My guild (AP not AoTOP), Is pulling players into Cyro that have never played before, people are logging in to just play with us in mass. What's funny is that WAY more people like Zerging then don't... which is why Zergs are a thing LOL.
People hate on us every night, but the funny thing is, the other big guilds that bring in the most players into PvP that actually do stuff in cyro and make PvP better, don't hate us, and even want to GvG us! The people hating on us are the "Zone generals" that no one wants around anymore because Guilds have taken over, and solo players that zerg surf, cry about zergs, and don't go play in Shor for some reason.
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
We now split up our 72+ man raids when we need to and take multiple keeps at once, and if AD or DC stack, we are going to stack when we need to. We are growing bigger every day and we are going to keep helping new players, and we are going to keep getting more powerful, so get used to seeing us
My guild (AP not AoTOP), Is pulling players into Cyro that have never played before, people are logging in to just play with us in mass. What's funny is that WAY more people like Zerging then don't... which is why Zergs are a thing LOL.
People hate on us every night, but the funny thing is, the other big guilds that bring in the most players into PvP that actually do stuff in cyro and make PvP better, don't hate us, and even want to GvG us! The people hating on us are the "Zone generals" that no one wants around anymore because Guilds have taken over, and solo players that zerg surf, cry about zergs, and don't go play in Shor for some reason.
AP helps players that guilds have closed their doors to, that like teamwork, like a chill environment, and want to learn more about the basics of PvP
We now split up our 72+ man raids when we need to and take multiple keeps at once, and if AD or DC stack, we are going to stack when we need to. We are growing bigger every day and we are going to keep helping new players, and we are going to keep getting more powerful, so get used to seeing us
Sandman929 wrote: »
All that is pretty admirable, but you must realize what kind of horrible gaming experience those numbers creates. Offering relative safety and fun PvP experience to players new to Cyrodiil is great, I certainly prefer that the ego-maniacal pre-teen measuring contest that fills zone chat, but don't you think there should be a tiny bit of moderation?
I can't imagine the gameplay is very stellar from within such a large stack either.
Shhhhh, @NirnStorm . I heard AP and DIG gvg'd and the server's didn't die. Although afterwards one hamster had to be retired early.
I can verify this is true.
No, it's simply NOT HIS PROBLEM to solve.
I don't think the complaints mainly come from the people in these large groups, but if then I agree with you. Personally I never play in the evenings because of the lag/delay/disconnects.... complaining about performance issues while deliberately behaving in ways that you KNOW makes it worse is not very rational.
Of course it is. ZOS aren't going to and aren't capable of fixing this. When will any of you realise this? If they could, they would. What we have left in this game is an ability to make do with we have and try to get the best out of the game for everyone.
Cyrodiil has been stated on many occasions by the devs as being for solo, small, and large groups. Many times.
I don't think the complaints mainly come from the people in these large groups, but if then I agree with you. Personally I never play in the evenings because of the lag/delay/disconnects.
"If they could, they would"
If that's the case then I'd like to see ZOS come out and say it. Other publishers, of other games, takes notice of their issues and even if they don't have a solution for it right away they come out and say it. If I'm not mistaken Blizzard came out and said "we're aware of it.. we plan on changing the engine.. we will update the servers.. but it will take time, it's not an easy fix, but a fix is coming" and people calmed down a great bit knowing what's going on and knew there was no reason to keep ranting about the issue (what ever the issue was, I can't remember, it was like 8 years ago I quit WoW).
The only reason for ZOS to not coming out and say it is because, just like you said, they don't have any intentions of changing it. If they came out and said "We're aware of the performance issues. But we don't know what to do about them" people would freak out. If we look at the changes they've made through out the years they've continously made it more difficult for small scalers and rewarded large scale combat, which begs the question "why would they encourage this gameplay when it makes for a really poor gameplay experience?".
I have 3 possible reasons for it, 1) They DO have a solution coming, 2) They have given up on Cyrodiil and don't really care what happens, or 3) They have no overarching vision for Cyrodiil.
As far as I can tell, enrouraging large scale combat and rewarding funneling droves of people into the same area, with the consequences we're experiencing, will eventually cause people to stop going into Cyrodiil entierly. Which I'm certain ZOS is very well aware of.
Funnily enough, I lag and dc in primetime regardless of whether AP is raiding or not. It's a consequence of a large number of players congregating in one spot for particular objectives as by design of the map. Whether or not a large Zerg is directing the action to one spot, it still happens.
The tri-faction stack at Fare on Saturday night and even BRK last night (Tuesday), was the AP zerg present? No. And still, everyone lagged to *** and dc'ed. That's just how the map *** works. We all like to congregate together for certain objectives. It happens all the time in primetime.
Ultimately the blame for the horrible performance we all experience in these scenarios (that they designed) should be squared at ZOS.
But seriously, the notion that AP deliberately does this is or doesn't suffer from performance issues is hilarious. We suffer from the same lag issues everyone else does. We have multiple people dc each run (I'm usually one of them), we can't always execute our abilities, we ping-pong across the map and we get stuck in texture bugs every time we run.
I came to this game for large-scale OW PvP encounters. The many large-scale fights I've been a part of since joining AP have been insanely fun despite the lag and performance issues. It's up to ZOS to fix the performance and make the game playable as it was advertised.
Translation. I am part of the problem and I don't care.
It is too bad more people don't want to get better at the game and prefer to get carried by numbers.
We split up our raids more then half the time tonight, and DC and AD still could not even get their scrolls back while we were on LOL, before you guys judge us, maybe you should run in one of our raids and see for yourself how it is. Our doors are always opened!
Anyway, see you guys out there!
Honey, people are trying to be polite over here. It's not a good idea to poke the lion, as it were.
Sweetie, I have been leading raids of all kinds for 3+ years, and I have learned that all the toxic and pathetic small man AD/DC groups, and failed "zone generals" are just above the FD NPC's as far as their impact in Cyro and zone chat goes. Not to mention they are pure cancer for the PvP community. The only opinion I give 2 craps about are other raid leads of guilds that make PvP worth playing and my amazing guild members
Sweetie, I have been leading raids of all kinds for 3+ years, and I have learned that all the toxic and pathetic small man AD/DC groups, and failed "zone generals" are just above the FD NPC's as far as their impact in Cyro and zone chat goes. Not to mention they are pure cancer for the PvP community. The only opinion I give 2 craps about are other raid leads of guilds that make PvP worth playing and my amazing guild members