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what is your LEAST favorite race, and why?

  • Vlad9425
    They ugly af 😆
  • Cerbolt
    They're boring and generic and I hate their voices.
    AD - For the Queen!
    PSEU: Relaryn - Altmer Vampblade | Kazhran - Khajiit Stamsorc | Khahan-ra - Khajiit Magplar | Ra'ban - Khajiit MagDK | Gaelhwen - Bosmer Stamden

    PCEU: Kazhran - Khajiit Stamsorc | Khahan-ra - Khajiit Stamplar | Relaryn - Altmer Vampblade
  • Olupajmibanan
    Despite having most of my characters Bretons due to universally good racials, it's still the only race I can say I dislike. The best word for them is flavourless - nothing special, they don't look cool, they don't act cool, they're just plain, regular, boring humans. Simply, flavourless.
    Edited by Olupajmibanan on December 10, 2020 2:10PM
  • LalMirchi
    Argonian : Just cannot make them look good and I hate Murkmire.
  • kinguardian
    I don't dislike any race. Playing through the Caldwell silver quest lines you learn something dark about a lot of the races.

    But putting that aside and going on their skills I again do not dislike any of them.
    I never played as an imperial though because everytime I seem to not really find a fit for them.

    Then going by looks I do not like the argonians.
    I made several ones just to experiment with different looks and the one I was most satisfied with looked a lot like sun in shadows from vvardenfell.
    Their looks ate somehow off putting to me eventhough I can not put my finger on why I feel like that
  • Grianasteri
    Nyladreas wrote: »
    Generic boring western-medieval humans getting high off politics.

    They're good mages though (which is just fantasy spice) so there's at least one + point.

    I felt exactly the same as you regarding the Bretons, I just felt they were generic medieval Europeans in concept.

    But my perception changed when I found out more about their lore, specifically that they are effectively half elf, half human. I really like that, half elves have been a thing in fantasy lore forever. So I feel far more positive about Bretons now, I only wish they had a bit more firepower to compete with altmer and dunmer, recovery just doesnt do it for me on anything but my healers.
  • relentless_turnip
    They are an abomination!!!
  • Ascarl
    Argonian - mostly because of their annoying voice over. Actually I find their behavior irritating in many quest. However many Altmer and all male Dunmer are jerks as well.
    And I don't like Bosmer lore too much, I never got the whole green pact thing, especially with so many wooden palisades around etc.
    Same with orcs and Malacath cult.
  • BXR_Lonestar
    I voted Altmer. Too many of them are jerks. And the nice ones always seem to end up dead in Summerset.

    Quen is the one exception to this general rule though, and I like her. But seriously, hate the high elves.

  • Araneae6537
    Nords as in TES games they have generally been dumb and obnoxious and in ESO most are additionally drunken and rather ugly with potato-like heads and beady eyes.

    I don’t dislike a race for having darker aspects if they are interesting. ESO (specifically Wrothgar) increased my appreciation of orcs because I got to more aspects of their culture and varied characters. That doesn’t mean I approve of all aspects or want to join, but I can appreciate them as part of the game. Whereas to me, humans are generally less interesting, more typical pseudo-medieval or Roman, and Nords least interesting of all because they seem a backward unintelligent superstitious lot.
    Edited by Araneae6537 on December 10, 2020 4:45PM
  • Grandchamp1989
    Personly I can't stand Elves in this game...

    They're arrogant, backstabbing creatures.

    But... Atleast they're somewhat unique.

    Nords are just blatant Viking ripoff....
    A fantasy game should be able to do more with that. Add somethings unique to it.
    I know.. Dragon Shouts...
    I just wish they were more unique in their culture. Blend more fantasy elements into it.
  • twev
    Argonians are just too alien for me to ever want to play one.

    That in no way means that other players shouldn't play them if they want to.
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • UGotBenched91
    So, much hate for the Argonian master race! Makes me want to play them even more. I also make my Argonians super shiny and :fantasy" themed to try and pretty up the vomit green and mud colors of ESO. :)

    I'm not a fan of Orcs in this game. They come off just and like they have low intelligence. Plus, IMO orcs should have their own cosmetics just like the other beast races but for whatever reason they have the exact same choices as Breton other than skin color.

    And Altmer and Dunmer are just annoying.
    Edited by UGotBenched91 on December 10, 2020 10:19PM
  • Chaos2088
    The contradicting lore. Half breeds will take after the mother in looks.....but then half elf/human things exist.
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • TheImperfect
    Bosmer. I played Skyrim as one but some in Eso grate on me. Can't stand Eveli Sharp Arrow. I still have a bosmer but she is less annoying. I think the racial passives they have are a bit naff too.
  • cyclonus11
    these are my LEAST favorite threads
  • renne
    I hate Shadowfen and I hate Argonians extremely samey but grating voices.
  • Araneae6537
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    The contradicting lore. Half breeds will take after the mother in looks.....but then half elf/human things exist.

    How is it a contradiction? Bretons look just like the rest of the humans in ESO.
  • faeeichenlaub
    Orc. The vermin among us.
    "Azura give me strength, Let my voice change the world as long as I am in it."
  • cynicalbutterfly
    I just don't find them appealing tbh. Between Argonian and Orc, I'd take the ugly Orc. Although I do find Argonian lore just as fascinating as the rest of the lore. What bothers me about them is their seemingly blind faith in the Hist. They basically worship a tree that would kill the lot of them if it decided that's how best it would survive a situation. And because the Hist decided it, they would be like alright if that's what it says.
  • Chaos2088
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    The contradicting lore. Half breeds will take after the mother in looks.....but then half elf/human things exist.

    How is it a contradiction? Bretons look just like the rest of the humans in ESO.

    In lore some breton's have pointed ear tips. :)
    @Chaos2088 PC EU Server | AD-PvP
  • ealdwin
    Chaos2088 wrote: »
    The contradicting lore. Half breeds will take after the mother in looks.....but then half elf/human things exist.

    How is it a contradiction? Bretons look just like the rest of the humans in ESO.

    There really isn't any contradition.

    From Racial Phylogeny:
    Generally the offspring bear the racial traits of the mother, though some traces of the father's race may also be present.
    One might further wonder whether the proper classification of these same "races," to use the imprecise but useful term, should be made from the assumption of a common heritage and the differences between them have arisen from magickal experimentation, the manipulations of the so-called "Earth Bones," or from gradual changes from one generation to the next.

    The key word here being "Generally". Nothing is defined with absolute certainty. It's pretty much suggested that offspring are not A or B, but rather a mix of A and B with usually the mother's racial traits being in larger proportion. But this book only really talks about the resultant offspring of one generation, and only briefly talks about the effects of numerous generations. Considering that the interbreeding of the Aldmer and the Nedes occurred over numerous generations during the Direnni Hedgemony, you would see the racial traits of the Aldmer and the Nedes gradually merged as the resultant offsprings of each generation were more of a combination of Nedic and Aldmer, the Manmer.
    Edited by ealdwin on December 11, 2020 2:43AM
  • Tannus15
    Argonian because swamps. I hate shadow fen. I hate Murkmire. I just hate their setting.

    It's really not a race thing, it's a location thing. Put all the Breton's in the swamp and i'll hate them instead.
  • Nephthys
    Argonians - The scales {shudder} and the greetings of "I erect the spine of......" {shudder}.
    Dunmer magicka Necromancer DPS/Healer
  • Aptonoth
    So, much hate for the Argonian master race! Makes me want to play them even more. I also make my Argonians super shiny and :fantasy" themed to try and pretty up the vomit green and mud colors of ESO. :)

    I'm not a fan of Orcs in this game. They come off just and like they have low intelligence. Plus, IMO orcs should have their own cosmetics just like the other beast races but for whatever reason they have the exact same choices as Breton other than skin color.

    And Altmer and Dunmer are just annoying.

    Hear hear my Argonians are all as weird aliened and blinged out as I can make them stand out and look strange.
  • Rudrani
    Altmer... because ***
  • SydneyGrey
    Redguard, but it has nothing to do with the way they look. I can't stand their culture. I can't respect any culture that would let their own fathers walk around as zombies because it's culturally forbidden to kill them.

    EDIT- After posting this, I see my original choice was Nord. LOL. Yay necroed threads.
    Edited by SydneyGrey on December 11, 2020 7:10AM
  • VoxAdActa
    SydneyGrey wrote: »
    I can't respect any culture that would let their own fathers walk around as zombies because it's culturally forbidden to kill them.

    That's exactly why I voted for Redguard. Apparently, they'd rather their entire civilization get wiped off the face of the planet than hit a zombie with a sword? And we're gonna get testy with some foreign rando who's trying to save their butts out of the goodness of his heart, because he doesn't mind hitting zombies with a sword? A society that superstitious in a world where people like Mannimarco exist wouldn't have made it to modern times.

    Even the Asha'ba origin story/flashback quest was stupid af. I just wanted that one brother to turn to the stupid priest and be like: "So it's just you, my brother, and me here... what are you going to do when my brother and I both say YOU killed the zombie king? Because that's what we're going to do, so maybe you ought to have a revelation from Tall Papa here real quick that says killing zombies is ok."

    Edited by VoxAdActa on December 11, 2020 7:42AM
  • Jeremy
    Wing wrote: »
    we have had quite a few favorite race polls, so what's your least favorite.

    and remember, why?

    -is it mechanics?
    -is it lore?
    -is it appearance?

    I would vote Imperial. Because out all the races they seem to be the least defined.
  • FatFred
    Because nord passives are so situational, only good for tanking , and I dislike tanking
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