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Magplar PvP

  • Minno
    Where can I find a definition for disabling effects? Seems like a very broad term. Do maim or defile count?

    Edit: NVM it just means hard CC. Not nearly as useful as I'd hoped.

    disabling also should include immobilize.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Datolite
    Minno wrote: »
    Where can I find a definition for disabling effects? Seems like a very broad term. Do maim or defile count?

    Edit: NVM it just means hard CC. Not nearly as useful as I'd hoped.

    disabling also should include immobilize.

    It should but clearly doesn't. Makes reactive much less appealing, otherwise would have been a great counter to talon spamming DKs.
  • Minno
    Minno wrote: »
    Where can I find a definition for disabling effects? Seems like a very broad term. Do maim or defile count?

    Edit: NVM it just means hard CC. Not nearly as useful as I'd hoped.

    disabling also should include immobilize.

    It should but clearly doesn't. Makes reactive much less appealing, otherwise would have been a great counter to talon spamming DKs.

    Reactive procs off immobilze. If it doesnt, it's a bug.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Datolite
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Where can I find a definition for disabling effects? Seems like a very broad term. Do maim or defile count?

    Edit: NVM it just means hard CC. Not nearly as useful as I'd hoped.

    disabling also should include immobilize.

    It should but clearly doesn't. Makes reactive much less appealing, otherwise would have been a great counter to talon spamming DKs.

    Reactive procs off immobilze. If it doesnt, it's a bug.

    I was just going off the tool tip. Immobilize is not in the disabling effects category but rather in soft CCs. And reactive only says disabling.

    Hist says immobilize/snare.
    Edited by Datolite on September 6, 2018 6:20PM
  • Minno
    Minno wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Where can I find a definition for disabling effects? Seems like a very broad term. Do maim or defile count?

    Edit: NVM it just means hard CC. Not nearly as useful as I'd hoped.

    disabling also should include immobilize.

    It should but clearly doesn't. Makes reactive much less appealing, otherwise would have been a great counter to talon spamming DKs.

    Reactive procs off immobilze. If it doesn't, it's a bug.

    I was just going off the tool tip. Immobilize is not in the disabling effects category but rather in soft CCs. And reactive only says disabling.

    Hist says immobilize/snare.

    The system is kinda vague anyway. Like most lists include Off-Balance as a disabling effect, but you still have full control of your toon unless your target hits you with a heavy attack.

    Everyone calls immobilze a "soft cc" but the UESP website calls this a "Partially Disabling Effect":

    In some ways, if you can't move some sets are fine with using that as you being disabled.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • technohic
    I’d be tempted to run reactive lately with break free not wanting to work or sometimes you are mid break free and CCed again. But at this point that issue is supposed to be addressed next update
  • Joy_Division
    Minno wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »

    I think I may have found an armor set stronger than Spectre's Eye!!

    More testing needs to be done, but my early tests have been very, very, promising...

    There will be more to come about this in the days and weeks to come...


    You mean Meridias, right?



    Robes of the hist?
    Ashen grip?

    What happened to the robes of the hist iron blood combo, anyone tested that already?

    You are a smart man...

    Robes of the Hist seems to be really, really, good now...

    Its like Reactive in a way; only Magicka oriented and it Heals opposed to reducing damage...

    My tooltip for Robes of the Hist is 3125 (it impressed me so much that I Golded it very rapidly)...

    Like I said, more testing needs to done, but so far, it looks like a winner...


    Thx, probably why i made it to the class rep title ;)
    Anyway robes of the hist was expected to be very strong this patch. Maybe it would work even better on a class without any snare removal. People already asked me, if the devs are aware of it being too strong.

    But I am still waiting on the feedback from Minno, if iron blood would automatically proc robes of the hist during the major protection duration.

    If someone gives me Robes of the Hist for free, I will test it since I have the annoying to farm Ironblood.

    And it can be a trash items too, just need a trash ring and 4 body pieces.

    Easy to farm. Dagger, shield, and inferno staff are all named drops so you dont even have to buy. In my opinion, the set is good, although I wouldn't say it's great.
  • Minno
    Minno wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »

    I think I may have found an armor set stronger than Spectre's Eye!!

    More testing needs to be done, but my early tests have been very, very, promising...

    There will be more to come about this in the days and weeks to come...


    You mean Meridias, right?



    Robes of the hist?
    Ashen grip?

    What happened to the robes of the hist iron blood combo, anyone tested that already?

    You are a smart man...

    Robes of the Hist seems to be really, really, good now...

    Its like Reactive in a way; only Magicka oriented and it Heals opposed to reducing damage...

    My tooltip for Robes of the Hist is 3125 (it impressed me so much that I Golded it very rapidly)...

    Like I said, more testing needs to done, but so far, it looks like a winner...


    Thx, probably why i made it to the class rep title ;)
    Anyway robes of the hist was expected to be very strong this patch. Maybe it would work even better on a class without any snare removal. People already asked me, if the devs are aware of it being too strong.

    But I am still waiting on the feedback from Minno, if iron blood would automatically proc robes of the hist during the major protection duration.

    If someone gives me Robes of the Hist for free, I will test it since I have the annoying to farm Ironblood.

    And it can be a trash items too, just need a trash ring and 4 body pieces.

    Easy to farm. Dagger, shield, and inferno staff are all named drops so you dont even have to buy. In my opinion, the set is good, although I wouldn't say it's great.

    yea, but wanted to save some time because I wont be able to play until around sunday while im doing laundry lol
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Synozeer
    Minno wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    Checkmath wrote: »
    technohic wrote: »

    I think I may have found an armor set stronger than Spectre's Eye!!

    More testing needs to be done, but my early tests have been very, very, promising...

    There will be more to come about this in the days and weeks to come...


    You mean Meridias, right?



    Robes of the hist?
    Ashen grip?

    What happened to the robes of the hist iron blood combo, anyone tested that already?

    You are a smart man...

    Robes of the Hist seems to be really, really, good now...

    Its like Reactive in a way; only Magicka oriented and it Heals opposed to reducing damage...

    My tooltip for Robes of the Hist is 3125 (it impressed me so much that I Golded it very rapidly)...

    Like I said, more testing needs to done, but so far, it looks like a winner...


    Thx, probably why i made it to the class rep title ;)
    Anyway robes of the hist was expected to be very strong this patch. Maybe it would work even better on a class without any snare removal. People already asked me, if the devs are aware of it being too strong.

    But I am still waiting on the feedback from Minno, if iron blood would automatically proc robes of the hist during the major protection duration.

    If someone gives me Robes of the Hist for free, I will test it since I have the annoying to farm Ironblood.

    And it can be a trash items too, just need a trash ring and 4 body pieces.

    Easy to farm. Dagger, shield, and inferno staff are all named drops so you dont even have to buy. In my opinion, the set is good, although I wouldn't say it's great.

    I agree. I tested it two weeks ago. While the healing was nice, it wasn't amazing. It's very situational - some fights will proc it, others won't have constant snares/soft CC to keep it active. It's probably much better on a tankish build where you're almost all but guaranteed to have some sort of snare/soft CC on you.
    Watch my PvP Videos on YouTube

    Azoi - Nightblade - Daggerfall Covenant - NA Server - 1st DC NA Grand Overlord
    Hzarn - Templar - Daggerfall Covenant - NA Server - Grand Overlord
    ...and many more.
  • LeifErickson
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    I guess it's decent enough when zerg surfing, but I'm struggling to see it working for anything else. Most of the most potent burst builds don't really use snares or roots and hard cc you need to break anyway, especially if you run Hist ( light ) as armour pieces.
  • SugaComa
    Thoughts on wise mage ?

    I've been toying with this idea of this set on my Templar, but getting through a trial is hard for me, time constraints and being a bit *** just wondering if anyone has tried in order to make me actually have a pop at the trial for some
  • Kartalin
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    I really prefer Lights Champion for being able to go on offense during a heal/cleanse situation. But hist seems like it could be good if you feel you constantly have these effects on you, particular if your build is melee focused.

    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Minno
    Kartalin wrote: »
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    I really prefer Lights Champion for being able to go on offense during a heal/cleanse situation. But hist seems like it could be good if you feel you constantly have these effects on you, particular if your build is melee focused.

    works on stuns too. And doesnt proc off ironblood 100% confirmed.
    its possible this set is for sorc/warden/DK/NB and templar just has to find another way forward (aka the set you mention).
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • UppGRAYxDD
    As always lots of good info in here...Quick question, has anyone tried combining shacklebreaker/axiom/1kena/1balorgh and run duel axes instead of a staff or duel swords? I know it might be a reach, but bleed dmg is very strong atm and most melee magplars invest in cp that would boost the bleed dot...thoughts? Edit: I would proc bleed through quick cloak and light attack weaving...
    Edited by UppGRAYxDD on September 7, 2018 2:33PM
    "Stendarr's mercy be upon you, for the vigil has none to spare."
  • Joy_Division
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.
  • Syiccal
    I been testing the idea of using dw/resto recently instead of s/b on back bar and also playing about with healing ward instead of HtD, so far is say it's swinging in favour of resto/healing ward but needs more game time before I fully commit to it
  • casparian
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    Heavy Shackle + Amber is the best I've felt on magplar in a long time. And I've tried a lot of different setups.
    Edited by casparian on September 7, 2018 5:46PM
    7-day PVP campaign regular 2016-2019, Flawless Conqueror. MagDK/stamplar/stamwarden/mageblade. Requiem, Legend, Knights of Daggerfall. Currently retired from the wars; waiting on performance improvements.
  • Lexxypwns
    casparian wrote: »
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    Heavy Shackle + Amber is the best I've felt on magplar in a long time. And I've tried a lot of different setups.

    It's not the best build for any one specific thing, but I think its the most universally effective build. There's no real weaknesses except getting from Defense to Offense, which almost every single Magplar build has.
  • LeifErickson
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    I haven't tried light in tanking sets, but I feel like being in heavy is tanky enough for really any open worl play as long as you don't have like less than 24k health which is hard to do in heavy especially if you are an argonian. Heavy with damage sets and some sustain thrown in seems like the sweet spot for me at least. I run a lot of stam though for perma block on back bar.
  • Ariades_swe
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    casparian wrote: »
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    Heavy Shackle + Amber is the best I've felt on magplar in a long time. And I've tried a lot of different setups.

    It's not the best build for any one specific thing, but I think its the most universally effective build. There's no real weaknesses except getting from Defense to Offense, which almost every single Magplar build has.

    You prefer it over builds incorporating overwhelming surge for universal gameplay?
  • Lexxypwns
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    casparian wrote: »
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    Heavy Shackle + Amber is the best I've felt on magplar in a long time. And I've tried a lot of different setups.

    It's not the best build for any one specific thing, but I think its the most universally effective build. There's no real weaknesses except getting from Defense to Offense, which almost every single Magplar build has.

    You prefer it over builds incorporating overwhelming surge for universal gameplay?

    Yes, because I often switch between melee and range depending on what I'm doing, group comp, etc. Overwhelming Surge is really, really, not good in small scale when fighting significant more numbers than your group has for example.

    That being said, if I'm in a 2-4 person group and we're only fighting 6-10 people(or a larger group that is easy to isolate) at most then Surge is phenomenal. If I'm fighting huge zergs than Surge is literally wasting a 5pc.

    There's basically always a setup that's better for 1 specific facet of PVP combat than shackle+amber. Swift+Alch+Balorgh for mobile bombing type gameplay, Surge+Skoria for duels, 1vX, small group play against manageable numbers, etc. But I don't think there's anything that performs as universally well as Shackle+Amber
    Edited by Lexxypwns on September 7, 2018 6:03PM
  • Ariades_swe
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    casparian wrote: »
    You guys really think robes of the hist is the way to go? I tend to spam cleanse and I'm guessing a lot of you guys do too. I mean if it basically is a free hot while you are on the offensive I could see it being good.

    It's a way to go, I wouldn't say the way to go. The set is strong when saying fighting a DK, which pretty much means you're snared/rooted even if you cleanse spam, but it's pretty much useless Vs. a sorcerer.

    I think @Synozeer put it best that the tankier you build and the more you accept being snared, the better the set becomes. I sometimes drop Mist Form off my bar and when I do, I find Hist Sap a good set. I've Tried Pariah and I think that's better defensive set, but it gives up a lot of offensive stats.

    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    Heavy Shackle + Amber is the best I've felt on magplar in a long time. And I've tried a lot of different setups.

    It's not the best build for any one specific thing, but I think its the most universally effective build. There's no real weaknesses except getting from Defense to Offense, which almost every single Magplar build has.

    You prefer it over builds incorporating overwhelming surge for universal gameplay?

    Yes, because I often switch between melee and range depending on what I'm doing, group comp, etc. Overwhelming Surge is really, really, not good in small scale when fighting significant more numbers than your group has for example.

    That being said, if I'm in a 2-4 person group and we're only fighting 6-10 people(or a larger group that is easy to isolate) at most then Surge is phenomenal. If I'm fighting huge zergs than Surge is literally wasting a 5pc.

    There's basically always a setup that's better for 1 specific facet of PVP combat than shackle+amber. Swift+Alch+Balorgh for mobile bombing type gameplay, Surge+Skoria for duels, 1vX, small group play against manageable numbers, etc. But I don't think there's anything that performs as universally well as Shackle+Amber

    Gonna try it out.
    Hate farming the weapons tho or maybe I should just go 5 heavy 2 light.
    Edited by Ariades_swe on September 7, 2018 6:10PM
  • cazlonb16_ESO
    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    I'd argue that that is the best all purpose setup. Doesn't have any fancy procs but works right out of the box for pretty much every playstyle. If you don't wanna farm Mazzatun, could do with Kagrenac's instead of Amberplasm i guess, but it is somewhat worse.

    There are better setups for some specific playstyles - Like the Overwhelming Surge set certain users are constantly raving about is great for a brawler in battlegrounds, but much less so for open world in Cyro.

    Straight up stat bonusses always benefit you, no matter the situation.
    Edited by cazlonb16_ESO on September 7, 2018 6:25PM
  • Minno
    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    I'd argue that that is the best all purpose setup. Doesn't have any fancy procs but works right out of the box for pretty much every playstyle. If you don't wanna farm Mazzatun, could do with Kagrenac's instead of Amberplasm i guess, but it is somewhat worse.

    There are better setups for some specific playstyles - Like the Overwhelming Surge set certain users are constantly raving about is great for a brawler in battlegrounds, but much less so for open world in Cyro.

    Straight up stat bonusses always benefit you, no matter the situation.

    trans over kags maybe in a BG. Just swapped back from stamplar, and shackle+trans felt really effin defensive.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • technohic
    Minno wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    I'd argue that that is the best all purpose setup. Doesn't have any fancy procs but works right out of the box for pretty much every playstyle. If you don't wanna farm Mazzatun, could do with Kagrenac's instead of Amberplasm i guess, but it is somewhat worse.

    There are better setups for some specific playstyles - Like the Overwhelming Surge set certain users are constantly raving about is great for a brawler in battlegrounds, but much less so for open world in Cyro.

    Straight up stat bonusses always benefit you, no matter the situation.

    trans over kags maybe in a BG. Just swapped back from stamplar, and shackle+trans felt really effin defensive.

    I’m eying this as a possible build with skoria but I’m leveling up a new Templar and leaving my Stamplar alone. You running 5l or 5 heavy?
  • Minno
    technohic wrote: »
    Minno wrote: »
    Sometimes I wonder if just going stats like Shackle+Amber is better.

    I'd argue that that is the best all purpose setup. Doesn't have any fancy procs but works right out of the box for pretty much every playstyle. If you don't wanna farm Mazzatun, could do with Kagrenac's instead of Amberplasm i guess, but it is somewhat worse.

    There are better setups for some specific playstyles - Like the Overwhelming Surge set certain users are constantly raving about is great for a brawler in battlegrounds, but much less so for open world in Cyro.

    Straight up stat bonusses always benefit you, no matter the situation.

    trans over kags maybe in a BG. Just swapped back from stamplar, and shackle+trans felt really effin defensive.

    I’m eying this as a possible build with skoria but I’m leveling up a new Templar and leaving my Stamplar alone. You running 5l or 5 heavy?

    5L with pirate skeleton. 2h/ice staff 2900 crit resists. Which basically translate to 42% crit modifer reduced (and since no one goes past 60%, its not bad since we have major protection. Also went restoring rune over channeled focus, since the 8% healing and minor protection also helps and we can sustain restoring focus better than our stamplar brethren.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Kartalin
    Definitely can see restoring rune over channeled with all the recovery buffs your sets give you + witchmothers. And atro mundus or something else?
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • Minno
    Kartalin wrote: »
    Definitely can see restoring rune over channeled with all the recovery buffs your sets give you + witchmothers. And atro mundus or something else?

    atro, tri food, ele drain and tri pots is what I am using. I am imperial though, so the health/stam boosts work great with shackle/tri food.

    here's the info. Ultimates can swap around for what you need (like adding dawnbreaker over beserker rage for the stun). If you use spell power pots, can swap degeneration for inner light for extra max mag. Can also swap around vamps bane with degeration if you have a race with max mag stats.
    Edited by Minno on September 7, 2018 9:37PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Drakkdjinn
    Tay’s Got u fam:
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