Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Encounter Logging

  • FatalForce
    Hallothiel wrote: »

    Totally agree with your posts in this & other threads. (As well as others who have expressed unhappiness with this) So thank you for stating clearly most of the issues I have with this.

    And there will be real world legal ramifications in UK/EU in regards to data protection & GDPR.

    Read early posts, doubt this is an issue as such platforms are already run for numerous other games with no issues, this isn't the first time this person is doing such a website...
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    I just hope this never ever comes to consoles as it would stop me getting involved in any trials or end-game stuff ever again. Not because I am necessarily bad at dps or whatever, but because it makes this whole thing seem more like a bloody job then it already does. I have limited time to play so the idea of practicing fecking rotations in order to ‘get gud’ just does not appeal much.

    I like doing trials with my guild as it’s FUN -not for leaderboard or skins or some misplaced need to get a sense of achievement from a video game. We learn together & help each other. All well & good - but I can see this then being used in ways that might make people feel uncomfortable, even with good intentions, if it is available to use.

    And it will lessen build diversity in the game as if you are not running Alcast’s (or whomever) FotM build or rotation, you might not ‘measure up’ even though you kill the bosses & get things done.

    That is completely your prerogative man! I'm happy you can get enjoyment from the game without worrying about improving your rotation, or optimizing your damage; you probably wouldn't benefit from this tool. However; there are many (MANY) people that do care about these things and this tool would be a great benefit to them. No one is stopping you from continuing to play with other like minded individuals that simply don't care how much damage they are doing and are just there for enjoyment. It's not really fair to belittle others for getting joy out of pushing the hardest content of the game and getting enjoyment out of the game in that manner.

  • DyingIsEasy
    idk wrote: »
    This whole discussion shouldn't be about some website but what ZOS exposes through the logging.
    And since you can set it to be anonymous this whole argument is invalid.

    It is not truly anonymous. Even some who do not care about the opinions of others have acknowledged that there are situations that an anonymous person could still be identified because they were the only DD in the raid that was toggled as anonymous.

    That is why the current design on Zos' end is insufficient.

    Without a shadow of a doubt there are situations where an anonymous person can be identified.

    Let's say player A wants to truly hurt player B by exposing his low dps.
    What stops player A from recording a dungeon run where he does low dps and then changing the log file to replace his name with the name of player B?
    I wouldn't like to be a target of something like that either but it's just that ZOS has ZERO control over it.

    It will be interesting to see how resistant the ESO Log is to being cheesed or edited. I hope people look into that on the PTS, since that's likely to prove a problem for raid groups wanting to use this as a tool.

    But when it comes to changing names to name-and-shame players, especially if they just post a picture of the log and not the log itself so it can't be as easily disproved, no editing of the actual log required? There's not really any way for ZOS to stop that. Or even ESO Logs. Heck, I could do that with Combat Metrics and a little bit of Photoshop trickery. You could do that regardless of whether or not the targeted player is set to anonymous or not.

    We already know that the logis a simple text file (from yesterdays stream). So editing the name is as simple as opening a text editor.

    But you can also cheese CMX parses by simply adding one of line of code.

    I really understand the wish to be 100% safe from having your dps data appear on some website.
    The problem is just that this is 100% impossible.
  • FatalForce
    For the people that are concerned about the game already being too dps focused, in what setting are you experiencing this?

    Are you concerned about going into a 4 person dungeon and having an 'elitest' person say your damage isn't high enough and you need to leave? (This tool won't change that) I would argue these types of people can exist regardless of this tool, or CMX, existing.

    Are you concerned about raids and not being invited to them anymore because you perform poorly? Or getting kicked mid run? There is plenty of information to do that now without this tool, and if the groups you run with don't care about that stuff now, this attitude won't change at all going forward.

    Or where is the focus and concern on dps so obvious? I'm curious because the truly end-game raiding community is just a tiny fraction of the population of the game; so if this dps centered mentality exists elsewhere can people provide examples and real life examples of them having this happen? So far it seems like people are just making claims of what could happen, not what is happening. Help me understand with actual examples, and how often this happens. There are bad apples in the world, and there will continue to be regardless of this, or any, tool.
  • eso_lags
    With the release of Elsweyr, we're adding the capability for PC players to export group based encounter logs to a local file, located in the Logs folder within your Elder Scrolls Online document folder. These logs can then be uploaded to, a website created by one of our community members, Here you can do a deep dive into logged combat events within your group to see things like damage, healing, resource usage, and much more.

    To start an encounter log, enter "/encounterlog" into chat (without the quotes). Once you're finished, you can type "/encounterlog" a second time to disable logging. You'll see a system message each time letting you know if you've started logging or stopped it. You will need an account on and the uploader available there to view your group's logs.

    You may remember that years ago, our addon API unintentionally allowed the ability to show group combat data in real time. While we saw a merit in this as tool, we disabled that capability due to the potential for misuse with having this information readily accessible in the game and in real time. Encounter logging provides a deep look into the same data, but external to the game and not in true real time. We believe these distinctions will swing the balance back towards using a tool like this for constructive purposes rather than nefarious ones. Additionally, we have added a setting located in the Combat settings menu that hides your character name from encounter logs. This means any combat events that are logged while you are present will display anonymously.

    Uploading your encounter logs privately will be available on PTS, so please feel free to generate and submit encounter logs for the new Sunspire Trial or any of the dungeons. We'll also be giving an overview of the tool tomorrow on ESO Live, so please post any questions you have that you'd like for us to answer.

    "We want to help our players to do our difficult content" "we want to help our content creators make better content"

    Except for console players right? I mean thats the honest truth of it.. I wonder, does zos actually value console players as much as PC players? Instead of working on something PC already had access to, why not work on giving console players something? Maybe lorebooks and skyshards built into the base game? I mean half of your community is on console but the gap keeps getting bigger between what each side has access to..

    Twitch drops are PC only.

    Add ons are PC only, and add ons give hundreds of QOL options that make every experience in this game better.

    This new encounter log is PC only. And again im not sure why zos would do this when PC players already had access to it (or something very similar) instead of working on something for console.. Dont get me wrong, its a cool idea but only for one platform.

    PC players get updates sooner, which is particularly detrimental for console streamers (if there are any left).

    Class reps seem to be PC only, although to be fair i think one of the class reps came from Ps4 but moved to PC, either way console is more than half of this community so how does that make sense?

    PTS access, quicker fixes for bugs, way better performance in general (for some strange reason since this is the same game on every platform).. PC will always be better than console.. Its easier for zos to work on the game on PC. Console has restrictions and some things, if put on console, would do more harm than good.

    Maybe console can get some QOL updates? Like If you're going to add something new to PC, maybe you add something new to console? Maybe get a class rep from every platform? Even if its just one? Maybe give us something instead of twitch drops? Maybe put some add ons in the base game since we will never have access to even 1/10th of what PC does? Probably not, but worth asking i suppose.
  • VaranisArano
    idk wrote: »
    This whole discussion shouldn't be about some website but what ZOS exposes through the logging.
    And since you can set it to be anonymous this whole argument is invalid.

    It is not truly anonymous. Even some who do not care about the opinions of others have acknowledged that there are situations that an anonymous person could still be identified because they were the only DD in the raid that was toggled as anonymous.

    That is why the current design on Zos' end is insufficient.

    Without a shadow of a doubt there are situations where an anonymous person can be identified.

    Let's say player A wants to truly hurt player B by exposing his low dps.
    What stops player A from recording a dungeon run where he does low dps and then changing the log file to replace his name with the name of player B?
    I wouldn't like to be a target of something like that either but it's just that ZOS has ZERO control over it.

    It will be interesting to see how resistant the ESO Log is to being cheesed or edited. I hope people look into that on the PTS, since that's likely to prove a problem for raid groups wanting to use this as a tool.

    But when it comes to changing names to name-and-shame players, especially if they just post a picture of the log and not the log itself so it can't be as easily disproved, no editing of the actual log required? There's not really any way for ZOS to stop that. Or even ESO Logs. Heck, I could do that with Combat Metrics and a little bit of Photoshop trickery. You could do that regardless of whether or not the targeted player is set to anonymous or not.

    We already know that the logis a simple text file (from yesterdays stream). So editing the name is as simple as opening a text editor.

    But you can also cheese CMX parses by simply adding one of line of code.

    I really understand the wish to be 100% safe from having your dps data appear on some website.
    The problem is just that this is 100% impossible.

    Since that's the case, I guess I'm not seeing how the hypothetical case of someone making a fake ESO log to name-and-shame someone is any different from what can already be accomplished through other means with our current addons.
  • jainiadral
    Please provide a permanent opt-out.

    Thank you!
  • Elsonso
    It will be interesting to see how resistant the ESO Log is to being cheesed or edited. I hope people look into that on the PTS, since that's likely to prove a problem for raid groups wanting to use this as a tool.

    Probably no resistance at all. Even if they try, it will be easy to work around any "checksum" or other validation.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Apox
    This is awesome. From my experience, the people who want to opt out of logging from wow are typically playing their spec suboptimally and get super defensive and try to rationalize their poor performance with "well im new" or "i have a life outside the game"

    Thats great and all, but youre playing with 3-11 other people in dungeons and trials, if youre performing super badly, theres no way around it, youre wasting their time and ruining their fun.

    This tool will help you look a your own data and tell speciically what youre doing right or wrong when compared to other people and is amazing for raid leaders to help their raid progress harder content.
    FatalForce wrote: »
    Hallothiel wrote: »

    Totally agree with your posts in this & other threads. (As well as others who have expressed unhappiness with this) So thank you for stating clearly most of the issues I have with this.

    And there will be real world legal ramifications in UK/EU in regards to data protection & GDPR.

    Read early posts, doubt this is an issue as such platforms are already run for numerous other games with no issues, this isn't the first time this person is doing such a website...
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    I just hope this never ever comes to consoles as it would stop me getting involved in any trials or end-game stuff ever again. Not because I am necessarily bad at dps or whatever, but because it makes this whole thing seem more like a bloody job then it already does. I have limited time to play so the idea of practicing fecking rotations in order to ‘get gud’ just does not appeal much.

    I like doing trials with my guild as it’s FUN -not for leaderboard or skins or some misplaced need to get a sense of achievement from a video game. We learn together & help each other. All well & good - but I can see this then being used in ways that might make people feel uncomfortable, even with good intentions, if it is available to use.

    And it will lessen build diversity in the game as if you are not running Alcast’s (or whomever) FotM build or rotation, you might not ‘measure up’ even though you kill the bosses & get things done.

    That is completely your prerogative man! I'm happy you can get enjoyment from the game without worrying about improving your rotation, or optimizing your damage; you probably wouldn't benefit from this tool. However; there are many (MANY) people that do care about these things and this tool would be a great benefit to them. No one is stopping you from continuing to play with other like minded individuals that simply don't care how much damage they are doing and are just there for enjoyment. It's not really fair to belittle others for getting joy out of pushing the hardest content of the game and getting enjoyment out of the game in that manner.

    Well said. I think the big issue to focus on is that ZoS makes you opt out without opting in, not what some scrub trolls choose to waste their time on. The real good players want others to improve as well. That's why this community is more friendly than toxic. I get why people may be embarassed or not interested etc. and their privacy should not be compromised even for the greater good.
  • Hotdog_23
    The more I read about this the happier I am on console. Don’t get me wrong I can see the benefit to those they want and can use the information. My concerns are the ability to be completely anonymous or the forced into it. My play is my play, the data it creates is mine and ZOS. Because that is what I agree to. Nowhere did I if on PC would I agree to allow my information to be shared with others. Nor does it give the right to other to have access to unless I agree.

    Personally I find it offensive that some people think they have a right to someone else’s intimate data. Sure I can watch and record someone play but the exact details of their play such exact numbers are not mine to see. Those intimate details are that players to do with as they want.

    Example I work a public job, people I work with know how I work and what I do. They do not know what how much money I make or what I do with my money and neither is it their right. This information is what I can intimate details or the exact numbers. Sure they can guess and have a reasonable good idea what I make but not the real information. The force share part of this is the real issue here not the usefulness of the information it can provide.

    My contract is with ZOS and not some other identity. ZOS gets my money and information. No where do I agree that someone else can have my work i.e. play.

    Another side note not addressed here is I can see how this will make for higher leaderboard numbers. Which in turn will make others ask for harder and harder content. Or complain that ZOS is not catering to the hardcore gamers enough and it needs to do more to challenge said players. Or they will talk about how easy the game has become. While forgetting the other 80-90% that play the game and could care less about their exact numbers.
  • Varana
    "Personal data is any information that relates to an identified or identifiable living individual."
    Please tie my game name to my real life identity...ill wait...

    Various free countries, including the US, have demanded social media user names and passwords from people attempting to cross their border, including their own citizens.


    Asking for your social media activity and your user name on social media platforms has been a question on ESTA (US visa application) forms for several years now:
    Sure, it's optional, and it certainly does not harm your application in any way if you don't fill in that information... o:)

    Kihra wrote: »

    There is a checkbox in-game that says you don't want your name included in logs. If that's checked, then what's put in logs is just an empty name field and an anonymous character id, so the log doesn't know who you are, and by extension, my site doesn't know who you are.

    In addition, on my site, i also have the capability for character to be hidden from character searching and rankings. Because of the ZOS checkbox, this would only come into play if you both forgot to check the box and participated in content that resulted in a ranking, e.g., a public report with a ranked instance (it's still TBD what is going to be ranked on the site, I will be talking to the community more about that in the coming weeks).

    One of the more useful features of the tool would be analysing my own play, without regard to others.

    If I understand that correctly, the way to do that without making everything actually or potentially public at the moment is:
    a) set myself to anonymous, and infer from the combat logs who I was.
    b) don't set myself to anonymous and claim a character's name on your site where I can set this character to not being ranked. (Although their name will still be displayed publicly which I may not want.)

    Is that correct?
    What I'm getting at, in the end, is that de-anonymising myself only for my own personal use would be a useful feature; I don't know if that's technically feasible, though. :)
    I wonder if the data collected will be used by ZoS to improve class balance with a greater degree of accuracy, and with a higher focus on the various playstyles,builds and skill, while at the same time preserving the vast web of desired class identity and equality.
    Edited by D0PAMINE on April 14, 2019 8:30AM
  • Varana
    To be honest, I would've thought that ZOS already had access to that information internally (or could set up a similar logging process for their own use if they wanted to, for specific aspects / at certain times). Like when they nerfed some encounters in one of the last patches because groups were struggling with them, or with certain mechanics.
    If not, I'd be seriously disappointed. :D
  • Elsonso
    Varana wrote: »
    To be honest, I would've thought that ZOS already had access to that information internally (or could set up a similar logging process for their own use if they wanted to, for specific aspects / at certain times). Like when they nerfed some encounters in one of the last patches because groups were struggling with them, or with certain mechanics.
    If not, I'd be seriously disappointed. :D

    I am sure that they do have internal logging. They have said as much. They commented that they had added more debug logging to some situation so that they could capture a problem players were having. That indicates that they can, and do, log what players are doing. They could log all of this combat data internally.

    Whether they want to share that internally collected data with an external party is the larger question. By generating a file on a local hard drive and having the player arrange for the file to be transported to the external party, ZOS is actually side-stepping a number of things. It is not ZOS that is sharing the data, it is the player. That bypasses a lot of quagmire.
    Edited by Elsonso on April 14, 2019 11:14AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Kihra
    Varana wrote: »
    What I'm getting at, in the end, is that de-anonymising myself only for my own personal use would be a useful feature; I don't know if that's technically feasible, though. :)

    If you opt out on the site rather than through the checkbox, then any reports you upload will still have your name in them and you could view them, etc.

    As mentioned in previous posts, you can upload reports privately as well to your personal logs space, and then only you can see them.

  • majulook
    Since this log is apparently just a txt file, I just wonder how difficult would it be to modify the data prior to upload.

    Is there some DTS / Hash string that will discredit the file if modified by something /someone outside of the games logging process?
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Kihra
    majulook wrote: »
    Since this log is apparently just a txt file, I just wonder how difficult would it be to modify the data prior to upload.

    Is there some DTS / Hash string that will discredit the file if modified by something /someone outside of the games logging process?

    The single greatest protection against log editing is eyeballs. When you have the entire group's data broken down to an ability level and can see all gear, buffs, debuffs, etc., spotting a forgery becomes obvious. This is why every ranking has to be verifiable, i.e., you can go to the report and study it to see if something isn't right.

    Note that log editing (if you're caught) results in the character being permabanned on the site (and this would follow you across renames of the character), and the user account and IP being banned.
  • anitajoneb17_ESO
    Kihra wrote: »
    The single greatest protection against log editing is eyeballs. When you have the entire group's data broken down to an ability level and can see all gear, buffs, debuffs, etc., spotting a forgery becomes obvious. This is why every ranking has to be verifiable, i.e., you can go to the report and study it to see if something isn't right.

    You mean that ESO combat calculations are complicated and intricated enough so that the reports cannot be forged without its entire consistency being visibly and obviously broken ? So noone can actually forge a report in a consistent manner ? And how about simply changing a character name (without touching the figures ?)
    (Genuinely asking out of curiosity here).

  • Bluepitbull13
    FatalForce wrote: »
    For the people that are concerned about the game already being too dps focused, in what setting are you experiencing this?

    Are you concerned about going into a 4 person dungeon and having an 'elitest' person say your damage isn't high enough and you need to leave? (This tool won't change that) I would argue these types of people can exist regardless of this tool, or CMX, existing.

    Are you concerned about raids and not being invited to them anymore because you perform poorly? Or getting kicked mid run? There is plenty of information to do that now without this tool, and if the groups you run with don't care about that stuff now, this attitude won't change at all going forward.

    Or where is the focus and concern on dps so obvious? I'm curious because the truly end-game raiding community is just a tiny fraction of the population of the game; so if this dps centered mentality exists elsewhere can people provide examples and real life examples of them having this happen? So far it seems like people are just making claims of what could happen, not what is happening. Help me understand with actual examples, and how often this happens. There are bad apples in the world, and there will continue to be regardless of this, or any, tool.

    They make it seem like there's constant barrage of attacks on a daily basis from "elitist", but so far this thread has given me the impression that the casual players money is a much better shade of green than a raider that has kept ESO+ and chapter up to date to compete in all or new trials.

    That this data is going to expose certain players as if we couldn't get a sense in a run of who's pulling the boss before the tank or blowing people up on the twins or a sense of what their rotation looks like compared to the "bigger DPS" player. Even the ''well you have cmx" as if watching a detailed log recorded with statistical data updating in a real-time during a playback at raid leader/guild convenience wouldn't help a group improve leaps over a cmx screenshot.

    Perhaps it's the fear mongering paranoia propaganda that there's currently a secret shadow team of elitist infiltrating these 4 man groups or guilds to say they suck and now they will have "proof". But "anonymous" is not enough if the other 11 people aren't, perhaps they're the one that infiltrated a "good elite" group that would carry them for a score or a skin clear in a trial? or a undaunted pledge?
  • Bluepitbull13
    majulook wrote: »
    Since this log is apparently just a txt file, I just wonder how difficult would it be to modify the data prior to upload.

    Is there some DTS / Hash string that will discredit the file if modified by something /someone outside of the games logging process?

    is this a concern that a player would make his numbers look much better than it really is to secure a spot in a 4 person group or 12 person core raid group? or to make a player look bad so that they have an excuse to kick them? TBH if anybody did that with my numbers i wouldn't want to play with them yikes :# good thing that my friends or guild mates know im a decent player since i have no data logs to manipulate :o
  • Bluepitbull13
    Kihra wrote: »
    The single greatest protection against log editing is eyeballs. When you have the entire group's data broken down to an ability level and can see all gear, buffs, debuffs, etc., spotting a forgery becomes obvious. This is why every ranking has to be verifiable, i.e., you can go to the report and study it to see if something isn't right.

    You mean that ESO combat calculations are complicated and intricated enough so that the reports cannot be forged without its entire consistency being visibly and obviously broken ? So noone can actually forge a report in a consistent manner ? And how about simply changing a character name (without touching the figures ?)
    (Genuinely asking out of curiosity here).

    wow some serious stuff here, data manipulation to make a person look better or worse. I guess multiple people should run the tool to protect themselves from being falsely accused of poor performance or receive unearned high praise from a fabricated high parse
  • Kihra
    Also keep in mind that ESO has external leaderboards for trials and arenas, so rankings are easily verifiable against those leaderboard scores. You put up a report where you do 20million DPS in Maelstrom Arena but then there's no corresponding public leaderboard score, it's obviously fake, etc.
  • Kihra
    You mean that ESO combat calculations are complicated and intricated enough so that the reports cannot be forged without its entire consistency being visibly and obviously broken ? So noone can actually forge a report in a consistent manner ? And how about simply changing a character name (without touching the figures ?)
    (Genuinely asking out of curiosity here).

    Yes, exactly. If a boss has 10 million health, and you just edit the log to double your damage, now the group did 15 million damage to a 10 million health boss. This is an obvious hack and easily detected. So to add damage to yourself, you have to take away damage from the rest of the group. This also is a red flag and easily spotted because while you get a 99% parse, the rest of the group gets 1%, and so again, easily spotted as a fake.

    Then on top of that people would be able to see your abilities hitting for unachievable numbers. If you try to keep the numbers sane and inject more casts, people could see you are casting more abilities than you should be able to, etc.

    When a site has thousands of users, fakes like this get spotted and reported to me within minutes of being uploaded, so people quickly learn they're not going to get away with it. Log editing has been a complete non-issue in Warcraft Logs for example.
  • code65536
    Kihra wrote: »
    The single greatest protection against log editing is eyeballs. When you have the entire group's data broken down to an ability level and can see all gear, buffs, debuffs, etc., spotting a forgery becomes obvious. This is why every ranking has to be verifiable, i.e., you can go to the report and study it to see if something isn't right.

    You mean that ESO combat calculations are complicated and intricated enough so that the reports cannot be forged without its entire consistency being visibly and obviously broken ? So noone can actually forge a report in a consistent manner ? And how about simply changing a character name (without touching the figures ?)
    (Genuinely asking out of curiosity here).

    It means major adjustments, like doubling someone's DPS, will produce visible inconsistencies and contradictions. However, I would not be surprised if small adjustments (e.g., a 5% increase) can slip under the radar without rousing suspicion. Based on the sample log shown on stream, I expect that the other major deterrent to simply be effort. Even something as simple as increasing your DPS by 5% would involve making tens of thousands of edits to the log. So you'll need to write a program in order to make such modifications. It just seems like an inordinate amount of effort to make a modest change (in order to avoid arousing suspicion).

    It would actually be easier to modify CMX to give yourself a slight boost in the report window, so if someone was crazy enough to go through that much trouble to dress themselves up, they probably would've done so already.
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
    Personal best scores:
    Dungeon trifectas:
    Media: YouTubeTwitch
  • Kihra
    To address Anita's character name question, characters are identified by a character id and not just a name. While you could alter the listed character name, if you don't know the character id, or put in a fake character id, this would just result in a new character being created with the same name and that fake id. The minute I see weird duplication like that, I'd know something was being faked.
  • VaranisArano

    Thanks for breaking down some of the security features against editing and false logs for us!
  • majulook
    majulook wrote: »
    Since this log is apparently just a txt file, I just wonder how difficult would it be to modify the data prior to upload.

    Is there some DTS / Hash string that will discredit the file if modified by something /someone outside of the games logging process?

    is this a concern that a player would make his numbers look much better than it really is to secure a spot in a 4 person group or 12 person core raid group? or to make a player look bad so that they have an excuse to kick them? TBH if anybody did that with my numbers i wouldn't want to play with them yikes :# good thing that my friends or guild mates know im a decent player since i have no data logs to manipulate :o

    Just curious as to how the data could be ensured it was valid since it has been reported that it was just a text file.

    Honestly once this is on PTS, I am going to record, and then look at the log file to see what is in it.

    Seriously, were you just going to just use it without seeing what was in it?

    @Kihra -- Thank You, for being open to explaining and answering questions about your side of this new tool.

    I do have some questions that are probably not best to post in a open forum, If i cannot find answers on your website or by parsing the PTS log. I may email your company via web site with them. Also, in speaking with some WOW players that I know, they all seem very happy with what you did for WOW.

    Edited by majulook on April 14, 2019 5:21PM
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
  • Forztr
    "Additionally, we have added a setting located in the Combat settings menu that hides your character name from encounter logs."

    That's not good enough if I opt out all my data should be removed from the log. In a 4 person dungeon with 3 knowns and one anonymous, it's simple to search and replace to fill in the blank. It's not anonymous data if it can be easily reversed engineered.

    In this day and age, I want to control my data as much as possible and ZOS allowing my data to go to a 3rd party site without my express permission is a big no, purely on principle.
  • Bluepitbull13
    majulook wrote: »
    majulook wrote: »
    Since this log is apparently just a txt file, I just wonder how difficult would it be to modify the data prior to upload.

    Is there some DTS / Hash string that will discredit the file if modified by something /someone outside of the games logging process?

    is this a concern that a player would make his numbers look much better than it really is to secure a spot in a 4 person group or 12 person core raid group? or to make a player look bad so that they have an excuse to kick them? TBH if anybody did that with my numbers i wouldn't want to play with them yikes :# good thing that my friends or guild mates know im a decent player since i have no data logs to manipulate :o

    Just curious as to how the data could be ensured it was valid since it has been reported that it was just a text file.

    Honestly once this is on PTS, I am going to record, and then look at the log file to see what is in it.

    Seriously, were you just going to just use it without seeing what was in it?

    @Kihra -- Thank You, for being open to explaining and answering questions about this new tool

    wait you're saying i should make sure that my personal RL information isnt being recorded? I was assuming it would just be my game performance, where i died, the dps i pulled on specific points in the map as the group traverses further, maybe as detailed as might light attack rotation on my magblade
  • majulook
    majulook wrote: »
    majulook wrote: »
    Since this log is apparently just a txt file, I just wonder how difficult would it be to modify the data prior to upload.

    Is there some DTS / Hash string that will discredit the file if modified by something /someone outside of the games logging process?

    is this a concern that a player would make his numbers look much better than it really is to secure a spot in a 4 person group or 12 person core raid group? or to make a player look bad so that they have an excuse to kick them? TBH if anybody did that with my numbers i wouldn't want to play with them yikes :# good thing that my friends or guild mates know im a decent player since i have no data logs to manipulate :o

    Just curious as to how the data could be ensured it was valid since it has been reported that it was just a text file.

    Honestly once this is on PTS, I am going to record, and then look at the log file to see what is in it.

    Seriously, were you just going to just use it without seeing what was in it?

    @Kihra -- Thank You, for being open to explaining and answering questions about this new tool

    wait you're saying i should make sure that my personal RL information isnt being recorded? I was assuming it would just be my game performance, where i died, the dps i pulled on specific points in the map as the group traverses further, maybe as detailed as might light attack rotation on my magblade

    What I am saying is you do not really know what is in a box, until you open it.
    Si vis pacem, para bellum
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