God I wish the phrase "pay to win" would just go away, so many redacted throw the phrase out to describe anything they don't like that its lost all meaning.
Pay to win is when you can spend money to gain an advantage that can not be obtained through regular gameplay PERIOD. To describe anything else as pay to win is an intellectually dishonest attempt to label something you don't like as being inherently wrong.
You are certainly free to dislike the idea of being able to buy skyshards, but it is unequivocally not pay to win.
Facefister wrote: »
You've saved time and skipped content. You also skipped dangers and the possibility of getting killed if you take IC into account.
God I wish the phrase "pay to win" would just go away, so many redacted throw the phrase out to describe anything they don't like that its lost all meaning.
Pay to win is when you can spend money to gain an advantage that can not be obtained through regular gameplay PERIOD. To describe anything else as pay to win is an intellectually dishonest attempt to label something you don't like as being inherently wrong.
You are certainly free to dislike the idea of being able to buy skyshards, but it is unequivocally not pay to win.
Facefister wrote: »
Why even bother trying vHoF for the skin then? Just pay crowns and get it.
Out of curiosity, why do you take issue with it? Recognizing something is pay-to-win does not mean you take any particular position regarding the ethics of such business practices. It does not equate to a condemnation or lack of approval. It often does, but it does not always. Clearly, many do not mind pay-to-win mechanics in games and have no ethical objections to it whatsoever.
Yes, some people use the phrase as a snarl world. Not everyone does. Pay-to-win =/= bad or unethical. It simply means paying cash for an advantage in a game that bypasses usual time investments. If you disagree, please correct the "intellectually dishonest" Wikipedia entry on pay-to-win and all other sources of legitimate information that disagree with your opinion.
I don't need to change it, no one who's opinion is worth caring about uses wikipedia to back up their arguments. Besides your statement is already self defeating, "paying cash for an advantage in a game that bypasses usual time investments" the idea is utterly absurd, something as benign as buying an XP scroll is "pay to win"? No that is an idiotic argument to make. The key is in the last word, "win" you are not "winning" anything by simply reducing the amount of grind it takes for a character to reach its full potential.
I am pretty sure that noone will miss running the same dungeon over and over neither.NeillMcAttack wrote: »So what would you be "winning". You're spare time? Then sure. But its a painful slog that nobody will miss!!
Do you know those *** mobile games where you can buy premium currency with real money to speed up progress?
This is pretty much the same.
Really disappointed by ZOS, should have been a FREE manual opt-in, opt-out option, but immediately finding a way to make people pay is just a big YIKES.
Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Wait, I made a poll to draw attention away from it being a cash grab?
At this rate, people will just be able to pay for a maxed 50 alt with lorebooks and shards.
Its not pay to win, but it is shady asf.
I have no issue with this itself. My issue is that this is way to incentivized on console. Skyshards and lorebooks on console are a pita. We dont have addons for this and you havent given us that tool. If we need to hunt lore books or skyshards it requires going away from game on a second device. To look up and mark locations of skyshards one at a time. Either going through achievements to see what ones would have already got marking them off or going through every single shard in zone.
Now your telling us we can have them unlocked for all our characters after we have already gone thru that pita but ONLY IF WE PAY YOU.
Despite the fact console has been asking for this QoL change for years.
Rich, ik this is some bs *** from upper management being like how do we monetize this more. You know though man this isnt how a games company should treat the player base. If your gunna add this to the shop you have to at least give console the map markers for this. Otherwise its just a massive slap in the face to us.
that's a GOOD thing, not a BAD thing.
look, if you already completed something it makes it "better" for all of us that we don't get forced to repeat it over and over and over for each alt or new class or new character.
unless of course you WANT to, then that's fine but the rest of us we have a choice, some of us don't like doing that then we have a choice not to if we don't want to.
Yeah a good way to ruin the game.that's a GOOD thing, not a BAD thing.
Facefister wrote: »Yeah a good way to ruin the game.
if you dont want to do it then not forced to.
but now the rest of us that have been doing it for YEARS on the same cave and same old same old, we want a choice to not be forced into doing it, we want a way to save time.
some of us dont have the time to repeat this every SINGLE time is a new class or we want a new character.
Facefister wrote: »
Then give me my item chest at the beginning of the dungeon. I am farming those for years, no need to farm it again with my alts.
if you have completed it once allready and earned that achievement?
then go right ahead, as long as you allready completed it before then theres nothing wrong with that.
Yeah but I mean... I complain about ZOS and their cash grabs all the time, I don't think I am quite the right choice of person to be running their obfuscation campaigns.MartiniDaniels wrote: »
Of course, this is common tactics for many situations, widely used.. by everyone in power
For example government want to introduce new kind of tax, small one. Then they launch media campaign how "evil corporations" are pushing huge unacceptable tax. After ton of debates huge tax "is forbidden personally by prime minister" and small tax remains "as trading chip with corporations". Result - everyone's happy and content. But if they just applied small tax without the show, it will end up with some riot etc..
Further proof these people don’t care about ruining the game
How is it ruining the game to not force people to grind out achievements they have already completed on a previous character?