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WOW "refugees" coming to ESO?

  • VinayExile
    therift wrote: »
    WoWsers are fairly easy to spot:

    Characters are 'Toons'
    Magicka is 'Manna'
    Trials are 'Raids'

    Welcome them. They're leaving a ship that started sinking in 2014.

    Eso is sinking way way faster.
    How do you think someone from WoW will feel when they see the current performance or game breaking issues in this game.

    Not to mention the hacks that have been here since day 1.

    A new player comes in, sees the current state of the game.
    Leaves in a month.

    Seen this happen over and over when inviting new players to guilds, especially pvp guilds.

    No one wants to invest into a broken game
    Edited by VinayExile on May 11, 2019 1:31PM
  • Ashfen
    VinayExile wrote: »

    Eso is sinking way way faster.
    How do you think someone from WoW will feel when they see the current performance or game breaking issues in this game.

    Not to mention the hacks that have been here since day 1.

    A new player comes in, sees the current state of the game.
    Leaves in a month.

    Seen this happen over and over when inviting new players to guilds, especially pvp guilds.

    No one wants to invest into a broken game

    I left WoW for ESO a year ago and i still prefer ESO than WoW.
  • LadyVaJedi
    Soul Shriven
    I also play FF 14 as well. Never played WOW since it isn't on the PS4
  • Ragnarock41
    Jarndyce wrote: »
    If true thats awesome imo. Adding new players is good for the game. Larger playerbase means more revenue for ZOS. More revenue for ZOS means more content development. More content development means more game enjoyment.

    If only this were true, but it’s NOT. It also shows how little people actually understand about economics, capitalism, and how corporate culture works in America and the rest of the world.

    It’s been proven in trickle down economics and it’s been proven with tax breaks and other methods over the last 30 years.

    Companies make the most amount of profit with the least amount of resources spent as possible.

    Any increased profits they make from WOW players or anyone else will go directly into the pockets of the CEO and shareholders of the company, an increase in the size of their dividend check, very, very, very little of that money will be invested in the game if any at all.

    You forget that Zenimax board of directors and CEO call the shots on where the money goes, ZOS has no say at all. As long as ESO is turning a profit inside the margins they project that money will go to investors not to improve their product.

    The content they are creating was already budgeted for and forecasted in the yearly budgets. Everything is planned.

    Any increase in profits won’t be spent to improve the game, this has already been proven by ZOS many times. All the influx of money from paid chapters nothing was improved the game still lags and has the same bugs from 2014. That money went to shareholders and in the pockets of the CEO and Zenimax media not to be used to make the game better.

    I heard they are making a new game. Honestly It makes me laugh when people spend a ton on crown store and then complain the game is a buggy mess and where their money went.
    Edited by Ragnarock41 on May 11, 2019 4:04PM
  • Rain_Greyraven
    Actually more WoW players are showing up in FFXIV, especially the raiders. It hasn't been exactly good for the close knit community that didn't have the raid or die mentality.

    But they are also discovering that acting like douchenozzles will get you banned in some pretty humiliating ways.
    "Civilized men are more discourteous than savages because they know they can be impolite without having their skulls split, as a general thing.”

    ― Robert E. Howard

    So you want to be a game developer? Here is the best way to go about it.
  • Sanctuary_Reaper
    srfrogg23 wrote: »
    zaria wrote: »
    My first MMO was WoW but it started to go downhill bad during WoD and has only gotten worse. I started looking for a new game to play a while back and found ESO. Honestly I was a bit put off by there being no free trial but the game came highly recommended so I decided to buy it and give it a go. Do not regret it.

    As for WoW, BfA looked interesting but all I can say now is thankfully I bought it with gold and not real cash because I unsubbed two weeks in. Yeah it's THAT bad. Players are abandoning that sinking ship by the millions and instead of listening to the players they keep doubling down on what is driving everyone away. Brilliant. After the XP ban debacle of this free-to-play weekend that they're doing right now I can't ever see supporting a company like them again.

    I recommend ESO, FFXIV, and even GW2 to all WoW players if they want a better, more fun gaming experience. As for WoW, no king rules forever my son... bye Felicia.
    That did they did wrong with BfA? That WOW bleed players is understandable as its old, but BfA has caused lots to quit.

    Blizzard has this philosophy: if it's not broke, then break it.

    Not being funny, but if wow players are expecting a different situation here, then here is the wrong place im afraid.

  • madeeh91rwb17_ESO
    Imagine coming from wow arenas and trying out eso deathmatchs bgs...big ooooof

    Whats wow arena?
    Enlighten me please?
  • Jeremy
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
    As bad as ESO does seem. It could be far worse.
    Like Secret World. Blade and Soul. Aion. Lineage II. SWtOR. STO. Wildstar.

    Would of added City of Heores /Villians, but game was too damn good and fewest issues till ... nooe not going to go down that memory lane.

    My poor Dark Miasma Mastermind :(

    It could be. This game does have some performance problems. But not nearly as bad as some of the others I've played out there (LOTRO and SWTOR come immediately to mind). I'd rate this game as above average in terms of performance.

    But in regards to Alucardo's post - those coming off of WoW probably are going to have some performance desiderium. WoW is probably the smoothest running MMO I have ever played. I don't know what their secret is - but it is probably the only MMO I have ever played that can run without a lick of lag even during massive PvP battles.
  • Fake Remedy
    Fake Remedy
    Imagine coming from wow arenas and trying out eso deathmatchs bgs...big ooooof

    Whats wow arena?
    Enlighten me please?
    Fake Remedy

    yt. Fake_Remedy
    twitch. Fake_Remedy
    discord. fake_remedy#3254
  • Kel
    As bad as some aspects of Warcraft are....and believe me, they are pretty bad, it can basically run lag free on a potato laptop.
    I used to play Legion on a Dell laptop when I was traveling....on wifi...and hardly had any issues. Ran smooth.
    ESO is kind of a mess perfomance wise, and I'm trying to be kind.

    Not to mention mount farming is a big past time in WoW, and 99% of the mounts in this game have to be bought from the crown store..that will definitely be a turn off.

    I'm all for the game growing and adding players, but will these players stick around?
    I mean, I did.
  • Gatviper
    Mount farming was there in Everquest II too, and mounts had their own combat stats added to players riding them, so it was a quite desireable activity. Shame it isn't in ESO, it's all Crown Store driven here. Still love the game, ever since it came out.
    Life is a ride, like days in a train, cities rush by, like ghosts in the night.
    The rhythm of wheels, time fades away, stations of a journey, destination unknown.
  • Raudgrani
    Saucy_Jack wrote: »
    therift wrote: »
    WoWsers are fairly easy to spot:

    Characters are 'Toons'
    Magicka is 'Manna'
    Trials are 'Raids'

    Welcome them. They're leaving a ship that started sinking in 2014.

    The only mm I've played is ESO, but I say toons because it's a heck of a lot faster to type than 'characters'.

    Yes, this exactly. I can't even write charäktäu... carakthe... charactheruer.... Well. You see.
  • I_CraftwithPntButter
    Met a new ( to eso) player yesterday who played wow. Gave them a bunch of purple cp 160 glyphs to decon , answered a few questions. In a sense welcomed them to eso .

    Not the first time I've met a wow player switching over, and gave them a little help to get started. The feedback I get or have seen in zone chat , is how helpful eso community ( overall) have been , and they are happy they made the switch.
  • Sixsixsix161
    WoW to ESO is not a smooth progression, there are a lot of new things to learn.

    I was more comfortable when I transitioned from WoW to Rift since that's basically a mini-WoW. Smaller areas and no flying, but else things are the same, even in the main story (two sides, fighting each other, similar to the Horde vs Alliance conflict in WoW).

    Eventually, I did switch to ESO and have really enjoyed it. I'd go back to Rift and split my time between the two games, but it has really suffered since Rift and all the other Trion games were sold last October to Gamigo, a German gaming company.

  • ynimma
    Jarndyce wrote: »
    If true thats awesome imo. Adding new players is good for the game. Larger playerbase means more revenue for ZOS. More revenue for ZOS means more content development. More content development means more game enjoyment.

    If only this were true, but it’s NOT. It also shows how little people actually understand about economics, capitalism, and how corporate culture works in America and the rest of the world.

    It’s been proven in trickle down economics and it’s been proven with tax breaks and other methods over the last 30 years.

    Companies make the most amount of profit with the least amount of resources spent as possible.

    Any increased profits they make from WOW players or anyone else will go directly into the pockets of the CEO and shareholders of the company, an increase in the size of their dividend check, very, very, very little of that money will be invested in the game if any at all.

    You forget that Zenimax board of directors and CEO call the shots on where the money goes, ZOS has no say at all. As long as ESO is turning a profit inside the margins they project that money will go to investors not to improve their product.

    The content they are creating was already budgeted for and forecasted in the yearly budgets. Everything is planned.

    Any increase in profits won’t be spent to improve the game, this has already been proven by ZOS many times. All the influx of money from paid chapters nothing was improved the game still lags and has the same bugs from 2014. That money went to shareholders and in the pockets of the CEO and Zenimax media not to be used to make the game better.

    This is from page 2, I know, but still the most valuable comment in any given time.
    The lack of understanding and the lack of consciousness from the masses is just stunning. And also leaves not much hope for quality to improve on any field of life especially in the virtual world where "early access" for example can literally hack the legal requirements for quality assurance and "fit for purpose" regulations of a so called product. And why? Because the unconscious, instinct-driven playerbase throws money at these companies unconditionally and then to reduce their cognitive dissonance simply turn to white knights to prove themselves that their decision on paying that much was well justified.
    How these companies work sometimes a plain abuse and still they grow out more and more because there's still a good market to milk through their general ignorance.

    On the other hand - to stay on topic - welcome WOW players, ESO is a beautiful world to explore with some really great mechanics and some irritating and unresolved aspects of which the reason is above. Still, you're in the right place :)
    Until people in general get more educated and will be able to make decisions based on existing RW mechanics and not their dream world, this whole thing will not change a bit.
  • MyKillv2.0
    theyancey wrote: »
    Glad to have them as long as they actually want to play an online Elder Scrolls game. On the other hand if they are just gonna *** on the forums because this isn't WoW with an ES skin then they can keep on moving.
    Would this be REALLY any different than the portion of the legacy members on the forums who complain that the game isn’t Dark Ages of Camelot with an ES skin?
  • Facefister
    Actually more WoW players are showing up in FFXIV, especially the raiders. It hasn't been exactly good for the close knit community that didn't have the raid or die mentality.

    But they are also discovering that acting like douchenozzles will get you banned in some pretty humiliating ways.
    This, anyone who raided some-what progressive or better went to FF since raids and dungeons in ESO are primitive in comparison to WoW.
  • Fake Remedy
    Fake Remedy

    Wow arena/battlegrounds = Public world/regional ranked leaderboard and championships.

    Eso deathmatch battlegrounds = Anonymous match making rating with under/at max level (time invested > success) leaderboard all in one.

    In eso PvE terms its like removing the current global all time trials and solo leaderboards altogether and changing the weekly score/ranked system to accumulate points based the amount of times they do the trial/solo that week. gg
    Fake Remedy

    yt. Fake_Remedy
    twitch. Fake_Remedy
    discord. fake_remedy#3254
  • Devanear
    I think it's high time ZOS pauses the crown store legion for a while and polish the living crap out of the game by working on bugs, lag, CP system etc.
    So the players coming to check things out don't get bummed out by stuff.

    ESO and WoW have very different cultures. I don't think performance is what will push most WoW players out. Speaking as a collector and altoholic type of player, ESO is a nightmare compared to WoW. So much stuff is in the store and worst, it's in the store for a limited time. There are many items that you can only get paying in cash. There are items you cannot get at all anymore, store items that have no reason to disappear. Only 8 character slots, unless you again pay cash.

    Compare that with WoW where almost everything is in game and can be bought with time played or gold. Even the few store items can be bought with gold through the WoW Token, and that includes the game itself. The only items that are time constraint are rewards for some high end content which are removed when that tier is over and the content becomes trivial. There are so many mounts, so many armour styles, so many pets to collect. All for free and you get 50 character slots per account.

    This company just comes across as really, really greedy. Always making excuses to run through their players pockets. I know it's free to play, compared with WoW, that has a subscription, but it is too much. It feels predatory. The time limit aspect specially just boggles my mind. Why limit things on the store for just one week or so, making many players miss an opportunity to buy stuff they want, just because it came at the wrong time for them? This is what made me quit the game the first time I tried it, the feeling that I was already too late and I would never have a proper collection unless I paid money constantly.

    This game has a lot of positive aspects. I love the questing, I love the crafting. The housing system seems brilliant. I enjoy and play both games, but ESO could not replace WoW for me as a collector.

    Another thing that annoys me coming from WoW is the UI. I can't believe I need an addon to have a visible clock. I can't check my professions unless I'm at a crafting station. There's no queue estimate time for group activities, and when the queue pops up it's barely audible (unless I want to have NPC voices/noises ringing through the house). Not having an Auction House.
  • Sylvermynx
    WoW to ESO is not a smooth progression, there are a lot of new things to learn.

    I was more comfortable when I transitioned from WoW to Rift since that's basically a mini-WoW. Smaller areas and no flying, but else things are the same, even in the main story (two sides, fighting each other, similar to the Horde vs Alliance conflict in WoW).

    Eventually, I did switch to ESO and have really enjoyed it. I'd go back to Rift and split my time between the two games, but it has really suffered since Rift and all the other Trion games were sold last October to Gamigo, a German gaming company.

    Exactly my movement pattern. However, I'd already got the TES mindset at least since I started TES with Arena in 1994.
    Jeremy wrote: »
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
    As bad as ESO does seem. It could be far worse.
    Like Secret World. Blade and Soul. Aion. Lineage II. SWtOR. STO. Wildstar.

    Would of added City of Heores /Villians, but game was too damn good and fewest issues till ... nooe not going to go down that memory lane.

    My poor Dark Miasma Mastermind :(

    It could be. This game does have some performance problems. But not nearly as bad as some of the others I've played out there (LOTRO and SWTOR come immediately to mind). I'd rate this game as above average in terms of performance.

    But in regards to Alucardo's post - those coming off of WoW probably are going to have some performance desiderium. WoW is probably the smoothest running MMO I have ever played. I don't know what their secret is - but it is probably the only MMO I have ever played that can run without a lick of lag even during massive PvP battles.

    I've been gone from WoW since 2013 - but even back then it ran far better for me than ESO does. Same internet (satband), same company (wildblue) and I've upped my speed in January to try to compensate for 2k ms + here where the mega-ping causes me such issues (not working really well). I would LOVE to have ESO figure out what WoW did and fix their stuff here using WoW's metrics for connectivity (or whatever you want to call it).
    Edited by Sylvermynx on May 12, 2019 11:00PM
  • TheValar85
    Yes it is true.
    And you know what? they are all welcome expect the toxick ones :D
    Blizzard and WoW is now havving a sirius strugle with the game in general. Look for BFA its basicly an empty shell, without contents. While the perwious expansion set the Legon was a the second best expansion in WoW history the BFa expansion was not realy welcomed in most case cenarios, so with that said it is completly understandable when they go for another game, and lets face it, even Nixxiom and Asmo plays this game now too. and tehy are streaming it as well, so basicly even their fan base would join with them. thats logical, considering the current state of WoW, i must say i very welcome them to tamriel :) And i even rember once i said when nixxiom and asmo will join to teh game alot of new players will come as well. So My advice to zos is now it is time guys, to completly upgrade your servers and services, including support in both platforms and on both megaservers, Eu/NA ect. why? you might say, well becasue WoW players got used to the fast pahsed support system, and also the very client friendly services, like basicly and litteral no lags, and no frame drops. (or at leastw orkign on it to drasticly reduce those issues in every mega servers) Becasue they are also can be potential, base, like wise the already existing ESO base. When the WoW base will arrive to this game, you must all know they are very much loyal as well. Many of them left wow in this year, and those players played mostly from WoW vanila, or sience the burning crusade expansion. that means tehy have been in the MMO genre at least more then 10+ years now :D So the presure is on ZOS :D
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • FlopsyPrince
    I would prefer a flying mount, but Wayshrines are better than flightpoints in WoW.

    I am not sure I agree that WoW devs fixed bugs quickly however. They certainly fixed the ones that benefited players quite fast, just like the ESO devs. But they I remember some things hanging around for quite a while in Cataclysm and Mists. (When I played WoW extensively.)
  • FlopsyPrince
    I am most disappointed in the lack of an Auction House in ESO. I find it impossible to know what a reasonable price is for something to either buy or sell. I don't want to spend all day running around to do this. A site did come up with prices for stuff on the PS4, but I am skeptical about the numbers there since it shows the Cadwell Styles as being at 20K+ each. I just had a bunch expire that were well below that.

    I am glad to have found a few trading guilds that are not as intense as others here and that often get convenient traders in Alinor for me, but I would give that up in a moment for a true central AH and the value it would bring.
  • Linaleah

    Wow arena/battlegrounds = Public world/regional ranked leaderboard and championships.

    Eso deathmatch battlegrounds = Anonymous match making rating with under/at max level (time invested > success) leaderboard all in one.

    In eso PvE terms its like removing the current global all time trials and solo leaderboards altogether and changing the weekly score/ranked system to accumulate points based the amount of times they do the trial/solo that week. gg

    and there I thought that the biggest culture clash would be 1. speed of combat, 2. 3 teams instead of 2, 3. you cannot just outgear the other team and dominate, ESO pvp is FAR more skill based than wow pvp. and as weird as it may sound to you? actualy more balanced.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Linaleah
    I would prefer a flying mount, but Wayshrines are better than flightpoints in WoW.

    I am not sure I agree that WoW devs fixed bugs quickly however. They certainly fixed the ones that benefited players quite fast, just like the ESO devs. But they I remember some things hanging around for quite a while in Cataclysm and Mists. (When I played WoW extensively.)

    there are bugs in WoW that have been there for years. for all the claims of stability - anyone who played WoW with any degree of seriousness - KNOWS not to schedule anything group related on patch days, becasue for the next few days, the game is either going to be completely unplayable, or barely so. over a decade, and they still have issues with launching content patches... after WoW, playing ESO patches was like a breath of fresh air. are they completely smooth? no. but they tend to be more playable then WoW patches. at least in my experience (played WoW since BC, quit in cata, came back midway through pandaria and let my BFA subscription lapse about a month ago - for reference)
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • TheValar85
    I saw two WoW YouTubers who are now producing content for ESO and comparing it to WoW. If you watch them you can get hyped for ESO too.

    Links pls :)
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • ecru
    I don't see ESO pulling anything but a lot of casual players from WoW. The raid content in ESO just isn't hard or engaging enough to draw big raid guilds, and the instanced pvp is mostly garbage so you won't see many people switching to ESO for the pvp either.
    Gryphon Heart
  • TheValar85
    ecru wrote: »
    I don't see ESO pulling anything but a lot of casual players from WoW. The raid content in ESO just isn't hard or engaging enough to draw big raid guilds, and the instanced pvp is mostly garbage so you won't see many people switching to ESO for the pvp either.

    i can proove that the current player base in WoW now is less the 3 mill in world wide, and bcause of that actualy alot of them joined to this game. all you have to do is just look it up on youtube how many ex WoW players are now playing eso, and also how many people are in teh comment sections bellow claimed they switched to ESO. The only confrimation we could get is if ZOS decieds to realease a chart, how much active subs are and how much legit accounts are , but due to the company privacy policies thats not gonna happen, so the only way we can finde out is to do our research on this field by look up youtube comments, watchign streams, ect. i did that i spent only one month away from this game, except for the daliy login rewards, and the general feedback and comments numbers on youtube and twitch and also facebook, are prooving the gamers numbers are semi growing now. @ZOS_GinaBruno Can you please confrim that darling? :) thank you <3
    GM Of The Lusty Argonian ERP
    GM Of THe Alessia Dynasty PVP Guild
    GM Of The Guardians Of MiddleEarth
    My Smiling Emperor Profile Picture:
  • Fake Remedy
    Fake Remedy
    Linaleah wrote: »

    Wow arena/battlegrounds = Public world/regional ranked leaderboard and championships.

    Eso deathmatch battlegrounds = Anonymous match making rating with under/at max level (time invested > success) leaderboard all in one.

    In eso PvE terms its like removing the current global all time trials and solo leaderboards altogether and changing the weekly score/ranked system to accumulate points based the amount of times they do the trial/solo that week. gg

    and there I thought that the biggest culture clash would be 1. speed of combat, 2. 3 teams instead of 2, 3. you cannot just outgear the other team and dominate, ESO pvp is FAR more skill based than wow pvp. and as weird as it may sound to you? actualy more balanced.

    doesnt sound weird at all. not sure what you saw here but I mentioned nothing of the the combat in either game...
    Fake Remedy

    yt. Fake_Remedy
    twitch. Fake_Remedy
    discord. fake_remedy#3254
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