Update 44 is now available for testing on the PTS! You can read the latest patch notes here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/categories/pts
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Are You Excited For The "Nerfmire" Update?

Are you excited for the upcoming patch (Murkmire)?
why or why not

Are You Excited For The "Nerfmire" Update? 547 votes

IcyDeadPeopleThumbtackJakeClansman2013theyanceyDeadlyRecluseAcrolasBigBraggotis67hedna123b14_ESOAnimus-ESOopajToast_STSWuffyCeruleiFaulgorPendrillionIruil_ESOAimoraDanikatandrewrfielderb16_ESOSeptimus_Magna 204 votes
SirAndybill_ESO2CavalryPKfastolfv_ESOvailjohn_ESOMoloch1514Caligamy_ESOZardaynearasysb14_ESOSeleneXIIIJarndycedaryl.rasmusenb14_ESOJimmyEthoirAlendrinssewallb14_ESOdeLioncourtStabbinaixieValve 343 votes
  • Kinnahz
    Not Excited due to all the 'balance' changes, I am however excited for Blackrose Prison.

    BRP is the type of content i want more of in ESO, Nerfs are not.
    Xbox Gamertag: KINNAHZ
    vHRC HM, vAA HM, vSO HM, vMoL HM, vHoF HM, vAS+2, vCR+3, EoF, SoTN, Oax HM, Lyl & Tur HM vDSA, Unchained, Flawless, Spirit Slayer
  • Vahrokh
    Not at all. Earlier, on the PTS forum, I have actually asked the devs to provide my class an option to never progress beyond Summerset DLC. Else, why bother stay subbed?
  • casparian
    1. The devs have communicated pretty clearly that they either don’t value or don’t understand my preferred activity in the game (solo/small-scale PVP).
    2. The game just isn’t as fun now that my classes are capable of doing less than trhey used to be.
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • Sylvermynx
    Don't like Argonians. Don't like swamps (other than Hjaalmarch). Don't like having to wait for a stick from the RL friend containing his install folder copy because I don't have the bw to download more than a few GB a month.... Don't like the nerfs to my magicka toons. Etc etc ad infinitum ad nauseam.
    Edited by Sylvermynx on October 3, 2018 12:21AM
  • spartaxoxo
    No. I am not looking forward to my ability to do solo content nerf, all for the sake of making me hate the game more when I'm in group content.

    The nerfs won't change how I play. I won't bring healers to content I wasn't bringing them before and I never even slotted shields on most content I did bring them except for very specific fights in particular trials. That's because if I had one, and I could spare it, it was better to slot my daedric armor for more dps.

    This shield nerf is going to only lower the quality of my sorc experience, while providing no new options to finally pull my healer out of retirement.

    I am not a fan.
    Edited by spartaxoxo on October 3, 2018 12:25AM
  • Morgul667
    Not at all
  • Ashilda_Dragonheart
    I'm only sort of excited. I'm worried about some of the changes, like the changes to sorcs since my main is a sorc and I can't change classes.
  • starkerealm
    Yeah, lot of cool stuff coming. Also, more salt. More salt is always good.

    Ironically more hyped for stuff coming in the patch later this year than in Mirkmire itself. Shadowfen has left some lingering scars. But, still, cool.
  • BigBragg
    Rip the bandaid off. Then we can do as people do, addapt and overcome. Let the forums go back to complaining about ever pressent bugs.
  • Sheezabeast
    New Cyrodiil is gonna be so fun!
    Grand Master Crafter, Beta baby who grew with the game. PC/NA. @Sheezabeast if you have crafting needs!
  • eso_nya
    Now introducing slow paced combat with the shiney new dlc in elder snares online. Cant wait to see if the swamp critters can snare for 70% or 90% for staring angrily. \o/
  • starkerealm
    Also, legit, excited for the shield changes. No, not the nerf, that's something I understand and have no issue with. The part where shields are going to benefit from player resistances is really cool. The crit damage against shields is less so, but life goes on.
  • MrGarlic
    'Excited' is not a term I would use to describe my feelings for a game DLC. :)

    'Cynical but very quietly optimistic' on the other hand could describe my feelings in general.
    'Sharp Arrows'Mr.Garlic
    Hidden by darkness, a shadow in the night,A sped arrow dissecting the gloom,Finding it's target, such delight.
  • Hoolielulu
    I like new stuff to play. I'll adapt and then forget what stuff was like before.
  • AcadianPaladin
    I've been playing over two years now and previous updates have taught me that, in general, each one makes my game less fun. :(
    PC NA(no Steam), PvE, mostly solo
  • starkerealm
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    'Excited' is not a term I would use to describe my feelings for a game DLC. :)

    'Cynical but very quietly optimistic' on the other hand could describe my feelings in general.

    Yeah, I'm not excited for Mirkmire, oddly enough. But, the balance changes? Yeah, this is going to be interesting.

    Remember the balance changes are open to everyone; that's not getting packaged for sale.
  • eso_nya
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    'Excited' is not a term I would use to describe my feelings for a game DLC. :)

    'Cynical but very quietly optimistic' on the other hand could describe my feelings in general.

    Yeah, I'm not excited for Mirkmire, oddly enough. But, the balance changes? Yeah, this is going to be interesting.

    Remember the balance changes are open to everyone; that's not getting packaged for sale.

    Now i want "u cant be snared in pve" as eso+ feature. would fit into the "pay to make the game less annoying" theme.
  • starkerealm
    eso_nya wrote: »
    MrGarlic wrote: »
    'Excited' is not a term I would use to describe my feelings for a game DLC. :)

    'Cynical but very quietly optimistic' on the other hand could describe my feelings in general.

    Yeah, I'm not excited for Mirkmire, oddly enough. But, the balance changes? Yeah, this is going to be interesting.

    Remember the balance changes are open to everyone; that's not getting packaged for sale.

    Now i want "u cant be snared in pve" as eso+ feature. would fit into the "pay to make the game less annoying" theme.

    Just dodge roll. It cancels the snare, and provides... I want to say 1.5 seconds of snare immunity. Might be longer.
  • Silver_Strider
    I'm excited for the content it will have.
    I'm not excited for the "balance" that will occur.
    Argonian forever
  • Gilvoth
    it has it's positives and sweet treats that many of us love, but all in all it is filled with small poisons and DOT's for all of us that are quite Nasty.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    I look forward to all patches, even ones I think contain misguided changes.

    PvP is going to be different. PvE is going to be challenging--in some cases incredibly so. It might not be the best patch for either environment, but after 4 years I kinda just embrace change and chaos.
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • Morgul667

    it has it's positives and sweet treats that many of us love, but all in all it is filled with small poisons and DOT's for all of us that are quite Nasty.

    Like most updates

    History has taught me the cool stuff in any update ends up to disappoint due to zos twisted way of doing things
  • callen4492
    I think the devs are showing commitment to making the game great for a long time in the future. Let the complainers complain, the balance updates are going to improve the game. I do wish ZoS did smaller changes at a time though.
  • Urvoth
    It's crazy how disparate ZOS's world, quest, and level design is compared to their class balancing. I'm excited for BRP and the Murkmire zone, but very much not looking forward to the balance changes.

    As great as new content is, it's completely ruined by terrible balance changes.
    Edited by Urvoth on October 3, 2018 12:55AM
  • nimander99
    They named an update Nerfmire?

    PAWS (Positively Against Wrip-off Stuff) - Say No to Crown Crates!

    ∽∽∽ 2 years of Elder Scrolls Online ∼∼∼
    "Give us money" = Box sales & monthly sub fees,
    "moar!" = £10 palomino horse,
    "MOAR!" = Switch to B2P, launch cash shop,
    "MOAR!!" = Charge for DLC that subs had already paid for,
    "MOAR!!!" = Experience scrolls and riding lessons,
    "MOARR!!!" = Vampire/werewolf bites,
    "MOAARRR!!!" = CS exclusive motifs,
    "MOOAARRR!!!" = Crown crates,
    "MOOOAAARRR!!!" = 'Chapter's' bought separately from ESO+,
    "MOOOOAAAARRRR!!!!" = ???

    Male, Dunmer, VR16, Templar, Aldmeri Dominion, Master Crafter & all Traits, CP450
  • OrdoHermetica
    I voted No, but it's not a strong No. I'm not super interested in Black Marsh in general, but I'm not disinterested either, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the new zone. I also look forward to new Arena content.

    On the other hand, I find ZOS' "pull all the levers at once and see what happens" approach to balance changes exhausting, and I'm honestly having a hard time getting excited about having to change core parts of several of my characters. I'm sure it'll be fine when I DO make the changes, but that's just... more effort and time and resources before I get to go back to having fun playing them.

    So, on balance, No. It'd be a Yes if the recent balance pass was less... extreme.
    Edited by OrdoHermetica on October 3, 2018 1:01AM
  • firedrgn
    I wonder if all the yeses are stam?
  • SydneyGrey
    Yes, but only because I really, really want to play Murkmire. Not excited about the nerfs.
  • Hymzir
    For me the balance changes are mostly irrelevant. It's the same old *** in a different package. Something popular got nerfed, something utterly useless got buffed (while still remaining useless), bunch of random changes nobody asked for which make no sense, and once again I need to come up with a new build and playstyle for my main.

    Oh well, been there before, will no doubt be there again in the future.

    I don't play competitively, so I don't give a rats ass about peak performance. I adapt and find something that works well enough, and which does not aggravate me too much. The only thing I care about is having more or less level playing field in Cyro, and that is a pipe dream, as long as ZOS refuses to tackle the issue of population imbalance between the factions. When 20 vs 80 fights are the norm, it doesn't matter if some class is 15% more effective than another one.

    The reason I am not excited about Murkmire, is that all the cool things I do actually enjoy about this game, keep getting buried under tons of repetitive grind which I find extremely uninteresting. Murkmire adds ton of new crud to slog though, and I'll play the quest content at some point, and maybe bother to grind some of the more interesting new stuff, but will mostly just ignore all the time sinks they keep adding to the game. I got better things to do than slave away in Tamrilando.

    All in all, Murkmire is just more of the same. The game has a buggy engine, poor performance and badly designed class and skill system. The quests are decent enough, though way too repetitive in format, and there is very little dynamic things in the world. It's a Tamriel themed amusement park with static rides and "fun" activities. It's not bad, but it ain't stellar either, and I see nothing in Murkmire that is gonna change my opinion about it.

    In fact, I was seriously thinking about calling it quits, but then a relative of mine decided to get the game from some sale, and now I have a reason to keep playing for a while longer at least. Oh well, I still got couple of houses to decorate, so there's that I suppose. And since the next Beth release (i.e. Fallout 76) turned out to be such a disappointment, I honestly got nothing better to waste my time with. Starfield and TES6 can't get here quick enough...
  • arasysb14_ESO
    I keep dreading its release day, I guess it'll be October 22 :/

    ESO developers nerf and break things so much players end up feeling weaker instead of stronger over time, my cp ~900 sorcerer feels as reliable as level 24 sorcerer with endgame gear on PTS.

    Edited by arasysb14_ESO on October 3, 2018 1:40AM
    Arasys Llanor, CP 800+ Magicka Sorcerer NA

    Please do not use the same Fallout 76 engine for TES VI
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