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what is your LEAST favorite race, and why?

  • moonsugar66
    I voted bosmer but only because I hate what's happened to her racial passives. Otherwise, I like her. It's like having an angsty teenage daughter... with tats, piercings, and antlers. (FYI: 50 something RL mom, here)

    She's my fisherman. She has no excuse for being bored because she has an occupation. She gets to hang out at the beach, soaking in the sun rays and chillin' with her pet chicken.
  • barney2525
    butt ugly
  • JayAstrophel
    Many Altmer and Dunmer I come across in game seem to be biased against others for what are inherent parts of themselves and I can't stand it as someone who plays almost exclusively Khajiit and Argonians. Of course I've met some exceptions that are cool characters, but most of the time when I come across an Altmer or a Dunmer I know to expect not great things (NPCs, not players, obviously)
    level cap characters -
    Aren'dra - khajiit ww stamblade - DPS - sneak-thief wanderer
    still leveling -
    Danara-jo - khajiit vamp magblade - healer - ancient scholar
    Lost-In-His-Wanderings - argonian magplar - healer - melancholy dreamer
    Riin-daro the Returned- khajiit necro - tank - pieced back together
    Paints-the-Skies - argonian magden - DPS - storyteller
    Furrin-ko - khajiit magden - healer - wild at heart
    Completely-Innocent - argonian magdk - DPS - gets into trouble
  • emilyhyoyeon
    apart from a couple of my top favorites, I love all the races almost equally, but if I have to pick a least favorite it would be dunmer. Culturally/aesthetically/etc I think they're really cool but the targeted racial slavery thing is what puts them below the others for me
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • Taleof2Cities
    I don’t have a least favorite race.

    I do have a couple of races I haven’t played yet: Nord, Orc

    Khajiit I don’t play now either, but will have one character when Elsweyr drops.
  • barney2525
    Actually my least favorite race is the 800 meter

  • Vermethys
    Khajiits. I love cats in real life, but Khajiits always rub me the wrong way.
    PC EU CP1400+
    In-game Username: Vermilion98

    Characters & Builds
    Edith Geonette [DC Imperial Sorcerer] (AR28)
    Gorgo Aendovius [AD Imperial Dragonknight] (AR28)

    My Builds:
  • Jamdarius
    Wing wrote: »
    we have had quite a few favorite race polls, so what's your least favorite.

    and remember, why?

    -is it mechanics?
    -is it lore?
    -is it appearance?

    List from least liked to loved most:

    1. Orcs - I was raised on Warhammer Fantasy RPG (dices,paper and imagination good old days ;)) and WFB and W40k so...
    Kill all vile greenskins in the Emperor's name! Also they are ugly...
    2. Argonians - they attacked Dunmers and invaded Morrowind which is unacceptable in my eyes, might even make that number one instead someday but they got interesting lore unlike orcs so I forgive them partially for it, also I suppose they are good material for nice belts and shoes so they got some use.
    3. Altmers - Talmor... And also kinda reminds me of nazists. Enough said.
    4. Bosmers - Cannibals >.< How come werewolves are considered evil for eating people when Bosmers do same thing is beyond my knowledge.
    5. Redguards - I kinda dislike them due to ESO story,
    They will not fight against undeads that eat their still living family because they might be their "honored ancestors", and those who did destroy zombies got exiled/banished from their society... Such idiotic behaviour made me think of them as the worst and most stupid of mankind race in Tamriel.
    6. Bretons - Honestly too few information about this race so I am pretty neutral if it comes to them, they are supposed to be some kind of elf + human hybrid but beside that we don't know much about their history.
    7. Imperials - Race of men, they gotsome heroes and good history, united all provinces racial equality and prosperity to all at times of peace. More like than dislike.
    8. Khajiits - Who doesn't like those speaking catfolk? Well I bet only those who got their goods stolen by them, they always can make nice rug if you catch them on the act though. Also very good meme generator race and interesting lore about how their subspecies is being birthed depending on moons phases.
    9. Nords - They fight, they drink, they fight again - my kind of people however they will forever be 2nd place in my heart. Best mankind race in Tamriel in my eyes.
    We have a winner:
    10. Dunmers - Best race, they got everything, proud warriors (Redoran), powerful mages (Telvanni), good business (Hlaalu), faithful folk (Indoril), evil folk that like to play with lesser races (Dres), good assassins (Morag Tong - Naryu Virian <3), they can make mechanical limbs (Clockwork City) and they even have nomadic tribes (Ashlanders) so everyone can find and make a Dark Elf that suits them most (at least in TES single player series).

    Unlike other elvish races they know how to have fun (for more information read book The Real Barenziah) <3 Yup you will say they think to highly of themselves and I say which race doesn't think they are superior to others in Tamriel?

    Dunmers also have THE BEST lore out of all races, mostly due to being released in times that reading good book and lore inside the game was a thing, doesn't change the fact that they havethe most interesting history of how their race came to be.

  • Kiralyn2000
    Altmer, Orc, Argonian, Khajit. Appearance (They look strange and/or ugly) ;)
    But Altmer take the lead once you add in their attitude.

    Never made a character of any of those races in Morrowind, Oblivion, or Skyrim, either.
  • Silver_Strider
    Based on Lore and general appearance, Orcs.
    They are literally crap covered Elves that follow the Boethiah Dung Pile that is Malacath. I respect their crafting aptitude, but that's all I tolerate of Orcs

    Based on Personality: Altmer
    While Dunmer can be equally insufferable, Altmer just inch ahead of them because, unlike Dunmer, the majority of Altmer are just foul to be around. They few everyone as beneath them, constantly belittling even their allies and just being generally unlikable. At least Dunmer don't actively belittle their allies and have some moral fiber to them.
    Argonian forever
  • Grentek
    Jamdarius wrote: »
    3. Altmers - Talmor... And also kinda reminds me of nazists. Enough said.
    Grentek wrote: »
    Have you ever seen an Altmer? Or read anything about the nazis?

    Jamdarius wrote: »
    9. Nords - They fight, they drink, they fight again - my kind of people however they will forever be 2nd place in my heart. Best mankind race in Tamriel in my eyes.
    They invaded Morrowind, get them up in your list please.

    The dominion will not flee,
    We fight for Eternity!
    Hear the singing of our blades,
    Death has come, foes be afraid!
  • Ash_In_My_Sujamma
    they eat people and they throw their trash out from their windows
  • Cravalllo
    Interesting thoughts!
    Edited by Cravalllo on April 28, 2019 4:28PM
  • Fermian
    Argonian because of their human body. Just looks lame in full armor. Wish they got a more beast like body shape.
  • Aztrias
    The Bosmer(the females are kind of cute though :D )

    Welcome Moon-and-Star to this place where destiny is made
    Nerevar forget!
  • Silverhand2156
    Why the hate for argonians :(
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    Altmers or Dark elves (especially Telvanni & Hlaalu because of their f**d-up Nutse - like mentality).
    Edited by Tommy_The_Gun on April 28, 2019 4:33PM
  • Kw1satzHaderach
    Orcs, because there's no way to make a good looking orc.


    I beg to differ
    Edited by Kw1satzHaderach on April 28, 2019 4:35PM
  • Aulus_Claudius
    They're just plain ugly to me. I can hide the face with a helmet, but not the tail. Add to that the fact that their passives are so strong for PvP healtanking so that you kind of have to play one with certain builds and you get a race that really grates on my nerves.
  • TelvanniWizard
  • mjharper
    Dunmer. Slave-owning supremacists. The fact that anyone thinks that haughty charm in any way makes up for that appals me.
  • Tommy_The_Gun
    They're just plain ugly to me. I can hide the face with a helmet, but not the tail. Add to that the fact that their passives are so strong for PvP healtanking so that you kind of have to play one with certain builds and you get a race that really grates on my nerves.
    You could argue that it was true before Wrathstone DLC. Now you are just spreading out-of date rumours.
  • Galarthor
    Who wants to live in such crappy huts and wear such stinky cloth?
    The concept of "Personal Hygiene" is competely unknown to them.
  • Snaekd
    please be patient
    I have eutism
  • Tasear
  • daemonios
    Missing an option: server hamster. Those motherbleepers have been bleeping us over constantly.
  • Aulus_Claudius
    You could argue that it was true before Wrathstone DLC. Now you are just spreading out-of date rumours.

    Spreading rumors? The OP asked for our personal reasons disliking a race in ESO and I gave that, nothing more, nothing less. My short-potion-CD PvP survival NB kinda has to be an Argonian for the build to work, and I find that irritating every time I log onto that character.
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    I like all the races of Elder Scrolls for various reasons. Everything from appearance, lore to culture. So same as I can't think of a favourite, I can't think of one I like the least.
    Besides, thanks to Tamriel's acculturation and all races being able to be found pretty much everywhere, members of one specific race can vary a lot, depending on where they grew up. A Nord born and raised in Skyrim will be quite different from a Nord born and raised in the Imperial City, for example.
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • ruff
    Orcs in general, because they are made of boethia's feces.
    There are some nice species like Lord Rugdumph gro-Shurgak but overall that does not altmer the picture.
  • commodore64
    Ridiculous Compare the Meerkat accent. This one can saaave you money on your caaaar insurance, yeeeeeess?
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