This has been something ZOS tried to fix and failed, it happens when you try to weave light attacks with a channel ability or anything with an animation attached that is difficult to cancel.
They don't know how to fix this like so many other bugs, also they don't care due to the lack of communication.
Join the movement and boycott the crown store and unsub.
Is there a video on this? I would like to see it, I've had issues where I'm fighting with 2h going to swap to bow and everything is greyed out and swapping won't work. Is that the bug? Sorry sort of new.
Make sure to do /bug when you have this issue so zos can more data on issue. If we want it fixed then zos has to understand how actually issue is happening.
Make sure to do /bug when you have this issue so zos can more data on issue. If we want it fixed then zos has to understand how actually issue is happening.
Why is it a players responsibility to find out how exactly a bug is happening.
And we did that with Shadow image for a few months now and still got no word from Developers.
Some other bugs like an enchant running out causing lag are too easily reproduced for us to have to explain them.
It saddens me to know that there is so little communication, even for something as debilitating and gamebreaking as this.
Id be happy just to hear a zos rep say something about it
DedEmbryonicCell19 wrote: »
So what exactly is game breaking? I truly would like to know ..
Emma_Overload wrote: »The funny thing about this bug is that it's getting WORSE, not better over time. What is ZOS doing? Are they even aware this bug exists?