Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
Maintenance for the week of October 7:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – October 7
• Xbox: EU megaserver for maintenance – October 9, 2:00 UTC (October 8, 10:00PM EDT) - 16:00 UTC (12:00PM EDT)

Are You Excited For The "Nerfmire" Update?

  • IdesofMarch2
    I'll be honest, mostly I get caught up in zerg's or large scale battles, and I mainly use Hardened Ward, not as much the other two. I am gonna try to keep hardened ward and ditch the other two and see how bad I get smoked in Cyr. Funny thing is even if you start a new character and progress eventually that will get nerfed too somehow. It's all relative.
    I just love Magicka builds not as much stamina. And for some reason I love ESO and no matter what they do I probably will try to adapt and figure something out.
    Runs with the A.D.
    Xbox One
    PC N/A
    Magicka Sorc
  • ThumbtackJake
    Sure. I'm always excited for more story and content, and Murkmire is a place I'm excited to visit. Some of the balance changes seem questionable at best to me, but as a casual, I'll adapt, by continuing to be a casual. I imagine most of the 'meta' players will adapt as well after a few weeks once all the top players get their builds and what not out.
    Long term filthy casual.
  • Dark_Lord_Kuro
  • emilyhyoyeon
    yeah I love argonian culture
    IGN @ emilypumpkin
    Zirasia Firemaker, imperial fire mage & sunbather
    Deebaba Soul-Weaver, argonian ghostminder & soul gem collector
    Tullanisse Starborne, altmer battlemage & ayleid researcher

    BLACK HAIR FOR ALTMER PLEASE (hair color cosmetic pack)
  • Kolache
    Stamplar love... err.. minus evasion AoE reduction
    Something being unbalanced in 1v1 does not imply that it is balanced in group play.
  • Mettaricana
    Loving all my buffs
  • xxthir13enxx
    I’m looking forward to the wreckage....oh what fun We’ll have with new bugs We’ll have....it’ll be like Easter...finding hidden Easter Eggs laying all around us!
  • Miswar
    This is very strong NO. Very tired of ZoS ruining classes with their balancing act. Adapt, Adapt and more Adapt because to be honest it seems that developers don't play their own product otherwise these class ruining changes wohn't make any sense.

    I lived through Cyrodiil lags, Morrowind fiasco and countless other week lasting major bugs.

    I have tried to enjoy the current LIVE server but having hard time at it allready. A lot of friends in guilds have already vanished in recent weeks and many others are simply tired. When you take this social element into count and add to mag sorc etc nerfs than what is left? Not much at all.

    The biggest irony of this is that this is actually 1st time they are doing something about Cyrodiil which is good. Albeit I don't agree with many new things but at least they are trying. Considering that in contrast of these "class changes" than irony is very much bitter sweet since this is the patch that will force me to say long farewell to the game that I have spend a lot time.

    So... very strong NO with bitter sweet flavour due nerfmire.
  • Smitch_59
    Inevitable bugs and performance degradation that happens with all new content.
    By Azura, by Azura, by Azura!
  • bottleofsyrup
    Shame that what would would otherwise be a cool DLC is marred by an abysmal patch.
  • TheKingofSass
    There isnt a damn thing I'm looking forward to, in this awful upcoming patch.
    "Remember, darkness does not always equate to evil, just as light does not always bring good."

    500 CP+┇Altmer┇Vampire Magblade┇AD
    Alyäia Morningstar
    500 CP+┇Altmer┇Vampire Magplar┇AD
    Poison Avy
    500 CP+┇Bosmer┇Werewolf Stamden┇EP
    Tronto Ebur
    500 CP+┇Imperial┇Frosted Tankden┇EP
    500 CP+┇Dunmer┇Dovah Kendov MagKnight┇DC
  • AhPook_Is_Here
    I just read the forums so I expect it to be an exciting time!
    -Unknown American
  • Robo_Hobo
    More lore and exploring new land is always welcome.

    Looking forward to the blackrose prison too.
  • Danksta
    I'm never excited for new updates because I get nervous about how poorly the game will run.
    BawKinTackWarDs PS4/NA

  • CompM4s
    Very excited for new content and cyrodiil changes. Nerfs have some pros and cons for my characters but either way I’ll adapt and enjoy it.
  • Ozzymandius
    Yes. Looking forward to exploring the new content. Don’t do pvp or group dungeons (yet) and the builds on my characters are nowhere near being finalised even though I am at max CP so nerfs are something I can adapt to.
  • Urvoth
    eso_nya wrote: »
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    'Excited' is not a term I would use to describe my feelings for a game DLC. :)

    'Cynical but very quietly optimistic' on the other hand could describe my feelings in general.

    Yeah, I'm not excited for Mirkmire, oddly enough. But, the balance changes? Yeah, this is going to be interesting.

    Remember the balance changes are open to everyone; that's not getting packaged for sale.

    Now i want "u cant be snared in pve" as eso+ feature. would fit into the "pay to make the game less annoying" theme.

    Just dodge roll. It cancels the snare, and provides... I want to say 1.5 seconds of snare immunity. Might be longer.

    Can't do that too often as a magicka character...
  • code65536
    Terrible out-of-touch combat changes.

    And the one thing that I had been looking forward to, Blackrose Prison, turned out to be a huge disappointment, esp. when viewed in comparison with DSA. And yes, this disappointment with BRP comes from personal experience; I've cleared BRP on vet twice on the PTS.

    It's short with only five stages, and one of the stages is quite literally a rehash of the enemies and mechanics of the previous stages. It's nothing like the epic arenas of Dragonstar or Maelstrom. And instead of difficulty in the form of interesting mechanics, the arena's difficulty comes in the form of an insane amount of incoming damage on vet with non-boss mobs that can one-shot players through block.
    Edited by code65536 on October 3, 2018 2:52PM
    Nightfighters ― PC/NA and PC/EU

    Dungeons and Trials:
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  • Mix
    The new zone looks like amazing fun and all the new furniture added (and upcoming Holiday changes and such). My character doesn't seem to be overly changed from what I can tell (no group dungeons done on PTS).

    I do wish we could see separate PvP and PvE balancing though as it might simplify things!
  • _Ahala_
    They nerfed Magden again... wonderful... just wonderful
  • BaylorCorvette
    I'm leaning towards NO.

    I like new content, but I don't really PvE much so when I look at it from a PvP perspective there are things I like and things don't like.

    -The nerf to Swift and FM is probably going to be an overall good thing, even though I run Swift and FM right now..
    -I still feel Shuffle should get better snare immunity than FM. Perhaps make FM only cleanse snares and grant no immunity, where as shuffle can cleanse snares and give ~4-5 second immunity. Would really highlight the mobility of Medium Armor. Even in PTS right now Heavy users utilizing FM can be more mobile than Medium users.
    -I don't play Magicka so the shield nerf doesn't really effect me negatively, but I can see why some people are mad
    -I'm disappointed that StamSorc (my main class) still has very limited class identity. Could argue even less after this patch since the third Overload bar is being removed. OL light attacks weave really well, would be nice to see a physical damage morph for this.
    -I like the more destructive environment in Cyrodiil, I think that should introduce some interesting fights, especially at bottle neck locations.

    We'll see what happens, everyone always adapts and I have no reason to think this will be any different.
    Supreme Leader Corvette - StamSorc
    Founder of Dominion Special Forces
    YouTube - ESO & Automotive Racing
    DC Zerg Busting
  • iiYuki
    Yes it going to give me loads of free time...
    "Play how you want... unless its not how we intended you to play in which case we'll nerf it".
    - ZO$

    - The ZO$ Theme Song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gmUJWP_ebsQ
  • Shantu
    While I've enjoyed the better portion of 4400+ hours playing this game, lately my cynicism is steeply on the rise. The endless RGN grind and constant nerf train they call progress has got me considering other entertainment options.
  • Starlock
    Of course I am. I love new questing content. I don't give a crap about the combat/mechanics changes so many on these boards freak out about. It rarely impacts me significantly, if at all.
  • SeleneXIII
    I understand their need to shake things up to keep people occupied with their game all in all they are a business, but I just dont approve them making things less fun and torture for the players when they "shake" things up.

    Every DLC/chapter, we have a few stuff to look forward whereas a ton that we despise.
  • Jamdarius
    Increased cost for whip on mag DK, which was a melee skill that is dodgeable, needs to be procced to actually be good and with the current Flash (from DC comics) like speed making you to miss and not connect the skill wasting resources while doing it and explaining by Dev Team (yes Wroebel, talkin about you) that we need to Chain more Heavy Attacks which are again dodgeable and cause DPS loss due to being casted 3 seconds is a poor excuse as no other class have to do it so often... Sure we got that awesome 40% more HA damage skill but 3 sec to cast in PvP or sometimes even in PvE is a Death Sentence.

    Was waiting for the promised "addressing sustain issue in Murkmire update" but I guess it was BIG FAT LIE.

    I understand I am QQ'ing much now but hey not all of us are pro players that can perfectly time their HA/LA and switch bars/cancel animations of skills (especially with constant 120-200 ms which is another story, funny such bad ping only in ESO from major MMO now but whatever...).
    If you ask me we should get back CP lowering cost of skills, would solve most sustain issues for all classes beside NB's (as they have no sustain issues ever).

    Also with current game I feel my MagDK i have been playing for over 93 days (93 x 24h yes, got that number after typing /played command) is getting harder and harder to play with and it doesn't fit well in current meta for quite a long time.
    In PvP skills do not connect due to speed of users, our DoT's either do not do DMG (due to cloak for example or are cleansed with free netch, templars skills/alliance war skills 24/7) and even our ultimate (Leap) is dodge rolled/does not connect...

    First of all Swift trait should be gone and changed into something else entirely as it is causing issues...

    TBH the only good thing about Murkmire for me is housing, and that is the only thing left keeping me in game now beside good friends from guild... But again... 700 item limit for Psijic Manor ? GImme a break...
  • Freddycruz89
    Octavius Maximus, Founder of The Maester' Order
    PS4 NA. Role Player. Housing Fanatic. Part Time Achievement Hunter.
    | Princely Dawnlight Palace |
  • Coggo
    I usually avoid posting negatively about incoming update changes. Over the years most PTS changes that reached live weren't as end of the world catastrophic as we feared.

    We adapted.

    But, it feels Murkmire should have been about minor tweaks. What we have incoming instead are major overhauls & gutting of skills that define the classes.

    For instance, my NB Healer is loosing much of her ability to dish out damage while healing. Clearly the unique aspect of NB healing was being able to contribute some dps whilst playing aggressively, but now I fear she's just going to be your bog standard toon with a Resto staff.

    Not sure if I want to adapt to that.
  • Zathras
    Not at all. My hands are up in the air about what is running through their heads with all these hard nerfs.

    I am trying to add points of discussion in some of the threads concerning the 30% Warden bear nerf. So far, no one has budged.

    Been here since beta, with a continuous subscription, and I'm pretty much done. It's not just this update, it's the last year of "balance" and game direction. I'm simply putting my money elsewhere until things change. That seems to be the only thing they listen to.
    For a moment, nothing happened. Then, after a second or so, nothing continued to happen. - Douglas Adams

    It is a rare mind indeed that can render the hitherto non-existent blindingly obvious. The cry 'I could have thought of that' is a very popular and misleading one, for the fact is that they didn't, and a very significant and revealing fact it is too. - Douglas Adams
    BigBragg wrote: »
    Rip the bandaid off. Then we can do as people do, addapt and overcome. Let the forums go back to complaining about ever pressent bugs.

    @Koolio had numerous threads about the bugs and they kept getting ignored. He did lots of testing and sent in countless bug reports to the point that it just wore him out.
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