The biggest problem with this thread is that pay to win has different meanings to different players and the majority of the thread is spent arguing with each other over who’s definition is right.
We should be more focused on whether we feel like this is a dirty underhanded tactic from ZOS or whether this is acceptable.
You said so yourself, it isn't hard to get, then how is it p2w? Of you keep calling everything p2w, you'll just sound like politicians that call any bad news the "fake news". You know you're being silly, you just say it for the sake of saying it. The word loses ts meaning. Wanna see p2w? Go play a Korean MMO. Come back here after you see what p2w means for real.
This entire discussion is about how ZoS monetizes a band-aid solution to their broken system instead of fixing it with ingame elements for everyone. We're talking about QoL here not about mounts or cosmetics. Stop parroting the same line about "business, advantage and save time" everytime.Karmanorway wrote: »Calling it P2W is BS, its "P2ST" - Pay To Save Time
lordrichter wrote: »<SNIP>
I voted "Other" due to the "slippery slope" here. My "slippery slope" concern is centered on how ZOS is creeping towards P2W incrementally by introducing new convenience items. It is particularly concerning when they can be combined for greater effect. They are going to be selling things related to all three of the things that players need to learn skills in the game. Every convenience that makes the game less inconvenient for character combat in the end-game brings the game closer to P2W. In this, they keep getting closer to the fire.
ZOS ramps up the monetization every year. The last couple of years, it has been around Crown Crates. I've been waiting to see what they do this year. I am wondering if this is it.
WhoThenNow7 wrote: »I'm sorry but some of you are acting like major nerds... if it already has to be completed on one character, then honestly what difference does it make to YOU if someone else pays to unlock them on their alts? Forget the fact that "it took more time"; who cares? And if you don't want to pay then you can still do it for free. Have fun doing the same exact boring grind for the 10th time.
The fact that 32% and 267 players believe it is P2W speaks volumes and it is not something to take lightly.
Most of the players who participated in this forum poll are veteran and elite players, I can imagine the "Yes it's P2W" number would have been much higher if the poll included players who don't visit the forum(i.e most of the player base).
Since so many players believe it is P2W, this feature shouldn't be implemented.
There is no general agreement to implement it.
You could do a poll and ask is the earth flat and 33% would say yes. In any poll the lowest result you will get is about 30%. So no, this doesn't speak volumes.
You could do a poll and ask is the earth flat and 33% would say yes. In any poll the lowest result you will get is about 30%. So no, this doesn't speak volumes.
Edit: No general agreement? It's 2-1 voting in favor. That's overwhelming in any poll, election etc
CassandraGemini wrote: »
Well, to be fair, the 2-1 vote only means that twice as many people don't consider this P2W - it doesn't say anything about whether they actually like the feature or not.
I, for one, voted "other" because I really don't care one way or the other. For the record I don't actually consider it P2W, since you don't get any form of advantage over other players by paying. You can just as well go and collect the things in game, there's not even an rng-element attached to it like it would be with gear sets. Still, to me this is pretty much irrelevant, since this feature is nothing but a greedy cash-grab and I won't be using it anyway. So just because I didn't vote "Yes, it is P2W", doesn't automatically mean I'm in favor of this, and I'm pretty sure lots of other people feel the same way.
Edit: Whether that be because they don't like the feature at all, or because they, like me, feel that it should have been something that should be made available for free or through in-game currencies instead of real money.
Shadow-Fighter wrote: »If its not P2W then i want to buy DLC Full complete (with all Achievments) Clown shop tokens for my alts too. Thanks!
The fact that 32% and 267 players believe it is P2W speaks volumes and it is not something to take lightly.
Most of the players who participated in this forum poll are veteran and elite players, I can imagine the "Yes it's P2W" number would have been much higher if the poll included players who don't visit the forum(i.e most of the player base).
Since so many players believe it is P2W, this feature shouldn't be implemented.
There is no general agreement to implement it.
WhoThenNow7 wrote: »I'm sorry but some of you are acting like major nerds... if it already has to be completed on one character, then honestly what difference does it make to YOU if someone else pays to unlock them on their alts? Forget the fact that "it took more time"; who cares? And if you don't want to pay then you can still do it for free. Have fun doing the same exact boring grind for the 10th time.
Thorstienn wrote: »
Actually all that shows is the flaw in these kinds of polls: people tend to not just answer the question "Is Buying Skyshard SP Pay to Win?" objectively, they let there emotions and personal opinions take over: "it's a slippery slope for the future", "each character should be an individual", "it's a cash grab" etc.
Maybe (as is often the case) it's the OPs fault for not providing a defined definition for P2W, yet as MMO players they probably figured people know what that exceptionally common term means. I'll accept that the term is sometimes used more loosely particularly in non-competitive games (as eso is), however this still wouldn't apply. Even if it had no requirements (having collected then previously) at this point in the games life, would still simply be a convenience: vets already have then and new players still need to learn to actually "play" the game.
Note: I dont like that it's another monetized component in a game with paid expansions, a subscription AND a cash shop. And if OP had asked if I agree with how its is being implemented, my answer would be no; and I would agree with far more of people's comments in this thread.
hey are milking with the Vampire/Werwolf already and Idc about these either.