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WOW "refugees" coming to ESO?

  • Alucardo
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
  • StormeReigns
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
    As bad as ESO does seem. It could be far worse.
    Like Secret World. Blade and Soul. Aion. Lineage II. SWtOR. STO. Wildstar.

    Would of added City of Heores /Villians, but game was too damn good and fewest issues till ... nooe not going to go down that memory lane.

    My poor Dark Miasma Mastermind :(
  • Jamdarius
    therift wrote: »
    WoWsers are fairly easy to spot:

    Characters are 'Toons'
    Magicka is 'Manna'
    Trials are 'Raids'

    Welcome them. They're leaving a ship that started sinking in 2014.

    Never played WoW for more than a day (just to try it out and I didn't like it) yet I call it the same well maybe except I still call trials trials. As for mana I would say it is caused by Gothic I and Gothic II rather than other mmo games.
  • Sylvermynx
    Funny you mention Secret World. I really wanted to play it - I downloaded it (using a huge chunk of my available bw for that 30 day rolling period), and attempted to log in.

    I got a big yellow banner in my face saying I didn't have "quality internet" so couldn't play. Hmph. I played WoW and RIFT, and now ESO, just fine. Do I have lag? Of course. Satellite always lags. High ping has been part of my life since 2005 - though it's certainly much better than dialup was!

    Regardless, TSW lost a subscriber - one who has historically spent thousands of dollars a year on MMOs over the years.
  • Alucardo
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
    As bad as ESO does seem. It could be far worse.
    Like Secret World. Blade and Soul. Aion. Lineage II. SWtOR. STO. Wildstar.

    Would of added City of Heores /Villians, but game was too damn good and fewest issues till ... nooe not going to go down that memory lane.

    My poor Dark Miasma Mastermind :(

    I loved Wildstar, and it broke my heart when it closed. Don't you EVER put it down like that again. In the words of Molag Bal, You have made a terrible enemy this day.
  • Monte_Cristo
    therift wrote: »
    WoWsers are fairly easy to spot:

    Characters are 'Toons'
    Magicka is 'Manna'
    Trials are 'Raids'

    Never played WOW. I say toon, cause it's easier than character. I say mana cause it's mana in Diablo 2/Spellforce/Dragonage 2 (I think).
  • theyancey
    Glad to have them as long as they actually want to play an online Elder Scrolls game. On the other hand if they are just gonna *** on the forums because this isn't WoW with an ES skin then they can keep on moving.
  • Linaleah
    yeah, mana is far older the wow usage. WoW didn't invent it, it just used it becasue that's what people were used to for magic users. (it actualy became popular as resource for magic users back in 1950ties ) same for raids and toons. and now I feel so very. very. old.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • max_only

    They’ve been saying toons forever unfortunately
    #FiteForYourRite Bosmer = Stealth
    || CP 1000+ || PC/NA || GUILDS: LWH; IA; CH; XA
    ""All gods' creatures (you lot) are equal when covered in A1 sauce"" -- Old Bosmeri Wisdom
  • dazee
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
    As bad as ESO does seem. It could be far worse.
    Like Secret World. Blade and Soul. Aion. Lineage II. SWtOR. STO. Wildstar.

    Would of added City of Heores /Villians, but game was too damn good and fewest issues till ... nooe not going to go down that memory lane.

    My poor Dark Miasma Mastermind :(

    City of heroes doesn't even belong being mentioned next to Lineage 2 Aion and Blade and Soul, and in SWTORs current state, not that either. City of Heroes is something which would still be successful today if a shortsighted company which doesnt understand foreign markets hadn't shut it down early.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • LeagueTroll
    BoraxFlux wrote: »
    *Checks whether Blizzard or Activision shows up in the intro of the game*


    To play this game on a mobile phone :/ pure nightmare.
    I'd like to drink my beer next to a screen the size of my eyesight area (well, almost), for relaxation and immursiun.


    Do u guys not have phones?
  • Sylvermynx
    I've used toon since the mid-70s when I ran AD&D games for my daughter and her friends from jr high school. Nerds, the bunch of them....

    It wasn't all that long in the past that they all still watched Saturday morning cartoons, and some of the art on the books and boxes reminded me of the cartoony Disney et al art, so that's what I started using instead of "character". On top of that, I had played SSI's Gold Box games from forever after they were released, and those WERE like cartoons. I guess you could say I'm an early adopter.
    dazee wrote: »
    SkerKro wrote: »
    Alucardo wrote: »
    Enjoy the lag, memory leaks and high CPU usage, friends!
    As bad as ESO does seem. It could be far worse.
    Like Secret World. Blade and Soul. Aion. Lineage II. SWtOR. STO. Wildstar.

    Would of added City of Heores /Villians, but game was too damn good and fewest issues till ... nooe not going to go down that memory lane.

    My poor Dark Miasma Mastermind :(

    City of heroes doesn't even belong being mentioned next to Lineage 2 Aion and Blade and Soul, and in SWTORs current state, not that either. City of Heroes is something which would still be successful today if a shortsighted company which doesnt understand foreign markets hadn't shut it down early.

    I so badly wanted to play CoH after a friend told me about it. Unfortunately, it was already not available. Very sad.
    Edited by Sylvermynx on March 23, 2019 11:24PM
  • starkerealm
    Linaleah wrote: »
    yeah, mana is far older the wow usage. WoW didn't invent it, it just used it becasue that's what people were used to for magic users. (it actualy became popular as resource for magic users back in 1950ties ) same for raids and toons. and now I feel so very. very. old.

    The term itself is Biblical. Literally translates from Hebrew as, "what is it," if I recall correctly. Though, that's mostly unrelated to using it as a measurement of stored magical energy. My gut recollection is, that usage goes back to the late 19th century spiritualist movement. But, I can't be bothered to go dig it up.
  • Linaleah
    Linaleah wrote: »
    yeah, mana is far older the wow usage. WoW didn't invent it, it just used it becasue that's what people were used to for magic users. (it actualy became popular as resource for magic users back in 1950ties ) same for raids and toons. and now I feel so very. very. old.

    The term itself is Biblical. Literally translates from Hebrew as, "what is it," if I recall correctly. Though, that's mostly unrelated to using it as a measurement of stored magical energy. My gut recollection is, that usage goes back to the late 19th century spiritualist movement. But, I can't be bothered to go dig it up.

    according to wikipedia it comes from polynesian languages, and literally means supernatural power. ancient greeks as far as I know - used the term to name food of the gods with ambrosia being drink of the gods (and ingesting both would make mortal into a god). as far as hebrew usage, its what they called edible substance god provided for refugees out of egypt in their 40 years of wondering around the desert with Moses. so at this point I don't even know who used it first. I was mainly referring to when the term became popular in fantasy/role playing game use - as a magical resource.
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Wildbloom
    I played WoW for 12 years straight, with only a few breaks between. I was a hardcore-casual! I had almost every achievement aside from the hardcore pvp ones and the newer raid ones. BfA hit and me and my friends tried to play it as much as we could, but our interest faded fast. Theirs fell like a brick, quitting before the first month was up. Me, I stayed around until about November. And then it happened...

    Cosmetics are a huge deal to me. If my character isn't dressed in a fancy costume or wielding cool weapons, I don't have fun. I know it's silly, but that's just me! Well, in ESO I used a thieves guild outfit with a dye for the longest time to fit my sneakthief playstyle. It was okay, but I got tired of it fast. I REALLY wanted Naryu's outfit from Morrowind. Lo and behold, they gave it t o me on sale with Black Friday, and I've played every day since. I'll pop into WoW every now and then, but the simple theme of the expansion puts me in a bad mood. Being in one of the two new continents at all makes me groan. It just reminds me of the mediocre experience all around me. It's gotten some nifty patches, but they need an overhaul to get me back into it.

    Don't even get me started on the story. Please. They couldn't have butchered Warcraft's story that hard that fast even if they tried. It showing signs of improving, but in the meantime, I'll stick to my dragons and player housing right here.
    "Hello, Skellington Pal! How are you today? Bone dry, you say? I’d offer you a glass of water, but it’d all fall through! I need more coffee."

    ZOS_GinaBruno, patch 5.0.1 PTS patch notes, 4/22/2019
  • dazee
    Linaleah wrote: »
    yeah, mana is far older the wow usage. WoW didn't invent it, it just used it becasue that's what people were used to for magic users. (it actualy became popular as resource for magic users back in 1950ties ) same for raids and toons. and now I feel so very. very. old.

    The term itself is Biblical. Literally translates from Hebrew as, "what is it," if I recall correctly. Though, that's mostly unrelated to using it as a measurement of stored magical energy. My gut recollection is, that usage goes back to the late 19th century spiritualist movement. But, I can't be bothered to go dig it up.

    The word in ancient hebrew was pronounced "Mahn" I don't know what it LITERALLY meant or if it had a literal meaning but it was basically miracle food from the sky.
    Playing your character the way your character should play is all that matters. Play as well as you can but never betray the character. Doing so would make playing an mmoRPG pointless.
  • MaxJrFTW
    I guess i'm one of these refugees since i dropped WoW late in 2017 and have been playing ESO since.

    Anyways, WoW has been on a steady but slow decline since early 2011. The latest expansion Battle for Azeroth is a complete disaster and at this point only people deeply addicted to WoW remain playing it. Players and content creators are looking for alternatives. Unfortunately ESO has never been able to recover from its rocky launch and i doubt it will be the answer for content creators, but ESO is certainly a much better game than WoW at the moment. It does the job just fine for people looking to play another MMO.

    As someone that spent 10 years playing WoW though, i'll never get used to how slow ESO developers are when it comes to addressing bugs and exploits. Back when i played WoW they would literally fix bugs within a couple of hours of finding them.

    "I don't know you, and I don't care to know you."
    ―Ulrich Leland, 3E 433
  • Jameliel
    therift wrote: »
    WoWsers are fairly easy to spot:

    Characters are 'Toons'
    Magicka is 'Manna'
    Trials are 'Raids'

    Welcome them. They're leaving a ship that started sinking in 2014.

    You seem fairly new to mmos. In nearly all MMOs I've played,
    Characters are often called "Toons",
    Magicka "Manna",
    and Trials are "Raids'
  • Androconium
    I am not exactly a MMO fan per se.
    But I have heard some sort of tragedy has struck WOW.
    And that, that is causing some refugees to come to ESO.

    Can someone put more light on the subject? Someone who knows a thing or two about WOW?

    Cause if it's true, than that would be awesome.


    I think it's high time ZOS pauses the crown store legion for a while and polish the living crap out of the game by working on bugs, lag, CP system etc.
    So the players coming to check things out don't get bummed out by stuff.

    P.S. Give daggers and maces spell crit and spell pen(so necromancers can use daggers :smile: )

    What planet are YOU on?
  • deadsheepb14_ESO
    I'm a WOWfugee. Left mostly because of burn-out, not so much anything to do with the current direction of the game (even though it is kind of eh).

    Anyway, I played ESO during beta and briefly retail but didn't get into it at the time.

    Returning now it is pretty amazing and wonderful. (I think it helps I have a better computer now lol) The visuals wow! The environment and game-world is just awesome. Dawn/dusk is picturesque, rain and thunderstorms are lovely. I just stop and watch some times. \o/

  • Tia413
    I have no problem with them coming here as long as they understand that WoW and ESO only share 2 things in common...1) quests and 2) PvP

    And if they can accept that ...then Welcome Aboard :)

    But so help me if I log on one day and my Khajiit looks like a Panda, I am opening up a full shipment of cans of worms (can not use the word I really wanted to use lol) on someone or many someones >:):p

    Have a Nice Day :)
    Edited by Tia413 on March 24, 2019 2:17AM
  • Linaleah
    you know, I honestly don't get the hate for pandas. 1. they were part of the lore since warcraft 3 and there are references to Chen back in Vanilla WoW. 2. they are fun to play

    that said... WoW and ESO have more in common than existence of quests and pvp, but they ARE very different games in many aspects. ironically, whenever I go back to WoW, I miss so many things I have in ESO... like better travel, more open, less gated world, outfit system (costs notwithstanding, ESO outfit system is leagues above what WoW has), housing, heck even character designer. so... yeah :P
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Tia413
    Linaleah wrote: »
    you know, I honestly don't get the hate for pandas. 1. they were part of the lore since warcraft 3 and there are references to Chen back in Vanilla WoW. 2. they are fun to play

    that said... WoW and ESO have more in common than existence of quests and pvp, but they ARE very different games in many aspects. ironically, whenever I go back to WoW, I miss so many things I have in ESO... like better travel, more open, less gated world, outfit system (costs notwithstanding, ESO outfit system is leagues above what WoW has), housing, heck even character designer. so... yeah :P

    Why so serious..... I was trying to make light of the possible reason I can't even play ESO right now. The lag here lately logs me off the game almost as fast as I get on. ESO+ days just going to waste.

    I don't hate WoW nor their Pandas. heck I have one myself still sitting on WoW. I quit it half way through Legion and never went back.

    I was just trying to have some fun.

    Geez...chill plz :):):)
    Edited by Tia413 on March 24, 2019 2:22AM
  • Linaleah
    Tia413 wrote: »
    Linaleah wrote: »
    you know, I honestly don't get the hate for pandas. 1. they were part of the lore since warcraft 3 and there are references to Chen back in Vanilla WoW. 2. they are fun to play

    that said... WoW and ESO have more in common than existence of quests and pvp, but they ARE very different games in many aspects. ironically, whenever I go back to WoW, I miss so many things I have in ESO... like better travel, more open, less gated world, outfit system (costs notwithstanding, ESO outfit system is leagues above what WoW has), housing, heck even character designer. so... yeah :P

    Why so serious..... I was trying to make light of the possible reason I can't even play ESO right now. The lag here lately logs me off the game almost as fast as I get on. ESO+ days just going to waste.

    I was just trying to have some fun.

    Geez...chill plz :):):)

    I.. thought I was pretty chill? O_O (at least in this thread, in event tickets thread, I truly have no chill :P ) and I mean.. there is a lot of hate for pandas out there for some reason :/ if it made sense with a lore, I actualy wouldn't mind playable pandas in ESO.. but.. it doesn't actualy make sense unless they just shove them in and that would be... awkward O_O
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Eiagra
    Welcome, WoW players, to where the sexier orcs are. ;) (in my biased opinion, at least)
          In verity.
  • Florial
    My wonderful ESO friend pulled me over to WoW this afternoon with another in game friend who had never played WoW. We were trying the welcome back weekend. After some stumbling around on my part and trying to get my account restored (Kudos to Blizzard customer support by the way---they resolved my issue through live chat and took 30 minutes of the person staying with me), we played for a few hours. Our non WoW playing buddy couldn't hack it and logged off after our play session. It was a great nostalgia time for me but I realized that ESO is just my game and I can't stand the clunky combat of the older games. Enjoyed WoW for years but can't see myself going back.

    With that said, really glad to see new players in ESO. I only hope that they give the game some time to grow on them. A new combat system can take some getting used to but hopefully they give it time.

    I do think that Blizzard makes a great game and as I said, the customer support this afternoon was fantastic for me.
  • ThanatosXR
    I've only played RuneScape 2001-2001,Lotro 2009-2013 and ESO
  • Cireous
    Hmm, I am also an ex WOW player :open_mouth: Played since launch, was a high ranked leaderboard raid healer on my Shaman. Ended up leaving at the launch of Rift. Left Rift for the launch of GW2 and now play ESO (since beta) and GW2 simultaneously, most recently, only ESO. However, I'm super casual (read-grown up) now. I've never even attempted a trial. I think I am just in love with MMOs that have everything I could possibly want solely accessible within the open world and dungeons. MMOs are more of a wanderlust adventure now and less of a scheduled, organized rage-fuled raid experience. I think it was actually Skyrim that changed my thoughts on how I want to exist in video games. Since then, I wanted to play MMOs like Skyrim and had been waiting for something reminiscent to everything Skyrim was offering. Enter ESO.
  • WoW_Refugee
    Happy to be here. Having a blast! :smile:
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    therift wrote: »
    WoWsers are fairly easy to spot:

    Characters are 'Toons'
    Magicka is 'Manna'
    Trials are 'Raids'

    Welcome them. They're leaving a ship that started sinking in 2014.

    ive never played wow and everyone ive every played with uses those terms
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