I am no fan of what AP is doing, because it lags the hell out of the server and sucks the fun out of the campaign, whether you on on the same side or the opposite.
But if it's just about bringing numbers to a fight, where was the DC outrage when IA was stacking three raids every afternoon last month versus single bar pops?
With EP on top, it's attracting a lot of extra red population throughout the day, which is par for the course. But this too shall pass. It always does.
This thread is full of ridiculous ideas, for example that AP is the reason EP is winning. They only play 10 hours a week and often have less than 2 full raids.
No other group has 50 EP when AP is not running.
Ahtu will run around with anywhere from 12 to 25 people when not in an AP raid. He is a big reason for EP success this campaign. He is on all the time and organizes people.
There is now at least one EP guild running the non prime time hours. That is how EP had 6 scrolls and EMP the other day. (I logged on much early than usual and saw them getting the last 2 scrolls on the map) . This is exactly how AD won the last few campaigns, yet now AD come here and complain about it.
Often AP spends prime time trying (and not always succeeding) to just defend what the day crews got. The other night in prime time EP was reduced to two keeps.
Finally, the absurd idea that AP causes all the lag and that they are somehow immune to the lag. NO. EP also lags just as much. I have constantly disconnected when approaching keeps full of the AD zerg (which , btw often tips the scales close to 80)
AD slaughtered lots of EP when we first ran in the FD. Taking Drake this time required an additional wall breach. However, EP did take Drake in this fight. No way did EP have 100 at Drake last night. AP was asking for AP2 in zone chat which means they didn't even have 48.
I don't know if it's been brought up already, but, why don't you actively avoid the zerg and go for a different keep where the zerg isn't at? Why do you put yourself in that situation when you know the lag that comes with it?
It looks like the damage is done and maybe irreversible. Imagine if dracarys didn't have an omni or a fantasia or an iron legion or a guardians of daggerfall to fight? What would they do during their raid schedule? Mow down pick up groups over and over? That would get boring.
I stopped zone generaling about a week into a campaign maybe when I saw no one had a solution to lag bombing. (This thread was created on the first day after the campaign after the fist score tick seeing if anyone had any idea what to do). I think a week later another zone general stopped. Now I'm not sure I don't play this campaign very much anymore it doesn't seem much information gets passed around. Without a DC to oppose EP I don't think AD can do much because it is a three way campaign and EP was always the strongest faction. I'm going to take a wild guess that lag bombing which was relentless day after day at the start of the campaign might have been scaled down and might be phased out at some point like it never existed. That sounds good in theory if it didn't wreck DC prime-time. The person who thought lag bombing was the greatest thing ever is clearly dumb. The simple reason why is EP now has what to fight? and the carpet baggers are going to pile into EP prime-time. And if EP turtles scrolls during prime-time which was their preferred method 4 campaigns ago it will get boring quick. There is no scroll reset rule for prime-time.
And people who think this is a whiny thread are completely clueless. The thread was created on the first day of the campaign after the first score tick anticipating the damage that could be done. At this point the only way I see a return to anything relevant is resetting the scrolls to 1 point value which removes a dynamic which worked well for a while but it only takes one bad actor to completely wreck a good game. I've seen it done many times. They think they are smarter than everyone and blam game sucks.
There’s plenty of outrage towards IA in DC zone chat. In fact, DC has always been notoriously venomous towards our own Zerg guilds, going all the way back to EG.
There’s a lot of hand waving by you guys right now, while ignoring what people on all three factions are saying:
At no time since launch (on PCNA)has anyone ever stacked as many people in one place as consistently as EP is doing lately. The servers can’t handle it, and it’s bad for the health of the game.
Wait...Is all this hate because DC doesn't have any good guilds since VE left a long time ago and now they don't know how to win anymore? GoD has shown some promise!
..... Can't really think of anyone else though on DC that is decent...
And we slaughtered you when you pushed in the second breach as well. And then we slaughtered you throughout the keep. Of course you eventually took the keep with those numbers, but EP was WELL beyond just having 48 people attacking that keep. Much like they're well beyond those numbers at most keep fights these days.
Wait...Is all this hate because DC doesn't have any good guilds since VE left a long time ago and now they don't know how to win anymore? GoD has shown some promise!
..... Can't really think of anyone else though on DC that is decent...
"You guys" probably shouldn't be directed to someone that is playing DC while this zerg blob is going on.
I have noted that IA seems to have stopped stacking so large, which is appreciated.
@Thoragaal , the lag isn't just in the vicinity of the zerg. It blankets the whole server. You can't just fight somewhere else and everything is good.
Well, the thread is getting boring and it does not seem like anything is really being resolved, So I am off guys! Good luck and I will see you on the battlefield, if I can find you among my 120 small man raids haha!
Not sure why you are sounding so proud about losing a keep. After the second breach it was pretty routine, we wiped you out of the courtyard, breached the inner and wiped you out there. In contrast, competent AD groups have defended Alessia against larger EP forces many times. Go ahead and dig up a video of the Drake fight and see how many EP died rushing into the first breach-- I'll bet it was 30 tops. Maybe I'm wrong; I've never been in an AP raid so I can't say for sure.
Also, not sure what guild you are with, but surely you're aware of the 60+ AD blobs that EP routinely repels from Sej even when outnumbered 2:1. Not to mention the 80+ AD blobs that attack BRK. It isn't only an EP thing. And the AD blobs cause just as much lag.
Well, the thread is getting boring and it does not seem like anything is really being resolved, So I am off guys! Good luck and I will see you on the battlefield, if I can find you among my 120 small man raids haha!
"You guys" probably shouldn't be directed to someone that is playing DC while this zerg blob is going on.
I have noted that IA seems to have stopped stacking so large, which is appreciated.
@Thoragaal , the lag isn't just in the vicinity of the zerg. It blankets the whole server. You can't just fight somewhere else and everything is good.
I know the delay is still there, but I also know it prevents the disconnects by avoiding the zerg.
The general delay is there as soon as the server is close to pop lock (if that's what you mean by lag), and doesn't really have anything specifically to do with the huge amounts of people stacking at one place (aotp in this case).
But the disconnects can be avoided from not being close to the zerg.
I would love to actively avoid the zerg, but that means only fighting in DC territory, since faction stacking is the only way EP seems to know how to respond these days, particularly when aotp is around. And besides, I wouldn't want to give any of them the idea that they're in any way scary and should be avoided.
Also, it's funny that you ask why I put myself in a position to have to deal with the lag, but don't seem to ask why crow and his cancerous guild subject everyone they encounter to it, knowing full well what they do to the server. So please, stop pretending that you're trying to be helpful or useful.
Yeah, it means only fighting DC if you only go for things that's already UA. But you can create a situation yourself:
If one faction only moves around like one huge blob, then all the their other keeps are empty of players (unless your making a hyperbolic argument when saying "since faction stacking is the only way EP seems to know how to respond").
As soon as you hit one of their keeps behind enemy lines, you also cut off their ever flow of resources (players moving from the starting area). This means the keep wont have any defenders at first, but if you put Arrius UA you will attract enemy players trying to port to said zerg.
It's funny, because I already know Crow's reason; to win the campaign.
I don't have the option to ask every single individual in his guild (even if I'd like to know), so I was asking @Ruckley.
So I'm not pretending anything. But your way of reasoning shows you're not here to solve anything. You're just here to complain but it doesn't seem like your complaints have changed anyone's mind on the subject so far. So by all means, continue and good luck.
I know the delay is still there, but I also know it prevents the disconnects by avoiding the zerg.
The general delay is there as soon as the server is close to pop lock (if that's what you mean by lag), and doesn't really have anything specifically to do with the huge amounts of people stacking at one place (aotp in this case).
But the disconnects can be avoided from not being close to the zerg.
I stated a problem and sought a solution. I stated problems the problem created. I might not have been 100% scientific in my method doing everything in the 3rd person but it is a thread in a video game forum. Saying "stacking 80 people in one place causes lag and crashes" is stating a problem. A problem stated in a forum can be called a complaint true. But then if everything considered a problem is a complaint and thus taboo in forums then what is the point of the forum in the first place!? The point is to state problems(make complaints) and seek solutions. Calling a problem a complaint doesn't make it not a problem.
Now you say you know Crow's reason, to win the campaign. He doesn't have a problem(specific to this thread not in general) thus he doesn't have a complaint. You say this guy has a complaint that guy doesn't and so on...that is dithering.
If you want me to put this scientifically: Intentionally stacking x number of people in place creates lag favoring the party that is stacking x number of people. Because of this it would be considered an exploit in the TOS if they do it intentionally which they do. Therefore they are cheating. x however varies along a continuum so you can't say exactly at what point it is an exploit. If you say this person is banned for lag bombing then that person might push a little more or a little less. It is impossible to draw a line. It's not like once upon a time using silver leash to go over a wall was an exploit. In that case the data was discreet. You see the person using silver leash to go over the wall it happened. However you don't know whether they know it's an exploit. So you warm them letting them know it's an exploit. It is not so simple with lag bombing. It is obviously cheating. But because the lag on a server varies you can't really say at what point it is cheating because it is continuous. You can say that this group doing it intentionally is obviously cheating. Hence the original problem. Lag bombing creating indefensible scenarios which may or may not have resulted in the distorted server populations we now see.
That is incorrect. Clients have to feed data to the server. This data includes heal stacks and buffs. 80 people in proximity have 80 clients relaying data from that proximity. You can have ultranet and you will still get lag from that 80 man blob because you have to wait for all their clients to send data to the server and then to your client and it has to form a coherent whole. It's not like battlefield where you can have 64 people on a map and zero lag. You can actually play battlefield while playing in cyrodill and you won't be affected by what goes on in cyrodill unless you are getting packeted. Your battlefield ping should remain constant.
One issue about going elsewhere away from the zerg is that the larger group will complete the objective quicker and ultimately catch up to respond to the smaller group. Similar to how premades in land grab battlegrounds dominate, not by splitting up, but by stacking together to flip flags quicker.