WOW "refugees" coming to ESO?

  • Ostacia
    I gave up on WoW some years ago. Loved my druid. Played Conan, Aion, Rift, and GW2 a bit, then I found ESO and it's the only one I play now. I'm one of the few that didn't play Skyrim, haha.

    Per what you call your characters, "a rose by any other name" etc.
    PC/ NA
    Imagination is the real and eternal world of which this vegetable universe is but a faint shadow. -- William Blake
  • zaria
    My first MMO was WoW but it started to go downhill bad during WoD and has only gotten worse. I started looking for a new game to play a while back and found ESO. Honestly I was a bit put off by there being no free trial but the game came highly recommended so I decided to buy it and give it a go. Do not regret it.

    As for WoW, BfA looked interesting but all I can say now is thankfully I bought it with gold and not real cash because I unsubbed two weeks in. Yeah it's THAT bad. Players are abandoning that sinking ship by the millions and instead of listening to the players they keep doubling down on what is driving everyone away. Brilliant. After the XP ban debacle of this free-to-play weekend that they're doing right now I can't ever see supporting a company like them again.

    I recommend ESO, FFXIV, and even GW2 to all WoW players if they want a better, more fun gaming experience. As for WoW, no king rules forever my son... bye Felicia.
    That did they did wrong with BfA? That WOW bleed players is understandable as its old, but BfA has caused lots to quit.

    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Wildberryjack
    zaria wrote: »
    My first MMO was WoW but it started to go downhill bad during WoD and has only gotten worse. I started looking for a new game to play a while back and found ESO. Honestly I was a bit put off by there being no free trial but the game came highly recommended so I decided to buy it and give it a go. Do not regret it.

    As for WoW, BfA looked interesting but all I can say now is thankfully I bought it with gold and not real cash because I unsubbed two weeks in. Yeah it's THAT bad. Players are abandoning that sinking ship by the millions and instead of listening to the players they keep doubling down on what is driving everyone away. Brilliant. After the XP ban debacle of this free-to-play weekend that they're doing right now I can't ever see supporting a company like them again.

    I recommend ESO, FFXIV, and even GW2 to all WoW players if they want a better, more fun gaming experience. As for WoW, no king rules forever my son... bye Felicia.
    That did they did wrong with BfA? That WOW bleed players is understandable as its old, but BfA has caused lots to quit.

    Everything about BfA is messed up from the horrid azerite system to loot to scaling to time and rep gating. You get weaker as you level and get better gear. Classes abilities have been gutted. They put most abilities on the GCD so you literally push a button then wait push a button then wait push a button then wait while something is chewing your face off, you have to wait wait wait then finally you can attack oh but then wait again. Everything in BfA is time and rep gated, you have to jump through unreasonable hoops to make and play a Kul Tiran and Zandalari, they still haven't put flight in after taking it away yet again. Warfronts and Islands, which should have been a ton of fun, are nothing but a boring race against a clock. The game is now on rails, you have to do this and that, you can't do this until they say so, you can't go there you have to go here, you have to have this or that to get this or that, just ugh. Not. Fun.

    If you look at the WoW forums you can see all the problems the players have been asking for them to please do something about yet every Q&A Blizz says "working as intended". Well so is that Unsub button in our account controls, it works as intended also.
    Edited by Wildberryjack on March 24, 2019 3:44PM
    The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. ~Pablo Picasso
  • zaria
    zaria wrote: »
    My first MMO was WoW but it started to go downhill bad during WoD and has only gotten worse. I started looking for a new game to play a while back and found ESO. Honestly I was a bit put off by there being no free trial but the game came highly recommended so I decided to buy it and give it a go. Do not regret it.

    As for WoW, BfA looked interesting but all I can say now is thankfully I bought it with gold and not real cash because I unsubbed two weeks in. Yeah it's THAT bad. Players are abandoning that sinking ship by the millions and instead of listening to the players they keep doubling down on what is driving everyone away. Brilliant. After the XP ban debacle of this free-to-play weekend that they're doing right now I can't ever see supporting a company like them again.

    I recommend ESO, FFXIV, and even GW2 to all WoW players if they want a better, more fun gaming experience. As for WoW, no king rules forever my son... bye Felicia.
    That did they did wrong with BfA? That WOW bleed players is understandable as its old, but BfA has caused lots to quit.

    Everything about BfA is messed up from the horrid azerite system to loot to scaling to time and rep gating. You get weaker as you level and get better gear. Classes abilities have been gutted. They put most abilities on the GCD so you literally push a button then wait push a button then wait push a button then wait while something is chewing your face off, you have to wait wait wait then finally you can attack oh but then wait again. Everything in BfA is time and rep gated, you have to jump through unreasonable hoops to make and play a Kul Tiran and Zandalari, they still haven't put flight in after taking it away yet again. Warfronts and Islands, which should have been a ton of fun, are nothing but a boring race against a clock. The game is now on rails, you have to do this and that, you can't do this until they say so, you can't go there you have to go here, you have to have this or that to get this or that, just ugh. Not. Fun.

    If you look at the WoW forums you can see all the problems the players have been asking for them to please do something about yet every Q&A Blizz says "working as intended". Well so is that Unsub button in our account controls, it works as intended also.
    Ty, heard about the GCD on defensive abilities who would obviosly make things more clunky and harder.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • srfrogg23
    zaria wrote: »
    My first MMO was WoW but it started to go downhill bad during WoD and has only gotten worse. I started looking for a new game to play a while back and found ESO. Honestly I was a bit put off by there being no free trial but the game came highly recommended so I decided to buy it and give it a go. Do not regret it.

    As for WoW, BfA looked interesting but all I can say now is thankfully I bought it with gold and not real cash because I unsubbed two weeks in. Yeah it's THAT bad. Players are abandoning that sinking ship by the millions and instead of listening to the players they keep doubling down on what is driving everyone away. Brilliant. After the XP ban debacle of this free-to-play weekend that they're doing right now I can't ever see supporting a company like them again.

    I recommend ESO, FFXIV, and even GW2 to all WoW players if they want a better, more fun gaming experience. As for WoW, no king rules forever my son... bye Felicia.
    That did they did wrong with BfA? That WOW bleed players is understandable as its old, but BfA has caused lots to quit.

    Blizzard has this philosophy: if it's not broke, then break it.

    BFA is just a refined version of Legion and WoD. The problems that people had with those two expansions have only been transferred to BfA.

    You need to understand, WoW has been around for 15 years now. Blizzard is finally shedding the last of it's most stalwart "old-timers" while Blizzard jams their fingers in their ears and yells "LALALALALA!!! YOU THINK YOU WANT THAT BUT YOU DON'T!!!! LALALALA!!!!"

    But, Blizzard likes it, and if Blizzard has made anything clear, it is that WoW belongs to Blizzard, not the players, or ex-paying customers.
  • Terion_Fyr
    or they just play both? because both games are cool
  • Zacuel
    Zacuel wrote: »
    I like how 90% of this thread is about how we refer to our characters. I bet the WoW players don't even care how one refers to their characters.... It's not a big deal guys lol.

    It's all the same.

    I don't know about in the WoW forums, because I never spent any time there, but in the game, people complained about the use of the term "toon" quite often. I usually saw it in Stormwind City on Scarlet Crusade.

    Makes me wonder if people complain for the sake of complaining.

    Who am I kidding? Of course they do!
  • Stratloc
    Zacuel wrote: »
    I like how 90% of this thread is about how we refer to our characters. I bet the WoW players don't even care how one refers to their characters.... It's not a big deal guys lol.

    It's all the same.

    I don't know about in the WoW forums, because I never spent any time there, but in the game, people complained about the use of the term "toon" quite often. I usually saw it in Stormwind City on Scarlet Crusade.
    That's not my experience. I've played since beta. Never once have I seen it.
  • wishlist14
    You fail to realise that many ex wow players were essentialy TES fans and when ESO went live they left wow to come here at launch...many were also participating in the beta. I myself played TES then wow and also the elderscrolls xbox games such as Oblivion etc and eventually ended up playing eso on launch date. Some wow players also tried out eso at launch, did not gel with the game asit was back then and left only to return later on and fall in love with it.

    I must say that before eso launched, wow was my favourite game and i enjoyed many years of entertainment. Thank you Blizzard. But after so many years it got too familiar for me and there were too many changes that I could not cope with so I decided it was time to quit for good. Tes being my first ever rpg will always be number 1... as is eso which to me is an extention of TES.

    I can still remeber sitting just outside silvermoon city chatting to one of my rp guildie mates who happened to be a Tauren. We were discussing the characters we were going to create for ESO...and we both wanted to make nb khajiits lol 5 years later here I am. I still have my nb khajiit.

    Edited by wishlist14 on March 24, 2019 9:16PM
  • TheInfernalRage
    I saw two WoW YouTubers who are now producing content for ESO and comparing it to WoW. If you watch them you can get hyped for ESO too.
  • Ohtimbar
    I'd expect more expats to migrate elsewhere (ESO or otherwise) as the ancient behemoth that is WoW slowly decays. I'm not convinced that Blizzard circa 2019 is really Blizzard at all, but WoW seems rudderless regardless. The entire genre is in a bad way, seems to me.
    forever stuck in combat
  • dazee
    Na0cho wrote: »
    Pretty much any mmo that was referenced in this thread is ***.

    Did you people not play true mmos?

    Ultima Online
    Dark age of Camelot.

    Also if you say toon instead of char I can’t be messin wit ya.

    Theres reasons those mmos are no longer popular or even around. FFXI was also hailed by some as the "Greatest mmo ever" yet it was garbage by today's standards. sure had some cool features but they didnt redeem it.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • Sylvermynx
    Na0cho wrote: »
    Pretty much any mmo that was referenced in this thread is ***.

    Did you people not play true mmos?

    Ultima Online
    Dark age of Camelot.

    Also if you say toon instead of char I can’t be messin wit ya.

    None of those interested me. I wouldn't ever have played any of them. My sister played them because she's an MMO junkie. I only play games that really have meaning for me - ES because I've played every ES game since Arena landed; WoW because of Night Elves and Draenei. Those were what got me to try it (and a good RL friend gave me the base game for my birthday in 2005), and I really did fall in love with it. But Blizzard slowly but surely killed that love so I was done by 2013.

    My daughter suggested RIFT, and after reading some stuff about it, I tried it. It wasn't as good as WoW, but since she was playing it was a decent way to get together 3000 miles apart. And I'm playing ESO because Trion screwed the pooch, and again, I've played every ES game as they came out.
  • Oberstein
    Doesn't care whether they from WoW or not. More players more fun.
    History, like a human being, is thirsty when it wakes from its slumber…History wants to drink up an enormous amount of blood. And even if history has tired of drinking blood, that’s only in regards to the amount. But what about quality? The larger the sacrifice is, the more delighted the cruel gods will be.
  • Vand3ers
    I started playing WoW last year after playing ESO on and off since release and I quickly started enjoying A LOT more than ESO. Frankly, I see them as two different worlds and I could never abandon one for the other. Though, TES is still my favourite setting (after Middle Earth).

    Once the Necromancer is released for ESO I'll be coming back. Without that I probably wouldn't return as WoW has the Death Knight and I love the necromancer theme. On that note ESO needs more classes.

    As with all MMOs though I find the lack of choice disappointing. You're always fighting the baddies but never get to join them. And choosing factions, whether it is the three alliances in ESO, or the Horde or Alliance doesn't really change enough imo. I'm glad in the most recent Horde campaign in WoW they actually give you a choice as to which character you are loyal to - though whether that will come to anything is still to be seen.

  • Aedrion
    MaxJrFTW wrote: »
    Unfortunately ESO has never been able to recover from its rocky launch and i doubt it will be the answer for content creators, but ESO is certainly a much better game than WoW at the moment.

    ESO did recover from that. ESO is held back by a dev that doesn't give two sh*ts about how their game performs.
    I don't play ESO anymore because everyday had become a lagfest surrounded by bowblades.

  • Morgul667
    Time to fix bug and lag to make people stay ZOS?
  • dogman
    dazee wrote: »
    Na0cho wrote: »
    Pretty much any mmo that was referenced in this thread is ***.

    Did you people not play true mmos?

    Ultima Online
    Dark age of Camelot.

    Also if you say toon instead of char I can’t be messin wit ya.

    Theres reasons those mmos are no longer popular or even around. FFXI was also hailed by some as the "Greatest mmo ever" yet it was garbage by today's standards. sure had some cool features but they didnt redeem it.

    you do realise that some ofthe developers of dark age of camelot work on eso, right
    Edited by dogman on March 25, 2019 7:58AM
    i'm just tryna have a good time
  • Navras
    I came here from WoW at the beginning of 2017 (I've played ESO beta back in time but it was in too early stages imho) and I've never thought to get back to it. I was a dedicated mythic raider but I just didn't like the game anymore.

    I found ESO refreshing with the opportunity of a completely new approach and after more than 2 years I haven't changed my mind.

    The only cons are the communication on forums from Zos (but someone might see this as a pro) and the overall technical quality of the software is a lot worst compared to World of Warcraft: bugs, known unsolved issues, that damn group finder queues (!!!), Cyrodill performance, etc etc. but all in all things that are easier to fix when a game is solid.

    Long life to ESO and welcome WoW fellas
    cp 1500+
    Flawless Conqueror & Spirit Slayer

    Main: Templar
    Alt: Stamblade, StamDK
  • RavenSworn
    I was here for beta but I am a wow refugee. My travels (and travail) included playing dnd online, lotro, aion, sky forge, tsw, gw2, wildstar. Out of that, only tsw and for the most part wildstar sticked and when the game ended or changed, I moved out. Funny thing, I did eso sub, wildstar sub, tsw sub AND wow sub during the last year of my 7 year tenure in wow. When I ended wow sub, I had wildstar for f2p, tsw became different and I unsubbed, and the only sub I continued was eso.

    Eso is... A class of its own. It is different enough from wow but familiar enough that you won't feel out of place for mmo vets.
    Ingame: RavenSworn, Pc / NA.

    Of Wolf and Raven
    Solo / Casual guild for beginners and new players wanting to join the game. Pst me for invite!
  • Heimpai
    Just heard that thousands of WoW players got banned for an xp exploit thanks to blizzard‘s incompetence..that’ll help your sinking ship

  • dazee
    dogman wrote: »
    dazee wrote: »
    Na0cho wrote: »
    Pretty much any mmo that was referenced in this thread is ***.

    Did you people not play true mmos?

    Ultima Online
    Dark age of Camelot.

    Also if you say toon instead of char I can’t be messin wit ya.

    Theres reasons those mmos are no longer popular or even around. FFXI was also hailed by some as the "Greatest mmo ever" yet it was garbage by today's standards. sure had some cool features but they didnt redeem it.

    you do realise that some ofthe developers of dark age of camelot work on eso, right

    Yes but the game isn't the same. they recognize the fact that there were a lot of aspects of those ancient mmos which just dont fly today.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • HappyLittleTree
    Let them come the more the merrier
    Thuu chakkuth lod Hajhiit c’oo? Hajhiit gortsuquth gorihuth thuu gooluthduj thdeitoluu!

  • Mathius_Mordred
    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • barney2525
    Never played WoW because I knew some people that did.

    I am an Archeage refugee, but I came over quite awhile ago.

  • rpa
    I'd be still playing Wildstar if it had not closed. Was very good game, combat and raids in particular but also a mismanaged, rushed and buggy abortion with much of promised content not materializing. (Lack of content made a grind necessary to keep players playing but grind without substantial content updates is dead end. Too bad.)

    I've given WoW about 3 serious tries and each time I quit when I eventually found myself at max level fishing and collecting pets and nothing else. Strange how a game with millions of players and regular content updates can be so dead.

    This far ESO has been pretty adequate fix, its a good and fun game even with its weird monetization (I'd gladly sub ESO+ but not only for craft bag / bank space) and flickering (which is not yet that bad out of Craglorn and Cryodiil) and mysteriously convoluted trading system (so I don't trade).

    Every game has it's flaws but ESO seems to be alive, mostly playable and be fun to play.
  • Mathius_Mordred
    rpa wrote: »
    This far ESO has been pretty adequate fix, its a good and fun game even with its weird monetization (I'd gladly sub ESO+ but not only for craft bag / bank space) and flickering (which is not yet that bad out of Craglorn and Cryodiil) and mysteriously convoluted trading system (so I don't trade).

    Skyrim Red Shirts. Join us at Skyrim Red Shirts. Free trader. We welcome all, from new players to Vets. A mature drama-free social group enjoying PVE questing, PvP, Dungeons, trials and arenas. Web, FB Group & Discord. Guild Hall, trial dummy, crafting, transmutation, banker & merchant. You may invite your friends. No requirements
  • mocap
    phrase: "you pull it, you tank it" came from WoW i think. Reason why i play as tank less and less :/
    (a reference to impatient DPSer who usually initiate the fight before tank. ESO community sometimes call them "speedrun guy")
  • bodge2372
    I quit WOW 6mths into WOD after having played since just before TBC came out. I hated those garrisons and all the rigmarole you had to do to get flying in WOD just killed it for me. But as i understand it Blizz was bought by somebody else who are more keen on raking the cash in than maintaining what was a bloody good game. I'm certainly not missing it, tho....
  • Elsonso
    bodge2372 wrote: »
    I quit WOW 6mths into WOD after having played since just before TBC came out. I hated those garrisons and all the rigmarole you had to do to get flying in WOD just killed it for me. But as i understand it Blizz was bought by somebody else who are more keen on raking the cash in than maintaining what was a bloody good game. I'm certainly not missing it, tho....

    Garrisons. Playing them reminded me of playing Rollercoaster Tycoon, or some sim theme park game. Different little themed areas that got developed over time as the "game" progressed. All of this in a completely separate and isolated world. Neat idea, for some other game.

    This is part of the reason that I have a strong negative impression of ESO housing, by the way. ESO hasThe Sims HGTV version of garrisons, thankfully without the hermit-inducing gameplay progression that Blizzard provided, but still maintaining the isolated feeling of a separate world. (Edit: I would probably feel differently about this if I had encountered them in a different order)

    BTW... In the time frame of WoD, Blizzard was not purchased by anyone. WoD, Legions, and BfA were all their own doing.
    Edited by Elsonso on March 25, 2019 11:20AM
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Grind Road

    ESO Plus: No
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
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