Facefister wrote: »So what speaks against a chest full of loot at the beginning of the dungeon? A clear achievement should attest my ability to clear that dungeon, why should I run it through over and over again. I am paying for saving time.
TheShadowScout wrote: »Pay to Win means getting an advantage through the cash shop you -cannot- get through normal playing.
This is not an extra advantage over normal playing. This is just getting something you can play for in a different way - paying for it.
Just like the riding lessons, or the motiv books.
No more. No less.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free-to-play#Pay-to-winIn some games, players who are willing to pay for special items or downloadable content may be able to gain an advantage over those playing for free who might otherwise need to spend time progressing in order to unlock said items. In general a game is considered pay-to-win when a player can gain any gameplay advantage over his non-paying peers. Such games are called "pay-to-win" by critics.
Wildberryjack wrote: »What's next? Paid character boosts complete with all achievements you have on your main? What's the point in playing a game if you're not going to PLAY it? Why bother making a game if you give players a way to skip playing it? No. Just no.
Actually I like finding all the skyshards. I am more into story and exploration. That is why I play the game. Not min maxing for the endgme. SO probably something I would not be interested in buying.
PC USStraight out of Mo- uh, oh wait. Um... Ebonheart, I guess?
I don't feel that it is Pay2Win, but I do feel that it is insulting. Most people have to grind out Skyshards on every single character they have in order to obtain the skill points they need, and although this whole thing is more convenient than P2W, I still feel it takes the necessary extra work out of the game. People with a bunch of alts SHOULD have to grind out all of those Skyshards again as that is one of the actual few long-term grinds in the game, especially for someone with 15+ characters.
To quote my friend's feelings on this matter:
"As a player I'm saddened that those with a 9-to-5 job who don't mind shilling out a bit of cash get the edge over me for no reason while I've got to spend a good 2 - 4 hours collecting every shard in the game.
and even if I had a *** part time job I probably still wouldn't purchase them because it just doesn't give me that cool feeling of "oh ***, there's a skyshard over there."
It's more satisfying to actually go and hunt for the Skyshards than it is to pay to get the ones you've already found on other characters. And to see someone with at least one other character do just that and in an instant obtain more Skyshards than I have on the one character I play for almost all of my time... Well, you understand why I find it insulting.
getemshauna wrote: »You don't understand meaning of P2W. Even if they would add vMA weapons to Crown Store, it still won't be P2W.
I don't feel that it is Pay2Win, but I do feel that it is insulting. Most people have to grind out Skyshards on every single character they have in order to obtain the skill points they need, and although this whole thing is more convenient than P2W, I still feel it takes the necessary extra work out of the game. People with a bunch of alts SHOULD have to grind out all of those Skyshards again as that is one of the actual few long-term grinds in the game, especially for someone with 15+ characters.
To quote my friend's feelings on this matter:
"As a player I'm saddened that those with a 9-to-5 job who don't mind shilling out a bit of cash get the edge over me for no reason while I've got to spend a good 2 - 4 hours collecting every shard in the game.
and even if I had a *** part time job I probably still wouldn't purchase them because it just doesn't give me that cool feeling of "oh ***, there's a skyshard over there."
It's more satisfying to actually go and hunt for the Skyshards than it is to pay to get the ones you've already found on other characters. And to see someone with at least one other character do just that and in an instant obtain more Skyshards than I have on the one character I play for almost all of my time... Well, you understand why I find it insulting.
Shadow-Fighter wrote: »Its P2W!
'cause they need $$$.
It has not to do with Buy2Play!
In near future, if someone complete the game 100%, they will also be able to pay to complete 100% on their alts.
That progress going slowly to P2W!
Why not make all those funny things for free?
Progress shouldn't be sold!
Quite the opposite. As Starlock posted before, the definition of P2W is quite clear:
Directly buying Skill Points most certainly allows a paying player to gain a gameplay advantage. That is the definition of PTW.
All arguments to the contrary miss this fundamental definition, and most are merely justifications for those wishing to buy convivence for characters who have not earned it.
FilteredRiddle wrote: »Absolutely.
You are paying real-life money, for combat power/effectiveness in ESO. That is by definition, P2W.
Things like mount speed/capacity/stamina are a convenience item. Things like research scrolls are a convenience item. Things like XP scrolls are a convenience item. None of those things directly relate to your in-game power, and capabilities in combat. Being able to create a new toon and pay to unlock ~400 skill points absolutely relates to and effects your in-game power.
I have always said this - the ability to apply skyshard/mage's guild/psijic line to other characters - should be an option when you've unlocked the highest tier achievement. However, it should be something you simply unlock when you reach that goal. Allowing people with fiscal freedom to instantly access all skill points, while people without that same financial security will be unable to do so, is pretty crap in my opinion.
Directly buying Skill Points most certainly allows a paying player to gain a gameplay advantage. That is the definition of PTW.
All arguments to the contrary miss this fundamental definition, and most are merely justifications for those wishing to buy convivence for characters who have not earned it.
Facefister wrote: »@driosketch
Let's say I have the vet-clear achievement of the said dungeon. There is a chest directly at the beginning of the dungeon with several armor items, weapon or jewelry plus a monster helmet whenever I enter it. For the sake of the economy I can't decon nor sell them. I mean, I am capable of clearing it, why grinding it over and over when I can conveniently loot the chest. People who don't want to unlock this feature can grind the dungeons the old way. Afterall, grinding over and over is an insult to me as a gamer.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »
Because completing a dungeon is actual skill-based content.
Running to a point on a map does not challenge your skill as a player in any capacity.