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Question regarding Scripts and Macros

Soul Shriven
Read before posting please: Please constructive and informational feedback, i don't need moral talk.


I recently came back to the game and an trying to figure out with what class i want to get back into the game. so far i am liking everything but in order to do so i need to level first.
So due to me being kind of an altoholic and trying out everything i want to level fast and figured out Alik'r Desert Dolmen runs are going particulary fast.
What i am seeing there are every Dolmen are people (the same people) seemingly being afk while casting heals and shields on them self or running around in a distance, just abrely grabbing the exp from their group completing the dolmen. These are clearly keypress macros or simple scripts to avoid logouts and grab free exp.

Now my question is, due to the fact that a lot of these people have really high CP levels and are still playing the game, what is the policy regarding the use of external macro programs and scriptlanguages? Because if it enables me to afk grind free exp while being at work with no downside i wanna jump on that train myself.

Also does zenimax differentiate between a simple macro, that presses jump every few minutes to not get kicked out of the game and a more complex one that does actions like heal or shield me if my health drops?
And let's be completely honest and transparent, what would happen if it is forbidden and i still decide to do it.
What would be the consequences of it? Will i be suspended for hours/days/weeks? Will my CP be reset?

Lastely if leechign exp like this has to big downsides, what to do against people that do it besides reporting them if it's against ToS?
Because no one seems to care about the fact that people are getting 50 CP level in 3 days without any actual work put into it? If i can't do it others shouldn't as well(the beauty of online games).
Shall i raise awareness against said people, that i observed? The policy of most games is a strict rule against name calling and shaming of people, so i wanna avoid that.

PS: I believe this to be a pretty controversial thematic but i like to know stuff and in order to know stuff i have to ask.
  • Creationofgod
    honestly i would not care if someone use's that . all your doing is wasting your own money!

    you buy a game to play it and to progress it and then doesnt play it but instead let the computer do all the work ..

    why buy the game in the first place? and what good will it do you to be at level 1000cp ? if you dont know how to play a vet dungeon?
    PC eu. Main : Magplar cp 320
  • InvitationNotFound
    As far as I know it is against the ToS and you might get a (temporary) ban (and it might lead to a permanent ban).
    We want firing off Dark Exchange in the middle of combat to feel awesome... - The Wrobler
    You know you don't have to be here right? - Rich Lambert
    Verrätst du mir deinen Beruf? Ich würde auch gerne mal Annahmen dazu schreiben, wie simple die Aufgaben anderer sind. - Kai Schober

    RdK Group Tool: esoui DE EN FR
    Port to Friend's House: esoui DE EN FR - Library: DE EN
    Yet another Compass: esoui DE EN FR
    Group Buffs: esoui DE EN FR
  • templergun
    Soul Shriven
    honestly i would not care if someone use's that . all your doing is wasting your own money!

    you buy a game to play it and to progress it and then doesnt play it but instead let the computer do all the work ..

    why buy the game in the first place? and what good will it do you to be at level 1000cp ? if you dont know how to play a vet dungeon?

    And of course the 1st comment is someone stating "ONLY" their personal opinion and giving literally no answer at all! Why are you doing this? Is it to annoy a random stranger on the internet? Or do you simply not care about the fact that i asked to please not reply with moral talk? People are different you know? What might be fun for you might not be for me, we actually are not the same person.
  • DocFrost72
    Per the TOS, any automation is off limits. What you're describing is typically called "botting" here, and there's even a special report function that autocompletes to report it.

    Frankly, it is up to you what to do, but what you're doing is 100% in violation of the TOS.
  • templergun
    Soul Shriven
    DocFrost72 wrote: »
    Per the TOS, any automation is off limits. What you're describing is typically called "botting" here, and there's even a special report function that autocompletes to report it.

    Frankly, it is up to you what to do, but what you're doing is 100% in violation of the TOS.

    I made sure to see if they were using patterns that would indicate the use of a bot. But because the people were using really simple actions like straving back and forth inside the building at "Hollow Waste Dolmen" to get the exp, i am pretty sure they are jsut using simple macros. Almost every gaming keyboard or mouse gives you a macro program with which you can realise stuff like that. Or you use a script language(which i wont further discuss). A bot would probably run all 3 Dolmen and teleport automatically, at least that's what i would expect of one.

    But thank you for your answer. That any automation is off limit, is exacly what i was looking for. :smile:

    Topic can be closed, no further Questions from me.
  • Merlin13KAGL
    Fixed it for you.
    templergun wrote: »
    Read Search before posting please: Please constructive and informational feedback, i don't need moral talk.
    or alternately
    Read the ToS before posting please
    PS: I believe this to be a pretty controversial thematic but i like to know stuff and in order to know stuff i have to ask.
    Would have taken you less time to search the answer than it would have to make yet another thread asking a question I'm pretty sure you already knew the answer to.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • zaria
    As far as I know it is against the ToS and you might get a (temporary) ban (and it might lead to a permanent ban).
    This also dolmens now kill you if you stand still.
    No nobody will complain if you use it in PvE for animation canceling. Don't do in PvP for executes as the other guy has combat metric and you are flying on autopilot during the macro so he will interrupt an kill you who is better than an booting report :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Mr_Walker
    zaria wrote: »
    No nobody will complain if you use it in PvE for animation canceling.

    I would.
  • ZOS_RikardD

    We are closing this thread because the use of outside tools is a violation of our Terms of Service Here.

    You may find following under Section 9. Your Use of Services

    You agree not to use any hardware or software or any other method of support that is not authorized by ZeniMax or that may in any way influence or advantage Your playing abilities, or influence or advantage Your use of the Services. Third party tools, the use of "bots", "speed hacks", "deep-link", "page-scrape", "robot", "spider", algorithms or other programs that copy or monitor any part of the Services (including, but not limited to, the Game(s) and/or forums), software that transmits, manipulates, or distributes (including, but are limited to, "mirroring") the data stream or any aspect of the Services to another computer, server websites or other publication or distribution media, or software that permits You to use Services without human input are examples of methods not authorized by ZeniMax.
    The Elder Scrolls Online: Tamriel Unlimited - ZeniMax Online Studios
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