I actually thought about this last night while on my NB. Went to run from a zerg and someone put this on me. I was about to break free and was like "no wait. I have cc immunity already and nothing that's going to proc this"
Even if it were UC; It wont hurt that much.
That said; I believe DKs have a legitimate complaint about how their armor passively procs this.
I'll say this much.
Templars are inherently more tanky. These days, it feels like tanks can dish out almost as much damage as damage-oriented builds. Of course, it's not 100% on par, but 85% - and that is enough if the weak damage build is distracted for a second. Whereas the other way around, tanky builds can easily afford a mistake or two without consequences. The scales aren't tipped right, and that is what Templars benefit from.
Templars. All the purifies. Paired with argonians are far far too strong. There damage is stupid high. Resistances stupid high. They are currently the master class. Pretty much crappy players can pick one up and cause decent players trouble. Most are sword shield. And they can have good stamina pools. They are like sorcs used to be but stronger. I mean who's idea was it to give them 5 purifies over and over. And rune. The class for a long time has out performed all other classes. Everyone accept the people who use them complain . F..All is changed
LeifErickson wrote: »OMG finally i can agree with a post!! Tempars are waaay to good all they due is press 1 button to full and i have to start my hole rotation over agan!! So annnoying!!! Also i apply all my dots that take forever too do and they press 1 button and i have to start all over. also they can tank 1435 people like its noting no other class can doo that!! And they just press that on1 beam skill and you are insta dead even from 200 yards away! I cant believe people are defending this class in this thread write now omg im done with this community
OP seems like u r the only reasonable one left i gave u a agree keep fioghing the good fight!!!
Just because you struggle against Templars does not in any way mean that they are overperforming. It just means that your particular build (I'm guessing DoT based) is less effective against them. It's a rock-paper-scissors situation, where every class, build and playstyle wipes the floor with some types of opponents and not others.
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »OMG, a real-life "nerf Templar" thread? Well, it was cute for like three seconds, but stop.
Templar has been the worst or second worst in every category (DPS, mobility, burst, sustain, class ulti, CC, passives... everything except heals, of course) for ages. Now we're finally closer to the middle of the pack. It's about time!.
Look, I don't want to be in the crosshairs because some know-nothing took a brain-poo on the forums. Data or GTFO.
As a whole, the Dragonknight and Warden class are both significantly tankier than Templar. And again, I know this isn’t directed towards Stamplar, i.e the stam spec with the weakest healing of them all. So I’ll reiterate when it comes to Magplar that if you actually build to have damage, you won’t be exceptionally tanky and vice versa. Magplar “tankiness” is an illusion. Being able to bounce back constantly to full looks very hardy on the surface until you realize how one dimensional, binary, and completely reactive the class’ defensive design is. Which isn’t an issue if you’re a tanky heal bot, but isnt very forgiving at all if you’re a light armor damage spec.
So no, Templar doesn’t benefit from the dynamic you describe. Basically no Light/Medium Armor damage spec does. You know what does abuse disproportionate amounts of damage relative to their tankiness? Heavy armor stam builds, as they have for years. Magplar, and no magicka class, is in the same ball park when it comes to this regard as heavy stam.
Press 1 button?
Lets go over your thought process.
You apply all your DoTs and the templars presses 1 button and is back to full health. Im assuming you are referring to BoL/HtD.
Well the templar still has all the DoTs applied and you do not have to restart your rotation.
Or do you mean cleansing ritual which removes 5 negative effects but then the templar is still at low health.
Or what your really trying to say is that a templar does what every other class does (purge then heal) but to a degree better.
Ill admit that templars are better than decent all around but not OP.
The healing and purging DOES make them tanky. As I said, when you build with defense in mind, gameplay gets super forgiving for Temps. I wasn't talking a glass cannon Templar.
Survivability=!Tankiness. It’s an important distinction I can elaborate on if I need to. Sure, magplars can be survivable if played right. Any and every class can do the same with the tools at their disposal. As the least mobile class in the game with no proactive defenses in the way of wings/ward/cloak/shimmer/HoTs, Templar absolutely should have some strong methods of defending and recovering from damage.
Still, your assertion that defense intensive magplars have high damage is incorrect. If you invest too much into mitigation and defenses as a magplar your damage will be severely lacking.
Arguing semantics here. I still stand by my point. A PotL with ultimate crit can be all that's needed to take down a fragile damage dealer. Whereas the damage dealer has to do a lot to overcome the healing and having negative effects just purged off. Building defense isn't very difficult, IMO.
Really would depend on the players and builds in question. Do you have any experience playing a light armor damage magplar? The damage can be phenomenal but comes at a cost. My point is, while it can be strong it’s not unbalanced relative to other powerful builds in the game. Class balance rn is quite phenomenal outside of sorc which kind of underperforms. If I recall correctly, you were one of the players who would defend sorc when it was good from people making similar nerf threads. “Too much damage while being too tanky”. Do you remember the rhetoric you’d use to counter those claims? Do you see where mindless QQ got your class? And if so is the irony lost on you?
Funny how the tone changes when another class is finally doing well as a damage dealer after years of being mediocre. For what it’s worth, light armor damage magplar was and still is harder to play than sorc ever was in any patch prior to this one. Coming from someone with extensive experience in both. And imo it still is currently harder to play, but also more effective at securing kills in a well rounded build.
I don't know where all this supposed magicka templar damage is coming from. I didn't know a light armor templar was even playable in cyrodill. They have no overheals(shields), mobility skills(Shadow Image, Bolt Escape, Nature's Grasp), magicka dodges(cloak), projectile reflects(Reflective Scales). They get two maybe three dodge rolls.
Really would depend on the players and builds in question. Do you have any experience playing a light armor damage magplar? The damage can be phenomenal but comes at a cost. My point is, while it can be strong it’s not unbalanced relative to other powerful builds in the game. Class balance rn is quite phenomenal outside of sorc which kind of underperforms. If I recall correctly, you were one of the players who would defend sorc when it was good from people making similar nerf threads. “Too much damage while being too tanky”. Do you remember the rhetoric you’d use to counter those claims? Do you see where mindless QQ got your class? And if so is the irony lost on you?
Funny how the tone changes when another class is finally doing well as a damage dealer after years of being mediocre. For what it’s worth, light armor damage magplar was and still is harder to play than sorc ever was in any patch prior to this one. Coming from someone with extensive experience in both. And imo it still is currently harder to play, but also more effective at securing kills in a well rounded build.
Everyone on Xbox one is a Templar. You run into zergs if them. I play lots of different characters. And they are by far the tankiest. Most run mist form. So they get there stam back. I take it half the posts are Templars 🤣
yeha right, templar, sorc, warden are decent class whereas dk and nb are dead for pvp.
abusing game balance and trying to convice people everything is fine. Pepega
Haashhtaag wrote: »The CP passive that guarantees a crit carries magplars with their BoL spam.
All of the “problems” OP listed as being wrong with templars didn’t change when templars were buffed. Sounds like someone needs to spend less time complaining about templars and more time learning to beat templars.
Templars are finally in a decent place again. Stahp with the nerf requests.