Along those lines, guards are also much more powerful in non-CP campaigns, not to mention the below-50 campaigns.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »I play in no- cp that damage nerf was very severe.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »The siege nerf was way too harsh to cold fire ballistas, THEY ARE SUPPOSED TO DO DAEDRIC DAMAGE! You get them from a dolmen! They have like a 10-30 percent drop rate they are supposed to be powerful and now they are firing burning pillows at people. This was a really unjust nerf that catered to spoiled veteran ball group players and 1vXers who have no respect for Cyrodiil or siege. We all know why most of the ball groups didn’t log into cyrodiil during this time, it was because they were getting farmed by pugs using siege effectively and it hurt their “pride”.
I agree they should do more damage in CP campaigns, but keep in mind they are a lot more effective in non-CP. Buffing their damage would make them that much stronger in non-CP campaigns too. Along those lines, guards are also much more powerful in non-CP campaigns, not to mention the below-50 campaigns.
InvictusApollo wrote: »
I play in no CP and after the nerf I don't even bother countering siege engines. Their damage is ridiculously low.
Playing in no-cp explains why you didn't see any ball groups. They're almost all on Vivec, which is the actual competitive server. The siege damage bug was horrible, but pugs were definitely not "farming" ball groups and 1vXers. We still had cleanse and the good sense to move around while trying to take down a keep wall. The only people who actually were getting consistent kills with siege were the ones firing it in a coordinated manner so they could 2-hit people, and that wasn't coming from pugs, that was coming from other organized groups. Indeed, it wasn't pugs who decided those large keep fights, it was the organized groups defending the inner with coordinated siege strikes, making it impossible to push in.
hardly competitive... The carry of CP is unreal making it a ***...
If anything, Non-CP is more competitive since all players are on the same "base" as chars
InvitationNotFound wrote: »*sighs* Point at the enemy, click one button and that's it. Stupid game play. No reason to buff this in any way.
hardly competitive... The carry of CP is unreal making it a ***...
If anything, Non-CP is more competitive since all players are on the same "base" as chars
Vivec is the actual competitive server... LOL.
The real competition is in no-CP. You don't have trash players being carried by Crutch Points, over-inflated meta builds, or everyone and their grandma's dog wearing heavy armor.
Playing in No-CP shows you the difference between skill and stats.
If that's how you feel then maybe stick to battlegrounds so you can't get carried by zergs either.
For real though, the CP campaigns actually get pop-locked, when's the last time that happened on a no-CP one?
And why would we ever consider players who can't keep up with CP cap or the meta to be the "actual" competition? That doesn't sound like a very competitive mindset to be honest.
thankyourat wrote: »Lol people on the forums will come up with anything
hardly competitive... The carry of CP is unreal making it a ***...
If anything, Non-CP is more competitive since all players are on the same "base" as chars
I guess that depends on what you consider to be gimmicky crap. I think proc sets are gimmicky crap, and they are a far larger issue on no CP servers.When I view it from a mindset perspective, no-CP appeals to players who want to drop all the gimmicky crap and fight opponents with actual skill. You're stripping away the carry points and all the buffing, and getting as close to a raw, real fight as you can get.
I guess that depends on what you consider to be gimmicky crap. I think proc sets are gimmicky crap, and they are a far larger issues on no CP servers.
I can't say I know what the No CP campaign is like now, but the general reputation it has had the past few years is that it attracts newer and less experienced players -- and to some degree -- those who would hunt them... with proc sets...
I sometimes feel the same way against sload/bleed users lol
InvitationNotFound wrote: »*sighs* Point at the enemy, click one button and that's it. Stupid game play. No reason to buff this in any way.
The same people dying to 1 click siege will also die to a 3 click burst. Is that really that much more complex, engaging, or skillful?