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what is your LEAST favorite race, and why?

  • Thannazzar
    All Thalmor are scum!
  • Phoebe
    Argonians are optically not appealing to me, and I simply can't identify with an Argonian character. I really tried and created one when Murkmire was released. Also, their lore and culture remain rather mysterious to me.

    I didn't really like Orcs before ESO either, but here you can create some nice looking Orcs and the Orsinium DLC offered a nice peek into their culture and tradition.
  • Athan1
    Before anyone posts Mannimarco memes, no nothing has changed since the last post, this thread is still relevant and reflects personal opinions so it's redundant to make a new one with the exact same title.

    Orcs are so ugly, I literally have to look away from the screen every time I get a close-up. Definitely not looking forward to Cadwell's Gold... :/ Mauloch's abominations
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
  • Josira
    'Altmer. act all high and mighty until you leave them in a puddle of their own blood.'
    ok oblivion quotes aside,Mechanics: always the go to race for all magic users. 2kmax magic and 250 spell damage if I recall correctly. thats...just...insane. then again im guessing a lot of stam races have overtuned stuff like that too.
    their pricks. always. even the most heroic or well meaning of them finds some way to act all high and mighty.
    Hjaliti cant be born faster
    Dear lord Im racist for a race that doesnt even exist.

    Both High Elves and Dark Elves and even their Chimer Predecessors are still close to generic Fantasy Elves. Dark Elves have cool lore reasonings behind stuff. High Elves are just..'haha yes we are elves from *insert generic fantasy setting* we are high and mighty and tall and better then humans even though we just have pointy faces and pointy ears. im going to go cast some spells. for I am an elf and thats what I do'

    Other Race stuff
    Wood Elves have interesting lore too. and some have small horns and antlers in eso. think it would be better if they increased the size of the horns and antlers,making them look even more distinct then the other elves,other then still being close to the other kind of generic elf race.
    And even though Dark Elves have the most interesting lore and stuff,They are still close to DnD Drow in appearance. and well some of them are big on worshiping a giant spider lady. like..dnd Drow.
    Orismer look better then a lot of other fantasy depictions of them. and their lore is pretty alright too. so dont have any dislike for them.
    Human Races can be a bit generic. but that usually happens with human races in fantasy games. Argonians have cool lore but think Eso did a poor job of showing it. same with Khajiit,Eso did a poor job with the existing lore there.
    Edited by Josira on December 10, 2020 4:20AM
    "BlooD FReNZy TicKS aLL thE BoXes of WhaT iT mEanS tO bE a VaMpiRe"
  • hexnotic
    pzschrek wrote: »
    They’re property.
    savage, damn
  • Josira
    NinchiTV wrote: »
    Lizards. For years ive been subjected to hordes of players who dont die because of the OP healing. Carried by a race. Now its not so bad but still. F*** em.

    Oh trust me back in the days of console release,they where terrible..yet I exclusively played them. the pain was real. then they buffed them to high heaven. I miss those days...
    Used to be the worst race. then became really powerful..not the best race no that was still Altmer for magic users and....I think back in the day,orcs or redguards for stam?(think its nords now,dont really play stam characters). but right now Argonians are more or less...balanced. for now.
    "BlooD FReNZy TicKS aLL thE BoXes of WhaT iT mEanS tO bE a VaMpiRe"
  • techyeshic
    Breton just boring.
  • Mrs_Malaka
    This one was kind of a tie.
    The last character race I would use is Argonian because no matter how I use the sliders in the character creation menu, their eyes ALWAYS creep me out. They make me think of those scary raptors from Jurassic Park.

    The second to last character I would create is Dunmer (dark elf) because of their very angular, bony shape of their skulls. I have tried to make my characters have more softer facial looks but those sharp angles on their brow just kill it for me.
    I do love their hair and eye color options though.
    "But screw your courage to the sticking-place,
    And we’ll not fail."

    PC/NA & EU
  • NEMESIS_97
    Not matter what you like or not..orc for any stamdd...high elf for magdps..bretons,argonians,high elf,dark elf healers and nord,argonian,breton things not materr...
  • Aptonoth
    Redguard are so dumb they make orcs look like Rick.
  • NEMESIS_97
    Mrs_Malaka wrote: »
    This one was kind of a tie.
    The last character race I would use is Argonian because no matter how I use the sliders in the character creation menu, their eyes ALWAYS creep me out. They make me think of those scary raptors from Jurassic Park.

    The second to last character I would create is Dunmer (dark elf) because of their very angular, bony shape of their skulls. I have tried to make my characters have more softer facial looks but those sharp angles on their brow just kill it for me.
    I do love their hair and eye color options though.

    On pvp dark elf is very good
  • Aliyavana
    Sadly, I am no longer able to type out what I truly feel, but I am glad to see that first place are those scalies.
    Edited by Aliyavana on December 10, 2020 6:23AM
  • Rasande_Robin
    Unserious, the Jar Jar Binks of ESO.
    PC/EU: Orcana "something"-stone
  • Vignar_Giantsbane
    I voted Bosmer even though I have two; think they look cool but I don't like how short they are (yes I understand that's part of being a "Wood Elf" and it's literally part of the lore) and I don't like their combat voices (sounds like a little kid).

    I also don't like Orcs because they're... Not aesthetically pleasing to me (even though I miss out on some really nice Racial Bonuses there).
  • Gythral
    cant decide
    Orc = 'ugly
    Bosmer = nurfed into uselessness
    “Be as a tower, that, firmly set,
    Shakes not its top for any blast that blows!”
    Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy
  • Ryuvain
    For enslaving khajiit.

    Second altmer for doing it a slightly different way.
    That one khajiit obsessed with werewolf behemoth and vampire lord. Lady Thorn is bae, dont @ me.
    Werewolf behemoth=vampire lord>blood scion>werewolf>vampire.
  • Cadbury
    Can't decide if Skyrim helped or hindered the Nords. At least the memes were funny for a minute or two, I guess...
    "If a person is truly desirous of something, perhaps being set on fire does not seem so bad."
  • Zodiarkslayer
    Because every time you get a lowbie LA spammer, it's a Bosmer with a Bow.
    If anyone here says: OH! But, PVP! I swear I'll ...

    Thank you for the valuable input and respectfully recommend to discuss that aspect of ESO on the PVP forum.
  • RPGplayer13579
    Redguard, because all you have to do to get them to run away is to attack them with undead enemies. Not all of them will run, but a lot of them will.
    My Characters.

    Mike Snow - Imperial - Templar - One-Handed and Shield - Tank - Daggerfall Covenant - Commander.
    Catelyn Rivers - Breton - Sorcerer - Destruction Staff - Daggerfall Covenant - Telvanni Magister.
    Ashara Sand - Redguard - Warden - Two-Handed/One-Handed and Shield - Daggerfall Covenant - Heroic.
    Tormund gro-Largash - Orsimer - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Daggerfall Covenant - Furious.
    Lysa Rivers - Breton - Nightblade - Bow/One-Handed and Shield - Vampire - Daggerfall Covenant - Brassy Assassin.

    Jon Karstark - Nord - Dragonknight - Two-Handed - Ebonheart Pact - Drunk.
    Arya Sand - Dunmer - Dragonknight - Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Assassin.
    Sansa Snow - Impeial - Warden - Destruction Staff/One-Handed and Shield - Ebonheart Pect - Swashbuckler.
    Jojen Reed-Walker - Argonian - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Ebonheart Pact - Melancholy.
    Alys Karstark - Nord - Nightblade - Bow/Dual Wield - Ebonheart Pact - Minstrel.

    Nymeria Woods - Bosmer - Nightblade - Bow - Aldmeri Dominion - Thief.
    Brandon Wings - Altmer - Templar - Restoration Staff - Healer - Aldmeri Dominion - Scholar.
    Lyanna Flowers - Altmer - Sorcerer - Sword/Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Duchess.
    Marvolo-jo Riddle - Khajiit - Necromancer - Destruction Staff - Aldmeri Dominion - Deadlands Firewalker.
    Obara Woods - Bosmer - Templar - Bow - Werewolf - Aldmeri Dominion - Cheerful.

  • Paha_Vaatturi
    Orc. I feel pressured to make any stam PvE characters as orcs, since it overperforms any other stam race. I don't like how they look.
  • Cirantille
    I like all and their lore

    I picked Nord just because I think game represents them in 3 word: mead, mead, mead

    Which is very boring
  • MasterSpatula
    The Daytona 500, because I'm not crazy about Florida.
    "A probable impossibility is preferable to an improbable possibility." - Aristotle
  • vestahls
    Hippity hoppity beast races are property!

    This post was made by the Dres gang.
    “He is even worse than a n'wah. He is - may Vivec forgive me for uttering this word - a Hlaalu.”
    luv Abnur
    luv Rigurt
    luv Stibbons

    'ate Ayrenn
    'ate Razum-dar
    'ate Khamira

    simple as
  • FrancisCrawford
    Argonian by far. I don't like their looks. I hate their architecture. The mechanics do nothing for me. And the expanded lore in Murkmire didn't appeal at all.
  • Grianasteri
    Have I already voted, I assume so since I cannot vote now...

    Anyway, has to be Argonian, I feel all other races have their use, but I have never found one for an Argonian. And I cant say I am a fan of reptiles either.

    That said I do have one, a themed poison only stam DK. It works well and is enjoyable. I only chose argonian cos I was going for the whole reptile poison feel.

    Haha, OK I have voted, Imperial last time. Definitely between Imperial and Argonian, on reflection I do think Argonians have less use, as Imperials make good tanks.
    Edited by Grianasteri on December 10, 2020 9:48AM
  • NEMESIS_97
    Argonian by far. I don't like their looks. I hate their architecture. The mechanics do nothing for me. And the expanded lore in Murkmire didn't appeal at all.

    What about their nice passives for healers or tanks?
  • Muttsmutt
    i don't like sand.

    and what's all this argonian hate?!
    people don't like swamps?!

    (i don't like swamps either)
  • Nyladreas
    Generic boring western-medieval humans getting high off politics.

    They're good mages though (which is just fantasy spice) so there's at least one + point.
  • TwinLamps
    I dislike short races, to say it mildly.
    Awake, but at what cost
  • rpa
    Most. It's a matter of taste. For me ugly is fine but something in TES character art design, humans and humanoids in particular annoys me. Modding can more or less fix it but no such thing in ESO.

    (Also thread necromancy.)
    Edited by rpa on December 10, 2020 12:57PM
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