Solo dungeon mode, please

  • MikaHR
    Why do people who choose a certain playstyle, in this case playing solo, choose to come to an online game that has group content and then feel like they are entitled to do all the content the way they want? Seriously, just accept the fact that this is an mmo...If you only enjoy solo why play an mmo? I know, it's for the quests and the story etc but if you people choose the solo way then you have to accept that there will be some content that you will not be able to do!

    The new dungeons are just tied to the main quest, but they are not essencial to it, you are all making a big drama out of it. Just pretend Tharn found the Wrathstone and that's it.. want to know more? Then do the dungeon! All this nonsense just sounds like some people just want it all but it has to be their way.

    I'm all against making things solo, in the end it only divides the community, and the more solo content a game has the more people become rude and don't care about other players simply because they don't need them. What we need is systems that encourage people to work together(mentour system, group finder with option for people who want to do quest, etc) and help eachother, not systems for people to work alone... that's already covered in all the single players games!

    The only thing I would like to see changed in dungeons is a longer timer before being kicked out of a dungeon because people disbanded the group, that's all. This way we could explore more and have time to finish the quest.

    No one has to accept anything, people pay same $$ for the game as you and are entitled to all the things in it just like you.

    The real question is why do you feel so entitled to preach other people how they should play the game....or why do you even care how others play the game...take your own advice and find group of like minded people to play the game the way you want and stop telling others what to do and not to do. Ironically YOU are the rude and toxic one that you are talking about.

    Go play Wildstar, that was game made especially for you....full of entitled telling others to "group or GTFO and go play single player games"...encouraged by developer...oh wait.

    They bragged at "expansion reveal" how new "year long story" starts with "DLC dungeons" and you are here now going "buh buh buh suck it up peasants"
    Edited by MikaHR on January 24, 2019 11:31AM
  • Universe
    Solo group dungeon mode feature was proposed many times in the past, this is not the first discussion nor will it be the last.
    Hopefully, The Developers will realize the importance of such mode and implement it in Q2/Q3/Q4 this year.
    The reward should be limited, maybe not even the skill point(read the reason below).

    The only downside to the story mode which may be the reason why the developers didn't implement such a feature is the fear that such story mode may cause many players to simply never group for dungeons.
    I know for a fact that the skill points earned by doing the normal group dungeons is one of the motivators for grouping up in the first place and by doing so the player is learning in the process about the undaunted guild and related features.

    So if such a story mode will exist, there is a chance that fewer players will actually bother grouping with other players and this will be very bad for the game, which for the most part is an MMO.
    The only way to implement a group dungeon story mode without damaging the grouping in ESO is by making it reward only experience and limited reward for completion.

    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • adriant1978
    Universe wrote: »
    Solo group dungeon mode feature was proposed many times in the past, this is not the first discussion nor will it be the last.
    Hopefully, The Developers will realize the importance of such mode and implement it in Q2/Q3/Q4 this year.
    The reward should be limited, maybe not even the skill point(read the reason below).

    The only downside to the story mode which may be the reason why the developers didn't implement such a feature is the fear that such story mode may cause many players to simply never group for dungeons.
    I know for a fact that the skill points earned by doing the normal group dungeons is one of the motivators for grouping up in the first place and by doing so the player is learning in the process about the undaunted guild and related features.

    So if such a story mode will exist, there is a chance that fewer players will actually bother grouping with other players and this will be very bad for the game, which for the most part is an MMO.
    The only way to implement a group dungeon story mode without damaging the grouping in ESO is by making it reward only experience and limited reward for completion.

    A no reward story mode is exactly what the OP was asking for. Nobody wants a cheat mode or anything which will take away from the group play experience, just a way to enjoy the story at their own pace without someone yelling "hurry up!" in one ear and "git gud!" in the other. :)
  • Universe
    Universe wrote: »
    Solo group dungeon mode feature was proposed many times in the past, this is not the first discussion nor will it be the last.
    Hopefully, The Developers will realize the importance of such mode and implement it in Q2/Q3/Q4 this year.
    The reward should be limited, maybe not even the skill point(read the reason below).

    The only downside to the story mode which may be the reason why the developers didn't implement such a feature is the fear that such story mode may cause many players to simply never group for dungeons.
    I know for a fact that the skill points earned by doing the normal group dungeons is one of the motivators for grouping up in the first place and by doing so the player is learning in the process about the undaunted guild and related features.

    So if such a story mode will exist, there is a chance that fewer players will actually bother grouping with other players and this will be very bad for the game, which for the most part is an MMO.
    The only way to implement a group dungeon story mode without damaging the grouping in ESO is by making it reward only experience and limited reward for completion.

    A no reward story mode is exactly what the OP was asking for. Nobody wants a cheat mode or anything which will take away from the group play experience, just a way to enjoy the story at their own pace without someone yelling "hurry up!" in one ear and "git gud!" in the other. :)

    As long as there will be no reward or the reward will be very limited it can work.
    Overall, the incentive to group should remain as it is now.
    A very limited reward like experience will be fine.
    Some videos I recorded for fun: Main character:
    PC EU main: Universe - AD magicka Sorcerer, Former Emperor, Grand Overlord, The Merciless, Trial Bosses Solo Champion
    Top alts: Genius(stamina/sagicka Dragonknight) The Force(stamina Nightblade) and other chars.
    PC NA main: The Magic - AD magicka Sorcerer
    Started playing ESO in beta & early access
    User_ID: Daedric_Prince
  • MikaHR
    Universe wrote: »
    Solo group dungeon mode feature was proposed many times in the past, this is not the first discussion nor will it be the last.
    Hopefully, The Developers will realize the importance of such mode and implement it in Q2/Q3/Q4 this year.
    The reward should be limited, maybe not even the skill point(read the reason below).

    The only downside to the story mode which may be the reason why the developers didn't implement such a feature is the fear that such story mode may cause many players to simply never group for dungeons.
    I know for a fact that the skill points earned by doing the normal group dungeons is one of the motivators for grouping up in the first place and by doing so the player is learning in the process about the undaunted guild and related features.

    So if such a story mode will exist, there is a chance that fewer players will actually bother grouping with other players and this will be very bad for the game, which for the most part is an MMO.
    The only way to implement a group dungeon story mode without damaging the grouping in ESO is by making it reward only experience and limited reward for completion.

    And how many times have they shoved main STORY in a dungeon so far? It is exactly what SWTOR had done and go and see how that ended up.

    Doing main story in base game has its rewards. This would be no different as its exactly same format as base game main story quests.

    Rushing through a dungeon is as anti-social as it gets, when issues like "cant even turn in the quest because group disbands as soon as they pick up the chest" tells you all that there needs to be told about what kind of experience it is.
    Edited by MikaHR on January 24, 2019 11:58AM
  • XomRhoK
    I agree that were must be story mode for dungeons in ESO, maybe even trials.
    I see such way to implement it:
    • Option in group finder to choose "story mode".
    • Set difficulty to base game normal dungeons level or half of that value.
    • Every time in story mode you forced to interact with all quest NPCs, and till every one will read or skip this dialogs you can't go further. It applies to NPCs speeches that triggers without interaction, all must listen them to the end. Prevent further way by invisible walls, till all read/skip dialog.
    • Possibility to choose "story mode" an infinite number of times.
    • No loot, no rewards for quest
    • To gain your quest reward and skill point you need to do dungeon at Normal level (otherwise, i think, will be problems with synchronization of the quests, if you start quest on Normal difficulty and continue at Story mode).
    I think, solo dungeon mod it requires to much work. Some mechanics need several players, and to programm AI NPCs to follow mechanics of the dungeon is to much work.
    Just pretend Tharn found the Wrathstone and that's it.. want to know more? Then do the dungeon!
    The problem is that in curent state of the game you can't do this. To experience the story and read all dialogs you need manually find three more people that will agree to wait you while you read all dialogs. Random groups in dungeon finder tool unpredictable, even if someone agreed to wait you, someone can ignore your request. And when you auto skiped dialog, because some player start next fight you will lose this dialog forever on this character, you can't repeat it. Because of that i often were forced to abadon the dungeon right away to not lose other part of the quest.
    macsmooth wrote: »
    Info for solo and non PvP players
    I think no one want easy gear here, people in this thread want opportunity to experience dungeon story and quest.
  • macsmooth
    XomRhoK wrote: »
    macsmooth wrote: »
    Info for solo and non PvP players
    I think no one want easy gear here, people in this thread want opportunity to experience dungeon story and quest.

    Think you missed the point of what I put, it has nothing to do with access to easy gear

    What I put has rendered any argument about solo players wanting easy gear mute because it is already available to everyone and has been for years

    If anything the people that didn’t know now do know and people that want someone to run a dungeon with them because their lonely can now have someone the same as them that only interested in a speed run for gear on normal not even vet is needed and doesn’t gear correctly or do the role properly with them

    Read my other post about story and tutorial mode and you will understand I am a believer in a solo mode that is designed to teach new dungeon runners the role importance and mechanics of dungeons so that way when people queue for normal or vet the group gets people that know these very important things in dungeons and they are not a hinder to the group like some pugs are now because a lot of people have learnt by monkey see monkey do approach

  • haloufe007
    Why do people who choose a certain playstyle, in this case playing solo, choose to come to an online game that has group content and then feel like they are entitled to do all the content the way they want? Seriously, just accept the fact that this is an mmo...If you only enjoy solo why play an mmo? I know, it's for the quests and the story etc but if you people choose the solo way then you have to accept that there will be some content that you will not be able to do!

    The new dungeons are just tied to the main quest, but they are not essencial to it, you are all making a big drama out of it. Just pretend Tharn found the Wrathstone and that's it.. want to know more? Then do the dungeon! All this nonsense just sounds like some people just want it all but it has to be their way.

    I'm all against making things solo, in the end it only divides the community, and the more solo content a game has the more people become rude and don't care about other players simply because they don't need them. What we need is systems that encourage people to work together(mentour system, group finder with option for people who want to do quest, etc) and help eachother, not systems for people to work alone... that's already covered in all the single players games!

    The only thing I would like to see changed in dungeons is a longer timer before being kicked out of a dungeon because people disbanded the group, that's all. This way we could explore more and have time to finish the quest.

    we like story of all elder scrolls
  • Chrysa1is
    I think that the solo dungeons should be called Daedric Trials and the reward could be actual daedric artifacts or daedric artifacts as mementos.
  • LiraTaurwen
    MikaHR wrote: »

    No one has to accept anything, people pay same $$ for the game as you and are entitled to all the things in it just like you.

    The real question is why do you feel so entitled to preach other people how they should play the game....or why do you even care how others play the game...take your own advice and find group of like minded people to play the game the way you want and stop telling others what to do and not to do. Ironically YOU are the rude and toxic one that you are talking about.

    Go play Wildstar, that was game made especially for you....full of entitled telling others to "group or GTFO and go play single player games"...encouraged by developer...oh wait.

    They bragged at "expansion reveal" how new "year long story" starts with "DLC dungeons" and you are here now going "buh buh buh suck it up peasants"

    Yes of course you are entitled to all the things in the game if you pay, the thing is... there is nothing preventing you from doing them, only yourself and your playstyle choice, so why do you people complain? There are lots of things I don't do in this game because I just can't bother but I don't ask for them to be changed, they are just not for me and that's fine.

    As I said earlier, I do agree that it might be difficult to complete quests in dungeons because people rush, but there could be other solutions like mentour system or making the group find create groups of likeminded people. I'm all for making new features to encourage people to socialize and play together, not the other way around.

    In older MMOs even questing was difficult enough that it required a group, in those times people had to work together and socialize. Dungeons were not instanced or there were no instance finder and again people would have to rely on eachother. Of course there were always trolls and rude people though. These days it's different, a player can join ESO level up solo and join dungeons easily without ever talk with another player... this is wrong and only makes people rude and not care about others because they don't need them. This is why I'm against solo content, this game has enough of it to make everyone happy. Devs shouldn't waste their resources updating every dungeon's mechanics so they can be soloed, they should instead find ways to make people group and socialize.

  • Reistr_the_Unbroken
    macsmooth wrote: »
    Info for solo and non PvP players

    Dungeons is not the only place to get that monster helm or jewellery for the sets that are inside the dungeon

    The Golden Vendor in Cyrodiil who is there every weekend sells monster helms or shoulders (rotating between helm and shoulders each weekend) and has legendary (gold) level jewellery rings or necklace (again rotation each weekend)

    The monster helms not being anywhere else but the dungeon is only true for about the first year of the dungeons release after that the monster set and jewellery will be available at the golden vendor at some point over the next couple of years or it maybe a week that’s rng for you

    It is rng so it could be weeks or months before the set you would like is there but if you keep checking it will turn up one day

    The helms and shoulders will be available in light medium or heavy and infused trait if you are paying with gold or impenetrable trait if you are paying by AP

    Standard prices are
    Helms and shoulders £100k gold or £200k ap
    Jewellery can be from
    £150k gold or £300k ap for overland sets
    £250k gold or £500k ap for dungeon sets

    This website will help each weekend

    The vendor is located in your alliance base so no need to ever venture into Cyrodiil to get to him if your paying by gold that is, paying by ap you will need to play PvP which isn’t that bad get into a group and follow crown you don’t even need to talk

    Then all you have to do is speed run like everyone else to pickup armour or weapons on normal

    You maybe a year behind the elitist for gear but hey who cares

    PvP and Pve players have had access to this for years it’s not a secret but people that wouldn’t venture into PvP may not know about this I was guilty of not knowing for a whole first year of my gaming in eso
    Read before you comment because LITERALLY NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT SETS or anything else you just said.
  • macsmooth
    macsmooth wrote: »
    Info for solo and non PvP players

    Dungeons is not the only place to get that monster helm or jewellery for the sets that are inside the dungeon

    The Golden Vendor in Cyrodiil who is there every weekend sells monster helms or shoulders (rotating between helm and shoulders each weekend) and has legendary (gold) level jewellery rings or necklace (again rotation each weekend)

    The monster helms not being anywhere else but the dungeon is only true for about the first year of the dungeons release after that the monster set and jewellery will be available at the golden vendor at some point over the next couple of years or it maybe a week that’s rng for you

    It is rng so it could be weeks or months before the set you would like is there but if you keep checking it will turn up one day

    The helms and shoulders will be available in light medium or heavy and infused trait if you are paying with gold or impenetrable trait if you are paying by AP

    Standard prices are
    Helms and shoulders £100k gold or £200k ap
    Jewellery can be from
    £150k gold or £300k ap for overland sets
    £250k gold or £500k ap for dungeon sets

    This website will help each weekend

    The vendor is located in your alliance base so no need to ever venture into Cyrodiil to get to him if your paying by gold that is, paying by ap you will need to play PvP which isn’t that bad get into a group and follow crown you don’t even need to talk

    Then all you have to do is speed run like everyone else to pickup armour or weapons on normal

    You maybe a year behind the elitist for gear but hey who cares

    PvP and Pve players have had access to this for years it’s not a secret but people that wouldn’t venture into PvP may not know about this I was guilty of not knowing for a whole first year of my gaming in eso
    Read before you comment because LITERALLY NO ONE IS TALKING ABOUT SETS or anything else you just said.

    Read above

  • adriant1978
    In older MMOs even questing was difficult enough that it required a group, in those times people had to work together and socialize. Dungeons were not instanced or there were no instance finder and again people would have to rely on eachother. Of course there were always trolls and rude people though. These days it's different, a player can join ESO level up solo and join dungeons easily without ever talk with another player... this is wrong and only makes people rude and not care about others because they don't need them. This is why I'm against solo content, this game has enough of it to make everyone happy. Devs shouldn't waste their resources updating every dungeon's mechanics so they can be soloed, they should instead find ways to make people group and socialize.

    So your opinion, based on experience of older games, is that MMO = grouping required. That's fine, and you're entitled to your opinion, but plenty here would disagree with it.
  • MikaHR
    MikaHR wrote: »

    No one has to accept anything, people pay same $$ for the game as you and are entitled to all the things in it just like you.

    The real question is why do you feel so entitled to preach other people how they should play the game....or why do you even care how others play the game...take your own advice and find group of like minded people to play the game the way you want and stop telling others what to do and not to do. Ironically YOU are the rude and toxic one that you are talking about.

    Go play Wildstar, that was game made especially for you....full of entitled telling others to "group or GTFO and go play single player games"...encouraged by developer...oh wait.

    They bragged at "expansion reveal" how new "year long story" starts with "DLC dungeons" and you are here now going "buh buh buh suck it up peasants"

    Yes of course you are entitled to all the things in the game if you pay, the thing is... there is nothing preventing you from doing them, only yourself and your playstyle choice, so why do you people complain? There are lots of things I don't do in this game because I just can't bother but I don't ask for them to be changed, they are just not for me and that's fine.

    As I said earlier, I do agree that it might be difficult to complete quests in dungeons because people rush, but there could be other solutions like mentour system or making the group find create groups of likeminded people. I'm all for making new features to encourage people to socialize and play together, not the other way around.

    In older MMOs even questing was difficult enough that it required a group, in those times people had to work together and socialize. Dungeons were not instanced or there were no instance finder and again people would have to rely on eachother. Of course there were always trolls and rude people though. These days it's different, a player can join ESO level up solo and join dungeons easily without ever talk with another player... this is wrong and only makes people rude and not care about others because they don't need them. This is why I'm against solo content, this game has enough of it to make everyone happy. Devs shouldn't waste their resources updating every dungeon's mechanics so they can be soloed, they should instead find ways to make people group and socialize.

    oooh, the "good ole days post"

    where are those forced grouping MMOs now huh? Dead and forgotten

    And youre now suggesting for ESO to waste resurces on methods that were proven complete failures by countelss other MMOS as "mentor" and what not instead using past experience and implement solo mode....which most of them did in the end....except they couldnt monetize it any more because it was too littel too late.

    You know what someone doing same exact thing over and over again and expecting different results is called?
    Edited by MikaHR on January 24, 2019 1:26PM
  • MikaHR
    In older MMOs even questing was difficult enough that it required a group, in those times people had to work together and socialize. Dungeons were not instanced or there were no instance finder and again people would have to rely on eachother. Of course there were always trolls and rude people though. These days it's different, a player can join ESO level up solo and join dungeons easily without ever talk with another player... this is wrong and only makes people rude and not care about others because they don't need them. This is why I'm against solo content, this game has enough of it to make everyone happy. Devs shouldn't waste their resources updating every dungeon's mechanics so they can be soloed, they should instead find ways to make people group and socialize.

    So your opinion, based on experience of older games, is that MMO = grouping required. That's fine, and you're entitled to your opinion, but plenty here would disagree with it.

    Still living in "good ole days" like FFXI, when you get rekt by a funny rabbit or ladybug just outside of town if you werent in group of 12 and "elite"
    Edited by MikaHR on January 24, 2019 1:28PM
  • adriant1978
    MikaHR wrote: »
    In older MMOs even questing was difficult enough that it required a group, in those times people had to work together and socialize. Dungeons were not instanced or there were no instance finder and again people would have to rely on eachother. Of course there were always trolls and rude people though. These days it's different, a player can join ESO level up solo and join dungeons easily without ever talk with another player... this is wrong and only makes people rude and not care about others because they don't need them. This is why I'm against solo content, this game has enough of it to make everyone happy. Devs shouldn't waste their resources updating every dungeon's mechanics so they can be soloed, they should instead find ways to make people group and socialize.

    So your opinion, based on experience of older games, is that MMO = grouping required. That's fine, and you're entitled to your opinion, but plenty here would disagree with it.

    Still living in "good ole days" like FFXI, when you get rekt by a funny rabbit or ladybug just outside of town if you werent in group of 12 and "elite"

    Yeah I never played any of these old school MMOs where you needed a full group just to set foot outside your front door, but I guess a lot of people did and the attitude that MMO = group for everything is pretty ingrained.
  • LiraTaurwen
    MikaHR wrote: »

    oooh, the "good ole days post"

    where are those forced grouping MMOs now huh? Dead and forgotten

    And youre now suggesting for ESO to waste resurces on methods that were proven complete failures by countelss other MMOS as "mentor" and what not instead using past experience and implement solo mode....which most of them did in the end....except they couldnt monetize it any more because it was too littel too late.

    You know what someone doing same exact thing over and over again and expecting different results is called?

    Yes indeed, times have changed and so have people. That doesn't mean that MMOs these days should not have a balance of both, and ESO kinda of has. My point was to explain that the more solo content and options you have the less people will socialize and need eachother, and then you get a bad community and people who join a group don't say a word and just rush.

    Making the timer after the group disbands longer, a mentour system or adding options to the group finder to help people find others who want to do dungeons and quests would be easier than reworking the mechanics of most dungeons to make them solo, I believe.
    Wouldn't that be enough?

    Even if devs change nothing there are still things you guys can do that might help:
    - join a guild
    - create a guild with specific goals and for people who enjoy the same
    - ask in lfg for help (there are still nice people in this world believe it or not!)
    - find likeminded people in the forum
    - create a discord group where people with similar playstyle join and help eachother..

  • MikaHR
    Having solo and group modes for dungeons is best balance.

    So those that prefer soloing solo and thse who prefer grouping - group.

    Its that simple.

    Most of the dungeons can be soloed, so thats a non issue AND people actually BUY DLCs, so its not up to you to decide how their money will be used. And you again cling to stuff (and waste their time and $$) that was PROVEN complete failure in countles other MMOs
    Edited by MikaHR on January 24, 2019 2:10PM
  • tclark_ESO
    I do think that a solo option would be a nice option. More variety of content choices.
  • Pourekos
    I am also throwing my support behind the solo, story-mode dungeons with reduced rewards. I was there all the way through from start to the 3rd expansion in SWTOR and I can tell you it's a complete and utter failure the current system in ESO, more so because it's exactly the same as what other games have done and failed miserably. It is also worse here than SWTOR because in ESO you can have characters that can literally solo the dungeons themselves, making the other players (ie those wanting to experience the story) even more obsolete and completely destroy their experience- in SWTOR at least everybody was needed to progress the dungeon, so no one player or two could leave the rest of the group behind (but the QQ was through the roof and people were getting kicked all the time if they didn't hit the spacebar quickly enough).
  • Tapio75
    It is an MMO which means there are many players on the same world. MMO means nothing else. There is also the RPG part on it which means roleplaying game.

    That said, i really would like to do dungeons and trials on my own pace with my own roleplaying style and as an character i have made up like in any other TES game. I am sceptical this will ever happen, as some people are too close minded to see that these kinds of systems do not really take anything away from them, bu adds more options to whose who are not comfortable with group playing. For me, ESO would be besy if it had a single player option like GTA 5.

    What ever happens, at least delves should have solo only option. When entering, they say "SOLO" in cat sized letters, they are not fun when there are more than one player because they end up empty, ruin all the sneaky type roleplaying and are way too easy as well.
    >>PC-EU Mostly PVE. Played since BETA<<
  • haloufe007
    MikaHR wrote: »
    MikaHR wrote: »

    No one has to accept anything, people pay same $$ for the game as you and are entitled to all the things in it just like you.

    The real question is why do you feel so entitled to preach other people how they should play the game....or why do you even care how others play the game...take your own advice and find group of like minded people to play the game the way you want and stop telling others what to do and not to do. Ironically YOU are the rude and toxic one that you are talking about.

    Go play Wildstar, that was game made especially for you....full of entitled telling others to "group or GTFO and go play single player games"...encouraged by developer...oh wait.

    They bragged at "expansion reveal" how new "year long story" starts with "DLC dungeons" and you are here now going "buh buh buh suck it up peasants"

    Yes of course you are entitled to all the things in the game if you pay, the thing is... there is nothing preventing you from doing them, only yourself and your playstyle choice, so why do you people complain? There are lots of things I don't do in this game because I just can't bother but I don't ask for them to be changed, they are just not for me and that's fine.

    As I said earlier, I do agree that it might be difficult to complete quests in dungeons because people rush, but there could be other solutions like mentour system or making the group find create groups of likeminded people. I'm all for making new features to encourage people to socialize and play together, not the other way around.

    In older MMOs even questing was difficult enough that it required a group, in those times people had to work together and socialize. Dungeons were not instanced or there were no instance finder and again people would have to rely on eachother. Of course there were always trolls and rude people though. These days it's different, a player can join ESO level up solo and join dungeons easily without ever talk with another player... this is wrong and only makes people rude and not care about others because they don't need them. This is why I'm against solo content, this game has enough of it to make everyone happy. Devs shouldn't waste their resources updating every dungeon's mechanics so they can be soloed, they should instead find ways to make people group and socialize.

    oooh, the "good ole days post"

    where are those forced grouping MMOs now huh? Dead and forgotten

    And youre now suggesting for ESO to waste resurces on methods that were proven complete failures by countelss other MMOS as "mentor" and what not instead using past experience and implement solo mode....which most of them did in the end....except they couldnt monetize it any more because it was too littel too late.

    You know what someone doing same exact thing over and over again and expecting different results is called?

    MMO time like wow is over
    you're in 2019 not in 2004
    with the smartphone there's not much to socialize
    mmo must reinvent itself
  • jainiadral
    MikaHR wrote: »

    oooh, the "good ole days post"

    where are those forced grouping MMOs now huh? Dead and forgotten

    And youre now suggesting for ESO to waste resurces on methods that were proven complete failures by countelss other MMOS as "mentor" and what not instead using past experience and implement solo mode....which most of them did in the end....except they couldnt monetize it any more because it was too littel too late.

    You know what someone doing same exact thing over and over again and expecting different results is called?

    Yes indeed, times have changed and so have people. That doesn't mean that MMOs these days should not have a balance of both, and ESO kinda of has. My point was to explain that the more solo content and options you have the less people will socialize and need eachother, and then you get a bad community and people who join a group don't say a word and just rush.

    Making the timer after the group disbands longer, a mentour system or adding options to the group finder to help people find others who want to do dungeons and quests would be easier than reworking the mechanics of most dungeons to make them solo, I believe.
    Wouldn't that be enough?

    Even if devs change nothing there are still things you guys can do that might help:
    - join a guild
    - create a guild with specific goals and for people who enjoy the same
    - ask in lfg for help (there are still nice people in this world believe it or not!)
    - find likeminded people in the forum
    - create a discord group where people with similar playstyle join and help eachother..

    No, all it means is that the MMO's audience shrinks. That means less money for content, ergo, less content. There are a bunch of hardcore grouping titles either in the works or in the wilds (Shroud of the Avatar, Saga of Lucimia, etc.) but they're all niche. They won't ever be popular. Do you want something like that to happen to ESO? For the game to lose the massive population it has?

    From everything I've been reading about dungeons these days, no one ever talks. And none of them have a solo mode. I'm not sure how adding a solo mode would change things. Maybe all the non-chatty folks will run dungeons solo and you'll end up with people who actually want to group-- and chat. Allowing people to self-select might well raise the quality of your group interactions. It's just as likely as what you hypothesize.

    People who are forced into content they don't enjoy-- like forced grouping-- resent being there and won't be on their best behavior. That is a huge, fallow ground for breeding toxicity. Solo players may not "care" about other players, but they don't usually torment them or engage in rude and toxic behavior. We don't create a bad community. We just mind our own business and hope you'll mind yours in turn.
  • Tabbycat
    It would be nice to have a solo story mode associated with the dungeons. But it would need to be done in a way that would still encourage participation in the group portions. As stated, less reward for doing them - more quest like similar to the way the main story is completed.
    Founder and Co-GM of The Psijic Order Guild (NA)
  • theyancey
    If I quoted the many relevant parts of previous posts this would be TL/DR. Instead I will shave with Occam's razor and make one simple observation. That is that since Day 1 ESO has not been either a single player game nor a traditional MMO. One of its strengths has been its hybrid nature. There has been plenty of single and group content as well as both PvE and PvP opportunities. Certainly there has been absolutely no use of denying participation in the story to group content.

    You can easily witness this in the culmination battles of each faction. These are solo groups where the other members of the group are NPCs central to the story line. The same approach can be seen when taking down Mannimarco and the main story ending battle against Molag Bal himself. Some of these long story defining may not be easy for the average player but ESO provides the groupings necessary so that every player from tank to healer to DPS can win the day and rejoice in the story. Afterwards every player is then free to play whatever content and style they wish. There are non central avenues for all and new solo and group opportunities are added throughout the year. No one was told that they were not wanted and should find a different type game.

    A few months back one of the leads from the Bethesda studio mentioned ESO as a prime example of what gaming could be and what ZeniMax Media was pursuing. He stated that it was far more profitable for the company and provides more new content for the players to have a game like ESO with constant chapters and DLC than to come out with entirely new games such as been the tradition and can be seen with the FO and TES histories. That would indicated that games like FO4 and TES6 could be among the last of that type of line and future adventures in those universes would be contained within the likes of FO76 and ESO. Of course this was prior to the FO76 launch being a dud. If this is still the direction we are heading however then to chop off large sections of your customer base would be an extraordinarily ignorant, short sighted, and self defeating business decision. That certainly does not describe Robert A. Altman and how he has managed these businesses.

    My takeaway is that removing the ability of the solo player to enjoy and complete the game's story is an aberration in both the history and vision of the company. Factoring in the launch failure of FO76 and the long wait until TES6 drops it makes zero sense reduce ESO's income stream from the lost subs that would surely result. I anticipate that sandwiched in between player unrest and corporate displeasure that the ESO team will be forced to review this type of direction. Will such a remedy happen during PTS testing or will it go live only to have to be fixed later? That is the big question. I hope that it is the former for there is a percentage of customers that are never able to be brought back into the fold and the more profitable the game is overall the better it is for players of every stripe and interest.

  • Casdha
    Does anyone else think this old quote belongs in this thread?
    “We don’t even use the term MMO with The Elder Scrolls Online anymore, because really it’s not,” game director Matt Firor says. “MMO was a term coined in 1997 with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Dark Age of Camelot – we are not that game.”

    I can try and find others if ya want

    Edit: Source
    Edited by Casdha on January 24, 2019 3:02PM
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • kathandira
    Casdha wrote: »
    Does anyone else think this old quote belongs in this thread?
    “We don’t even use the term MMO with The Elder Scrolls Online anymore, because really it’s not,” game director Matt Firor says. “MMO was a term coined in 1997 with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Dark Age of Camelot – we are not that game.”

    I can try and find others if ya want

    Edit: Source

    Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game?

    Eso is Massive
    It is Multiplayer
    It is Online
    It is a Role Playing Game

    He can say that if he likes, but he is wrong.

    Though i'm sure the context isn't provided and he actually didn't mean that literally.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • Casdha
    kathandira wrote: »
    Casdha wrote: »
    Does anyone else think this old quote belongs in this thread?
    “We don’t even use the term MMO with The Elder Scrolls Online anymore, because really it’s not,” game director Matt Firor says. “MMO was a term coined in 1997 with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Dark Age of Camelot – we are not that game.”

    I can try and find others if ya want

    Edit: Source

    Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game?

    Eso is Massive
    It is Multiplayer
    It is Online
    It is a Role Playing Game

    He can say that if he likes, but he is wrong.

    Though i'm sure the context isn't provided and he actually didn't mean that literally.

    Did you click on the source? It was and interview when One Tamriel was launched. There are older quotes from all the way back to pre-launch that pretty much say the same thing if not and some even more so.
    Proud member of the Psijic Order - The first wave - The 0.016%

  • kathandira
    Casdha wrote: »
    kathandira wrote: »
    Casdha wrote: »
    Does anyone else think this old quote belongs in this thread?
    “We don’t even use the term MMO with The Elder Scrolls Online anymore, because really it’s not,” game director Matt Firor says. “MMO was a term coined in 1997 with Ultima Online, EverQuest, and Dark Age of Camelot – we are not that game.”

    I can try and find others if ya want

    Edit: Source

    Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game?

    Eso is Massive
    It is Multiplayer
    It is Online
    It is a Role Playing Game

    He can say that if he likes, but he is wrong.

    Though i'm sure the context isn't provided and he actually didn't mean that literally.

    Did you click on the source? It was and interview when One Tamriel was launched. There are older quotes from all the way back to pre-launch that pretty much say the same thing if not and some even more so.

    Yeah, in the article it doesn't go into too much detail about what makes it not massive, not online, not multiplayer, and not an RPG.

    I think he is just trying to separate this game from traditional MMO's in the way of culture and game design. But as a genre, it is an MMORPG.

    Example, you can lift a car and call it a truck, but it is still a car.
    PS4-NA. Breton Templar Healer, Bosmer Stamplar, Breton Magplar, Orsimer StamDK, Dunmer MagDK, Khajiit StamNB, Dunmer MagNB, Argonian Warden Tank, Altmer Magsorc
  • Faulgor
    Only if we get a properly rewarded higher difficulty mode for overland content in turn. Otherwise, dumbing this game down even further sends the wrong message.

    I'm playing solo most of the time too, and there is nothing in this game for solo players that's actually fun or challenging except vMA.
    Alandrol Sul: He's making another Numidium?!?
    Vivec: Worse, buddy. They're buying it.
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