Honestly couldnt disagree more. Decent players i know can wipe the floor with good templars lol let alone a crappy player. There is no master class.
Once again, a Templar thread conclusively proves that Forumplars are OP.
Perhaps if someone discussed why/how on a more realistic note than blaming rune while not even knowing how it works until the middle of the thread, or extended ritual which has always been there and probably the only thing making it strong now Is players wanting to be carried by bleeds.
There's definitely something to be said about the super tanky heal bot templar in these tank ball groups but you are going to get a strong reaction considering ZOS went after them before and practically wiped out more independent templars and ironically forced them more into pocket healer roles for a couple years. And the reaction is only going to be worse when you have some sorcs coming in and crying because they've been down a couple months. Cry me a river and get back to me in 2020. Meanwhile; explain to me what really is wrong with Templar
Templars are where all others classes should be in terms of balance.
Good skills, decent passives, all round viable and strong. Able to beat all other classes in a fair fight.
Leave templar as it is, but bring the other classes in line.
Put a chastity belt on NB's and Wardens and give cookies to sorcs and DK's.
WaltherCarraway wrote: »
really like to see someone wreck a good stamina warden with his own magicka dragonknight.
afaik even those top tier players cannot do that. lol
btw, talk is cheap, show me the vid. and please don't forward some Legend 1v1 tourney result.
If other classes were brought in line with templar the people playing those classes would quit lol. Remember what forum this is in.
...Still, your assertion that defense intensive magplars have high damage is incorrect. If you invest too much into mitigation and defenses as a magplar your damage will be severely lacking.
Mrsinister2 wrote: »
But can they kill you or anyone else? I see lots of almost unkillable templars but they have almost no damage and aren't worth your time to fight.
The problem with all these nerf threads is that people rarely bring any specifics to the table, nor do they provide any context whatsoever. Which means they’re rant threads that should have no bearing on anything. If you legitimately think something is OP, bring real evidence to the table so we can really discuss it not have a bunch of subjective conjecture.
Joy_Division wrote: »
What's sad is that these people can't even be bothered to provide us with misleading death-recaps.
Templars are fine.
Shield ultimate isnt. 10 seconds is totally overpowered and synergizes perfectly with some classes like templars / dk that are vampires, bringing in way to much survivability.