Every class can do this fully buffed in heavy and they dont need to wear rattlecage or waste a potion on spell power potion.
Edit: your wearing clever alchemist and using spell power pots. Thus no invisibility, speeding or unstoppable. You can get ~the same numbers with every class but you will have class access to major sorcery soo you can use much better potions.
"Anybody can run through your rune and get the same buff. " No, they can't. It's a self-buff only. Only Warden has a armor buff that also buffs allies.
You know nightblades get their armor buff for free as a passive, right? In the case of templars, Rune is armor buff + sustain. Other classes have other sources of class sustain. For example, DKs have battle Roar, Wardens have Netch (which is FREE), etc. Other classes also have armor buffs with additional benefits. Sorcs get theirs with major expedition, DKs get theirs with 12% extra healing and some damage.
The armor/sustain buffs are pretty comparable across classes when you look at how it all works together. (Sorcs could use a little love here.) Before this change, templars were the only class who had to stay in or return to their rune for a very basic buff.
Balance is a bad choice for an armor buff for a low mobility class whose strength is healing. Don't help your enemies put you in execute range, especially not while steel potato is so strong. And you are giving up your only source of sustain in your class. I would honestly choose Chudan over Balance... and I wouldn't choose Chudan.
You've said things like light armor templar is bad, but it really truly is not. I've had all my mag toons in light for a at least 2 years and wouldn't go back to heavy the way the game is now. There are SO many options now with jewelry crafting. You can make light tankier, but it's really hard to give heavy the penetration and crit.
Magplars are in a lovely, viable spot with real choices to make about tanky versus damage versus healing. Since Summerset I haven't felt like I was gimping myself for playing magplar, but it's also not my strongest class spec.
I didn't say they couldn't, I just quoted my own stats which, tbh, were pretty easily achieved without focusing on stacking resists or spell damage. I think I have better penetration than most though.Every class can do this fully buffed in heavy and they dont need to wear rattlecage or waste a potion on spell power potion.
Edit: your wearing clever alchemist and using spell power pots. Thus no invisibility, speeding or unstoppable. You can get ~the same numbers with every class but you will have class access to major sorcery soo you can use much better potions.
Templar Rune is a very strong skill, but its fine and was one of the best changes to happen to the class in recent times. If healbots are over performing, nerf heal bots. But neither Stamplar nor light armor damage Magplar are over powered, and the rune change was a necessary buff in making them competitive. There's no reason that Templars source of major resolve and ward should be a temporary buff that requires you to stay stationary. I could see that argument when we had major mending, but that is ancient history. Stamplar still hasn't been properly modernized or been compensated for the loss of mending to this day. The sustain from the skill is phenomenal, but it is also the class' only source of sustain and it is consistent with mechanics on other classes.
Templar Rune is a very strong skill, but its fine and was one of the best changes to happen to the class in recent times. If healbots are over performing, nerf heal bots. But neither Stamplar nor light armor damage Magplar are over powered, and the rune change was a necessary buff in making them competitive. There's no reason that Templars source of major resolve and ward should be a temporary buff that requires you to stay stationary. I could see that argument when we had major mending, but that is ancient history. Stamplar still hasn't been properly modernized or been compensated for the loss of mending to this day. The sustain from the skill is phenomenal, but it is also the class' only source of sustain and it is consistent with mechanics on other classes.
The last 6 words of your paragraph are in error IMO. e.g. take the 12 classes from GW1. Class consistency wasn't a thing. ESO has 5. Why should they be consistent with one another? Should there not be more eccentricities and less symmetries? Making all 5 classes perfectly symmetrical is an expression of decadence.
Unless it has changed I'm pretty sure other players can stand in your rune and get the buff. I've seen people stand in my rune and get the shimmering effect. While the tool tip says "you" who that you is seems to be anybody allied that stands in it. I might be wrong but I've dropped it at gates and people have got the shimmering effect. I've dropped it in dungeon groups and people have got the shimmering effect.
Templars would/could use the heavy armor skill for the buff. That is rough on magplars. They can use Balance which does work in a group because there are HoTs anyways. The rune with 20 seconds is obviously the best of the three and I would use it hands down on any class because it is only 1k magicka(except maybe nightblade if they get it for free). At 6 seconds with the 50% buff if you stand in it is still very strong. IMO templars don't need that armor buff that cheaply. That weakness was a defining point of the templar. Similar to how templars don't have easy access to major sorcery/brutality. Instead they get a cleanse that removes 5 debuffs which is very strong. I prefer the polarized templar instead of an op armor buff which will put a 5 debuff cleanse on the nerf radar.
I don't recall ever saying light armor templar was bad. I said it would be one of the toughest armor/class combinations to play except maybe a light armor warden. The reason being the lack of shield stack which is an overheal and the lack of defense against a bow gank. If you can play it you are probably a good player and some point if I figure something out that I like I might run one since you would have to play pretty sharp to pull it off. It would be good for improving my group pvp skill.
IMO rune is OP and I play a magplar. A turret healer that can still get the armor buff for 20 seconds after leaving the rune is to strong IMO. Healers should have to give something up if they want super armor. That something was 6 seconds of armor after they leave rune. Or using a different skill for the armor buff.
And Balance is a good skill. It looks bad but it's good. I suppose it depends on what you run for max health. In a group if you need magicka and there are dots going around anyways it is extra sustain to save someone else either in the moment or prophylactically.
That was a lot of points to cover. The thread is "Templars far too strong" and I'm getting something that requires a 5 paragraph answer.
There was a group of around 10 “Special Forces” AD hanging around Bleakers last night on Vivec PC/NA that was really hard to get rid of with anything less than a full ball group raid. They weren’t killing most opponents quickly (except the occasional potato) but were all super tanky and would wear down most of the pugs fighting them. When we finally wiped them, my “Kill Enemy Templars” quest went from 0/20 to I think 8/20. I think this is a good example of where magplar is right now. A group built right can be all but undefeatable, but they’re going to have to work to get wipes versus large groups of opponents.
The last 6 words of your paragraph are in error IMO. e.g. take the 12 classes from GW1. Class consistency wasn't a thing. ESO has 5. Why should they be consistent with one another? Should there not be more eccentricities and less symmetries? Making all 5 classes perfectly symmetrical is an expression of decadence.
Well that's not really a templar problem as much as overall design. Its same with any ball group. You cant single out a target in 1 as easily as they can pass buffs and heals. They build tanky and rely on all those small hits from multiple sources on one victim who isn't built in a group like that.
This difference is this group went beyond tanky almost to troll-level. Any other well-balanced group will lose a member here and there and have some oh-crap moments where it gets dicey, but will also mow down the opposition more effectively. This group was getting kills, but not on par with other similar-sized groups I often encounter while pugging around, but I barely saw any of their health bars budge and cc-ing any of them was a rarity. It just fits with the tanky/heal meta that has been the magplar’s forte for quite awhile.
You keep going off on tangents. He meant as far as balance. NB as an example, is a bit different in that theres returns resources when hit and a burst at the and and they get the resistance by using abilities in the one skill tree. Templars is cast and just does a steady return of resources and the resistance is tied to that skill. Sorc was recently homogonized a little bit but their resource return also serves as a heal and it comes from their off pool.
And the derivative of a tangent is the square of the secant of the angle.Tangents give lower order functions..
Joy_Division wrote: »
How does consistent = "perfectly symmetrical"? Would you be cool if your main had a class eccentricity of having crappy resource management?
The 5 debuff cleanse is also OP. That has been around forever though. I only started using it recently I always used the other morph and being able to remove all debuffs from the people around me is a bit strong imo. Earthgore does the same off cooldown so there is a counter argument.
You do a good job Joy. I play magplar I get cheap armor buff. The thread title is "Templars far too strong" and this imo is the most OP skill recently introduced to templar. The 5 debuff cleanse is also OP. That has been around forever though. I only started using it recently I always used the other morph and being able to remove all debuffs from the people around me is a bit strong imo. Earthgore does the same off cooldown so there is a counter argument.
The change to rune is OP because it is cheap and lasts 20 seconds. I always accepted that my templar had strengths and weaknesses. My templar does have skills that provide sustain if that is something I am after. This post is in the alliance war forum so I am arguing from the alliance war perspective.
From this perspective standing in a rune with the magicka regen and super armor buff and spamming heals on my self if I need to or spamming heals on others if I can makes me to strong as a healer and the healer is often a priority target. A templar healer should not get this minifort they can heal their group from. And if they get knocked out of their minifort they still get 20 seconds of armor buff.
Nerfing the templars single target heal is nonsense since that is a staple of the templar.
Joy_Division wrote: »
If you think Rune Focus is a "super armor buff" and a "minifort," you need to get out of the faction stack (which is what I'm guessing is "alliance war perspective") and actually pit yourself with your OP templar skills in challenging situations.
If Templars are so OP show me with evidence, don't tell me with hyperbolic descriptions
Come on Joy. You are placing me in the wrong category with prejudice. I'm simply trying to identify why people suddenly think templars are OP. Outside of rune templars seem the same as they have always been.
The last 6 words of your paragraph are in error IMO. e.g. take the 12 classes from GW1. Class consistency wasn't a thing. ESO has 5. Why should they be consistent with one another? Should there not be more eccentricities and less symmetries? Making all 5 classes perfectly symmetrical is an expression of decadence.
Come on Joy. You are placing me in the wrong category with prejudice. I'm simply trying to identify why people suddenly think templars are OP. Outside of rune templars seem the same as they have always been.
The thread has gone in the direction of templars aren't OP at all. I still think rune is OP but I could care less either way. A lot of people lack understanding but it doesn't matter if the status quo is templars are not OP. The only thing worth nerfing is rune and 5 debuff cleanse. There is nothing else to nerf so if rune holds then templar should be fine. There is no other specific skill that can be called OP. Besides rune the only other argument is clerics in general are op because people can now heal and dps all of a sudden. Or maybe the templar pocket heal is to easy? That hasn't been stated but you would have to play a templar to know how templar healing works. It would seem an adequate antithesis has been fielded.
Templar is either OP or it isn't. It can't be both lol.
They are currently the master class. Pretty much crappy players can pick one up and cause decent players trouble.