Maintenance for the week of July 8:
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Update 43 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here:

Seriously, this game is too easy and the overworld needs to be buffed heavily.

  • Sylvermynx
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    This is why a lot of newer games in development with Kickstarter. Because these developers understand something vital was lost with this "cater to everyone" mentality. It doesn't work. When you cater to all, you have a great experience for none.

    Yeah, I'd be thrilled if TES had stuck to Morrowind style play for all their games... of course we wouldn't be debating on how easy the overworld is for some and not others... but how "handholding " and easy those arrows above destination and quests starts are.

    Not everyone is a great player... some people have limitations on time. Those people might now want a tougher fight just to get to the quest dungeon

    I have a friend that has satelite internet, her BW doesn't allow for even most dungeons, dolmens or WB's .. make the overworld tougher and it might be to much and she'd gave to quit.

    One of my dear friends sons plays... but his motor skills wouldn't allow for tougher fights. He plays on x-box one or I'd help him out. Bodyguard wise.

    When I say it's tough enough, I dont just mean for me personally.. I dont mind a challenge, just not always.

    The content is there for many types of people to play many different ways. It IS up to the individual to figure out how that is... you want challenge? Use the tools the Devs gave you and the brain you were born with..

    "You" can't change your skills and knowledge of the game... but you can change how you play it... Death with Consequences... everytime you die, loose all your gear.. No "other char crafted gear" only what that char can make.

    Their IS a way to challenge ypurself... it's an open world Mmorpg

    Thanks Sis. Yeah, my previous sat company didn't really allow for me to play the game anywhere close to "well". I'm already blown away by HughesNet - it's so much faster and smoother than wildblue that I can actually visualize being able to really PLAY THE GAME.

    Yet very welcome Sis...< happy dance> better internet... you know vive been there done ghat!

    Heh, yep. I know!
  • Aireal
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    This is why a lot of newer games in development with Kickstarter. Because these developers understand something vital was lost with this "cater to everyone" mentality. It doesn't work. When you cater to all, you have a great experience for none.

    Yeah, I'd be thrilled if TES had stuck to Morrowind style play for all their games... of course we wouldn't be debating on how easy the overworld is for some and not others... but how "handholding " and easy those arrows above destination and quests starts are.

    Not everyone is a great player... some people have limitations on time. Those people might now want a tougher fight just to get to the quest dungeon

    I have a friend that has satelite internet, her BW doesn't allow for even most dungeons, dolmens or WB's .. make the overworld tougher and it might be to much and she'd gave to quit.

    One of my dear friends sons plays... but his motor skills wouldn't allow for tougher fights. He plays on x-box one or I'd help him out. Bodyguard wise.

    When I say it's tough enough, I dont just mean for me personally.. I dont mind a challenge, just not always.

    The content is there for many types of people to play many different ways. It IS up to the individual to figure out how that is... you want challenge? Use the tools the Devs gave you and the brain you were born with..

    "You" can't change your skills and knowledge of the game... but you can change how you play it... Death with Consequences... everytime you die, loose all your gear.. No "other char crafted gear" only what that char can make.

    Their IS a way to challenge ypurself... it's an open world Mmorpg spelling sucks or my phones auto correct does.

    Thanks Sis. Yeah, my previous sat company didn't really allow for me to play the game anywhere close to "well". I'm already blown away by HughesNet - it's so much faster and smoother than wildblue that I can actually visualize being able to really PLAY THE GAME.

    Yet very welcome Sis...< happy dance> better internet... you know vive been there done ghat!

    Heh, yep. I know!
    My spelling sucks! Auto correct...blah.
    Edited by Aireal on May 29, 2019 3:15AM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Sylvermynx
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    Sylvermynx wrote: »
    Aireal wrote: »
    This is why a lot of newer games in development with Kickstarter. Because these developers understand something vital was lost with this "cater to everyone" mentality. It doesn't work. When you cater to all, you have a great experience for none.

    Yeah, I'd be thrilled if TES had stuck to Morrowind style play for all their games... of course we wouldn't be debating on how easy the overworld is for some and not others... but how "handholding " and easy those arrows above destination and quests starts are.

    Not everyone is a great player... some people have limitations on time. Those people might now want a tougher fight just to get to the quest dungeon

    I have a friend that has satelite internet, her BW doesn't allow for even most dungeons, dolmens or WB's .. make the overworld tougher and it might be to much and she'd gave to quit.

    One of my dear friends sons plays... but his motor skills wouldn't allow for tougher fights. He plays on x-box one or I'd help him out. Bodyguard wise.

    When I say it's tough enough, I dont just mean for me personally.. I dont mind a challenge, just not always.

    The content is there for many types of people to play many different ways. It IS up to the individual to figure out how that is... you want challenge? Use the tools the Devs gave you and the brain you were born with..

    "You" can't change your skills and knowledge of the game... but you can change how you play it... Death with Consequences... everytime you die, loose all your gear.. No "other char crafted gear" only what that char can make.

    Their IS a way to challenge ypurself... it's an open world Mmorpg spelling sucks or my phones auto correct does.

    Thanks Sis. Yeah, my previous sat company didn't really allow for me to play the game anywhere close to "well". I'm already blown away by HughesNet - it's so much faster and smoother than wildblue that I can actually visualize being able to really PLAY THE GAME.

    Yet very welcome Sis...< happy dance> better internet... you know vive been there done ghat!

    Heh, yep. I know!
    My spelling sucks! Auto correct...blah.

    Don't sweat the small stuff hon - it's ALL small stuff.
  • twev
    Adernath wrote: »
    Yes it is too easy and I myself have said that many times on the forums. However, by making the trashmobs tougher it will soon become a chore for people who run a tank or healer build, even at high cp level.

    In order to address this issue, the mobs should be stronger but at the same time there should be dualspec in the game available from a specific level onward, so people can swap easily between a build suitable for soloing overland mobs and the build of their choice.

    You''re saying that you only run a tank or a healer?

    No characters that can fight overland in anything but bunny-slope mode?

    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • MikaHR
    MikaHR wrote: »
    Riiiiiiiiiiiight, lowering your stats to make game more challenging is sooooooooooo "unintuitive"....and the result is EXACTLY the same youre whining about.

    And what YOU want completely breaks RPG and makes game world completely nonsensical.

    If you want challenge you can easily get it...if not, you come to whine on the forums making up some ridiculous stuff as "excuse".

    Are you OK? One of the staple parts of RPG is gathering and combining your gear. I created new toon without CP, food, pots, training crafted gear, account resources and gold, fast travel and also I play with turned off interface. Still I didn't die a single time. But I cannot play without gear picked up from overland on this particular toon, since given lackluster combat, it is only RPG element available.
    And honestly idk why you are so concerned about it? If devs will create separate instances with different level of difficulty, you'll only win from this, since cp810 streak lightning won't wipe delve clean on his way to skyshard in your regular instance, all "veteran" player will sit in veteran instances.

    Because game already died once because people like you. There was EXACTLY what you want at launch.

    Craglorn had to be reworked TWICE, with many tweaks in between, and even 3rd is warranted, but i guess they just gave up on it an accepted it will be dead for the life of the game.
    JiKama wrote: »
    I would like a more difficult overland too. I hate when you do a quest and the villian dies within 2 hits. It's like this is supposed to be interesting or an actual threat? I miss the old days of ESO when things were challenging... I was a Noob back during beta and release, but old Craglorn and Overland bosses were tough. I wish more content would require people to group up, make friends, and complete content. Overland bosses are to easy and the mobs die within 2 hits... Kind of ridiculous.... Especially dolmens... Not a challenge at all... I think VMA is a good example of challenging content, but even then people want it nerfed into nothingness.... You're instantly labeled an elitist if you would like things a little more difficult or having to earn things. Anywho.... I wish my necro skills would function properly and my quest NPC's would show up... I'm gonna go cry about that for awhile :wink:

    So, you miss a dead game? Because game died shortly after launch and had to be completely reworked to what we have today. If they hadnt you would REALLY miss it because there would be no ESO to play. Craglorn was THE biggest ESO failure that has had to be rworked TWICE already.
    Edited by MikaHR on May 29, 2019 8:27AM
  • FierceSam
    One Tamriel pulled ESO out of a death spiral. At that point it was a dead game walking.

    Progression levelled zones and the Vet only Craglorn meant that the vast majority of players never visited and developers were wasting time creating complex content for a minuscule fraction of the playerbase. And there is no way ZOS are going back to that (nor should they).

    Now players can visit all the zones. Some of the overland content, like Wrothgar WBs is harder than others, but largely they’re all similarly easy/difficult depending on your playing ability.

    I get where you are coming from. The first time you solo a dolmen, a WB, or a public dungeon, it feels like a real achievement. Very satisfying. Less so the second time and a few tries later you’re just annoyed if you die at any point in the process no matter what level of character you’re playing. That’s progress and you just have to move on to the next challenge to get that sense of achievement again.

    You sound like the kid who’s just left primary school. You desperately want to go back because it’s what you know, but you can’t because you’ve outgrown it. You can’t unlearn your skills. Overland mobs will never be a challenge for you. And they’re not going to build a new ‘big child’ primary school that’s the same but harder just for you.

    As far as Elsweyr goes, enjoy the story for what it is, try soloing a dragon for a challenge or, if you really want that sense of achievement wander into Sunspire and have a go at some of the mobs there. Because some of them hit like a train.
  • Jhalin
    FierceSam wrote: »
    One Tamriel pulled ESO out of a death spiral. At that point it was a dead game walking.

    Progression levelled zones and the Vet only Craglorn meant that the vast majority of players never visited and developers were wasting time creating complex content for a minuscule fraction of the playerbase. And there is no way ZOS are going back to that (nor should they).

    Now players can visit all the zones. Some of the overland content, like Wrothgar WBs is harder than others, but largely they’re all similarly easy/difficult depending on your playing ability.

    I get where you are coming from. The first time you solo a dolmen, a WB, or a public dungeon, it feels like a real achievement. Very satisfying. Less so the second time and a few tries later you’re just annoyed if you die at any point in the process no matter what level of character you’re playing. That’s progress and you just have to move on to the next challenge to get that sense of achievement again.

    You sound like the kid who’s just left primary school. You desperately want to go back because it’s what you know, but you can’t because you’ve outgrown it. You can’t unlearn your skills. Overland mobs will never be a challenge for you. And they’re not going to build a new ‘big child’ primary school that’s the same but harder just for you.

    As far as Elsweyr goes, enjoy the story for what it is, try soloing a dragon for a challenge or, if you really want that sense of achievement wander into Sunspire and have a go at some of the mobs there. Because some of them hit like a train.

    Odd analogy because overland as it currently is, is basically like graduating elementary school, then you go to intermediate school and they hand you the same basic addition problems you've done a millions times over in elementary school

    People are asking for even a minor difficulty increase so the biggest baddest villain don't die to three of your light attacks, and yet you're here trying to tell them they just wanna go back to the easy stuff they've already done a million times xD
  • Aireal
    I don't understand why some of you who really want more difficulty don't challenge yourselves. The tools are in the game for you to do so, your imagination and creativity would allow you to come up with personal challenges.

    Boredom with 'vanilla' content is why a group of people started Dead is Dead competitions in other games. I started in Oblivion and continued in Skyrim, when the games became too 'easy' or just grindingly mind-numbingly tedious.. in the challenge department. I never stopped loving the ability to Role Play and tell myself a story.

    True Dead is Dead can't be done.. easily in ESO - the ability to delete and start a new character multiple times isn't there. ( 3 deletes isn't enough )

    Death with Consequences is viable... Knowledge and skill are the only two things you get to keep after a death. No resurrecting in place, wayshrine only ( and I mean a Wayshrine must be gone to).. and destroy....everything. No crafting of armor till after level 50, no improving either. No food beyond green, same with other crafts.. BASE skills/ recipe's only. ( I mean you can't wear crafted armor, you can create it to level up the skills)

    Go ahead and make my day by saying that nerfing your own character is not the way to go. That you want to experience the game to it's fullest potential. Everyone that has posted here knows ZOS isn't going to rework the whole game just to add overland difficulty, not when they added it and too many people griped about it..and they ended up reworking the game to make it easier.

    Make it a personal challenge.. a goal, No death run of all of Tamriel... NO DEATH. All content.. Personal challenge, personally satisfying. Or I'll be more than happy to 'host' a game in which everyone signs up and plays by the same rules, been there, done that.. have the headache of dealing with people who try to find a loophole around every single rule..

    <shrug> 99 of you will tell me how wrong I am and that ZOS should change the game, some nicely, some not. One or two of you might put on your big boy under-roos and nod and say to yourself that I'm right, you know it.. it would be nice if they would change it,, but they won't.. and then take up your own challenge.

    Edited by Aireal on May 29, 2019 11:17AM
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • Sinolai
    Harder quest bosses would also be nice. I was going to make a bug report for Zumog Phoons broken exploding skeletons that did no damage. Then I realized they are actually not exploding. they just die to the first tick of my blockade.
  • albesca
    Jhalin wrote: »
    People are asking for even a minor difficulty increase so the biggest baddest villain don't die to three of your light attacks, and yet you're here trying to tell them they just wanna go back to the easy stuff they've already done a million times xD

    But what would a minor difficulty increase really achieve?
    A quest boss that dies in five seconds doesn't become engaging just by surviving for ten seconds, a minute, a hour, it just become more tedious to kill.

    To be more interesting mobs and bosses should be dangerous even for fully equipped and min maxed characters, but I fear that all the one-shot mechanisms in place in dungeons and trials are attempts to achieve this, and I'm honestly not particularly fond of them.
    PC EU

    Khajiit has no time for you
  • barney2525
    Chadak wrote: »
    I remain unconvinced that hardly any of the loudest complainers on this subject actually want more difficulty.

    Something tells me they're just trying to figure out how to wheedle more XP and saleable drops out of the devs.

    No one even mentioned needing better rewards. On the contrary, it's been mentioned several times we are doing the sorry but it feels too boring and easy. You don't do story for rewards (outside of skill points and achievements), you do it to enjoy the story.

    I barely sell anything. All my money is from doing crafting writs. It's easy to dismiss a position with a weak, contrived reason like you stated, rather than just the is barely any fun in the story at all.

    This game doesn't use any interesting story-telling quest mechanics to make questing fun in the least. Nearly all content is run here and click this, run there and kill that. Pretend the boss you killed in 2 key presses is actually this super powerful, dangerous entity even though you didn't have to interrupt, block or step out of bad.

    It's the worse kind of interactive story-telling. I could virtually watch a video of the dialogue and get the EXACT same experience. No cutscenes, very very little choice. Exterminate this group of people because random person on the road doesn't like them.

    90% of this game is this overland story telling and the only thing to keep us interested is the story itself.

    Maybe I'm weird in that I want to earn the resolution to a story. Not feel so much like a passive participant. And why have mobs do mechanics when you can ignore them all. The earlier video explains the issue with eso beautifully.

    You are right. No one mentioned the rewards.

    But no one ever mentions their Real ultimate goals either.

    My first impression of this whole thread can be summed up in one word. Lazy.

    It's too much of an effort to travel all over Tamriel gaining xp and gear. If the mobs get buffed, that's a higher XP gain, and then the drops Must also get better due to the quality of the mob. I can stay in my home zone, never do quests and level to 50.

    But that was just my impression. IMHO

    And since despite "claims" to the contrary, truly neutering a character, making it bland, no CPs, blank gear, no buffs, and if you want, no passives - You can make the mobs and bosses a huge challenge all on your own.

    Which makes me think, IMHO, the "overland challenge" is Not the real issue here.
  • Pronto
    The PvE questing and main story attracts players to explore and learn the game at a lower difficulty. The overland World Bosses are really tough to solo when you have no CP or gear and that is the first aspect I think that prompts newer players to group up and help each other complete that content.

    The normal dungeons, again, are supposed to be easy. They are like the tutorials in introducing new players to the dungeon-aspect of the games. Any experienced player can blow by these like nothing.

    The vet dungeons are when mechanics, class roles, and a basic understanding of the game is meant to be reached, escpecially the DLC ones, and of course trials. If you find the beginner aspects of the game really easy for you right now, then it's time to step it up in terms of content so it's enjoyable to you.

    Or try Cyrodiil, that should hold you over.
    Pronto Padfoot - Bosmer Stamina Nightblade (AD)
    Pronto Greenfoot - Bosmer Stamina Warden (AD)
    Pronto Firefoot - Bosmer Stamina Dragonknight (AD)
    -Pronto - Bosmer Stamina Nightblade (AD)
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    I completely agree with the OP

    The other day I took a crafting alt to get some skill points from skyshards for crafting upgrades.

    This toon has only 1 skill on the bar, no CP, trash armour and weapons.

    At no point was I near death gathering skyshards from open world, including delves and just using light attacks!

    I stopped playing overland content a while ago. It is such as shame because this game was geared up to be relevant for all types of play style and to include a sense of exploration and adventure. Not so anymore

    Its a real shame I used to love the sense of adventure in this game, its been totally destroyed. That why I only PvP now.

    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • MartiniDaniels
    Pronto wrote: »
    The PvE questing and main story attracts players to explore and learn the game at a lower difficulty. The overland World Bosses are really tough to solo when you have no CP or gear and that is the first aspect I think that prompts newer players to group up and help each other complete that content.

    The normal dungeons, again, are supposed to be easy. They are like the tutorials in introducing new players to the dungeon-aspect of the games. Any experienced player can blow by these like nothing.

    The vet dungeons are when mechanics, class roles, and a basic understanding of the game is meant to be reached, escpecially the DLC ones, and of course trials. If you find the beginner aspects of the game really easy for you right now, then it's time to step it up in terms of content so it's enjoyable to you.

    Or try Cyrodiil, that should hold you over.

    ^ sorry but even with zero knowledge of the game and without xp scrolls etc you would hit lvl50 after completing first zone like Stonefalls, Auridon etc and when you complete 1 or 2 more you would be cp160 and even if you don't weave/animation cancel etc, overland will become pointlessly easy. So you mean that out of 16 base game zones and 6 dlc zones, player could only complete 2 or 3 and after that quit on questing?
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    barney2525 wrote: »

    Oh, right. this is the too easy thread.........

    First off, it already NOT easy for a starting player. I know most people on here don't care about them, but it's a fact.

    How much of this game should be for the new player, all of it and forever more? Every DLC set for the new player? What happens when the new player is not new anymore?

    Oh wait this is the "everything must be easy for the new players answer to the too easy thread".
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • albesca
    ^ sorry but even with zero knowledge of the game and without xp scrolls etc you would hit lvl50 after completing first zone like Stonefalls, Auridon etc and when you complete 1 or 2 more you would be cp160 and even if you don't weave/animation cancel etc, overland will become pointlessly easy. So you mean that out of 16 base game zones and 6 dlc zones, player could only complete 2 or 3 and after that quit on questing?

    Are we playing the same game? When I reached level 50 on my main I had done the main quest and both Auridon and Grahtwood quest lines, with a bit of PVP, the zones' dolmens and WBs and some dungeons here and there; after Auridon alone (and some PVP ranks) he was about level 30, 35 at best.

    When I read statements like this I wonder if I'm playing the game wrong
    PC EU

    Khajiit has no time for you
  • purple-magicb16_ESO
    Overland is supposed to be easy. You've chosen to do the easy content and are now complaining it's too easy?

    It was designed this way as an orientation for new players. If you're a big dog then pls run with the pack.
    Edited by purple-magicb16_ESO on May 29, 2019 1:35PM
    I don't comment here often but when I do, I get [snip]
  • jcm2606
    Why are people overcomplicating the ever living *** out of such a simple problem? This can be solved by simply introducing another layer of scaling similar to Battle Spirit, that adjusts your damage taken and damage done based on a selected difficulty setting, while also adjusting your XP gains and maybe instanced loot, to compensate for making the game easier or harder.
  • FierceSam
    albesca wrote: »
    ^ sorry but even with zero knowledge of the game and without xp scrolls etc you would hit lvl50 after completing first zone like Stonefalls, Auridon etc and when you complete 1 or 2 more you would be cp160 and even if you don't weave/animation cancel etc, overland will become pointlessly easy. So you mean that out of 16 base game zones and 6 dlc zones, player could only complete 2 or 3 and after that quit on questing?

    Are we playing the same game? When I reached level 50 on my main I had done the main quest and both Auridon and Grahtwood quest lines, with a bit of PVP, the zones' dolmens and WBs and some dungeons here and there; after Auridon alone (and some PVP ranks) he was about level 30, 35 at best.

    When I read statements like this I wonder if I'm playing the game wrong

    You aren’t. The pre-1 Tamriel zones were designed to level you approximately 10 levels a zone, so you would be at L50 when you went to Coldharbour to defeat Molag Bal (apologies if that’s a game breaking spoiler for anyone).

    The idea then was that you went through the other factions in Cadwell’s Silver/Gold, where your L50 character would obliterate everything.

    Today’s Tamriel works far better for the majority of players, who can attempt any quest in any zone, without every fight being a cataclysmic uber battle.

    Pitting your awesome battle skills against overland mobs isn’t endgame. It’s storytelling. And there’s plenty of genuinely difficult challenges out there if you really want to find them. And they’ve all got stories too.
  • Aireal
    barney2525 wrote: »

    Oh, right. this is the too easy thread.........

    First off, it already NOT easy for a starting player. I know most people on here don't care about them, but it's a fact.

    How much of this game should be for the new player, all of it and forever more? Every DLC set for the new player? What happens when the new player is not new anymore?

    Oh wait this is the "everything must be easy for the new players answer to the too easy thread".

    Really the question isn't how easy.. the question is how hard does it have to get before the "It's too easy" crowd is happy? The answer to that really is "Dark Souls".. Why? because as long as people can craft gear, weapons, enchant, potions, food.. the game will never.. EVER be hard enough. (BTW I did not find Dark Souls 'insanely difficult', just pretty challenging )

    Those that want to min/max the game will make their characters "optimal" for the level they are at.. so that it becomes easier... You can't take away your knowledge of how the game mechanic's work,

    Hardness zones? DLC's with harder content that must be group run... area's where you have to be a Vet...

    Difficulty is individual with skill & knowledge... You can't go back to a tutorial with a new character and say "see that was easy".. you had nothing to learn.. That new player with no skill, no knowledge.. they might find the tutorial difficult... but some may think it's easy.

    What is a 1 to 10% bump in difficulty going to do for the person with 810CP? Not a darn thing... one or two more button mashes.
    Life is about the journey...cause it all ends the same
  • FierceSam
    barney2525 wrote: »

    Oh, right. this is the too easy thread.........

    First off, it already NOT easy for a starting player. I know most people on here don't care about them, but it's a fact.

    How much of this game should be for the new player, all of it and forever more? Every DLC set for the new player? What happens when the new player is not new anymore?

    Oh wait this is the "everything must be easy for the new players answer to the too easy thread".

    That’s a good question. I think ZOS are pretty clear about it in terms of DLC releases.

    The DLC dungeons are for players L45 and above. But they’ve had to revise that downward, introduce more storytelling and greatly simplify some mechanics because too few players were completing them.

    The DLC zone is for everyone. Murkmire had a for-everyone questline, two decent world bosses with actual mechanics and a new 4 player arena.

    The chapters are also for everyone. Everyone can do the questing and dragons, the world bosses are not as hard as some, but they’re currently being melted by numbers, the public dungeons are very soloable and the new Trial is fun on normal and a challenge on vet (assuming you’re not simply going on E-Z chest runs). So again, plenty for everyone.

    If I was a newer player, I might be forgiven for thinking the DLCs were overly stacked in favour of the more experienced players.
  • barney2525
    Pronto wrote: »
    The PvE questing and main story attracts players to explore and learn the game at a lower difficulty. The overland World Bosses are really tough to solo when you have no CP or gear and that is the first aspect I think that prompts newer players to group up and help each other complete that content.

    The normal dungeons, again, are supposed to be easy. They are like the tutorials in introducing new players to the dungeon-aspect of the games. Any experienced player can blow by these like nothing.

    The vet dungeons are when mechanics, class roles, and a basic understanding of the game is meant to be reached, escpecially the DLC ones, and of course trials. If you find the beginner aspects of the game really easy for you right now, then it's time to step it up in terms of content so it's enjoyable to you.

    Or try Cyrodiil, that should hold you over.

    ^ sorry but even with zero knowledge of the game and without xp scrolls etc you would hit lvl50 after completing first zone like Stonefalls, Auridon etc and when you complete 1 or 2 more you would be cp160 and even if you don't weave/animation cancel etc, overland will become pointlessly easy. So you mean that out of 16 base game zones and 6 dlc zones, player could only complete 2 or 3 and after that quit on questing?

    As a player who starts way too many characters, this is completely wrong. Without xp scrolls, completing wailing prison, kenarthi, a complete sweep of absolutely everything (not just quests - all delves, public dungeon, going to all interesting areas that give xp, all 3 dolmens once) in Auridon, Harboage 1,2,3,4,5 - which you go to grahtwood, mage line 1, fighter line 1, so all your quests are leading you to grahtwood, you will NOT have hit level 50. You will be in the 40's but no where near 50.

    Things slow down the higher level you get, especially if you are not using xp buffs

    Edited by barney2525 on May 29, 2019 2:09PM
  • MartiniDaniels
    albesca wrote: »
    ^ sorry but even with zero knowledge of the game and without xp scrolls etc you would hit lvl50 after completing first zone like Stonefalls, Auridon etc and when you complete 1 or 2 more you would be cp160 and even if you don't weave/animation cancel etc, overland will become pointlessly easy. So you mean that out of 16 base game zones and 6 dlc zones, player could only complete 2 or 3 and after that quit on questing?

    Are we playing the same game? When I reached level 50 on my main I had done the main quest and both Auridon and Grahtwood quest lines, with a bit of PVP, the zones' dolmens and WBs and some dungeons here and there; after Auridon alone (and some PVP ranks) he was about level 30, 35 at best.

    When I read statements like this I wonder if I'm playing the game wrong

    I started at 2018 as dunmer. So I completed Bleakrock+Bal Foyen+ Stonefalls and hit lvl50 and went to Deshaan. First 50-60 CP points came within couple of hours due to enlightment bonus. After that CP grew rather slow but after completing Deshaan and Rift I came to CP160. Though I didn't used wayshrines for RP purposes so I was killing same mobs a lot over and over while travelling on horse/foot, also I was completing FG1 and DC1 to the half many times to get full automaton and dreugh slayer. I was not able to solo them to the end at that point, but still there were drops from chests and first bosses and i didn't know that there is group finder :D Also I exchanged first key for cp100 lord warden shoulders and they looked like god-like item with such resistance boons :D oh, how fun was game at that point.. though overland mobs were just free XP, i was mostly fascinated with WB and dungeons, they were giving me motivation
  • MartiniDaniels
    barney2525 wrote: »
    Pronto wrote: »
    The PvE questing and main story attracts players to explore and learn the game at a lower difficulty. The overland World Bosses are really tough to solo when you have no CP or gear and that is the first aspect I think that prompts newer players to group up and help each other complete that content.

    The normal dungeons, again, are supposed to be easy. They are like the tutorials in introducing new players to the dungeon-aspect of the games. Any experienced player can blow by these like nothing.

    The vet dungeons are when mechanics, class roles, and a basic understanding of the game is meant to be reached, escpecially the DLC ones, and of course trials. If you find the beginner aspects of the game really easy for you right now, then it's time to step it up in terms of content so it's enjoyable to you.

    Or try Cyrodiil, that should hold you over.

    ^ sorry but even with zero knowledge of the game and without xp scrolls etc you would hit lvl50 after completing first zone like Stonefalls, Auridon etc and when you complete 1 or 2 more you would be cp160 and even if you don't weave/animation cancel etc, overland will become pointlessly easy. So you mean that out of 16 base game zones and 6 dlc zones, player could only complete 2 or 3 and after that quit on questing?

    As a player who starts way too many characters, this is completely wrong. Without xp scrolls, completing wailing prison, kenarthi, a complete sweep of absolutely everything (not just quests - all delves, public dungeon, going to all interesting areas that give xp, all 3 dolmens once) in Auridon, Harboage 1,2,3,4,5 - which you go to grahtwood, mage line 1, fighter line 1, so all your quests are leading you to grahtwood, you will NOT have hit level 50. You will be in the 40's but no where near 50.

    Things slow down the higher level you get, especially if you are not using xp buffs

    I didn't used fast travel and so I was killing a lot of mobs. Basically I hated them for their irritating snares and stupidly low damage from the very beginning, and also I hated that they were respawning so fast, so I attacked any mob I saw to make game look more or less immersive at least for several minutes. Since there were 3 mobs usually, I stunned first with snipe, second with ambush and third with cloak+surprise attack. After that whirling blades which was later powered up by shrouded daggers since they luckily strike all 3 mobs pretty hard. Also I had eso+, but i doubt it is huge difference. Anyway, even if you won't go on vendetta against mobs, you will hit cp160 at the end of your alliance zone.
  • StormeReigns
    I've been a naysayer for many of these "Hard Overland mode " due to my reasons (like others already posted here). That said, I am now of the mind set now, go for it.

    Long as it is financially feasible, has the support from the vast majority of game's player population, and if said population is dedicated enough to keep it active for 24hrs a day (similar to current live) in majority of the zones and it doesn't become a "Careful for what you wish for, you just might get it" / "Reap what you sow" situation. There really is no harm in it...

  • Leocaran
    Aireal wrote: »
    Really the question isn't how easy.. the question is how hard does it have to get before the "It's too easy" crowd is happy? The answer to that really is "Dark Souls"..
    That's simply a lie. I'm quite sure that most people that want some challenge in quests would be satisfied enough if, say, for them quest bosses would be on the level current Public Dungeon bosses have. Maybe some major ones - on a soloable WB's level. I definitely would be. And I'm quite sure that nobody would want something like vet dungeon's level.
    [Of course, these levels are not defined enough and different bosses could have different difficulty, but you can get an impression.]
    It still should be questing. For pure fighting there are indeed other options like vMA, vet dungeons and such.
    Edited by Leocaran on May 29, 2019 3:11PM
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Overland is supposed to be easy. You've chosen to do the easy content and are now complaining it's too easy?

    It was designed this way as an orientation for new players. If you're a big dog then pls run with the pack.

    Easy or effortless? I would argue that current overland is below easy.

    Also no-one is calling for easy to be nerfed. People are asking for options for people who don't want it effortless or even easy.

    Why would you deny your fellow players something if it doesn't threaten what is already available?

    What happens when players arent new anymore? So every DLC for every has to be set a new players? More and more content just for people who are new or just play for the story?

    Sorry I'm not getting it.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    Aireal wrote: »

    Difficulty is individual with skill & knowledge... You can't go back to a tutorial with a new character and say "see that was easy".. you had nothing to learn.. That new player with no skill, no knowledge.. they might find the tutorial difficult... but some may think it's easy.

    What is a 1 to 10% bump in difficulty going to do for the person with 810CP? Not a darn thing... one or two more button mashes.

    Exactly we are on the same page. At the moment 100% of overland is set at the easiest possible setting. If people do fnd it difficult how long will that last, a week? 2 weeks?.

    All people are asking for is options.

    I for one would love to go and explore new overland content but for a while now I have not been engaged because it is too easy for me.

    As a paying customer, my expectations are not being met. I am not the only one, clearly.

    It is perfectly acceptable for players to post their experience and suggestions on a topic on the forums. What is dismaying is that even though people are just asking for alternatives or options another bunch of players are telling them that they are wrong and should pip down.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • martinhpb16_ESO
    FierceSam wrote: »

    The DLC zone is for everyone. Murkmire had a for-everyone questline, two decent world bosses with actual mechanics and a new 4 player arena.

    The chapters are also for everyone. Everyone can do the questing and dragons, the world bosses are not as hard as some, but they’re currently being melted by numbers, the public dungeons are very soloable and the new Trial is fun on normal and a challenge on vet (assuming you’re not simply going on E-Z chest runs). So again, plenty for everyone.

    If I was a newer player, I might be forgiven for thinking the DLCs were overly stacked in favour of the more experienced players.

    Then they are failing in the "everyone" category as there is clearly a percentage of players who are unsatisfied because it is effortless content.

    What if the tables were turned and the same percentage were saying, hey we are new players and it is too difficult?

    Not sure about your assertion that new players may be thinking the DLCs were overly stacked in favour of the more experienced player as there seems to be no evidence of this on the forums. However there is a lot of evidence that some people find the opposite.
    At least the spelling is difficult for you.
    Hew's Bane*
  • Arunei
    Every time people claim the game is too easy, it makes me wonder how long those people have been playing the game and how much experience they have. Of course a game is going to get easier the more you play it, regardless of things you try to do to gimp yourself. You can strip your gear and assign your CP/Skillpoints/Attributes and still probably have the knowledge of both base game mechanics and specific enemy/boss mechanics to make it through without too much of a fuss.

    Or well, the people who claim they already do this can, apparently. Me, I've been here since closed beta, and there are so many WBs and stuff I can't handle on my own, even with over 900CP and decent damage. I will agree that overland is in and of itself fairly easy though, delves and trash mobs and quest mobs and stuff. But that's also because I'm know how to play the game. Even so, there are a lot of 4-man dungeons I can't clear on my own, just because I'm not that good. If someone who's been here since before launch still sucks so much, imagine how people brand new to the game handle things.

    I would be all in for some sort of toggle or difficulty slider, but after seeing arguments other people have made against them, I can see how implementing that sort of thing would be a problem. As it is now, there are different levels of difficulty for different levels of skill and play. If you find overland stuff too easy, you'd probably find more challenge in vet dungeons and/or trials. Of course, that does nothing to help with people who find leveling alts boring because the game is too easy for them, but then again leveling is an awful slog to begin with. I think I definitely prefer that going faster thanks to overland mobs and all being easier for me to kill. If I had to spend more than a few days of dedicated concentration leveling new characters, I'd lose my mind.
    Character List [RP and PvE]:
    Stands-Against-Death: Argonian Magplar Healer - Crafter
    Krisiel: Redguard Stamsorc DPS - Literally crazy Werewolf, no like legit insane. She nuts
    Kiju Veran: Khajiit Stamblade DPS - Ex-Fighters Guild Suthay who likes to punch things, nicknamed Tinykat
    Niralae Elsinal: Altmer Stamsorc DPS - Young Altmer with way too much Magicka
    Sarah Lacroix: Breton Magsorc DPS - Fledgling Vampire who drinks too much water
    Slondor: Nord Tankblade - TESified verson of Slenderman
    Marius Vastino: Imperial <insert role here> - Sarah's apathetic sire who likes to monologue
    Delthor Rellenar: Dunmer Magknight DPS - Sarah's ex who's a certified psychopath
    Lirawyn Calatare: Altmer Magplar Healer - Traveling performer and bard who's 101% vanilla bean
    Gondryn Beldeau: Breton Tankplar - Sarah's Mages Guild mentor and certified badass old person
    Gwendolyn Jenelle: Breton Magplar Healer - Friendly healer with a coffee addiction
    Soliril Larethian- Altmer Magblade DPS - Blind alchemist who uses animals to see and brews plagues in his spare time
    Tevril Rallenar: Dunmer Stamcro DPS - Delthor's "special" younger brother who raises small animals as friends
    Celeroth Calatare: Bosmer <insert role here> - Shapeshifting Bosmer with enough sass to fill Valenwood

    PC - NA - EP - CP1000+
    Avid RPer. Hit me up in-game @Ras_Lei if you're interested in getting together for some arr-pee shenanigans!
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