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Magplar PvP

  • LeifErickson
    Hey guys sorry if this was already asked but is putting cp into spell resist, heavy armor focus (when in heavy), and more than 20 into spell penetration worth it or are all 3 of those stars bad?
  • Minno
    Hey guys sorry if this was already asked but is putting cp into spell resist, heavy armor focus (when in heavy), and more than 20 into spell penetration worth it or are all 3 of those stars bad?

    you only want to top off to your next armor mitigation percentage.

    Reason being the armor focus' scale really bad per point. For example ill get 1% in 5 medium if I dunk 5 points into there. but will probably take another 10-15 points before I see the next point.

    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • Kartalin
    Hey guys sorry if this was already asked but is putting cp into spell resist, heavy armor focus (when in heavy), and more than 20 into spell penetration worth it or are all 3 of those stars bad?

    I would suggest not putting anything into Heavy armor focus, with the possible exception of a DK that is PVE tanking, and even then there are better options.

    As far as Spell erosion (spell pen) goes I usually put 20-30 plus any stray points I have from blue CP into that star, because of the way cp works and rounds down percentages in the other stars.

    Then with Spell shield (spell resist) I typically don't put anything into that one. If I have any extra red Cp I just add on to the Resistant (crit resist) star. If you're a breton in particular (as I am) then you really don't need spell shield with the racial passive that already gives you a boost there. Additionally, already having points in Ironclad, Thick skinned, and Elemental defender take care of magic/elemental defense pretty well as it is.
    • PC/NA
    • Karllotta, AD Magplar, AR 50
    • Hatched-In-Glacier, DC Magden, AR 44
    • Miraliys, EP Warden, AR 35
    • Kartalin, AD Stamblade, AR 35
    • Miralys, AD Magsorc, AR 35
    • Milthalas, EP Magblade, AR 35
    • Kallenna, AD Magcro, AR 34
    • Lemon Party - Meanest Girls - @ Kartalin - Youtube
  • SugaComa
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    SugaComa wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    miahus wrote: »
    LOL@squishy Magplar. If you think magplar is squishy, try other classes. go 100 points in blessed and quick recovery, 1 breath of life and you're back to full health. Couple that with Argonian, use tripots, and you are in god mode. and that's half of cyrodiil for you.

    Good heals doesn’t equate to being tanky. Every class can have that.

    Anyone that says put 100 points into anything is either trolling or dumb.

    Yeah it’s completely unnecessary even as a healer

    Yeah, 72 max

    I’m not sure how you get functional damage on a Magplar with 72 into healing...

    I was being facetious about the number of CP points not the skill in general ... Around 71 to 75 most points after that are giving so little return your better investing the remaining 25 to 29 points into a new skill or one that hasn't been given many points
  • Lexxypwns
    Hey guys sorry if this was already asked but is putting cp into spell resist, heavy armor focus (when in heavy), and more than 20 into spell penetration worth it or are all 3 of those stars bad?

    I personally don’t use the first two stars. I think on Magplar something like 8% hardy and ele 56 ironclad 3X(whatever the jump point is) Thick Skinned, then dump QR Resistant and expert defender
  • Akinos
    Hey guys sorry if this was already asked but is putting cp into spell resist, heavy armor focus (when in heavy), and more than 20 into spell penetration worth it or are all 3 of those stars bad?

    Spell resist and heavy armor focus aren't worth on any class imo. And yes it's worth putting more then 20 points into spell erosion. I usually play with 40-56 spell erosion. Sometimes more.
    PC NA | @AkinosPvP 1vX/Small Scaler, Raid Leader, Youtuber and Streamer.MAGICKA MELEE IS LIFE!Magplar, MagDK, Magden, Magblade, Magsorc & Magcro PvP/Build videos &
  • CatchMeTrolling
    I wouldn’t go over 43 points for blessed. I prefer to have at least 10 percent extra crit and I started to invest at least 2000-3000 into penetration. And try to have 10 percent in the “shieldbreaker” tree.
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    I wouldn’t go over 43 points for blessed. I prefer to have at least 10 percent extra crit and I started to invest at least 2000-3000 into penetration. And try to have 10 percent in the “shieldbreaker” tree.


    I never considered putting points into Shattering Blows...

    How noticeable of a difference does the 10% increase against Shields make?
    Edited by TheDoomsdayMonster on August 31, 2018 6:48PM
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • Minno
    I wouldn’t go over 43 points for blessed. I prefer to have at least 10 percent extra crit and I started to invest at least 2000-3000 into penetration. And try to have 10 percent in the “shieldbreaker” tree.


    I never considered putting points into Shattering Blows...

    How noticeable of a difference does the 10% increase against Shields make?

    It helps your dots keep pressure on a shield value.

    You won't break the Shell every time, but it will force your target to poop bricks when their shield is being used up by a GCD ignoring dot.
    Edited by Minno on August 31, 2018 6:53PM
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • xGhost91x
    I'm stuck. I really want to try two-handed/Resto staff but I have no idea what sets to run. Pelinal's looks interesting but I have no idea how to make it effective.
  • CatchMeTrolling
    I wouldn’t go over 43 points for blessed. I prefer to have at least 10 percent extra crit and I started to invest at least 2000-3000 into penetration. And try to have 10 percent in the “shieldbreaker” tree.


    I never considered putting points into Shattering Blows...

    How noticeable of a difference does the 10% increase against Shields make?

    Well I have a lot of damage going out from sweeps, reflective, purifying light, woe if it’s slotted, skoria/grothdar, overwhelming etc. so it helps a lot if you play aggressive and the person isn’t spamming harness.
  • Lexxypwns
    xGhost91x wrote: »
    I'm stuck. I really want to try two-handed/Resto staff but I have no idea what sets to run. Pelinal's looks interesting but I have no idea how to make it effective.

    Lich+Surge with Nirn Willpower 2h. Pelinal s is ass on Magplar because of native Minor sorcery, you literally waste that passive just to get similar damage to what you can get without running pelinal
    Edited by Lexxypwns on August 31, 2018 7:53PM
  • xGhost91x
    Gotcha. I have Lich jewelry, sword, and shield already. Just need to farm Surge. What would you recommend for a monster set? I've been running Pirate Skeleton since I'm in light armor.
  • xGhost91x
    I also have 2 heavy Skoria I can run.
  • Minno
    xGhost91x wrote: »
    I'm stuck. I really want to try two-handed/Resto staff but I have no idea what sets to run. Pelinal's looks interesting but I have no idea how to make it effective.

    Don't do hybrid, you'll be making a weaker version of a stamplar. I ran shackle/war maiden with 2pc pirate skeleton a few patches ago.

    You can do the same now, except only keep war maiden on front bar and use Vma resto with rapid regen for the hot/mag return. You will want to use the 2h ultimate because you don't have ele drain coming in for the penetration/resist stealing.

    You can also swap pirate skeleton for bloodspawn to help lower the ultimate cost of the the 2h ultimate, and use the resto ultimate for the major protection buff. Or use grothdarr/valkyn with transmutation, and any damage/defense set you want (grothdarr dmg is boosted by the sword, transmutation lets you get 3.6k-4.4k crit resists with 2 pc mag regen bonuses.)

    Up to you really.
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • LeifErickson
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.
  • Lexxypwns
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere
    Edited by Lexxypwns on August 31, 2018 9:15PM
  • Akinos
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere

    Actually, barrage and bats, along with the initial cast of reflective, isn't buffed by thauma, but by master of arms and ele expert.
    PC NA | @AkinosPvP 1vX/Small Scaler, Raid Leader, Youtuber and Streamer.MAGICKA MELEE IS LIFE!Magplar, MagDK, Magden, Magblade, Magsorc & Magcro PvP/Build videos &
  • LeifErickson
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere

    I was trying out solar barrage and it seemed completely underwhelming. Is it actually worth a slot for you?
  • Lexxypwns
    Akinos wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere

    Actually, barrage and bats, along with the initial cast of reflective, isn't buffed by thauma, but by master of arms and ele expert.

    Seriously bats and barrage don’t scale off thaum? Wtf
  • Minno
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Akinos wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere

    Actually, barrage and bats, along with the initial cast of reflective, isn't buffed by thauma, but by master of arms and ele expert.

    Seriously bats and barrage don’t scale off thaum? Wtf

    The game probably sees both of those abilities as little bits of direct damage.

    Think about it, bats are technically little animals causing direct damage ;)
    Minno - DC - Forum-plar Extraordinaire
    - Guild-lead for MV
    - Filthy Casual
  • revonine
    Would Caluurion's be viable on a light armor magplar? Would it proc enough you guys think? I assume it won't proc off sweeps, but unsure how dots interact with it.
    Edited by revonine on August 31, 2018 10:16PM
  • Joy_Division
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere

    I was trying out solar barrage and it seemed completely underwhelming. Is it actually worth a slot for you?

    I used it in a BG. The extra damage is nice, but it's not strong and something I'd only use in a group when I can afford to slot niche skills.
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    Akinos wrote: »
    Lexxypwns wrote: »
    What about Thaumaturge? Is it worth stacking points in there? I have 75 right now for the unbalanced passive but I'm not really sure if it's worth it.

    If you’re melee Magplar and have a reliable way to get that off-balance then it’s probably worth it. I mean, your damage on a melee build is: Sweeps, barrage, reflective, bats/Destro, and Purifying Light, everything but PL is buffed by Thaum.

    But I don’t see how you reliably proc off balance without lightning wall or someone in your group doing it for you. That 10% is more than the 19 or so points extra you put into thaum is going to get you elsewhere

    Actually, barrage and bats, along with the initial cast of reflective, isn't buffed by thauma, but by master of arms and ele expert.

    Seriously bats and barrage don’t scale off thaum? Wtf


    Bats DOES scale off of Thaumaturge...

    I posted in the bug reports as pertains this issue...

    Thauma will buff Devouring Swarms actual damage, but not its tooltip...

    Master at Arms will buff Devouring Swarms tooltip, but not its actual damage...

    I have tested this repeatedly and brought this directly to the Devs attention several times and they still haven't done anything about it...
    Edited by TheDoomsdayMonster on September 1, 2018 2:32AM
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • TheDoomsdayMonster
    Unyeilding Bias
    PSN TheLordofMurder
    PS4 NA
    Magicka Templar
    The Combat Physician:
  • ledesertcroit
    If I Toppling charge and immediately Dbos, the stun from Dbos overwrites the former Toppling stun right? So overall I get a longer stun, given that they don’t have the time to break the first one?
    I mean, do you get the full length Dbos stun if you apply it in the middle of a Toppling stun?

    I usually did toppling-sweeps-Dbos-sweeps, but if they break the toppling stun they have immunity to the Dbos stun...
    Is this correct?
    Edited by ledesertcroit on September 1, 2018 10:15AM
  • Joy_Division
    If I Toppling charge and immediately Dbos, the stun from Dbos overwrites the former Toppling stun right? So overall I get a longer stun, given that they don’t have the time to break the first one?
    I mean, do you get the full length Dbos stun if you apply it in the middle of a Toppling stun?

    I usually did toppling-sweeps-Dbos-sweeps, but if they break the toppling stun they have immunity to the Dbos stun...
    Is this correct?

    Stuns don;t overwrite. If they break the stun, they have CC immunity and can;t be stunned for 7 seconds.
  • ledesertcroit
    Sure but what if you apply another stun when one is still active? Do you get the second one’s full duration? (Provided they don’t break it of course)
    Edited by ledesertcroit on September 1, 2018 2:45PM
  • technohic
    Sure but what if you apply another stun when one is still active? Do you get the second one’s full duration? (Provided they don’t break it of course)

    Only one I am aware of doing that is eclipse being followed up by a hard stun. The rest won’t.
  • ledesertcroit
    So using Dbos after Toppling is kind of wasting the Dbos stun (if there is only one opponent in the area). That makes sense.
    Thx guys.
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