Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
Facefister wrote: »
Clearing any vet dungeon on vet isn't a challenge for me either, that's not an argument you're presenting.
No, you must be given an advantage people who don't spend money can't get. You can get skyshards without money. So no, this is not P2W.
For information:
'In some games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain an advantage over those playing for free who might otherwise need to spend time progressing in order to unlock said items. In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his non-paying peers. Such games are called "pay-to-win" by critics.'
Whether or not something can be gained in-game is not a determining factor of if something is PtW or not.
The one and only qualifying factor is if it gives the player an advantage, and free Skill Points, no matter how small of an advantage is most certainly still an advantage.
Facefister wrote: »
A clear is a clear, why drawing a line?
If you would consider being able to buy a leveled character pay to win, then this is pay to win.
I find having to do PVE to get armor sets an inconvenience. Can I have those in the crown store?
I find it inconvenient to be in a guild then pay fees so that the guild can bid on a vendor to actually sell things. Can I just buy a vendor for myself in the crown store?
I mean whatever. Throw that on there and might as well sell my mount skills from my main to be passed on to other characters. I'd want that and buy it, but its definitely pay to win.
As you seem unable to scroll up and read, I'll repost:
It gives an advantage, so it is PtW. Full stop.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Clearing a dungeon is a test of skill. Obtaining a skyshard is not.
It's as simple as that.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »It's obvious that this is not P2W and just a cash grab.
Poll created as prove "that is not a P2W" to draw attention from cash grab, results were known from very beginning.
Wait, I made a poll to draw attention away from it being a cash grab?MartiniDaniels wrote: »It's obvious that this is not P2W and just a cash grab.
Poll created as prove "that is not a P2W" to draw attention from cash grab, results were known from very beginning.
A clear is NOT a clear. Achieving something on the backs of others isn't an achievement that you earned. Thankfully this doesn't apply to VMA. But if that's how you're going to get through a dungeon, then you should be forced to find a group to carry you every time you run it. Still nothing stopping you from getting what you want from it, but you haven't actually demonstrated that it's trivial for you to get it.
Finding skyshards is not an achievement. It's a trivial easter egg hunt that requires no skill, no thinking, no actual game play. Sets are legitimately earned, either by playing enough to acquire them or finding somebody to carry your sorry butt to the finish line. The game should offer incentive for playing, not for running around from point A to B while you have the volume down and watching netflix on the side.
Why are you implying that I need a carry? I have numerous vet-frostvault clears and our tank is still moaning about his sword. It's a convenience. And system-wise a clear is a clear, your sense of "earning" it doesn't matter.
A clear is NOT a clear. Achieving something on the backs of others isn't an achievement that you earned. Thankfully this doesn't apply to VMA. But if that's how you're going to get through a dungeon, then you should be forced to find a group to carry you every time you run it. Still nothing stopping you from getting what you want from it, but you haven't actually demonstrated that it's trivial for you to get it.
Finding skyshards is not an achievement. It's a trivial easter egg hunt that requires no skill, no thinking, no actual game play. Sets are legitimately earned, either by playing enough to acquire them or finding somebody to carry your sorry butt to the finish line. The game should offer incentive for playing, not for running around from point A to B while you have the volume down and watching netflix on the side.
Facefister wrote: »No, obtaining a skyshard is still a test of skill and patience, not the same amount of a dungeon but still it is. Obtaining them in PvP areas moreso, especially in IC. For some it may be a mundane task but for others a greater challenge. It's a spectrum.
If you don't like it, don't buy it, you can still farm it the old fashioned way.
MartiniDaniels wrote: »It's obvious that this is not P2W and just a cash grab.
And you still have to vet-clear that dungeon. Maybe I need those IC skyshards? Your argument of "not a test of skill" falls flat when I need those IC skyshard.
But you'll still have to have actually gotten the shards before you can buy them for an alt - so the IC achievement still stands as a legit achievement. You just wouldn't have to get it on all alts. But you wouldn't need to anyway because there isn't a reason to collect every skill point in the game for any character. At that point you're doing it for the actual achievement alone and there is no practical benefit to acquiring them on alts, earned/paid for/otherwise.
But really, if you think obtaining a skyshard is a test of skill... I don't know how to finish this sentence. It's just not.
Facefister wrote: »Why are you implying that I need a carry? I have numerous vet-frostvault clears and our tank is still moaning about his sword. It's a convenience. And system-wise a clear is a clear, your sense of "earning" it doesn't matter.
Quite the opposite. As Starlock posted before, the definition of P2W is quite clear:
Directly buying Skill Points most certainly allows a paying player to gain a gameplay advantage. That is the definition of PTW.
All arguments to the contrary miss this fundamental definition, and most are merely justifications for those wishing to buy convivence for characters who have not earned it.
You're doing mental gymnastics again. No matter how, a clear is a clear.
I'm not implying anything, I'm answering the question. I think you should have to solo the dungeon first because it's the only actually achievement that would show you and you alone have done this thing and proven that you can do it again at will whenever you want. Under those conditions the convenience of just having access to the sets dropped there start to make sense because they're all but yours if you want them anyway. Under any other condition, group play is required and, given that this is an MMO, group play is (and should be) encouraged. The only reason to let you around this should be if you've proven a group isn't necessary for you to gain access to it. Like skyshards.
It already does provide incentive to pay. It's called The Grind.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
By that definition, horse riding lessons are also P2W since mount speed and stamina is critical in PvP. Research scrolls are also P2W since you can craft certain gear more quickly than others (who either have to spend in-game gold to buy it from other players or wait for their research timers to complete).
Convenience items to avoid time sinks are common in all games. They are not considered P2W by most gamers because they really aren't. They only become P2W if the grind they avoid is insurmountable.
And literally changes for you when I get my chest at the dungeon. So why is equipment, which can be farmed, such an issue?
Well I guess different folks have different incentives, don't they? The grind certainly isn't mine. That doesn't mean I'll pay for this in the crown store because I don't know what fatastical value ZOS will believe it has yet, but I play for other reasons. If you play for the grind, that's great - keep grinding. Literally nothing changes for you.
Facefister wrote: »And you still have to vet-clear that dungeon. Maybe I need those IC skyshards? Your argument of "not a test of skill" falls flat when I need those IC skyshard.
I am telling you that you didn't present a single fact why "the chest at the start" is worse than instant Skyshards. Infact, they're both on the same spectrum and when ZoS is implementing those instant Skyshards they should also consider the chest unlock.
So go get them? I don't know what you're saying - if you feel you need them, just walk over and F on it.
2. PtW is defined by anything purchased with cash that gives an advantage. Anything.
It doesn't change. I consider running a dungeon playing. I don't consider riding a horse from A to B playing. And if it's cheap enough, I'll be one who appreciates being able to avoid riding a horse from A to B so I can focus on running dungeons. But hey, if you DO consider riding a horse playing, I've got no beef with that whatsoever and nothing is going to stop you from doing it.Facefister wrote: »
I didn't realize the skill points (or werewolf, or vampire, or whatever) available in the crown store have some magical properties that don't come with the one's you get by playing the game. Huh. They must've left that out of the announcement.