3 shards = 1 skillpoint. skillpoints are used to buy abilities. abilities are what is used for combat. even if you have to have them on one of your toons, the OTHERS get combat bennies via paying, and for something that isnt really that hard to get, except pvp ones.
Lorebooks and psyjic might be on the table.RusevCrush wrote: »Can i have the flawless i earned on my one bar sorc copied over to all my alts?
I want lorebooks undaunted psyjic and every other grind on my alts as well.
Have you already earned it once? Congratulations! It's already available account-wide! We did it guys!
This is a player-hostile road we’re going down, where you will only be able to keep up if you’re able and willing to shell out money. You can claim it’s all about convenience, but this is a direct advantage being provided that cannot be matched by any source ingame. Nothing will give you an entire zone of skyshards in a click.
For me, it is a cash exclusive purchase: Somethin you can not get in game by playing, but ONLY with irl money
It's a logical step buisness wise. As soon as this gets remotely successful those steps will follow.[...]It won't stop here. If they allow "buy skyshards" there is no reason to not allow "buy max skill line" or "buy max CP" or "buy set gear" for crowns (among other things).[...]
The saving grace will be if the "buy skyshards" has an in-game earning mechanism. But from what we've heard, it won't.
getemshauna wrote: »You don't understand meaning of P2W. Even if they would add vMA weapons to Crown Store, it still won't be P2W.
Nemesis7884 wrote: »Pay2win or not....its VERY cash grabby and VERY player unfriendly...i honestly didnt expect zos would sink to EA levels
CassandraGemini wrote: »
But you do realize that no matter how many skyshards - and through that skill points - someone potentially has to spend, they will still have to unlock the respective skills first, which happens when they reach certain levels and not just by having unused skill points... right?
Unlocking the achievement should allow you to purchase the points with gold as well.
Regardless, this is the beginning of more *** to come. Seen it time and time again with MMOs, this is just Zenimax testing the waters. Expect worse things from the CS in the future.
But you do realize that the next likely stop on the P2W train is going to be a crown store option to permanently unlock skill lines, right?
Elara_Northwind wrote: »
Yes! This is just the beginning! Champion points will be on sale in a crown store near you soon!
Thing is cp is already account wide, event 200% exp, enlightenment and exp scrolls already cater to increase. This is a totally moot statement and purely baseless nonsense.
mattaeus01b16_ESO wrote: »BAMN! No work, all play.