have unlocked all three levels of the Video Game Player passive. While I can understand your frustration at things becoming easy for you, do not for a minute think that the average new player is like you. Or me. There are so many different experience levels. You just cannot assume it to be the highest potential tier of skill or you are going to absolutely kill off the newbies that aren't just testing their hundredth MMO.

    I agree with you completely. Yes, I played WoW (for 7 years) and RIFT (for 3 years) - on gimped satellite internet, so THEY weren't easy for me either (until I had max level toons and could go back and do quest lines where I really wanted to see the story.... or clear lower level instances for gear - and sometimes.... those weren't easy either because early satband was only a small step up from decent dialup).

    The first 11 months I played this game on that same gimped satband. Now I've got remarkably better satellite (HughesNet instead of Wildblue - Exede couldn't offer me an upgrade to their higher speed - "not available in your area sorry"). So now I'm actually learning how to play. I'm working on LA weaving (it's easier every day); next I'm going to work on bar swapping. My reflexes aren't as good as when I played WoW, so I have to work out exactly what to do when....

    glad you finally got an available upgrade.

    Thank you! ME TOO. It's almost like "real broadband".
  • croninjoshua
    You have obviously never had to kill a crab in a starter zone with a healer or tank.
  • marius_buys
    Na, Overworld has beautifully balanced levels
    You obviously forgot the first time you exclaimed
    I just did a dolmen solo!
    I just did a world boss solo!

    Revisit your OP you must my young Padowan. ;)
    Edited by marius_buys on August 12, 2019 10:45AM
  • Rex-Umbra
    Kids play minecraft and zelda botw both are 10x harder than eso overland. Pretty sure it needs drastic buff to difficulty.
    Xbox GT: Rex Umbrah
    GM of IMPERIUM since 2015.
  • Mayrael
    typical elitist cry - I get so sick of the "Oh xxx is easy" with the subtone that if you don't find it easy you're either a noob a *** or a waste of oxygen.

    ESO is a GAME. People like me play it to get away from the hard things in life. There is challenging content if you want it and enough chill factor if you don't.

    Exactly. Many of us play to have a fun relaxing time. We are not attacking trials and may have only recently tried the group dungeons. Whining because we may have a fun time and don't die frequently running from the delve to the wayshrine is quite shortsighted.

    As I mentioned above. On a lvl 3 character without any CPs, without any gear (just white lvl 1 weapon) with 2 skills on my bar I was able to kill overland mobs and my hp bar barely moved. If this is difficult for you than I have a bad news for you, you're not a gamer.

    If you want to relax maybe you should play Tetris, or Snake?
    Edited by Mayrael on August 12, 2019 11:27AM
    Say no to Toxic Casuals!
    I am doing my best, but I am not a native speaker, sorry.

    "Difficulty scaling is desperately needed. 9 years. 6 paid expansions. 24 DLCs. 40 game changing updates including A Realm Reborn-tier overhaul of the game including a permanent CP160 gear cap and ridiculous power creep thereafter. I'm sick and tired of hearing about Cadwell Silver&Gold as a "you think you do but you don't"-tier deflection to any criticism regarding the lack of overland difficulty in the game." - @AlexanderDeLarge
  • sentientomega
    Absolutely *no-one* gets a monopoly on what constitutes a gamer or should try to discourage someone from playing a game, I listed my ideas earlier in this thread for what could help make challenge-seekers happy, because, unlike some, I don't go out of my way to discourage anyone from playing because they don't happen to share my playstyle.

    Unless the devs tell each of us that we're barred, no-one else has any right to suggest that we don't belong in this game.

    Again, my ideas I put forward should go at least some way to ensuring that we can all co-exist; inclusion, not exclusion.
    Edited by sentientomega on August 12, 2019 3:43PM
  • Morgha_Kul
    Hm, well... it would seem that they haven't buffed the enemies, but instead heavily nerfed US in the latest patch. That should "help" make things more challenging, I suppose.
    Exploring Tamriel since 1994.
  • Veinblood1965
    ESO Classic coming to you in 2021.
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