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what is your LEAST favorite race, and why?

  • Faiza
    It's a close tie between high elves and dark elves. But dark elves if i can only pick one. they just don't have any redeemable moments in their lore at all.

  • Uryel
    Altmers. All high and mighty, holier than thou, opression prone, slavery prone, foppish bastages.

    Summerset was a torture.
  • Starlight_Whisper
  • jircris11
    I went breton because out if the races I find them the most boring.
    IGN: Ki'rah
    DC/AD faction/NA server.
  • SammyKhajit
    Any of them can be annoying.

    Altmer: Veiled Inheritance. Snotty nose in general

    Argonian: lack of more stories and quests from Jaxik Orrn and her tribe. Also need more costumes and cosmetics

    Breton: I thought they had more magical properties? Glenumbra etc it’s a bit bland

    Bosmer: faux Cockney accent

    Dunmer: Telvanni and I always hunt them down. Likewise the slavers

    Imperial: Abnar Tharn’s numerous relatives

    Khajit: the lack of variety outside of Elswyr

    Nord: faux Russian accent is very off putting

    Orca: the whole patriarchal manly chief thing

    Redguard: lack of nuance - in Oblivion there were magic Redguard NPCs but ESOs they are pretty cookie cutter and all about ancestors etc.
    Edited by SammyKhajit on December 16, 2020 10:00AM
  • renne
    Imperial: Abnar Tharn’s numerous relatives

    Big mood.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I adore Abnur, but by the Divines does his relatives crawl out of the woodwork everywhere to take over something.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • CaptainBones
    "All Human races tbh because why would I want to play my own race? Now at least Redguard have an interesting culture and Imperials are based off Romans, one of my favourite civilisations. Bretons are just... snore."

    I can't believe this got 13 agrees. Do people even know the lore? Breton are far from your own race. They are the offspring of Elves and their Human slaves who interbred and inherit traits from both of their ancestors hence why they have such an emphasis on magic in their culture along with the medieval England/France motif with the knights ect. Their mixed-blood explains why they make the best battle mages and why they have the best magicka resistance in TES games ect. They also seem to have a knack for conjuration and fit well as Necromancers due to the practice being so common in High Rock, although looked down upon. Bretons also have quite a few awesome major characters in lore whereas some races have little.

    With Bretons you get the cool feudal/medieval theme with the knights and kings but with all the magic that makes TES such an interesting universe. They are, imo, arguably the LEAST boring human race. We all know that they are among the best in terms of stats when it comes to the TES games hence why they're so popular but they also have good lore, a nice magicka/stamina hybrid concept and a lot of opportunities for playstyles such as the aforementioned battlemage, templar, knight/warrior, assassin, necromancer... they all amongst the more awesome playstyles in TES games and they all fit Breton like a glove in terms of aesthetics/thematics and/or stats.

    Breton have a lot going for them. Sure, they might not be THE most interesting race overall when you factor in the likes of Dunmer but when comparing only the Human races i think they're easily up there as the most unique of the 4.

    As for the least interesting Human race? I'd actually go with Nord or Imperial. Both have their cool stuff like every race but i think the backstory of Bretons being this half-accepted hybrid race of elves and men with both magic and physical traits alone makes Bretons more unique than either of those two. Redguards have a cool culture so I'd rank them second most interesting Human race.

    Now, my least favourite race in general? Probably Argonian. When i was a kid playing Oblivion for the first time i pictured Argonians as these cool dragon people who were a lot more reasonable than their dragon ancestors and while lacking certain features such as wings, they were still fearsome and badass warriors who could exhale flames and could go toe to toe with anyone or anything.

    Then i started to read the lore as i got older and really didn't like the way they were portrayed as these slaves. The one or two major moments of "victory" they've had in the lore were the daedric invasion and the sacking of mournhold but then you start to read about those events and even they weren't 100% down to Argonian skill and badassery. They dealt with the oblivion crisis due to basically being given super powers and warnings from their magical sentient hist trees making them prepared in advance and amped up on steroids, they could only invade MW when the Dunmer were weakened from the same crisis because they weren't given special powers by trees and the only reason the empire and other forces couldn't fully conquer them is because of how deadly their swamp is.

    Just seems like most if not all of their selling points and moments of triumph is down to either their homeland that gives them an advantage or their connection to the hist trees which they rely on. But still with all of that they were slaves to the Dunmer who are much cooler imo and if not for these third parties granting them benefits they would have been crushed a long time ago.

    Probably my biggest disappointment about something in TES lore was finding out about the backstory of the Argonians. Sometimes i wish i could completely wipe that part from my memory and pretend they are little badass dragon warriors again.
    Edited by CaptainBones on February 1, 2021 5:23PM
  • Vanya
    Hear! Hear da Hist! Lizards over boring Bretons anytime. Oddly how players prefer non-unique race. Of course I explained Bretons are the least appealing race. 24% Argonians. Poor Amphibian folk by Xul-Thuxis! Must have to do with their appearance. Along with Khajit they are bestial races, I don't see how can anyone shun thHeem away so easily.

    Altmer sorry to disappoint and Dunmer thy are the most proud and intelligent race of the best dialogue in game, Superior races which is true actually ,players probably dislike their arrogance and attitude overall if you pass over that. I love Master Wizards any HIgh elf. They are perfected,gorgeous,they have incredible magic users,rich history,refined speech,style,elegance etc Thy have something to boast about it, no wonder when you are so mega successful, intelligent and perfected that you find other races inferior or unworthy. Standard.

    High elves <3

    Hear.. Hear da Hist!
    Edited by Vanya on February 1, 2021 4:41PM
  • Lumenn
    Lot of dislike for Argonians.....while I admit I'm biased as I played an Iksar when they released in EQ for years Argonians appearance always seemed to have the most variety to me. Favorite race, even if they're not BIS for anything.

    Now Orc, I don't see how anyone can make an orc w/o picturing them drooling everywhere. Maybe they love bulldogs idk but I personally just can't do it.
  • LightYagami

    Reason: Paid race
    No improvement on Cyrodill servers -> no ESO plus renewal.
  • Aliyavana
    Rudrani wrote: »
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    All my characters are still all Dunmer. So... everyone else?

    me too

    dunmer are also known as racists and xenophobic, LUL
    Edited by Aliyavana on February 1, 2021 5:47PM
  • Icy_Waffles
    I don’t like how talk. I don’t really like their aesthetic or even their home setting etc. Khajiit do nothing for me.
  • Syldras
    I can't really make a choice. Actually I don't even feel any animosity towards any of the races. It's more that some are more interesting to me, others less. Generally, I'm more drawn to mer of all kinds. Humans - not so much (although they, of course, vary a lot in their cultures). Beast races might be interesting culturally, but somehow I cannot imagine playing an Argonian if I consider all lore about the Hist. That's another point, actually: Some might have an interesting background, but really roleplaying as one of them? Not my cup of tea. That's also the case with orcs for me, btw.
    Edited by Syldras on February 2, 2021 5:11PM
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Hlanu
    They have one of the most fascinating lore and yet I do not like them. While not all the same, I generally don't like the khajiiti behaviour and way of speaking. The only exception is the Alfiq furstock, those I love. But then again, they do look like proper cats and I am a cat person.

    Second least favourite race would be Nord. Dumb as a log.
    Hlanu - Redguard Arcanist
    Tahemet at-Hubalajad - Redguard Sorcerer

    PC EU
  • Wolfpaw
    All elves, triangle face.
  • myskyrim26
    Double-faced Bosmer. You think they love nature, trees, plants and all that? No, they don't.
  • Syldras
    Wolfpaw wrote: »
    All elves, triangle face.

    *looks at your forum avatar*
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Double-faced Bosmer. You think they love nature, trees, plants and all that? No, they don't.

    Could you explain?
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • kaisernick
    Aliyavana wrote: »
    Rudrani wrote: »
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    All my characters are still all Dunmer. So... everyone else?

    me too

    dunmer are also known as racists and xenophobic, LUL
    Every race is eso is racist and xenophobic in some level.

    While i dont hate any race bosmer are my least favorate followed closly by Nords, they just have to least appeal to me and their lors i dont find that intresting.
  • myskyrim26
    Syldras wrote: »
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    Double-faced Bosmer. You think they love nature, trees, plants and all that? No, they don't.

    Could you explain?

    A lot of quests reveal that Bosmer don't love the plants. If I write details, there will be quest spoilers. Also, many lore books reveal that outside Valenwood Bosmer can chop trees and do all kind of forbidden things. They also gladly use wood from other provinces. As for animals, they don't just eat them, they hunt for pure fun.
  • SOLDIER_1stClass
    Altmer, Khajit, Argonians are all equally bottom of the barrel

    Edited by SOLDIER_1stClass on February 2, 2021 8:24PM
  • SilverBride
    Argonian, because the less human a race looks the less seriously I take them.
  • kinguardian
    I just can not get used to the look of the argonian. I don't have any thoughts or problems when I see them with other players or npc's, but playing with one keeps putting me off.

    And I do not like the imperial but that is because they are not really good at anything.
  • hexentb16_ESO
    Appearance is a big deal for me in ESO. If I'm gunna get my ass handed to me by someone or something I might as well leave behind a beautiful corpse.

    Imperial males are hideous. Doesn't matter what I try I just can't make them look attractive. Their racials are great but I gotta keep a helmet on em 24/7.
  • Starlight_Whisper
    This disappoints me...I have already voted! But yeah Bretons ugly
  • ks888
    I only voted Imperial to troll a friend - no other reason
    DC NA - Norri - Khole RIP - [Mostly Outnumbered]** I have too many toons **RIP every alt I deleted - where am I? what year is it?
  • wolfbone
    dark elves.
    cos they're ignorant and arrogant, and take slaves because they think it 'civilises' other races

    red gaurds
    cos they're so stupid, they wont even fight zombies beseeching their city
  • UGotBenched91
    Eww imagine thinking Argonians are ugly when you have pasty Bretons, wrinkled mouth breathing orcs, and resting (you know what) face high elf and dark elves. I’ll take my colorful Amazon Argonian healer over that boring nonsense any day ;)

    But khajit are the superior choice
    Edited by UGotBenched91 on February 2, 2021 10:22PM
  • Syldras
    myskyrim26 wrote: »
    A lot of quests reveal that Bosmer don't love the plants. If I write details, there will be quest spoilers. Also, many lore books reveal that outside Valenwood Bosmer can chop trees and do all kind of forbidden things. They also gladly use wood from other provinces. As for animals, they don't just eat them, they hunt for pure fun.

    But do they ever say they love plants or nature? I thought that's more an interpretation from the outside. They only follow the Green Pact's rules (which means: no usage of plants from their forest, hunting animals is okay) to get protection from it.

    Edited by Syldras on February 2, 2021 11:21PM
    @Syldras | PC | EU
    The forceful expression of will gives true honor to the Ancestors.
    Sarayn Andrethi, Telvanni mage (Main)
    Darvasa Andrethi, his "I'm NOT a Necromancer!" sister
    Malacar Sunavarlas, Altmer Ayleid vampire
  • Athan1
    It's a shame Argonians aren't really loved bc their lore is quite interesting. However, this is quite understandable, given that they don't look human and this naturally makes it difficult for players to identify with. Khajiit would have shared the same fate if they were based on any other animal too (people just love cats and dogs, but that's about it).

    This also explains why Argonians seem to play a secondary role in the upcoming Oblivion chapter, compared to the more popular Imperials. Sure, they'll be there, but they aren't on the promo material bc they don't sell as well as Imperials.
    Athan Atticus Imperial Templar of Shezarr
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