I just play if it's red it's dead. Maybe that's the crux, why is playing according to the way the developers built the game such a faux pas?
Maybe it's because you're incorrectly assuming that "if it's red it's dead" equates to "the way the developers built the game."
Imagine an extreme example. 3 factions, each with 1 player. This is the entirety of the game's population in Cyrodiil.
DC: 1 who plays for active combat
EP: 1 who plays for his faction's victory in the campaign, actively avoiding combat in order to take Keeps/map objectives
AD: 1 player who farms Tel'Var in Imperial City or the Delves located in Cyrodiil for gear
Each of these players has different interests and motivations, and what they're doing falls perfectly within the game's structure. You can't fault the DC for wanting to kill the EP who is sieging a Keep halfway across Cyrodiil, you can't fault the EP for doing his best to win the campaign, and you can't fault the AD for farming.
Your mistake is that you've determined that *your way* is the way the game was meant to be played, when in reality, there are multiple valid possibilities.
You could be on the opposing side of your very own argument. Someone could propose that you specifically are not playing the game in "the way the developers built the game" when you chase down a solo player with 5 others of your faction, as it's a waste of resources (in this case: people) that could have otherwise helped take map objectives to advance your faction's campaign score. (Please note that this is hypothetical. Don't make the argument that the 1 solo player would have killed the other 5 players without your assistance, thus rendering net output for your faction lower than it would have been if you had killed the solo quickly 6v1. It's just an example)
Anyways.. you can see why that doesn't work, right? People have different interests, and the game allows for them to explore those interests. You don't have to agree with how some people play the game, but you do have to acknowledge that there are various possibilities. Once you acknowledge other valid possibilities, you will hopefully stop projecting your personal value system onto others.
It's not so black and white as "most small scalers don't fight other small scalers because they're soft." Here are some reasons why players may choose not to engage other players:
As others have mentioned, one might not want to engage on an already outnumbered and disadvantaged friend that they might play with the next day.
One might find zero fulfillment in a fight that his experience has allowed him to deem a certain victory, opting instead to use that time on something more fulfilling or productive.
A group of 2 might be not engage on a group of 5 because they don't want to die. They could also choose not to engage on a group of 24 for the same reason. Maybe their motivation is that they don't want to travel across Cyrodiil again to reach a potential fight.
A group of 2 might not engage on another group of 2 because they don't want to die. Maybe their motivation is that they don't want to take an L.
Note that none of these things inherently detract from a player's skill. A good player CAN do all of these things.
There are more reasons than this, but you should get the idea. You've upset people by generalizing everyone who identifies as a small scaler as "soft" or worse players than they think they are. Yeah, that applies to a percentage of the small scale population, but a sweeping generalization isn't going to be accurate or productive. There are many more reasons why someone may choose not to engage another group.
One last point: people not fighting each other isn't exclusive to "good players" or even "players who think that they're good." All it takes is mutual respect, understanding, and/or a shared viewpoint.
Your gripes seem to be more associated with the emergent culture in ESO or gaming culture in general, though there are still others today that play like you now or in the past ("sterilizing" people and areas). Maybe you should lead by example and rather than "soloing" in extremely close proximity to friendly zergs, go out on your own or with 1-3 friends and engage on any group you see, especially those with greater numbers. Your words might hold more water then.
Wait, when did zerging down 1 player become comparable to zerging down a small group? I thought we settled this one already?
I still do take great pleasure in helping the zerg kill the small scale group, because I know the zerg has no chance until I ride up and strategically place my negate or meteor and then go on with my day to the next location while I'm looking for good fights.
I just play if it's red it's dead. Maybe that's the crux, why is playing according to the way the developers built the game such a faux pas?
I see this ALL the time..
VERY often I see groups of 5 'good' players jumping soloers or chasing them to the ends of the earth just because said soloer is sometimes zerg surfing (as do these 'good' 5 players).
Sometimes I even see 2 groups of 5 'good' players on opposite factions actually teaming up to take on 3-4 randoms.
Now I sometimes ask myself, who are the better players.. the 5 who regularly fight greater numbers of noobs and get loads of kills with co-ordinated ultimate dumps, or the random 1's who regularly fight coordinated groups of good players and can hold their own against them for a reasonable amount of time..?
My most recent Stamplar clips featured more 1000+ cp, geared, and experienced PVP’ers than people under the cp cap. I always make it a point to showcase fights vs worthy opponents that know what they are doing.
Thank you for at least acknowledging my point of view. I can see where a lot of the frustration might stem from, in seeing people of your own faction be so apathetic towards what you may consider how the game is "meant" to be played. I would just ask that you consider this: maybe certain players feel a stronger sense of loyalty to the format of pvp that they advocate and represent, and so by extension the community that also champions this common style of play- regardless of which color the flag above their head is.
At the end of the day, its just a game, and what people enjoy therein varies. Some like to pursue challenging outnumbered fights. Some enjoy cooperating and collaborating with friends to form highly efficient groups and guilds. Some feel strong loyalty to their faction and wish to see it prosper. Some enjoy the fast paced action of bgs and some are Stormhaven heroes that duel all day. Some enjoy all of the above. To each their own. A lot of the contention among the various styles of play comes from a lack of mutual understanding I believe.
Yeah well you also have to realize that, almost without exception, everyone in Cyrodiil and BGs is a giant hypocrite lol. EVERYBODY zergs or Xv1s or outnumbers in some form or another. Do not believe anyone if they tell you they don’t. And often times the saltiest people in PvP are the small scalers. I completely agree that a 6v1 is no better than a 20v5 or a 10v2 or whatever. You can be the best PvPer on a given server hands down, and if you decide to Xv1 some poor scrub you’re still doing just that, no matter if you need the numbers or not. But anyway my answer was more in response to the OP about certain groups or soloers avoiding certain other groups or individual players.
That's possible, it could be less that I'm sick of seeing what I see in the games and more that I'm sick of how gamers have become.
I swear when we were just straight up nerds we were much cooler people than the nerds that are streaming today. I think this also comes through in the guild management scenario's.
I mean, be honest on this one, if you've played a lot of PVP games over the past 15 years - have you not noticed what the influx of women has done to guild politics?
^Note, this is a totally separate topic from what we've been discussing but it could be that what I'm really sick of is the way the gaming community has changed as a whole.
I swear to god its softer today, it's based less on performance, and more about who you are friends with, etc.
Careful there buddy. You are AGAIN making generalizations that don't hold water. That other female poster may be of the "I don't hit my friends" school of gaming, but that does NOT mean every female is. There are plenty of us who kill any and every person we encounter who isn't on our team. I'd kill my own grandma in Cyrodil if she rolled a red or yellow, no matter how fair or unfair it was, because she was stupid enough to roll a faction I don't play for. Sorry not sorry.
I was actually a little on board with you until you started the whole Incel argument. You've totally lost me now. If you want to find out how women in this game really play, I'd invite you to find me in Cyrodil without your sweaty little hoard of slobbering, screeching, unwashed zerglings and I'll show you just how 'soft' we are(n't).
lol.. can't believe you just called me an incel - that's super offensive, you have no idea who I am, I wasn't generalizing, I was literally asking about a personal experience and seeing if anyone could corroborate.
But, if you play on PS4 I'd be happy to come find you. Nevermind, I see you play on xBox. I think you should just lay off the feminist candy you're eating and realize I wasn't making just generalized comments. Please show me the links to Twitch accounts where men take their clothes off for money. I'll wait.
Side note: I have a fiance, and her ring will make you blind
You also skipped over the part where I've said I've played with a ton of super bad ass females. Like really *** good. Not sure what to tell you if you don't read everything I type and jump down my throat because I'm explaining that in my experience 95% of guild drama starts with a woman.
That probably has more to do with the audience than the streamers
Long way of saying that God papers make their living off killing bad one but you're right as far as Cyrodiil goes. It goes both ways though when you dont just limit your view to skill. Big zergs sure aren't against mowing down just 1 guy which often lends them to the favor of the better players.
Just watched your Stamplar wolfhunter video. You're very good at side stepping as a means for natural mitigation, using invincibility frames and loss of target due to the fact that it's an "action MMO".
But, most of the people getting smashed in the video are idiots.
Well they obviously aren't super stars, but they arent clueless "noobs" either as some are purporting. Its pretty representative of what the average player looks like. Good players don't get 1vxed or small scaled, but this doesn't mean an instance of an outnumbered fight is a faceroll just because the individual opponents are weaker. The style of pvp is death by a thousand cuts. And one that gets increasingly more difficult each passing patch.
At the end of the day though, making definitive assessments of "good" and "bad" or evaluating skill is pretty pointless in a game where there are no quantitative metrics of such things. Its all qualitative analysis of how well a specific person or group can exhibit mastery of class and game mechanics. The fact of the matter is though, the cross section of players that can successfully small scale is more limited than any other grouping of pvpers in the game.
Look, you're good at the game, of that I have no doubt. But you're lying to yourself when you say they aren't noobs. Half the time they aren't even putting damage on you because of how well you strafe side to side, and they don't even realize it, they stand around like mum idiots, which means they are button mashers.
I think we just discovered why we disagree. My definition of "noob" is much stricter than yours.
I should add, I'm saying this all with the knowledge that you actually just taught me something that I have not been using, I'm good about targeting people who side step but I've never used it as a form of mitigation for myself as a Sorc.
I've been considering a brawler type build for MagSorc with high resists and Dawnbreaker slotted, your video gave me stupidly good idea's, and admittedly you're better than I am, I mean your ability to track the target as you strafe left to right is really good.
Also, the problem is that this is much easier to do on PC vs. PS4 - not sure of the controls but side stepping like that in PC games is usually a bit easier.
I was almost on the OPs side side till the last few paragraphs where he turned into a pompous arse.
I came from socom a game where skill was important as was team work ... It was also a game where the community self regulated ... If a player on your team was running something that considered op
The community shut them down by that your own team and guild (clan) would bar you from groups till you changed your setup
The thing I also learned from this game was competing against players not as good as you didn't help you improve in fact often made you worse as you got complacent
Even in ESO I recognise the good players on the field ... And I'm not afriad to go toe to toe with them cos it's fighting them that helps me get better
Do these players get zerged down... Yes ...
Don I wait for the zerg to turn up before engaging ...hell no ... I want the victory over them to be mine ... but my victories are few n far between ... But my constant engagement with them is making me improve ... In that once the would kill me in near seconds ... Now it's longer for done it's minutes longer
Don't buy it - watched the Stamplar video - most of the people getting smacked play like idiots. It's not a PVP video, it's a highlight video.
By the numbers and ranks the opponents are objectively representative of the average. My duo video has multiple organized guilds getting small scaled as well. Admittedly I have a few cakewalks in there for entertainment value, but a lot of fights do show noticeable pressure to both health and resources. I don't wanna make this about me though, that's not the point at all. I was just using that as an example. I think its fairly obvious to everyone that no one is 1vxing or small scaling equal caliber opponents. Will never happen. This doesn't take away from the fact that proper small scale fights are very difficult to pull off in recent patches given even "average" opponents. Even if the constituent members of the "X" are individually weaker, as a collective they are a formidable opponent.
Its not about some constructed notion of "skill". Anyone can pull off 1vX or small scale- its just a matter of being good enough and being at the right place at the right time and finding the right group of people to fight. Rather, to me, these fights are like puzzles- where you or your group are encountered with a discrete challenge and have to overcome it using the tools and resources at your disposal. I love the challenge of cracking that puzzle, and I love watching other people do the same. Not just whether it is solved, but more importantly how. Cus in that how is great insight into the functionality of various classes and mechanics to improve as a player- exactly as you have just said you gained insight from watching my video.
Think about it like this, and I think this is the best way I can put it. 1vX and small scale is not like boxing, and we are not claiming that it is either. Dueling and GvG is like boxing- an actual structured competition between two skilled combatants. Rather, Solo&Small Scale is more like gymnastics- a demonstration of form and function. Think: Competition vs Exhibition. I hope that makes some degree of sense, and sheds some light on my perspective.
Haashhtaag wrote: »Lol watching arya lose 1v1 is literally a 6-10 minutes fight most of the time bring closer to 10.
Those are the best fights though, they're such good fights, those are the types of fights small scalers are constantly looking for....why don't I see any in the last video?
And I'm not talking about a pre-arranged duel where Arya has time to change builds / gear to perfectly prepare for said opponent. I'm talking - open world build - mashed potato build - fighting another l33t small scale pvper in open world.
Where are the clips boy!?
Was kind of my point haha - I'm not sure where all the small scalers who came in and said -
comes from - I don't think it sucks - I think their behavior is hilarious - they sit atop their white stallion wearing their shiny white armor - but are fake asf.
Haashhtaag wrote: »
Personally as a small scaler we look for outnumbered fights. But if 2 guys choose to attack us what are we supposed to do? The only people we truly “zerg” Down when we catch are those who wear tabards such as AoTP, vae victus, kush, dreadlords, and the plethora of DC zerg guilds.
I’m sure arya has plenty of videos to show you. But as I already stated prior that most 1vX or small scale action is against average at best players no matter the platform.
The GvG stuff takes place in structured environment. Most cases the higher end small scale guilds don’t fight each other in open world because that’s not the objective for each.
Same with 1vX people there is a mutual understanding that each other aren’t the objective. Although 1vX is on its death bed atm.
I assume you play ps4 NA?