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what is your LEAST favorite race, and why?

  • bluelights400

    I coukd go on for hours about this, but not all Altmer are thalmor. If it was for tiber septim attacking summerset we wouldnt have the 4th wra thalmor all up in our faces
    i love borzois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • bluelights400
    Grentek wrote: »
    Jamdarius wrote: »
    3. Altmers - Talmor... And also kinda reminds me of nazists. Enough said.
    Grentek wrote: »
    Have you ever seen an Altmer? Or read anything about the nazis?

    Jamdarius wrote: »
    9. Nords - They fight, they drink, they fight again - my kind of people however they will forever be 2nd place in my heart. Best mankind race in Tamriel in my eyes.
    They invaded Morrowind, get them up in your list please.

    The altmer never invaded morrowind, do you mean the nords?
    i love borzois!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Eiagra
    Necro-post AND it's full of hate.

    That's a special kind of necromancy, there.
          In verity.
  • TheImperfect
    For me probably Bosmer but my Husband thinks Imperials are the most boring.
  • TheImperfect
    For me probably Bosmer but my Husband thinks Imperials are the most boring.
  • Malkiv
    Cats are dumb.
    PC-NA | PvP (Gray Host & BGs) | PvE (vTrials & vDGs)
  • QuebraRegra
    hated? ORCs.. because they look hideous, are big, but have great racial skills.

    now hear me out... what if we could apply a 'racial" polymorph or select a different race appearance via the outfit system?

    Sell me an ORC that looks like a GOBLIN (yes i know about the gem), or WOODELF, and just TAKE MAH MONEY!!!


  • QuebraRegra
    Ratzkifal wrote: »
    Can't make a general statement so I guess I'll break it down.

    Bosmer, because their racial passives don't reflect their lore.
    Argonians, because their passives are mathematically lacking the most behind other classes thanks to a misjudgement on ZOS' part.
    Altmer, because their architecture is not nearly as grand as it should have been.
    Redguard, because frankly their lore doesn't sound very interesting to me (opinion might change).

    they really screwed up the BOSMER :(
  • Kadraeus
    I don't hate Bretons, but I don't really understand why they're so popular tbh. They have the potential to be really interesting since they're part human/part elf, but they really just come across as ordinary medieval humans.

  • Basaz
    Khajiit. I'm not fond of cats, and Khajiit comes off as low intellect creatures. They're the Jar-Jar Binks of the Elder Scrolls universe.
  • Thechuckage
    Its a hard tossup between orc and khajit. Orcs are uglier, players who use khajit are generally more annoying. Stuga really tips the scales tho.
  • EnerG
    Bretons to me is absolutely basic, you play a game where you can be a literal lizard, an elf, or any of the human races that actually have more depth to them and you chose the basic most-like-our-world race??? I mean even imperials and nords are based on cultures that aren't exactly around in their glory today with alot of fantasy elements mixed in for flavor. Bretons are just like a modern European person who can cast some fire a little bit better than other humans, big whoop. Nothing special.
  • Minyassa
    Back in December I voted Altmer but had second thoughts and picked Dunmer instead. Since then I have decided there are no races in Tamriel that are NOT my least favorite. Tamriel is a rude place full of annoying cultures* and only the exceptional individuals from those cultures make it bearable.

    Altmer are RACIST
    Argonians are JUDGY
    Bosmer are STINKY
    Dunmer are SLAVERS
    Khajiit are THOUGHTLESS
    Nords are CHARICATURES
    Orsimer are JERKS

    *Not to say I don't love Tamriel anyway. I find all peoples annoying in real life, too.
  • ImmortalElf13
    I've had an unreasonable hatred of Dunmer since Morrowind. I loved the game, hated the continent, who doesn't hate cliff racers, and the the entitled arrogance of the Dunmer people. Playing the ESO version of Morrowind did not change my opinion of them.
    Pulchra floralibus mitram iuro, tibi desinet.
  • barney2525
    Why the hate for argonians :(


    They ugly

    Like Orcs

    I can't stick with a character that I can't make 'look good'.


  • Flaaklypa
  • RDMyers65b14_ESO
    Pompous pointy ears. You know that if it rains in Alinor, several of them drown.

  • ElvenOverlord
    AlienSlof wrote: »
    I really detest Bosmer - small, annoying, I don't like their accents or their lore. Cannibalistic, backwards-way-round, tree-hugging hippies.

    I did this one quest where they held a wizard's wife to ransom while he saved their village, then threatened to eat her. If I'd been him, I'd have fireballed them and their stupid village to the ground and left them to burn in Hell. Stupid, annoying Bosmer.

    Never liked them in any of the Elder Scrolls games.

    Yeah the whole Green Pact thing is just a cult, plants eating people when taking a cut of a single leaf to save a life? That's *** up. Punishing an entire village for the action of one person? Plants in Valenwood are just blood hungry a-holes
  • ElvenOverlord
    Iluvrien wrote: »
    Altmer. Every time.

    All of the arrogance, none of the effectiveness.

    Dunmer are similarly snooty, but there is an understanding that they can, and will, feed you your own nose if you get cheeky. Altmer just prance off with their nose in a sling.

    Gotta disagree with you there. To many badass high elves throughout history have saved Tamriel time and again many times over. You're just speaking stereotypically based on some snooty npcs. High elves are the most magically gifted mages for a reason. Even the high elf villains are awesome. Mannimarco is the perfect arrogant, self absorbed sociopath in pursuit of power and has the skills and magic to back it up. Vanus Galerion is equally as gifted, he is powerful, wise and risks his life to be on the front lines in Coldharbour, probably the most selfless Altmer in all ESO. Ayrenn, love or hate her has the best intentions, doesn't back down from a fight and unlike Emeric is confident in herself and her leadership and is not plagued by self doubt.

    The High Elves of Auridon are battle tested and they are the first line of defense of Summerset. They have been hardened by centuries of attempted invasions, Maormer attacks and naval incursions and have pushed them all back. Even the great Tiber Septim who conquered all of Tamriel needed the Numidium to break through the naval defenses of the Altmer and conquer Summerset. Don't let the wealthy elite snobs who were born and raised in privilege in the Summerset expansion and never had to lift a finger or struggle for anything fool you. They don't represent all Altmer.
  • xaraan
    That argonian vote makes me sad.
    -- @xaraan --
    nightblade: Xaraan templar: Xaraan-dar dragon-knight: Xaraanosaurus necromancer: Xaraan-qa warden: Xaraanodon sorcerer: Xaraan-ra
    AD • NA • PC
  • NotaDaedraWorshipper
    There are so many dislikes here based on lore inaccuracies or just appearance. Tragic.
    Edited by NotaDaedraWorshipper on February 11, 2021 6:38PM
    [Lie] Of course! I don't even worship Daedra!
  • ThorianB
    I really don't like anything about Argonians. I don't like their appearance, zones, culture, armors, furnishings, houses, nothing, nada. I don't hate them. I just don't like them.
  • Koronach
    ThorianB wrote: »
    I really don't like anything about Argonians. I don't like their appearance, zones, culture, armors, furnishings, houses, nothing, nada. I don't hate them. I just don't like them.

    Damn Zones, Culture, Armors, and Furnishings, are based off Mesoamerican cultures the Olmec, Inca, Aztec, and Mayans. Not sure I ever heard anyone say they hated them before. I like how the ancient Olmec, Mayans, and Aztecs settled near vast swamps, so they have that in common to.
    Edited by Koronach on February 11, 2021 7:35PM
  • SilverBride
    It takes a certain kind of person to play a furry. That's not me.
  • Maligerent
    Soul Shriven
    The most boring are the Imperials--they're literally just every other human race combined. And Ancient Rome is the most stereotypical fantasy setup imaginable.

    The Orcs have potential but again, they're just stereotypical fantasy Orcs. No surprises in their lore or behavior. They might as well be copypasta'd from DnD.

    My absolute favorite in the entire IP is the Dunmer. Ever since Morrowind I've been fascinated with their history, their culture, their architecture, and the thin line they walk as Daedra worshippers and later, Tribunal adherents. There's good and bad in them, and unlike the other races you don't have to go looking for the "dark side" of their society--for Dunmer it's right there in the open. They are incredibly resourceful, badass (a good chunk of the population lives in actively volcanic areas and use it to their advantage), terrific warriors and mages, adaptable, fiercely loyal to the causes they believe in, and willing to fight to the death to protect their families and homeland. On the other hand they are superstitious, distrusting of foreigners, religiously zealous, use slave labor (ESPECIALLY House Dres and House Telvanni), and brutal in their methods of war bordering on cruelty.

    They're a race literally painted in shades of gray and I love it.
  • PrimusTiberius
    I put Bosmer because I could never get into the passives of that race. I do have one out of 18 characters which is set up for Bow/Bow but rarely play him.
    Everyone is going in one direction, I'm going the other direction
  • Bradyfjord
    I don't like the khajiit aesthetic.
  • FantasticFreddie
    I think I did it wrong lol.
    I chose Redguard, because I think they are absolutely the worst race for anything... no useful dps passives, no useful tanking passives.... sustain passives in a parse food meta, big sad
  • LettuceBrain
    It takes a certain kind of person to play a furry. That's not me.

    Argonians aren't furry.

    I voted Bosmer not because of lore or appearance, but the fact that I CANNOT stand their personalities in the game. They all sound way too happy and cheerful all the time when we all know they ate their grandparents!
    Edited by LettuceBrain on April 26, 2021 5:19PM
  • zharkovian
    I never like the sack race or the egg and spoon race.
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