Is Buying Skyshard SP Pay to Win?

  • Goregrinder
    Kel wrote: »

    See, I knew you are just here to argue.

    What you're saying doesn't even make sense, nor does it address what I said.

    Its still going to cost you time to unlock shards. You're not skipping that part. With shards, it's going to cost you time AND money. That's why what you're saying has no relevance to what I are just trying to argue by talking in circles.

    Good luck with that...😆😆

    Time *OR* Money. You pick which one you want to spend unlocking Skyshards. many players play the game currently that spent $0.00 dollars or less?
  • Kel
    Yes it's P2W.

    Time *OR* Money. You pick which one you want to spend unlocking Skyshards. many players play the game currently that spent $0.00 dollars or less? don't. You dont get to buy shards unless you have the achievement unlocked in game. YOU DO NOT GET TO JUST BUY THEM. You still have to spend your time BEFORE you spend your money.

    See how you're wrong now?
  • Tsar_Gekkou
    No it's not P2W.
    It's funny how some people think that getting skill points fast will somehow farm all of your sets for you, unlock all your dungeon/trial skins/titles, and level up all of your skills. Skill points are like the pieces of a bike: putting them together doesn't teach you how to ride it or do advanced tricks, so having skill points more readily available doesn't farm vMA/vDSA for you or give you bis gear with a good rotation.
    Xbox NA healer main
    vAA HM | vHRC HM | vSO HM | vMoL HM | vHoF HM | vAS+2 | vCR+3 | vBRP | vSS HM | vKA HM | vRG HM |
    Flawless Conqueror | Spirit Slayer | Dro-mA'thra Destroyer | Tick-Tock-Tormentor | Immortal Redeemer | Gryphon Heart | Godslayer | Dawnbringer | Planesbreaker |
  • Jhalin
    Yes it's P2W.
    DenMoria wrote: »

    I don't believe: "I say this as someone with a full time job, a girlfriend, and 6 max level toons"

    Either you have a job that you don't have to work very hard at, or/and you have a "girlfriend" who doesn't care that you spend no time or care on her, you don't have the time.

    Of course there is always the possibility that you don't actually play the game. You're one of those lovely folks who think playing the game is simply running around and through things like a maniac to get things done. Or maybe you're one of those rare folks who doesn't need any sleep.

    Sorry. I do not believe you.

    40 hour work weeks in management, certainly not the hardest but it’s time consuming

    Watching movies, playing games, and decidedly less digital entertainment with my girlfriend.

    vTrial clears on multiple toons, though still working on the hardmodes beyond AA

    Multiple houses decorated

    The majority of motifs learned

    5.6mil banked

    Amazingly, part of being an adult is learning to manage your time and enjoy what you spend time on. I don’t dislike the basics of ESO’s experience. I don’t praise paid solutions to in-game problems like you and others are doing.

    If someone scratches up my car, I don’t thank them for the opportunity to pay them to fix it.

    Stop acting like they’re doing you a favor by putting up cash-only solutions for problems they are fully capable of solving for free. This company makes a ton of money, they can afford quality of life changes
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.
    If you pay for a shortcut - it's definitely a pay 2 win situation.

    Some will use it - some won't.

    Some will like it - some won't
    Is it acceptable? Well - I guess that depends on your point of view.

    It will help those pvp only accounts to get all the overland sky shards and it will help those that don't like pvp to get all the sky shards from Cyrodiil and Imperial city.

    Personally: I think it is Pay2win BUT I also think it is acceptable or ZoS may lose a lot of customers
  • CleymenZero
    No it's not P2W.
    Jhalin wrote: »

    40 hour work weeks in management, certainly not the hardest but it’s time consuming

    Watching movies, playing games, and decidedly less digital entertainment with my girlfriend.

    vTrial clears on multiple toons, though still working on the hardmodes beyond AA

    Multiple houses decorated

    The majority of motifs learned

    5.6mil banked

    Amazingly, part of being an adult is learning to manage your time and enjoy what you spend time on. I don’t dislike the basics of ESO’s experience. I don’t praise paid solutions to in-game problems like you and others are doing.

    If someone scratches up my car, I don’t thank them for the opportunity to pay them to fix it.

    Stop acting like they’re doing you a favor by putting up cash-only solutions for problems they are fully capable of solving for free. This company makes a ton of money, they can afford quality of life changes

    From what I read though, those that vote p2w still can't explain why it's p2w... It's pay to skip not p2w.

    I have a magplar with virtually NO skill points beyond a few dungeons, level sp, 30 skyshards. That's 100 skill points to be precise.

    I can do everything with it, just one caveat... I have to respec it for pvp, for pve, for vMA etc.

    So for me, that toon won't need to respec and that's all it'll gain. I have all the passives that make a difference for the situation I spec it for.

    Now I'll save time and not much money cause respeccing a toon with 100 sp costs 2k and like you, I have more than 5M in the bank...

    So explain to me how this is p2w? I would challenge you to a parse contest on your best character and a series of duels or I would do the same with my 200+ sp magplar and the differences wouldn't go past the racial passives.

    People that say it's p2w either don't understand the game properly or don't word it properly. I'm fine with this being defined pay to skip but look at it any way you want it isn't p2w.

    I've collected EVERY single skill points in the game with my main. I'm not doing it again. I'm not collecting more skyshards if the price isn't stupid. I've collected more than 1600 skyshards, I'm done...

    And people that say it takes 40mins per zone are not doing it right. Slap jaikbreaker, fiord, 3 swift, all divines with a shield and steed mundus. Enjoy Flash Gordon-ing through Tamriel.

    Now I have a build and I can do it but I don't want to anymore. I've picked up 1600 skyshards on 14 alts in 2 years
    I'm done... Like I said, if the price isn't completely stupid, I'm buying.
  • Eiagra
    No it's not P2W.
    Don't really feel that this is P2W. It's a pretty big convenience, though, and depending on price the only set I would get is Cyrodiil. Because screw those shards behind the damned gates. I tackled huge amounts of anxiety getting those once, I'm not looking to repeat that unpleasant experience again.
          In verity.
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.
    Pay 2 win definition:

    Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

    "Dude, you've spent like 400 bucks on this game so you can beat everyone who hasn't spent any money. Pay-to-win noob!"
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.
    I'm up to page 7 of this discussion and have yet to see one argument that considers how long it takes to get all the skyshards in the game.

    The worrying over where to spend the skill points one has in the start and up to very close to the end of the game is a very real decision that has to be made every time you get another skill point.

    For those that buy the points.... no worry no decision to be thought about just every time a skill opens up - you have the point to put into it...

    That is an unfair advantage....

    this is Pay 2 Win
  • ZonasArch
    No it's not P2W.
    Imza wrote: »
    Pay 2 win definition:

    Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

    "Dude, you've spent like 400 bucks on this game so you can beat everyone who hasn't spent any money. Pay-to-win noob!"

    So how is skyshards on store p2w? They are in the game, out won't make any better than me or anyone else just because you have them... Not at all.
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.
    ZonasArch wrote: »

    So how is skyshards on store p2w? They are in the game, out won't make any better than me or anyone else just because you have them... Not at all.

    and exactly how many hours would it take for you to go and collect each and every one of those skyshards?
    and exactly how many lvl's would you increase if you did so?

    as I stated earlier - this is p2w BECAUSE it gives you an advantage at the lower lvls.... not at the end game
  • ZonasArch
    No it's not P2W.
    Imza wrote: »

    and exactly how many hours would it take for you to go and collect each and every one of those skyshards?
    and exactly how many lvl's would you increase if you did so?

    as I stated earlier - this is p2w BECAUSE it gives you an advantage at the lower lvls.... not at the end game

    Doesn't either. You won't have any passives unlocked anyway... Having SP and not having skills to use them doesn't make you stronger... And as you level up, and unlock said skills, you'll have earned enough skill points anyway. I never run short of skill points leveling up as it is, having more won't help me at all.

    I honestly don't see any problems.
  • thorwyn
    as I stated earlier - this is p2w BECAUSE it gives you an advantage at the lower lvls.... not at the end game

    What do you spend your points on at lower levels? The only thing that comes to mind is passives and the boost you gain by allocating points to them is marginal compared to xp scrolls, proper gear or even a ring of mara.
    And if the dam breaks open many years too soon
    And if there is no room upon the hill
    And if your head explodes with dark forebodings too
    I'll see you on the dark side of the moon
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.

    Congrations !!!

    You have done an excellent job of showing everyone that there are enough (60%+) of the (admittedly forums based) population that may purchase this kind of product from ZoS.

    They have obviously got a good idea of what they can potentially do to create more income.
  • mairwen85
    With a free addon like mappins, you can get all skyshards (and lore books, Psijic rifts, etc) for all zones in a few hours. Completing delves and public dungeons as you go. This means you can get level 50, and many skillpoint in less than a day. That isn't all skills unlocked, but the ability to learn as soon as. The only people really impacted by this are console players,because without addons, they may feel forced to purchase or do several days/weeks for the same result.

    Crown purchase, OR gold at an ingame vendor would be a better implementation.

    But, yeah, definitely not P2w in the explicit sense.
    Edited by mairwen85 on May 8, 2019 5:01AM
  • Genomic
    As often is the case with online arguments, this one is about semantics.

    i.e. There is no official definition for pay to win, so everyone is arguing based on their personal definition. In addition, the concept of 'winning' in an MMORPG (outside of PvP) is sort of meaningless.

    Because of this I feel the whole 'play to win' argument is something of a red herring. The focus should instead be whether ZOS have gone too far with regards to manipulative over-monetization.

  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.
    the one argument I've not seen (got to page 20 so far) is that this is an achievement based package.

    so now you 'will be able to' buy an achievement and it's reward the title "Tamriel Skyshard Hunter" - the color is account bound so you have that already.
  • darkstar2084
    it is Pay not to lose your mind for the 12th time
  • Jhalin
    Yes it's P2W.

    From what I read though, those that vote p2w still can't explain why it's p2w... It's pay to skip not p2w.


    People that say it's p2w either don't understand the game properly or don't word it properly. I'm fine with this being defined pay to skip but look at it any way you want it isn't p2w.

    I've collected EVERY single skill points in the game with my main. I'm not doing it again. I'm not collecting more skyshards if the price isn't stupid. I've collected more than 1600 skyshards, I'm done...

    And people that say it takes 40mins per zone are not doing it right. Slap jaikbreaker, fiord, 3 swift, all divines with a shield and steed mundus. Enjoy Flash Gordon-ing through Tamriel.

    Now I have a build and I can do it but I don't want to anymore. I've picked up 1600 skyshards on 14 alts in 2 years
    I'm done... Like I said, if the price isn't completely stupid, I'm buying.

    What exactly do you not get here? You're paying to bypass requirements in a way that cannot be done in game, its P2W in the simplest terms. You pay to achieve something that is impossible to achieve through in-game means

    If all it did was reveal locations on your map where all the skyshards are located, it wouldn't be P2W, because the baseline requirement would still be preserved. The same system could also be an in-game feature unlocked with gold.

    Unless you're fully prepared to support legendary max CP gear sold for cash, instant max level toons for cash, vMA and perfected weapons for cash, trial skins for cash, titles for cash, then you've got no ground to stand on claiming this isn't P2W.

    You can play stupid all you like, but there's no way in hell you could actually justify this as a QoL change made for anyone's benefit but ZOS' sales. By praising this, you praise skill lines being made into tedious grinds so that cash shop unlocks are the simpler way to go. You're encouraging collectable obtainment to be locked behind hours of mindless quests and RNG so the cash shop has more appeal. You're encouraging game studios to design problems with cash shop solutions.

    For the last time It is P2W because it eliminates the most basic requirement of skyshard obtainment: Exploring the world, while providing no in-game comparable system of requirement negation. No other utility based crown purchase in the entirety of the game does this. Even the merchant assistant has in-game comparables wandering the zones, with less functions on the cash purchase too.

    Had they made this same function available through in-game currencies or any cash-free methods at all, then it wouldn't be P2W, but they chose to give that annoying grind a cash-only "fix" which only serves to fill their pockets with people who don't care if a company sees them as nothing but sheep who will take any treatment and thank them for the opportunity to give more money for solutions that should be free in the first place
  • Fusozay
    No it's not P2W.
    Imza wrote: »

    Congrations !!!

    You have done an excellent job of showing everyone that there are enough (60%+) of the (admittedly forums based) population that may purchase this kind of product from ZoS.

    They have obviously got a good idea of what they can potentially do to create more income.

    if this P2W game so i want:
    SP only for crown
    some OP skills only in crown boxes.
    perfect item from HM trials at the store.
    AND! hi tier best items only for crown.
  • Fusozay
    No it's not P2W.
    Jhalin wrote: »

    What exactly do you not get here? You're paying to bypass requirements in a way that cannot be done in game, its P2W in the simplest terms. You pay to achieve something that is impossible to achieve through in-game means
    But... YOU CAN!
    just go and take it. take skyshards without any bying. only Skyshard bloked - it on the DLC if you didnot pay...

    oops! who byed DLC - have MORE skyshards!!!! more ckillpoints! more skill lines!!! P2W!!!
  • Fusozay
    No it's not P2W.
    Jhalin wrote: »
    For the last time It is P2W because it eliminates the most basic requirement of skyshard obtainment: Exploring the world, while providing no in-game comparable system of requirement negation. No other utility based crown purchase in the entirety of the game does this. Even the merchant assistant has in-game comparables wandering the zones, with less functions on the cash purchase too.
    thets not req. i take skyshards on my tank without exploring. just horserunning and TP on guildmates. not quest not dolmens not something else.
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.
    ok - after 6 (hours according to my spouse) of reading this forum thread - with a pause for meals etc - I have come to the conclusion that it doesn't really matter what we think.

    There will always be several different opinions on this matter.

    As long as someone is prepared to pay for this kind of package - ZoS (and other companies) will cater to them.

    After all ZoS is a company that must make money, and if they are not increasing their profit at ALL times they are not making money.

    The main thing I think everyone missed here, is that there is no WIN in an MMORPG.

    P.S. language changes all the time as do the meaning of words, terms and cliches. Gay used to mean happy, P2W also means pay to skip/bypass and pay for convenience.
  • Grianasteri
    Yes it's P2W.
    Turelus wrote: »
    With the release of Elsweyr information we now know that players will be able to buy Skyshard SP unlocks on their alt characters.

    The way this works is if a player has already unlocked an achievement on one character for a zones Skyshards they will be able to unlock those Skyshards (and SP) on new characters they make via a Crown Store purchase.

    Do you think this is P2W and why? Let the great debate happen.

    Note: This is all based on in the works information, other than we will be able to buy the SP if we've unlocked it before no details are set in stone.

    Edit to add a shameless plug to my Q&A thread for those interested in what I learned at the London press event.

    Given the time and effort I have put into levelling 11 characters, I feel it is totally unacceptable to be able to purchase Skyshard SP and I resent the introduction. The point of the game is to playing through content, story, quests, pledges - dungeons, trials or of course PVP etc. That's the game.

    If anyone can simply pay to have fully levelled up characters, that is unequivocally a form of PAY TO WIN. It also means new players can completely skip the learning process - that is NOT good for the game or player base as a whole.
  • ErMurazor
    Alot of opinions here. The fact is you can get every skyshard in game without spending a dime. Well, you have to buy the DLCs and upgrades or sub for ESO+. With that said i wont share my opinion because its just that an opinion.
    Edited by ErMurazor on May 8, 2019 8:53AM
  • Imza
    Yes it's P2W.

    I have one question that I've not seen asked here in this thread.

    If I have ESO+ and collect every skyshard in the game.
    Then I unsubscribe from ESO+.
    Can I purchase the skyshard package for the areas I no longer have access to? (ie Imperial City)
  • Fusozay
    No it's not P2W.
    It also means new players can completely skip the learning process - that is NOT good for the game or player base as a whole.

    it`s not. new player cannot buy skyshards achievments.
  • Jhalin
    Yes it's P2W.
    Fusozay wrote: »
    thets not req. i take skyshards on my tank without exploring. just horserunning and TP on guildmates. not quest not dolmens not something else.

    By what definition does exploring the world (even at the speed of light using player teleports) not qualify as exploring the world?

    There is no system that allows you to visit a merchant and obtain all skyshards ever encountered without taking another step

    This is P2W, it’s complete ignorance to claim otherwise. If you don’t care about faulty game systems being exploited to make sales for “solutions” instead of the issue being fixed, then you’re part of the problem with this industry
  • Ardaghion
    No it's not P2W.
    I agree with those that say it is pay for convenience, not pay to win. You aren't winning anything by getting skyshards unlocked, especially since you'll need to have the zone achievement unlocked on another character.

    Even then, getting the skyshards unlocked doesn't do anything for you unless you have the XP in a skill to apply the points. This might make it easier for those that want to grind from 1-50 in a day or under.

    Personally, I like going out and getting the skyshards. I haven't had the time to gather them all even on my main, I'm missing a few here and there in the vanilla zones and have none in the Cyrodiil or IC areas. I'm missing 122 shards in total.

    I have no intention of depriving my other characters of the experience of looking for the skyshards themselves. I'm on Xbox so I don't have any add-ons, although I do have the iPhone app that lets me find them easier. But I won't be paying for the convenience, I just find it more fun to wander around, finding the skyshards and everything else along the journey.
  • DenMoria
    Yes it's P2W.

    Given the time and effort I have put into levelling 11 characters, I feel it is totally unacceptable to be able to purchase Skyshard SP and I resent the introduction. The point of the game is to playing through content, story, quests, pledges - dungeons, trials or of course PVP etc. That's the game.

    If anyone can simply pay to have fully levelled up characters, that is unequivocally a form of PAY TO WIN. It also means new players can completely skip the learning process - that is NOT good for the game or player base as a whole.

    Since you have to have collected the skyshards on at least one of your prior characters before you could even use them on the current character (similar to CP), then your argument about new players being fully leveled does not hold water.

    Myself, I certainly could never find the time to fully level 11 characters. I simply do not have the time.

    I suppose the argument could hold water if you were in PvP, but, frankly, you can't "win" at ESO, unless you do PvP, so, in my case, having CP & points available is really moot.

    Besides, you would still need to level up your character in order to make the ability to apply the skill points available in the first place, you're really not getting those skill points right up front.

    It would be a minor advantage at best.

    A level 10 character is still a level 10 character and only has so many skill-point slots they can use.
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