I think it’s possible but you’d probably be running only 32k magicka or worse. Never mind regen.Mrsinister2 wrote: »I need the 4k damage 30k resists build I keep hearing about
Mrsinister2 wrote: »I need the 4k damage 30k resists build I keep hearing about
I think it exists sort of. I don't run it anymore because it isn't that reliable. Something like Clever Alchemist/War Maiden/either Molag Kena or Slimecraw. All spell damage jewelry and spell damage enchant on staff. Structured Entropy on both bars for major sorcery. Purifying Light for minor sorcery. Health/Magicka blue text food. Clever Alchemist and monster sets in heavy. Inevitable Detonation and Shatter Soul for damage. It's only good for ranged bombing. With the changes to how projectiles and dodging works you aren't likely to hit anything with Dark Flare even though it hits super hard. You blow through your magicka pool very quickly. You might get 7-8 Inevitable Detonation (before you are OOM with a pot) off and each hits as hard as an ult.
The resists come from heavy armor and Rune Focus. I have no clue why rune focus was changed. When I first saw it I said in zone chat the Templar class representative must be really smart if he got away with that.
That build isn't that great because of lag on cast times and war maiden does nothing to make your heals hit harder. If you try it with spell strategist you will have a hard time hitting your intended target with cast time skills and that set doesn't help your heals either.
Also different skills scale different with spell power. I'm pretty sure Dark Flare increases quicker than Snipe(with weapon power). I don't know how quick Puncturing Strikes scales. If you pop a major expedition/immovable pot and go at someone with sweep you might wreck them I haven't tried it. I doubt it works. A normal build that applies a dot or two first probably works better.
Also I'm pretty sure Inevitable Detonation had a 2.5 second cast time at one point and people complained it was useless because Proximity Detonation so its cast time was reduced. If you get a chain cast off it's like a mobile siege platform. After the first cast I think all following casts are 1 second.
So you have to dbl bar entropy these days? I quit using it a long time ago and went to potions and that certainly would happen now had I not already
LeifErickson wrote: »
Mag sorc is another class that is super strong. If people think magblade and magsorc are on the bottom then the other classes must be insane.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Magblades suck open world. 1v1 yeah strong.
VagabondAngel wrote: »5 light, 1 med, 1 heavy (for undaunted passive)
38k magicka, 23k health, 13k stam
30k spell resist, 24k phys resist while standing in rune
4.2k spell damage with full buffs
14k spell pen
Squishy if you miss a buff or heal or use too much stam blocking or breaking free but the damage is good.
And no, I didn't get my build from YouTube
Templars. All the purifies. Paired with argonians are far far too strong. There damage is stupid high. Resistances stupid high. They are currently the master class. Pretty much crappy players can pick one up and cause decent players trouble. Most are sword shield. And they can have good stamina pools. They are like sorcs used to be but stronger. I mean who's idea was it to give them 5 purifies over and over. And rune. The class for a long time has out performed all other classes. Everyone accept the people who use them complain . F..All is changed
LeifErickson wrote: »
Mag sorc is another class that is super strong. If people think magblade and magsorc are on the bottom then the other classes must be insane.
Priyasekarssk wrote: »
Mag sorc is super strong ? Mageblade is top tier in PVP. Mage sorc is definitely bottom tier in all PVE and PVP.
Check the battleground stats and Emps in alliance wars.
Thats why many sorcs quitted the game forever and AD loses all wars in last place by very huge margin post nerfmire. Only time AD won is post summerset that too very close till last moment. That is for the entire almost a year.
Thats what wanted for game health . What now ? Can we nerf sorcs for one time ?I could see some are still playing mage sorcs.
Only noobs will come in AD and since all pros left for good. Stream the kills and earn huge money. Lets self proclaim ourselves we are pros of the game. Forget the game balance ***. Oh wait , no is there to kill, all I see is only dead horses.
I cannot take this comment serious. I am just rofl.
Last time in EU dueling tournament no one even signed up for sorc. No 1 is mageblade. No 2 is DK.
L2P noobs.
Can we delete sorc from game ? How about that ?
Can we make stam DK to reflect everything for 10 seconds ?
Just give class change token to sorcs and see how many will change immediately. Some people are cancer to this game often look for own personal interests. Who cares ?
VagabondAngel wrote: »5 light, 1 med, 1 heavy (for undaunted passive)
38k magicka, 23k health, 13k stam
30k spell resist, 24k phys resist while standing in rune
4.2k spell damage with full buffs
14k spell pen
Squishy if you miss a buff or heal or use too much stam blocking or breaking free but the damage is good.
And no, I didn't get my build from YouTube
3k crit resist (full impen + some in cp)How much crit res do you have? And if you get knocked out of the rune you lose 50% of 52## and if you can't get back in you're out 1.5 x 52##. That still seems to be quite a bit a resistance in light. Did you include the spell/phys pen that everyone has from CP? I imagine for a CP 160 player it would be more like 25k spell res, 19k phys res in rune; 18.5k spell res, 11.5k phys res no rune.
VagabondAngel wrote: »3k crit resist (full impen + some in cp)
Yes bit of loss when knocked off the rune but its cheap to cast and some stam regen when still in it. Stats are just as read from character sheet not including anything else. It can be difficult to manage, particularly outnumbered and if there's any lag.
LeifErickson wrote: »
Mag sorc is an insanely strong class open world and if you can't see that I don't know what to say.
I think it exists sort of. I don't run it anymore because it isn't that reliable. Something like Clever Alchemist/War Maiden/either Molag Kena or Slimecraw. All spell damage jewelry and spell damage enchant on staff. Structured Entropy on both bars for major sorcery. Purifying Light for minor sorcery. Health/Magicka blue text food. Clever Alchemist and monster sets in heavy. Inevitable Detonation and Shatter Soul for damage. It's only good for ranged bombing. With the changes to how projectiles and dodging works you aren't likely to hit anything with Dark Flare even though it hits super hard. You blow through your magicka pool very quickly. You might get 7-8 Inevitable Detonation (before you are OOM with a pot) off and each hits as hard as an ult.
The resists come from heavy armor and Rune Focus. I have no clue why rune focus was changed. When I first saw it I said in zone chat the Templar class representative must be really smart if he got away with that.
That build isn't that great because of lag on cast times and war maiden does nothing to make your heals hit harder. If you try it with spell strategist you will have a hard time hitting your intended target with cast time skills and that set doesn't help your heals either.
Also different skills scale different with spell power. I'm pretty sure Dark Flare increases quicker than Snipe(with weapon power). I don't know how quick Puncturing Strikes scales. If you pop a major expedition/immovable pot and go at someone with sweep you might wreck them I haven't tried it. I doubt it works. A normal build that applies a dot or two first probably works better.
Also I'm pretty sure Inevitable Detonation had a 2.5 second cast time at one point and people complained it was useless because Proximity Detonation so its cast time was reduced. If you get a chain cast off it's like a mobile siege platform. After the first cast I think all following casts are 1 second.
How much crit res do you have? And if you get knocked out of the rune you lose 50% of 52## and if you can't get back in you're out 1.5 x 52##. That still seems to be quite a bit a resistance in light. Did you include the spell/phys pen that everyone has from CP? I imagine for a CP 160 player it would be more like 25k spell res, 19k phys res in rune; 18.5k spell res, 11.5k phys res no rune.
Joy_Division wrote: »I just love how so many people think magplar is so easy to have damage and tankiness. They are talking out their butts because 90% of the magplars I see in Cyrodiil are weak damage that can only block, cleanse, and BoL builds (which by the way are very killable, especially as many of them think 10K stamina + witchmother's is a good idea) who only get KBs by Xv1ing with RD. Because when we ride out horses to a flagged keep, there are all these solo open world templars out there cutting off reinforcements waiting to kill us because they class is easy-peasy OP damage+tankiness all in one package, right?
The class has been frustrating for years to play and when ZOS finally reforms them such that it's at least possible to play them competitively without wanting to throw your computer out this window, people are complaining because they're so used to the class being one-dimensional and nonthreatening. It's no wonder ZOS has such a consistent track record with nerfing stuff.
All this talk about 30k resists and 4k spell damage....all i gotta say is been there, done that. I call this one the Juggernaut.
Screenshot is from Murkmire PTS, before Murkmire was released, in PvE land, so no battlespirit hp buff.
This build was the one i came up with before my 40k magicka 5k spell damage light armor build video.....this one might be better, depending on who you talk to :P Tankier for sure.
Happy holidays, enjoy :P
Rune now grants you full Major Ward and Major Resolve even when you aren't in the Rune, for the full buff duration of 20 seconds. You get an additional 2640 resists while in the Rune.
The change was made in Wolfhunter, and is really the reason magplars can spec more into damage than they could before.
All this talk about 30k resists and 4k spell damage....all i gotta say is been there, done that. I call this one the Juggernaut.
Screenshot is from Murkmire PTS, before Murkmire was released, in PvE land, so no battlespirit hp buff.
This build was the one i came up with before my 40k magicka 5k spell damage light armor build video.....this one might be better, depending on who you talk to :P Tankier for sure.
Happy holidays, enjoy :P
That sounds broken. I thought it was still 6 seconds. Anybody can run through your rune and get the same buff. I've been using Balance for armor buff since it is the best way to remove stuck in combat bug but 20 seconds of Major Resolve and Major Ward for 1k magicka and you can stand in the rune for 4 second and get that back where other classes have to spend 4k magicka for the same buff!? The Templar class representative should go into politics if he can get that through.
...to some situations, maybe. Cyrodill its a 'open world'. About fight, PVP/Duel, Templar seems better at this moment.
VagabondAngel wrote: »5 light, 1 med, 1 heavy (for undaunted passive)
38k magicka, 23k health, 13k stam
30k spell resist, 24k phys resist while standing in rune
4.2k spell damage with full buffs
14k spell pen
Squishy if you miss a buff or heal or use too much stam blocking or breaking free but the damage is good.
And no, I didn't get my build from YouTube